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Maya's Aura: The Refining

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by Smith, Skye


  The Refining

  Book Two in the Series

  By Skye Smith

  Copyright (C) 2012 Skye Smith

  All rights reserved including all rights of authorship.

  Cover Illustration is a part of "The Moon" by Alphonse Mucha(1902)

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Revision 0

  MAYA'S AURA - the Refining by Skye Smith

  Cover Flap

  This is the second book in the Maya's Aura series. It continues with both of the story timelines from the first book: Maya's Aura - the Awakening.

  Young Maya is thoroughly enjoying her extended vacation in Vancouver. She is boarding for free with a gay couple in return for letting them document her aura. She is earning pocket money picking up bit parts from movie casting calls. She is meeting lots of interesting people on Wreck Beach, at U.B.C., in the local acting scene, and in the local gay scene. The bummer is, her aura is starting to seriously scare her, and her new friends.

  Her aura is completely out of control. Dangerously out of control.

  She has no choice. She has to find someone to teach her how to control it and refine it. With the help of an aging Tai Chi master, a monk, a psychiatrist, an actress, and a gay makeover wizard she learns a lot. Not only how to refine her aura, but also how to refine herself. From the country girl who worked in a coffee shop, emerges a sophisticated young woman.

  And then her adventures really begin....

  About the Author

  Skye Smith is my pen name. My family convinced me not to use my real name because they feared that predators would use the internet to find me. You'll understand why as you fall in love with sweet Maya, my main character. I wish I could use my own name, but I can’t. Sorry.

  Originally I set out to write a story about vampires and witches, but those have been done to death in eBooks, so instead I gave Maya a strong aura, which allowed her to sense the presence of psychopaths. As I wrote the novel I came to realize that vampires are just psychopaths that stay up late and drink blood. Or maybe psychopaths are just vampires that have swapped their blood habit for good old fashioned greed, power, and lust.

  My books so far in the "Maya's Aura" series are:

  The first book …… "Maya's Aura - the Awakening" … - published.

  The second book … "Maya's Aura - the Refining" …… - published.

  The third book …… "Maya's Aura - in Goa, India" …... - under construction.

  * * *

  * * *

  MAYA'S AURA - the Refining by Skye Smith

  Table of Contents

  Cover Flap

  About the Author

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 2 - In present day San Francisco

  Chapter 3 - Three years earlier in downtown Vancouver

  Chapter 4 - Three years earlier in downtown Vancouver

  Chapter 5 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 6 - In present day San Francisco

  Chapter 7 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 8 - In present day San Francisco

  Chapter 9 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 10 - Three years earlier at Kits Beach, Vancouver

  Chapter 11 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 12 - Three years earlier at U.B.C., Vancouver

  Chapter 13 - In present day San Francisco

  Chapter 14 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 15 - Three years earlier at Vancouver Airport

  Chapter 16 - In present day San Francisco

  Chapter 17 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  Chapter 18 - Three years earlier in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood

  Chapter 19 - Three years earlier in Manhattan, New York

  Chapter 20 - In present day San Francisco

  * * *

  * * *

  MAYA'S AURA - the Refining by Skye Smith

  Chapter 1 - Three years earlier in Kitsilano, Vancouver

  {{ Author's Note: This second book is a direct continuation of the first book. There are two story timelines, one present day, and one three years earlier. Each chapter heading indicates which timeline it belongs to. }}

  "911 emergency. What assistance do you require?" said the voice from the telephone.

  "I'm at the top of Wreck Beach trail," said Maya in her best imitation of a Canadian woman's little girl squeak. "I just heard a call for help. I think someone has slipped off the trail near the top."

  "Please don't hang up. Stay on the phone and wait for an emergency vehicle, likely a fire engine. Do not try to help the person yourself. You can help them the most by guiding help to them."

  The operator was talking to empty space. Randy's aging, coughing pickup was already bee-lining it through the U.B.C. campus and away.

  They dropped Maya on Fourth street, three blocks from her house. She didn't want such a memorable truck anywhere near the house. Amy took the driver's seat from her while she and Marique shared a long hug. She whispered to her, "Don't go to the beach until it hits the news."

  She stopped at the greengrocer's where she found broccoli and cauliflower on sale, so she decided to make a stir-fry for supper, and also bought a big bag of frozen prawns. Doing little everyday tasks like this would keep her going. The shock would not hit her until she was safe at home.

  The broccoli she pre-prepared with lemon juice and herb de Provence, and the cauliflower with butter and pepper, and the prawns with a dab of tamarind paste, all of them salted with fresh tears. Then she sat and watched the fog while she warmed her core in the hot tub, and waited for the guys to get home. She needed a hug. Even her aura needed a hug.

  Supper was late because of Karl as usual. By the time they had finished eating the stir-fry, and drinking a whole bottle of cheap Shiraz, they were all having a hard time keeping their heads off the table.

