Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) Page 21

by Vikki Vaught

  “Of course, I’d be happy to talk with you.”

  “Bradley, I’ve fallen in love with her, but since we didn’t marry for love, I haven’t told her. When we married, Helen insisted that she didn’t want a love match, and that sounded perfect to me at the time, but now I’m not sure what to do. I just wish I knew why she was so insistent on not falling in love. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, and she’s wonderful with my daughters.”

  “I’m happy for you old friend. I can understand why you fell in love with her. She’s gorgeous, and she seems to be a pleasant woman. I enjoyed meeting her at the wedding. The only suggestion I can offer you is to give her time and reasons to fall in love with you. You might want to do some serious wooing, even though you’re already married. Women like that sort of thing.”

  “That’s good advice. Now that you’re such an eligible bachelor you need to think about getting married.”

  Laughing, Bradley answered, “I think I’ll just enjoy being an eligible bachelor for a while. I’m enjoying all the pleasures London has to offer, if you know what I mean.”

  “I have some additional news to share,” Matthew grinned. “Helen’s with child. The baby is due the end of April.”

  “Congratulations!” Bradley exclaimed. “I’m sure you’re relieved that she got pregnant so fast. I hope the baby is a boy for your sake. I know how important it is to you to have your heir.”

  Looking across the room, Matthew noticed Sanderford motioning to him. “Well, I see Sanderford wants me to come back over to him so I’d better go. I’m staying at Sanderford House right now, but Helen and I are renovating my townhouse, so come see me once I get moved in. Now, let me introduce you to Sanderford.” Matthew and Bradley went over to Henry, and soon they were engrossed in conversation about the bill.

  Chapter 18

  November 1820

  The next few days went by quickly. Helen was spending her mornings at the orphanage helping Susan and Mary with their project, and then they would take the children to the park in the afternoon after they got up from their naps. They were going to Lady Bradley’s ball that evening. It would be the first party that she had attended in London since her marriage, and Helen was looking forward to it. Kathryn was going with them, so it would feel like old times.

  After they returned from the park, Helen took Christina and Catherine back to the nursery, and they both gave her a big hug, telling her they loved living there. Once she got them settled down, she went to her bedchamber and had Sally prepare her a bath. While she luxuriated in the tub, she started thinking about Matthew. She was so afraid he would pull back from her if he knew she loved him.

  Surely, he had to have feelings for her. Just as Melody told her, he’d been very worried about her when she had her accident. When she first woke up, he’d called her “my love.” Well, she just needed to take it slow and show Matthew that she loved him without saying the words.

  Helen met everyone downstairs at eight o’clock for dinner. After they ate, they all left for the ball. When the carriage stopped, several footmen came down to help the ladies out of the carriage onto the red carpet. Once they made their way through the receiving line and into the ballroom, Helen spied Susan.

  Helen and Matthew stood there chatting with Susan and her husband for several minutes. When the dancing started, Helen and Matthew went to the dance floor for a waltz. She found Matthew to be a much better dancer than she remembered him being. Of course, now that she was in love with him, being in his arms was the only place she wanted to be, so it was natural to enjoy waltzing with him.

  While they waltzed, she looked into Matthew’s eyes and saw them darken with desire. He pulled her a little closer than was strictly appropriate, but Helen didn’t mind. Then he whispered in her ear, “Helen, you look very lovely tonight. Are you letting your hair grow? It looks longer than you used to keep it. While I think you look very attractive with your short hair, I would love to see you with longer hair.”

  “I’ve decided that I want to let it grow out some. When we go to the beach, it blows all over the place, and if I wore my hair longer, then I could pull it back. I really only cut it because I wanted to be different, but now I want my long hair back.”

  “Well, I’ll find you attractive either way. I went to see Christina and Catherine this morning and they seem to be adjusting well to living here. They told me they particularly liked playing with Mary Elizabeth and Angela. I’m glad to see them getting along so well, especially since Christina and Catherine haven’t been around other children before. Would you like to go look at our townhouse tomorrow morning?”

