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The Bite Before Christmas

Page 3

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  The blood was rich and sweet, musky and pure, a sip of heaven on his tongue. Ian’s senses reeled and his chest ached as visions of sunlight and blue skies entwined around feelings of joy and immeasurable arousal. Trevor was the taste of blatant lust and sweet victory to Ian. Trevor was bliss. Trevor was his for the taking. His forever. He could taste it, he could feel it, now he needed to proclaim it.

  Still riding the crest of his climax, Trevor moaned and instinctively pulled away from the slight pain of the scratch, but Ian coaxed him into submissiveness by alternately massaging the root of his shaft under his sac and exploring the fluttering opening to Trevor’s eager body.

  Trevor whimpered, his groping hands reaching blindly for Ian, his over-stimulated cock never softening, despite his climax.

  Capturing the most recent blood droplets on his tongue, Ian reluctantly moved away from Trevor’s groin, abandoning the heady mix of rich, innocent blood and freshly spilled cum. He climbed up over Trevor and settled slightly off to one side so as not to crush his lover.

  “Don’t know what to do, Ian. Don’t know how ...”

  The wild, uncertain look of desperate need and escalating desire on Trevor’s beautiful face made Ian release a throaty, almost demonic rumble to the passionate gasps and moans that filled the room.

  “I’ll take you there, beauty. Don’t worry. I know the way.”

  He reclaimed Trevor’s mouth and this time got as good as he gave. Trevor returned his ravenous attack of lips, tongue, and grasping, groping, stroking hands over flesh and bone. They both appeared lost in the urgent impulse to consume each other whole.

  Ian trailed his sensitive fingertips over Trevor’s skin, mapping its texture with his callused but gentle hands, tracing the curve of Trevor’s trim muscles, the shape of his spine, the swell of his firm, round ass, and the taut cords of his thigh wrapped over Ian’s hip. Ian wove a hand through Trevor’s hair, marveling at the fine, soft strands that caught the dim firelight and turned themselves into threads of pure gold before his eyes.

  The sound of Trevor’s heartbeat called to him and the lingering taste of the man invaded his soul. Ian pulled Trevor over on his side along with him as he turned, putting them chest to chest. He pulled Trevor’s leg up over his waist and nestled their groins together, cocks aligned head to head and dripping. He engulfed both shafts in one large hand and began a slow stroking up and down, occasionally running his thumb over the heads and under the tip, making sure Trevor got the majority of the stimulation.

  Seasoned and older, Ian could maintain an erection for hours, but he was sure Trevor was close again. It was obvious the young man had little experience or practice in bed. Ian liked that, but he planned on changing it, as well.

  He worked his hand over the twin shafts of swollen flesh, ignoring the sharp bite of discomfort from Trevor’s nails as his writhing lover scratched at his shoulders and chest, his arousal fueled by the combined scents of his own blood mixed with the remaining blood from the small wound he had given Trevor. When he felt Trevor’s cock thicken and his balls tighten, Ian released their cocks and slipped his hand lower, finding the entrance to Trevor’s quivering body.

  “I-I was ... so ... I need ... I ‑‑” Trevor’s eyes were glazed over with lust, embarrassment burning high in his cheeks as his eyelids shyly fluttered with the obvious uncertainty of how to ask for something he didn’t even know he wanted.

  “Ssshh. I know.” Ian quickly kissed Trevor’s lips, then his sweaty brow. “Soon. I’ll make you feel even better.” He tipped Trevor’s chin up so that their gazes met. Ian knew his own heavy-lidded gaze carried the full heat of his desires and he was pleased when Trevor didn’t shrink from it. “Trust me?”

  A trembled nod and Ian reclaimed Trevor’s lips, pulling the man tightly to him, ravishing his mouth, hands everywhere on his slim, tense body until Trevor moaned and whimpered, limp and pliant in his strong arms.

  Still devouring his lover, Ian reached across Trevor to a nightstand. He impatiently knocked the lid from a small earthen jar sitting on top and dipped his fingers into the container, coating his fingers with a thick, oily balm that smelt faintly of fish and herbs.

  He turned them both slightly on the bed, then tucked Trevor under his side and coaxed his lover’s knees apart with his elbow, exposing the rosebud entrance to Trevor’s body. His slick fingertips found the fluttering ring of muscle and teased it, stroked it, and cajoled it open.

