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Secret Date

Page 6

by Victoria Pinder

  “Yes.” His heart raced, and his hand ran up her thigh. She was his.

  She pressed closer. “I trust you.”

  Dang. Her words echoed, but he stopped the elevator in between levels and picked her up, wrapping her legs around him. He couldn’t wait. Her trust was like a shot that went straight to his heart. He claimed her lips again and kissed her.

  Natalie Parker was everything he wanted.

  Galen parked before a mansion that was bigger than any other house she’d ever been at, and Natalie felt a different, more ordinary tremble in her veins. She bit her lower lip unsure exactly how she’d ever fit into his world. The driveway itself had been paved using terra cotta circles with Spanish tiles in the center of each. The earth-colored house had Spanish arches at the front entrance and spanned for what seemed like a mile in each direction, with the occasional all-white balcony from the second floor that could be glimpsed from afar while palm trees and hibiscus bushes lined the green lawn.

  She let herself out of the black SUV and studied Galen—he lived grander as a single man than anyone else she’d ever met, but then her middle class upbringing meant she didn’t mingle much with the billionaires of Florida. “How many bedrooms?”

  He joined her and led her toward the fountain display and the main house. “It’s small, just ten, but there are twelve bathrooms.”

  “Yeah, small is the word I’d use here,” she teased.

  He walked her through the Spanish arches and unlocked his door with an electronic fob. “Come. I’ll give you the nickel tour.”

  The living area had hand-carved ceiling tiles and a crystal chandelier; the center room had an even higher ceiling. Each side of the house had a set of marble stairs. White couches cornered a red Persian rug. Galen flipped the light on and her gaze went to the grand piano near the left staircase. She shook her head. “This house is worth far more than a nickel.”

  He locked the door behind them, the click echoing in the foyer. She heard the buzz of his cell phone and waited for him to answer but it seemed he was ignoring it. She pressed her hand on his shoulder. “Your phone?”

  “I’m turning it off.” He took it out of his back pocket and clicked the top, silencing the ringer.

  She put her pocketbook on a table by the front door. “Who was it?”

  “My business partner. Come on.” He escorted her deeper into the house.

  In the distance she could see Biscayne Bay and a huge patio with furniture to host a party that overlooked the aqua water, complete with a wrought iron fence so no one would fall into the bay.

  This was the house of movie stars. Her heart beat faster, but she reminded herself that they were just things. She swallowed and went back to the phone call. “And brother and best friend?”

  He shrugged. “Damien and I are tight.”

  True. They worked together as one. She turned and asked, “Would he like me?”

  Galen motioned toward the marble stairs. “He doesn’t get to have you.”

  They walked up the steps, side-by-side and he placed his hand on her lower back, sending a thrill through her. She tried to sound normal. “Silly, I meant would he be okay with the two of us dating. He is my other boss.”

  On the top step, Galen guided her down a hall tastefully decorated with marble statues, like this was a museum and not just a house. “I don’t care what he thinks and he can’t fire you. I have the controlling share if we ever do fight in the real estate venture.”

  Right. His statement shook her, and she ignored the Renaissance paintings that lined the walls. “Venture. That means you could move on at a moment’s notice.”

  He stopped in an upstairs pantry and grabbed wine and two glasses. She hugged her waist until he returned to her side. “Relax. I’m not going anywhere. My family has settled in Miami, and all of us are here now.”

  She needed to not think about losing her job, all the time. Galen’s words had to be enough. She lowered her hands and tried to smile. They walked together further down the long hall. “Family is important to you. With who your father was, it’s surprising.”

  They reached huge French doors that were rounded at the top and he opened them to reveal his bedroom. “My mother held our half of the family together. Mitch, Damien, Catherine, and Axel are the ones I count on the most, but I would credit Peter, Victoria, John, Luke Matthew and Elizabeth for surviving our father and being willing to open up to us as family.”