  "What happened to all that sashimi?" asked Eric, looking for something light for desert.

  "Oh, didn't I tell you? Karen Marshall, you know the star of my movie, came over for lunch. She wolfed it down. I don't think she had eaten anything since the movie shoot began. After today's lunch she probably won't fit any of her costumes."

  "We had a famous movie star, right here having lunch, and you couldn't call me to come home for lunch," Erik scolded.

  "She was kind of messed up," and Maya told them about the incident with the wasps. Not one word did she mention about the beach. "Anyway, she would not have come in if there had been anyone home. Stars don't like to be seen not at their best."

  "So you didn't even think to invite Gerry over to put her right? Wait till I tell her," Karl teased.

  "Oh no, don't be cruel. There was no time. We were on lunch break."

  "So tell us about your aura and the wasps?"

  "I was hiding my face at the time," she replied. "I'll know more tomorrow. I'll get the cameramen to show me the video. They kept the cameras running. What they told me was that the wasps seemed to consider us part of the hive, and put a dome around us as if they were protecting us."

  "Did you feel any, did any touch you or sting you?"

  "I sort of felt them, and
none stung me, but Karen took some stings before I climbed on top of her. It was weird. It was like they were landing on and walking on my aura. It sort of tickled."

  "I'm for early bed tonight, so if you want this all recorded we'd better do it now." Erik took her by the arm up the stairs and left Karl loading the dishwasher.

  How she earned her room, meals, and allowance, was that each evening she told everything aura related into his recorder, while he made notes and asked questions. Tonight she had a dilemma. She had just killed another predator. Should she tell him? She would not allow her confession to be recorded, but should she even tell him, them, for one meant the other.

  So far she had always been honest and open with them. Was this the time to stop? The first predator she had killed by accident. The second, she had tried not to injure. This one, she had hit with everything she could muster. She had felt him go limp instantly, and yet she kept holding him and pushing her aura. This time it was murder.

  "Pull your aura in, Maya, I can feel it through my clothes. I prefer it gentle, like when we sleep together."

  Maya did as she was asked and held her elbows until the aura was sleeping. When she released her elbows it bounced stronger again immediately.

  "What's wrong, Maya, what are you hiding?"

  She grabbed her elbows and while holding them swung herself into his lap and rested her head on his chest. At her first shuddering breath, he reached over and turned the recorder off.

  "Hey, love..." Erik began, and then took a look at her averted face. He tried to raise her chin with gentle fingers, but she just burrowed deeper into him.

  "Maya, love, what can I do?" he said, cuddling her.

  "Get Karl up here," she whispered into his neck and pulled her head away while he turned and yelled for his husband, then she went back into cuddle mode.

  She told them the whole truth, including that in her mind she had committed murder.

  "It was clearly self defense," said Karl. "If you were a Karate expert, he would be just as dead, only with more violence."

  "Karl, you are missing her point. She is not talking about the psychopath. She is talking of his victims. What if he had another girl hidden away already? Will she now die of thirst somewhere dark and desolate?" Erik's words started Maya sobbing, deep, heart-wrenching sobs. He hugged her into his warmth.

  "I'm going to call Emma," said Karl. "The taskforce has to find the man's body quickly and then use forensics and their computers to look for living victims."

  "You are half right," Erik said slowly, thinking. "All the task force needs to know is that he was a predator. They will have already found the body because of the 911 call. If they know he is a predator then they will throw every man they have on the force into it. They know better than we where such a man may imprison his victims."

  "Then the 911 call may have been enough." Karl got up and paced for a moment. " Maya, didn't you say that this girl, the Belgian one, threw the dog collar down the slope after the guy? What more do they need to figure out he was up to no good? Besides, there have been two women murdered along those trails in the last two years."

  Erik thought some more. "Good theory so long as it's the task force that brings the body up. If it's the U.B.C. bozos, they may just assume an accident, and not even realize that it isn't just a dog collar."

  "We can wait until the death makes the news, and then tell Emma that Maya recognizes him from the beach and he smelled scorched."

  Maya was listening. These men were her mentors. They were smart and wise. They were kind and generous. They were missing the point. "Every moment I delay, might be a moment more of torture for another girl like Marique. I have waited too long already. Hand me the phone."

  She dialed Emma's Blackberry. Her heart was throbbing. Her throat was throbbing. Erik wouldn't let go of her. He hugged her close.

  "Emma, Maya, Hi. That man's body that they just found on Wreck Beach trail. The guy is charred.

  Well, there is a body there and he is toast.

  Very sure.

  I said very sure. He was up to no good. Shh, Just listen. Call out the cavalry. He may have a girl as a prisoner somewhere. Tell them that the dog collar is not a dog collar, it's a little girl collar.

  Yes, that's all.

  That's all I have.

  NO, don't come over. Do your job. Thank you.

  That's all I want. Thank you.