  “Oh, I’d love to do that! I can’t wait to decorate it. I enjoyed renovating our home in Devonshire, so I know I’ll enjoy fixing this one up also. Where’s it located?”

  While executing a turn as they continued to dance, Matthew gave her more information. “It’s on Belgravia Square, and it’s been in our family for several generations. It’s a nice sized house that will suit our needs while we’re in town. I warn you, it needs quite a bit of work. It’s been closed up for almost twenty years, since well before Margaret was born.”

  “That’s all right, I’m excited about it. You know how much I enjoy decorating, and I’m sure we’ll have the house sorted out in no time.”

  When the dance ended, they rejoined Aunt Miriam and the others. Glancing around the ballroom, Helen realized that she was enjoying being back in society. While she loved Collingswood Hall, it was still good to be back in London. While talking to Kathryn, she looked around and noticed Lady Penelope. Of course, she was now the Duchess of Somerset, and she was with Hanford.

  Helen felt not a twinge of anything when she saw them together, and realized she was finally over the hurt she felt from his mistreatment of her last spring. Hanford was looking much older, the lines of tension marked his face all around his mouth and on his forehead, and he didn’t look happy. Of course, he was now married to a shrew, so no wonder he looked unhappy.

  Helen realized that she was grateful that things had worked out the way they had. She was so blessed to have Matthew in her life. He was so much more relaxed than Hanford, and she knew they were much more suited to each other than she would have been with Hanford. Maybe this would help her feel more comfortable and secure about telling Matthew she was in love with him.

  When they arrived home, Helen sent Sally to bed once she was in her night rail. Matthew came into her room, and she could tell he had taken a quick wash because his hair was damp. He looked so handsome that she marveled at his male beauty. She wanted to make love, but she was so tired she didn’t think she could stay awake. When Helen yawned deeply, Matthew picked her up, carried her to bed, and gently laid her down. Then getting into bed with her, he pulled her into his arms. Kissing her on the forehead, Matthew gently stroked her shoulders.

  Helen’s last thought before falling asleep was how fortunate she was that she hadn’t married Hanford. She would have been miserable. Saying a quick prayer, she thanked God for bringing Matthew and the girls into her life, and then she drifted off to sleep.

  The next day, they went to the townhouse on Belgravia Square, and it did need a lot of work. Wallpaper was peeling, and there was water damage in several of the upstairs bedrooms, so the roof would need to be repaired. It was obvious that they wouldn’t be moving into this house any time soon. The first thing that needed to be done was to hire some staff to do the cleaning.

  “Well, Matthew,” Helen said, “you weren’t exaggerating about how much work this house needs, but I’ll have it well in hand in no time. I’ll contact an employment agency tomorrow so we can find a housekeeper and two maids. It’s a good thing we’re comfortable staying at Sanderford House, because it’s definitely going to take weeks to get this house ready.”

  “I just want you to promise me that you’ll take it easy. I don’t want you overdoing it. Don’t worry about the roof, I’ll hire the men to fix it right away.”

  When they arri
ved back at Sanderford House, Melody offered to lend them some of their staff until they found some for the house. Matthew found some workers to repair the roof, so at least they had made a start on getting the house in shape. Helen felt as if there was potential, but it would take so much work.

  Each morning Helen and Melody would go over to the townhouse and direct the staff. The agency found them a housekeeper and two maids by Friday, so now there would be someone at the house full time. By the end of the week, the roof was repaired, and they could start on the inside of the house. Matthew had the men stay and do the heavy work, so that helped. Matthew wasn’t able to devote much time to the house because he was due to make his maiden speech in front of the House of Lords in two days.

  Henry and Matthew were in daily meetings trying to help out with the Pains and Penalties Bill. Matthew was exhausted each night when he came home, but he did share with her what was going on. The trial of the Queen was getting more and more sordid, and the newspapers were printing all the salacious details. It was actually quite embarrassing to read.