  Trevor jumped, instinctively closing his legs at first; then he splayed them wider, hips thrusting up and in time to the muffled grunts and gasps coming out of his mouth, which Ian simply swallowed down with a kiss.

  Tongue moving in a sensual rhythm along with his fingers, Ian rubbed the tip of his middle finger over Trevor’s hole, soothing it and inflaming it with each stroke, while his tongue did the same to the soft recesses of Trevor’s mouth. He drew Trevor’s tongue into his own mouth and sucked on it, bobbing his head in time to the thrusts of his hand. Pinning Trevor’s squirming torso to the bed with his own, Ian wrapped his free hand in Trevor’s hair to hold him still against his lips and nudged two slick fingers into Trevor’s ass.

  All movement beneath him froze for a split second; then Trevor pressed down onto his hand, forcing his fingers deeper, the tight muscles clinging and grasping at him. Ian obliged them and slowly explored with his fingers until they could touch the small nub of hidden ecstasy buried inside his naïve lover. Ian was sure Trevor had never been touched this way and reveled in the fact that he would be the first and only man to see the passion and fire in the beautiful man’s face when he stroked the virgin nub to life.

  He pulled out of the fierce kiss and held Trevor’s face inches from his own, gaze locked on the man’s face, his intense stare taking in every nuance and flicker of emotion that flashed across the young actor’s expression.

  To Ian, Trevor looked dazed, his eyes wide and his jerky movements near frantic. He grunted a sound of distress as Ian abruptly ended the kiss, then arched and cried out, panting and gasping when Ian flicked at the virgin nub deep inside him and swirled long, thick fingers over the swollen gland.

  “Bollocks!” Trevor cried out, twisting his hips and grinding his ass down on the thick invading digits up his ass.

  Ian began slowly pumping his fingers in and out, striking the little sweet spot with each jab, gradually building the rhythm until he had a steady, deep stroke stretching and coaxing Trevor into a state of lust-dazed euphoria.

  Impulsively, he bowed his head and licked at one erect nipple on Trevor’s chest. Encouraged by the way Trevor grabbed his head and pressed it more tightly to his breast, Ian suckled the tit, biting and tugging it with his teeth until a bead of red blossomed on one side.

  The fresh taste of Trevor’s essence carried the spice of his arousal and Ian felt dizzy and drunk with the strength of it. He could read Trevor’s deepest desires in his blood and Ian was shocked and thrilled to find that he was one of them.

  Elated, he removed his fingers from Trevor’s opening and wiped them off on his own straining cock, smearing the head with the balm and his own flowing juices. Moving quickly to silence the croaked murmur of discontent from his startled lover, Ian rolled Trevor over on his side again and slipped in close behind him, cock nudging the cheeks of Trevor’s ass. He pulled Trevor’s leg up and hooked his arm under the knee, then slid his arm high enough to rub his palm over Trevor’s taut belly while holding the leg up high to expose Trevor’s rosy, wet hole.

  “Trust me, Trevor.” Ian kissed Trevor’s neck and then mouthed the lobe of his ear, whispering, “I’ll never hurt you.”

  Pushing pillows to the floor, he wormed his other arm under Trevor’s head, and then dropped his arm down to embrace the young man’s torso and pressed Trevor’s back to his chest. With little effort, his cock found the slick hole and the head pressed past the now lax guardian ring of nerves and muscle. With one smooth, unending thrust he eased into Trevor, all the while gauging his speed and force by t
he shudders and moans escaping his partner. Once the length of his shaft was fully encased in Trevor’s sweet heat, Ian coaxed Trevor’s face to tilt up with his chin.

  “I want you, now, tomorrow, forever. I have to have you. Say you’ll stay.”

  Not waiting for an answer, Ian gently kissed the parted, swollen lips again and again until Trevor returned his attention in kind, letting the kiss build their passions to a raging fervor once more.

  Satisfied Trevor was fully aroused and ready, his flesh craving fulfillment and his gold-speckled, dark eyes brimming with need and desire, Ian began to move his hips. He thrust deep inside Trevor, then slowly withdrew, over and over again, until his movements morphed into snapping strokes and Trevor’s throaty groans turned into blissful cries begging for release.