  His family was famous for being billionaires, rock stars, movie stars, fashion icons, and entrepreneurs.

  The chandelier in his bedroom was blue Venetian glass. The patio outside was white with blue designs. The curtains were all open, revealing the bay that could be seen from all three areas and the windows were floor to ceiling. During the daylight, his bedroom had lots of sun. She turned toward the white framed bed with white sheets and blue trim.

  Her own bedroom had been decorated with a yellow duvet she bought on sale, and knickknacks she had acquired from various rummage sales. She turned on her heel, unable to believe she was here—it was like a fancy hotel.

  Part of her wondered if they should have braved Rocco showing up again and having security notify her. This room alone outclassed her homey apartment.

  Galen went to a side table and emptied his pockets of his wallet and money. She rubbed her arms to calm down and spoke softly. “It’s surprising about you, nonetheless. I thought money and power made people fight and distrust each other—but that could be influenced from too much television. I’m glad my assumptions weren’t worth much.”

  Could he tell that she was babbling? Her cheeks felt hot. She faced the patio and the palm trees and prayed she wouldn’t get too hurt for diving in over her head. Galen came behind her and kissed the base of her neck. “This is the bedroom.”

  Right. Her entire body was tight as she turned toward him with wide eyes. “It also overlooks the bay.”

  His hands massaged her shoulders and she closed her eyes, letting him soothe her. “The view will be better without your dress.”

  She swallowed and gingerly placed her hand on his chest. “A glass of wine, then?”

  He instantly stopped touching her. “If you don’t want to Natalie, I’ll send you home.”

  Her heart sped up. Galen was what she wanted. She stepped toward him and brushed his strong arm. “I want to, but I’m nervous.”

  He nodded and walked over to the wine bottle, opening it and pouring them both a glass. “You? You always seem on top of your game.”

  He handed her the glass that she took with a nod. She swallowed a small sip and tried to tell her heart to calm down. The zips she felt were just nerves. Galen was a good guy. She lowered her lashes. “Whatever is on my mind comes out near you. Near other men, I’m usually pretty shy and reserved. Maybe because I got to know you at work for the past year.”

  He clinked glasses with her. “In that wig. I have fantasies about it now.”

  “You do?” She needed to take charge or else her anxiety would get to her. She put the glass down and reached behind her, unzipping her dress.

  “Next time, bring it.” He put his glass next to hers.

  Her heart beat was so fast she swore she’d have a heart attack, but she also knew it was just her nerves. She was one hundred percent certain that sex with Galen would be more than just sex. She let the zipper go and reached for his shirt button. “There is a next time then?”

  His hands held hers near his own heart. “Tomorrow, the day after that, whenever you want.”

  Perhaps seeing Galen outside of his palace-like home would make her remember he was normal and this was just a taste of luxury. “Tomorrow, but I’ll plan the date. We won’t do anything fancy.”

  “Great.” Galen sounded casual and calm, which was the opposite of her. This was it. She slipped the shoulders of her dress off and stared into Galen’s dark eyes that seemed to blaze as he glanced down at her. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”

  The way his pupi
ls dilated sent a surge of desire through her, but she continued to talk fast. “I’ve seen your new sister-in-law. I’m not that in shape. My only exercise is roller blading, and I do like my three o’clock chocolate break.”

  His hands swept across her sides and he pulled her closer. “Believe me, it’s enough.”

  Then his lips met hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. No one had ever kissed her like this and her nerves disappeared, leaving her warm and needy. As the kiss ended, she tugged him toward the bed. “Wow, Galen.”

  He laughed and showed that sexy dimple of his. “Natalie, we’re just getting started.”

  “I’m all yours.” Her nerves dissipated and turned to scorching desire. She stepped out of her dress and climbed onto the bed.

  He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his six pack abs. “I’m planning on that.”

  Yes. Good. Now her heart was warm and that heat went through her entire body. She’d wanted Galen for a year and finally they were together.