  No. I said no.

  Tomorrow night, then". Click.

  "What did she say?" asked Karl.

  "The task force hadn't heard of a body on the trail when she left the office. She is calling it in. She wanted to come and interview me. I can't, not tonight, and tomorrow I am filming down at the studio."

  "Did she understand about the collar?"

  "She said that was good to know. She was going to ask for a freeze on the U.B.C. bozo's investigation until the task force got forensics out there. She accused me. She suspects me. I'd better get some sleep before they like, cart me away to jail."

  She was handing the phone back to Karl when it buzzed. "Here we go," she sniffed, "the task force wants me." She pushed the button. "Hello, Maya speaking.

  Oh hi, Wendy. They did?"

  She put her hand on the speaker and said, "My new agent has got the film company to up my pay to ten thousand because of all the scenes I am now in, and my part is to be a named part in the credits."

  Erik scribbled on a piece of paper and held it up for her to read. "Work permit"

  "That’s wonderful, Wendy, I guess I have a new agent.

  Yes, I am at the studio tomorrow, so we can sign all the papers. Uh, one more thing. With all this unexpected money there is a complication. I am an American resident, and I don't have a work permit for Canada."

  She suddenly held the phone away from her ear. "I'm sorry.

  No, I used another girl's number.

  I'm sorry.

  I don't know, why not ask at the payroll office, after all, there are other Americans on the site.

  I said I was sorry. Remember that this all snuck up on me.

  Okay, tomorrow."

  "I take it her joy turned to anger," said Karl.

  "I am in so much trouble," yawned Maya.

  Erik carried her to his bed and undressed her and tucked her in. "Go to sleep, love. You don't have to sleep alone tonight. Just keep holding those elbows."

  * * *

  * * *

  The next morning she caught a ride into the studio with Karl on his way to work. They were both still feeling warm and mumsy from cuddling all night. "You know Maya, you are one big moral dilemma for me."

  "You mean that you are devoted to Erik but you want to have your way with me. I can wait. Eventually the three of us will make like, beautiful music together." She grinned out the window at his seriousness. He was so cute.

  "Actually no. Erik and I are as one. My soothing of Emma did not change that, and if we soothe each other, again that will not change. No, my dilemma is that I am starting to feel towards you like you were my daughter." She stopped grinning, and turned to him.

  "Is that going to be a problem for you?" She hoped this wasn't a lead-up to her being asked to leave.

  He chose his words carefully. "When you fill me with lust, I feel not just the lust which is welcome, but the guilt which is not."

  "Like, welcome to the twenty-first century. My mother dumped two significant boyfriends because of that same thing. Like, the guilt could not overrule their lust for me. A lot of father figures must swirl in that same dilemma."

  "So, you will understand if sometimes I seem to reject you, hold you at a distance. It's not you, god no, it is my fear of messing up our relationship. You do agree that we have a relationship?" She nodded, suddenly flooded with relief. So, she didn't have to leave. She thought for a moment about an example she could use to explain how the three of them might still live together, sexuality and auras aside. Maya hauled something out of her memory bank.

  "Alicia once took me to
an older-than-dirt Italian flick at the U.B.C. film festival. It was called Wife Mistress. An old married couple reconnected because she started acting like his mistress."

  "I've seen it. We probably have a pirate copy of it somewhere."

  "Well, don't you get it? Like, don't get stuck in social labels. Why can't I be your daughter-mistress. It's not like there is any actual incest. And why can't I be daughter-mistress to both of you? You share everything else, why not me?"

  Karl pulled into the studio parking lot and told security he was just dropping an actress off. They asked her name, checked their list and waved him through. "How did daughter-mistress work with your mother's significant others?"

  "Oh merde - that's my new word, by the way - oh merde, I just teased those jerks until they were like, inappropriate, and Mum kicked them out. They were drunks. They didn't deserve her. Besides, this is different. I really, really like you."

  He couldn't decide if he'd made things better or worse. He and Erik were going to have to fine-tune this thing again, if they were to continue to have this quicksilver girl continue to live with them.

  "Maya, I...."

  "Tonight. I have to run. 'Bye." She was out of the car and walking quickly towards the main building before he could say more. Karl drove off with his mind swirling.

  She found the wardrobe department and put the dirty and destroyed outfit from the wasp incident on the counter. "I'm wearing my own school uniform, but the director will want continuity, so I should probably get new replacements."

  The wardrobe mistress swiped the barcode on the skirt and looked at the computer screen. "You are Maya. You should have returned these yesterday."

  "I'm sorry, I didn't have a chance." She watched the mistress walk into the back and when she returned she had a blouse and a skirt in dry cleaning bags. "These should fit. The extra they were issued to is finished now."

  Maya said thanks, but didn't make it to the door. "Oye," the mistress called out, "these have been shredded. Tell me why I shouldn't dock your pay."


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