  Ian took Trevor’s shaft in his hand. He tugged and pressed the velvety, iron-hard flesh until the young man bucked and heaved, impaled on Ian’s swollen, thrusting cock, and cum splattered his hand, filling the room with the tangible scent of unbridled passion.

  Ian groaned, losing himself in the bliss of having his shaft milked by the spasming muscles in Trevor’s ass, the press and release of hot flesh like a wanton embrace to his soul. Releasing Trevor’s mouth, Ian rained rough kisses and sharp nips along Trevor’s collarbone, sucking the warm flesh until it glowed a dark pink and bore his teeth marks in multiple places.

  Trevor pressed his shoulder hard against Ian’s lips, startling the vampire by breathing a husky whisper, begging, “Do it, mark me. I want you to.”

  The raw request spiked Ian’s already burning desire higher and he felt his climax barrel down on him. He slammed his hips forward and plunged deeper into Trevor’s tight channel at the same time as his teeth lightly pierced the first few layers of skin on Trevor’s shoulder. Having just fed the evening before, Ian wouldn’t need blood again for weeks, but he wanted the taste of his lover on his lips as he came. It would make his climax sweeter and more intense, bonding them together on a level others couldn’t understand without experiencing. He didn’t understand it himself, but he knew it existed. He’d never let it happen since he realized he could control it, but this time, he wanted that bond with Trevor. No one made him feel the way Trevor did.

  Cock buried to the root, Ian froze in place, his body spasming, his seed pouring forth into his lover as Trevor’s blood flowed into his mouth. Sensations of joy, bliss, fear, shame, want, and even love coursed through him like a hit of lightning, setting him on fire.

  His mind reached out and touched Trevor’s, capturing the man’s essence, learning his keen mind, and invading Trevor’s very soul. He felt the soundless cry of surprise and pain from Trevor’s soul, and he withdrew slightly, only to be pulled back around as the feeling turned to despair and longing at his sudden retreat. Grabbing the thread of tentative welcome, Ian’s essence flowed into Trevor’s being, claiming him, washing over his soul and binding it to his own. They would be forever tied until the ravages of old age stole Trevor from him.

  He planned to never show Trevor his true nature.

  Riding a tide of euphoria like he had never known, Ian emptied himself into Trevor, clasping the man tightly to his chest. His lips released the smooth, warm shoulder, giving up the trickle of heady elixir that was Trevor’s life force, and sought out Trevor’s warm, willing mouth.

  During the kiss, Ian eased out of Trevor’s ass and rolled his lover over onto his back. Ian settled his own weight beside and partially on top of Trevor and wrapped the panting, dazed man in his arms. The chill of room began to register again, and Ian pulled up a rumpled duvet from the tangled heap on the foot of the bed and covered them both. Trevor shivered and cuddled closer. Ian tucked both the comforter and his lover to his side.

  “Never done that before. I feel ... like I can’t ... can’t live without you now. It’s so strange.”

  The words were soft and throaty, raw with a dazed, sleepy quality to them. If Ian had been human, he knew he would have had to strain to hear them. He tilted Trevor’s downcast face up to look at him and gently stroked the side of his lover’s flushed face with his thumb, reassuring and coaxing. After a moment, gold-flecked brown eyes met his waiting gaze. Ian smiled.

  “I want you, too, Trevor. I don’t ever want to spend another night without you by my side.”

  The emotions playing on Trevor’s face were the same as when he was considering being Ian’s lover ‑‑ joy, uncertainty, fear, and desire; this time they were about their future together. The veil of shadow fell over Trevor’s beautiful face and panic edged out the joy in his eyes. “I’m scared, Ian. What do we do?”

  “Sshh, ssh. I’ll handle everything. I’ll take care of things, no worry.” Ian gently kissed Trevor’s mouth and petted his hand down Trevor’s side, soothing away any worries and fears. “Sleep, beauty. I have you and nothing will take you from me.”

  “Promise?” Trevor’s eyelids fluttered and fell and his breathing turned shallow. Ian savored the hot puffs of sweet breath that ghosted across his cheek.

  “Promise. Now sleep.”

  Laying his head down on the pillow next to Trevor’s, Ian vowed to make this last, make this work, make this be the only moment of pure joy in his long, lonely, pointless existence. They would be one together for whatever years Trevor lived and Ian would make each one a day of love and joy. There was no point to life without love.