  Parrots serenaded outside the window. Natalie’s entire body was warm—her skin still tingled from last night’s lovemaking. She slowly opened her eyes, entranced by the bright blue waters of Biscayne Bay, and realized the sun was higher in the sky than normal. She bolted straight up, shaking the bed and Galen who slept beside her.

  She froze, and hoped she hadn’t woken him. However, his brown eyes fluttered open and he stared at her as he stretched. Her anxiety returned, and her voice sped. “Good morning. Wow it’s late. I’ll be in the office an hour later, if that’s okay.”

  He sat up and took her hand in his, kissed it and didn’t care that he was completely naked in his white sheets beside her. His massively muscular chest caught her attention and sent a different thrill through her as he finished a small stretch. “Natalie, relax. You can have the day off, paid if you like. I need to talk to you.”

  Her pulse zipped, and she told herself to sound calm and collected. She took a deep breath and realized that some woman in black pants and a black shirt set up a breakfast for them, including a pair of coffee mugs and two juice glasses. She hugged the sheets to her chest. “Okay, is that coffee being set up on the patio?”

  He nodded. Then he stood, not caring that his bare butt was visible, though it was all muscular and would make any woman swoon if she saw it on her television. He walked into his closet and threw on a pair of sweats. She held the sheets close when he returned and sat beside her. “Would you like breakfast first?”

  Be calm. She leaned closer to him and lowered her head, remembering she was with Galen here. “I’m not used to sleeping over at any guy’s house. I don’t know how I was that comfortable.”

  He took her hands and helped her stand. “Relax. Come, have breakfast. The beignets are my favorite.”

  His voice was so calm. It sent a vibe through her to stay calm too. She looked at him again and saw caring in his expression. She stood. “Okay. Fair enough. My car is at home. Can I borrow something to wear?”

  “Go into the closet.” He didn’t say a word about her carrying his sheets to cover her like a toga.

  Perhaps in her own house, she’d feel more confident to walk naked like he did, but he had staff. Who knew what anyone saw outside on the patio? Once inside Galen’s closet, Natalie saw a woman’s suit, in a clear plastic bag, hung on the rack. It was her size. Every part of her shook. Someone knew she had spent the night. She popped her head out of the closet. “What is this?”

  He shrugged. “My staff must have brought something for you to change into. It’s yours.”

  She glanced at the label and saw the fashion house icon and knew instantly. “I can’t. It’s the House of Morgan.”

  “That is my family.” He winked and walked into the closet with her.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “This is too expensive for my salary.”

  His rubbed her arms until she opened her eyes, and then he leaned his forehead on hers. “Natalie, it’s just a gray suit, likely free from the warehouse. It’s not a big deal.”

  His world and hers worked differently. No one went to pick up something at a warehouse for her guests when they spent the night. But then she recalled how her father always brought her mom flowers from the grocery store just because she loved them—it was the thought that counted, and not the price tag. Natalie gave a slow nod. “Thanks.”

  Once he let her go, she slipped into the adjoining bathroom and her eyes rounded in surprise. There was a tub that sank into the marble floor and matching curtains to the bedroom. To her right, there were double sinks, and across from her a walk-in glass shower that was almost a separate room.

  She hung the suit on the door, folded the sheet that was around her, and gingerly tested the shower. The steam relaxed her muscles.

  Soon she was clean and dressed in the knee-length gray power suit. She joined Galen on the patio, where Galen sipped his coffee, and he poured her a cup. She eyed the warm gooey French beignets with powdered sugar spread all over the plate. She looked at Galen again and asked, “How do you stay in shape if you eat this?”

  He winked at her.

  Right. She knew he was a bit of a bad boy with that cute charm of his. She picked up her coffee, sipped it. It had a slight chicory flavor and she swallowed. “Yum. What did you want to discuss?”

  “I’d like for you to marry me.”

