On the Rocks: A Willa Cather and Edith Lewis Mystery
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I am also grateful for the generous advice, encouragement, and informative research of writers and scholars Cecil Dawkins, Melissa Homestead, Bill Howarth, Anne Kaufman, the late Rosemary Keefe, Betty Littleton, Lynn Miller, Susanne and Jake Page, Hilda Raz, and Ruth Rudner; Cather Foundation board members Lucia Woods Lindley and the late Mildred Bennett; those who know Grand Manan well—Laura Buckley, Jaune Evans, Sabra Jane Johnson, Ted Jones, and Dora McLaughlin L’aventure; and supportive readers and friends—Herb Altheimer, Libby Atkins, Tim Backes, Linda and Gloria Bailey-Davies, Sandra Becker, Barb Bracken, Linda Branstetter, Charlotte Bunch, Doris Burkemper, Roxanna Carrillo, Jeanne Englemann, Jennifer Gardner, Dorothy Haecker, Lucy and Rob Hays, Dorothy Helly, Clifford Hill, Sheila Kaplan, Ginny Kerr, Jeff Lucker, Ruth Mandel, Sally McGrath, Lynda Miller, David Muench, Dale Nordyke, Kathleen O’Malley, Leslie Peirce, Patti Peterson, Ronnie Riner, Linda Roe, Cynthia Secor, the late Janet Spector, Adrian Tinsley, Martha Trolin, Linda Vanzi, Jenn Verhoog, Gwen Walker, and Kate Woodward.
Thanks to those who helped with the production of this book—Mary Bisbee-Beek, Ann Weinstock, Sara DeHaan, and Charlie Capek—and to others who provided timely and essential advice: Randall Beek, Lisa Graziano, Beth Hadas, and Michelle Huff. A final thanks to my partner Mary Ellen Capek: without her, this book simply would not be.