  And he knew right then, after Trevor passed, he would walk into the sun himself.

  * * * * *

  Instead of waiting in the confines of the playhouse among the perfumed ladies and their cigar-smoking escorts, all packed into too small a space for Ian’s comfort, the vampire elected to wander outside. The night was filled with the scents of the Christmas season. The enticing aroma of roasted chestnuts mingled with the heavy scent of pine from the fresh boughs that decorated the doors and several carriages that stood waiting for fares.

  A light dusting of snow had begun to fall, covering the dirty cobblestone houses with a graceful, white mantle of innocence. Ian turned to watch a group of bundled carolers stop to serenade the playhouse patrons, hoping for a bit of coin or a kind word. Ian gave them both and was rewarded with a fresh chorus of song. The festive trappings and good cheer around him stirred something indefinable in his chest and he wished Trevor were standing with him to enjoy it, too. When the carolers passed on to new territory, so did Ian.

  Unnoticed, he naturally gravitated to the gray shadows of the building’s edges where lamplight and pedestrians refused to go, seeking solitude to enjoy the sights and sounds before him.

  A long, debris-littered alley ran down beside the playhouse. He was no stranger to alleyways. Ian tucked himself around the corner and leaned against the building to wait, his keen hearing picking up the faint sounds of rats scurrying over the uneven cobblestones.

  Even with his soul reborn, Ian took comfort in the darkness, enjoyed the cool hands of the shadows that wrapped around him and comforted him from the masses of humans milling around him. He longed to take Trevor away from this town to a more secluded, peaceful place where they could explore the land and each other in more detail. After the holidays maybe he would talk Trevor into exploring the Italian countryside with him.

  As Ian watched the Christmas snow fall from the sky in spits and starts, contemplating his blissful future with Trevor, a gang of young street thugs moved down the lane, shouting and nipping between patrons, undoubtedly nicking purses and pockets as they worked their way toward the alleyway. So well hidden was he in the concealing shadows, the young men passed within a few feet of where Ian stood and never noticed him. Ian was used to blending into the night.

  One scruffy, carrot-topped young man lagged behind the group, glancing impatiently back out into the street. Two others from their gang still mingled with the departing patrons of the playhouse.

  A fellow street grub, short and stocky, with a round face and a festering sore on the point of his chin, broke away from the first two headed down the dar
kness toward the back of the playhouse. He turned back down the alley to grab the redhead and tugged on his arm, insistent and exasperated.

  “Gawd, Mickey, you’re lagging ‘ahind! We gots work ta get done. Hurry up!”

  Mickey’s bright gaze shifted from the two out in the street to his companion and back, his movements restless and jerky. He glanced at the retreating back of the two that had already entered the alley, then gave the stocky man an almost desperate, pleading look.

  “Know that, Todd. Just thought we should all be together on this.” Fidgeting with the hem of his tattered scarf, Mickey shivered in the cold air and glanced at the street again. “Nigel and Pern ain’t keeping up!”

  From the shadows, Ian focused on Mickey’s hammering heartbeat, curiously studying the nervous shift of his shoulders and the uneasy expression on his dirt-streaked face. He wanted to go back inside and snatch his lover from his impromptu celebrations, but some instinct he couldn’t ignore kept him still and watchful.

  Gripping Mickey’s arm, Todd pulled him down the alley. He brushed a layer of snow off his hair and out of his eyes, scoffing, “No never mind ‘bout those two. They’re keeping the finery busy watching them so as no one’s watching us. Come on!”

  “Shouldn’t it be all six of us? I mean ...” Mickey paused, swallowing hard. “... he might fight back.” He reluctantly stumbled along, drawn more by Todd’s strong arm than his own willpower.

  “Don’t be daft! He’s an actor! The poof’ll never know what done him in.” Todd pulled out a gleaming knife and proudly flashed it in Mickey’s face. “It’ll be so easy, I could do it meselfs. Wouldn’t that be something?”

  All of Ian’s senses were immediately directed toward the two, the puzzle of what they were up to piquing his curiosity. He expanded his hearing, pushing aside the muffling effects of the snowfall, the cheerful, holiday-inspired chatter outside the playhouse, and the rattle of horse-drawn carriages on cobblestone. He tracked their fading conversation, losing nothing to the sharp wind.


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