  She coughed, and her hands shook. Perhaps she misheard. She quickly put the coffee down, her lips parted, certain now she hadn’t heard right. It took her a few seconds to gather her wits and then she squeezed his fingers. “Galen, last night was wonderful and I’m looking forward to our third date tonight. You don’t have to offer a wedding ring.”

  He pushed her hair off her shoulder to better see her necklace. She reached up and slipped it under her blouse. Galen sat closer. “It’s not just about our explosive chemistry, Natalie.”

  Now there was that, but there was no way she’d guilt him into a wedding. She’d chosen to follow her heart and body with him. “You feel it too?”

  He picked up her hand and brushed his lips against her skin, sending a thrill throughout her. “Good, I thought you were going to deny it.”

  Marriage was a whole other level though. They were from different universes and a few dates weren’t enough to know if she could even imagine living in his world.

  A ring echoed from below stairs and she realized it was the doorbell.

  Neither of them said anything. She took a deep breath and pointed toward the bedroom door. “Someone’s here.”

  He placed his phone on the table, swiped it and saw his servants answering the door as he showed her the screen. “It’s my mother and brothers, Mitch and Damien.”

  Family. Right. She wasn’t ready for any of this. She jumped out of her chair and hugged her waist. “I should go. I have to go to the hospital to see my parents. I’m sure there is a way for me to slip out.”

  He stood, took both of her hands, and stared down his regal nose and into her eyes. “I want you to think about marrying me.”

  Rattled by nerves she said, “You were married once before, and it didn’t work out. Why would you want to do that to yourself again?”

  Galen held her hands close to his heart and didn’t move. “Natalie, I want to marry you.”

  No one else had ever asked her before, but this seemed so fast. She shook her head and took her hands back, though she was still an anxious mess as she hugged her waist. “Why? You can have anyone. One night doesn’t change anything.”

  “It does for me.” He spoke like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  The tone in his voice was so sure. She patted his hand and took a deep breath. She needed to sound calm. “This doesn’t make any sense. We were good,” She was great, but she kept that to herself and finished, “but let’s just take this one step at a time.”

  His eyes darkened, but he nodded. “Look, I’ll drive you to the hospital, after I talk to my brothers and mother. There has to be a reason they came this early an
d they won’t stay long. Please relax.”

  Meeting the parents after the best sex she ever had struck her as strange. She walked with him off the patio and through the bedroom, but as he opened the door, she slowed down.

  Galen gently nudged her arm. “My mother is waiting for us.”

  This was too much. It would be easier if she avoided his family until she was sure about everything, including that proposal. Why would he propose? “She’s waiting for you. I could just stay here until they’re gone.”

  He met her gaze. “They know I went out with you last night.”

  “You told them?” Her lips parted. She hadn’t expected that he’d talk to his family about her.

  He massaged the goosebumps on her arm as he kept his voice low. “I asked you to marry me. It means I like you, so of course I told them.”

  Like wasn’t enough to marry. Her ears burned, and she lowered her head. If he’d said that without the proposal, she’d be walking on clouds right now. “I like you too and I told my parents about you and last night’s date, but we’re not getting engaged, Galen. I can’t. Tonight, we go out as I planned.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Fair enough, now don’t be nervous.”

  Right. She walked with him again and this time they made it to the living room with the high ceiling. Two men and a woman sat on a couch, all drinking coffee. Galen kept his arm around her, but walked right into the group that all quieted as they joined them. “Mom. Mitch. Damien. What’s going on?”

  His mother’s lips didn’t quite close as she looked at Natalie. She’d met Mitch, his blond brother, many times in the office because he was the company banker. He cleared his throat. “You’re still on your date?”

  “Yes.” Galen answered fast and without embarrassment.

  His mother then lowered her lashes and stared at her coffee. “Oh, we didn’t realize.”

  Galen scoffed and escorted Natalie to an armchair as he scolded his mother. “Mom, don’t lie. You realized. Now what’s causing your frown?”


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