  Lord Grey, the Whig leader, was fighting hard against the bill. The Queen’s defense was presenting their case, and they were making some headway on getting the tide to turn. Matthew and Henry were at Parliament each day until late in the evening. Most evenings they got out so late, they weren’t able to attend any of the parties that were being held. It was a shame that the Duke of Leinster had been unable to get the bill dismissed back in the summer. Then they wouldn’t have to be going through all this.

  Helen was looking forward to Susan’s ball that evening. She’d just taken delivery of a new gown from Madame Devy that she’d be wearing that night. While Sally fixed her hair, she thought about Matthew and how close they were becoming. Seeing Hanford with Penelope had helped tremendously, because she now knew that she no longer harbored any feelings for him.

  Once she was dressed, she gazed at her reflection and smoothed down the skirt of her new evening gown of rose silk with a cream underskirt. Helen hoped Matthew would notice how pretty she looked tonight.

  As she came down the stairs, Matthew was waiting for her, and she felt all tingly inside when she met his smoldering gaze. “Darling, you look incredible. I’ll be the envy of all the other men tonight.” Offering Helen his arm, they went out to the carriage with the others.

  Once they arrived at the ball, they made their way through the receiving line and joined Aunt Miriam to wait for the orchestra to play the opening dance. While they waited, Helen looked around the ballroom. The hundreds of beeswax candles in the crystal chandeliers illuminated the room, allowing her to see how many people were in attendance. Susan should be pleased. This ball would definitely be a success based on the crowd. There was even a rumor that the King might make an appearance.

  While the opening strains of a waltz filled the room, Matthew captured her hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor. “Helen, you do look lovely tonight. That color you’re wearing just makes your skin glow. Of course, you know what I would rather see you wearing? Nothing at all!”

  Helen laughed. “Mathew, behave yourself! Did you hear that the King is supposed to come tonight? That would definitely be a feather in Susan’s cap if he does. How did your speech go today?”

  With frustration radiating in his voice, Matthew sighed. “It was a nightmare. I hope I don’t have to do anything like that ever again. I don’t know how your brother can stand it. He’s constantly giving speeches in front of the House of Lords. I plan on being a silent member. I’ll do the work behind the scenes and let Sanderford do the talking.”

  “I’m sure you did fine. Henry felt the same way when he had to give his maiden speech, and look at him now.” When the waltz ended, they joined Susan and her husband. Helen smiled over at Susan. “I’m sure you’re pleased with the turn out tonight. I know you’ll raise a lot of money for the orphanage. What time does the auction start?”

  “We’re going to do it at eleven o’clock. I’m so nervous. At least Melody agreed to run the auction. I’m sure she’ll have everyone dipping deeply into their pockets before the night is over with. I’m so pleased you could come tonight, and I appreciate your help these last few days. Oh dear, it’s time for the auction to start. I’ll see you later,” Susan said, hurrying off to go assist Melody.

  The auction was extremely successful, and Melody and Susan raised over twelve hundred pounds. The children were going to have an excellent Christmas this year, and they had more than enough money to pay for the new roof. They stayed for another hour, but by this time Helen was growing quite tired, so Matthew called for the carriage. By the time they got to their rooms Helen was falling asleep on her feet. Just as soon as she laid her head down on Matthew’s chest, she was fast asleep.

  On the sixth of November, three years to the day since the King’s daughter, Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales, had died in childbirth, the Pains and Penalties Bill was voted on, and it passed 123-95, which was a huge disappointment to everyone that opposed the bill. Matthew and Henry had been working so hard on this, and Helen felt horrible for both of them. Lord Grey continued to work against the bill, and Matthew and Henry continued to help. Now they were in favor of the divorce clause since by keeping that in the bill, it was more likely to fail when it went in front of the House of Commons.

  A second vote was taken on the tenth of November, but unfortunately, the bill still passed with 108-99. Because of the uproar of the masses, Prime Minister Liverpool made an impassioned speech, and the government, amazingly, withdrew the bill. This was a great victory for the Queen, and the masses celebrated in the streets. Helen could tell Henry and Matthew were just relieved that it was finally over and that the bill had been withdrawn.

  Matthew was now able to devote his time on getting the townhouse ready, which pleased Helen immensely. It was finally time for the painters to come in. Over the next fortnight, they spent much of their time at the townhouse, but it was worth it. It was starting to look more like a home. Helen had begun to order furniture and other accessories. At this pace, they should have the house ready by the end of November.

  They were able to move in the first weekend of December. Christina and Catherine cried when they had to leave their friends, but Helen assured them that they would still get to see Mary Elizabeth and Angela on a regular basis.

  Helen had decorated the nursery in bright yellow, and the girls liked their new rooms, but they told Helen they still liked the castle in their room at home better. The master suite was decorated in soft shades of blue with beige accents, which would remind them of the sea. Helen and Matthew were sharing the bedchamber, and Helen was excited about that, because she felt it would bring a greater level of intimacy for them.

  Helen received an invitation from Cassandra for a soiree on the twentieth of December, and since they were going to leave London on Friday the fifteenth, they would be able to attend. Helen looked forward to going back to Devonshire, because she missed the ocean. Even if she couldn’t ride on the beach, she could still watch the sea from the house. Seeing the sea always gave her such a peaceful feeling. Even when the ocean was tumultuous, she loved it.

  Helen and Matthew attended several parties during the first two weeks of December, but Helen was beginning to show, so she wouldn’t be able to attend many more functions. Cassandra’s soiree would probably be the last public appearance she would make. Even though she had worked hard on getting the townhouse livable, she didn’t regret it, because now it would be ready in the spring when they came back to London for the season. They would miss the first part of the season because of the baby, but they should still make it there by the end of May.

  The trip back to Collingswood Hall went smoothly, and they were able to get back in four days. Christina and Catherine were sad to leave their new friends, but Helen told them they would go back to London in the spring, and they would be able to see Mary Elizabeth and Angela again.

  On the last night of the trip, while they were getting re
ady for bed, Helen felt the baby move and the joy was indescribable. “Matthew, I just felt the baby move! Come over here and put your hand on my belly so you can feel it too. Now stay real still and wait a second.” Matthew placed his hand on her belly and waited, “There, it just moved again. Did you feel it?”

  “Darling, all I can feel is your delectable body. I’m thrilled you felt the baby move, but I guess it may be a little longer before I’ll be able to feel it, but we can keep trying. Every time we’re together and you feel the baby move, I’ll see if I can feel it too.” Matthew pulled her into his arms and gently kissed her forehead. “Sweetheart, we need to get to sleep because we have another long day ahead of us.” Pulling her over to the bed, they lay down together and held each other as they slowly fell asleep.

  They arrived back at Collingswood Hall just in time for the soiree. The soiree was that night so Helen had to get ready quickly. Matthew had given her the heirloom sapphires to wear, and they complimented her gown perfectly. She was wearing one of the new gowns Madame Devy had designed for her, and it completely hid her delicate condition. It had a silver underskirt and silver ribbons under her breasts, which caused her bosom to almost spill out of the very low décolleté. Her breasts were quite a bit larger now that she was with child.

  When Helen came downstairs, Matthew was waiting for her, and his eyes glowed as they roamed up and down her body. Taking her hand when she reached the bottom of the stairs, he kissed her palm and it sent shivers up her arm. Everything had been so hectic that they hadn’t made love since well before they left London, and she had really missed it. She hoped they could make love tonight when they returned from the soiree.

  When they arrived at Lord and Lady Ralston’s home, there were already quite a few people there. When they went through the receiving line, Cassandra gave her a hug. “Helen, I’m so pleased you made it back in time for my soiree. I hope your trip went well. We’ll talk later, and you can tell me all about it.” They moved on and entered the ballroom.


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