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Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew)

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by Bellus,HJ


  HJ Bellus




  1. Darby

  2. Kip

  3. Kip

  4. Chloe

  5. Chloe

  6. Kip

  7. Chloe

  8. Kip

  9. Chloe

  10. Chloe

  11. Chloe

  12. Chloe

  13. Chloe

  14. Chloe

  15. Chloe

  16. Kip

  17. Kip

  18. Chloe

  19. Chloe

  20. Chloe

  21. Chloe

  22. Chloe

  23. Chloe

  24. Kip

  25. Kip

  26. Kip

  27. Kip

  28. Chloe

  29. Chloe

  30. Kip

  31. Chloe

  32. Chloe

  33. Chloe

  34. Kip

  35. Chloe

  36. Kip

  37. Chloe

  38. Chloe

  39. Kip

  40. Chloe


  He Killed Me- Epilogue


  About the Author


  Copyright © 2016 by HJ Bellus. Small Town Girl Books, LLC.

  Edited by: Kellie Montgomery & Emma Mack

  Formatting: HJ Bellus

  Cover Designer: Dana @Designs by Dana

  Photographer: Golden Czermak @FuriousFotog

  Cover Model: Matthew Hosea

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of HJ Bellus.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  To a dear friend…this book is for you. The world sees you as a shining light and I love you for sharing the glorious shine with me.

  “My past will ALWAYS be with me. It partly makes me who I am today. I suffer with paranoia and a seriously low self-esteem as a result of the abuse I endured. BUT, I am NOT a victim. I will not let them win. ” –Unknown

  Every now and then, you will come across a book that will hit you straight in the heart. I enjoy all the books I read, but today I read something that was special. It healed a part of my soul, put colour back into a missing piece of my heart.

  When you come across a book like that, it moves you. It stays with you and all you can think about is that book. The story, the characters, the emotions. Everything.

  Thank you for putting your words down and for making them magical. Thank you for reminding me that my heart isn't all black and that my soul is not as damaged as I once thought.

  Always know there’s help for any type of violence.



  “Rhett shut up. I don’t care if you just won the stupid game.” I wave him off and concentrate on the moans streaming from the other end of the phone.


  “Help me.” The words are barely audible.

  “I can barely hear you. Who is this?”

  “Ava, Darby help me.”

  I push the speakerphone icon so that everyone can hear as well and kick at Rhett’s nuts to shut him up. It’s the only way to get his damn attention.

  “Who is this?”

  “Help me, Ava, I need you.”

  “Hello, this is Ava. Who is this?”

  The slamming of a door echoes from the other end of the phone and sharp intakes of breathing fill the dead silence. I’m ready to hang up the phone and chalk it up to another prank call until the caller speaks again.

  “It’s Chloe and I need help. Please.” Her sobs attack her words.

  “Chloe!” Ava screams in a panicked stricken voice. “Where are you?”

  “In a bus stop.”

  “Where?” she yells again. Charlie begins to cry hearing her mom’s voice. Rhett picks her up and ushers her into the house. Zane is at Ava’s side holding her.

  “I don’t know. I left him.”

  “Look for signs. Chloe, look for signs.”

  “I had to go to the hospital because my bone is sticking out of my arm and they forced me to explain what happened so I left. I couldn’t drive so I went to the bus station.”

  “Are you in Tennessee?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know. I rode two buses.” A long pause interrupts her. “My phone is dying, help me.”

  “Look for signs, Chloe, now.”

  “I can’t,” she cries into the phone.

  “Focus,” I demand. “Ava and I will come get you.”

  “There’s just ads plastered everywhere.”

  “Go ask someone now,” I yell when I hear another long pause. Her phone is going to die.

  “Ads, fucking ads.” The urgency in her voice picks up. “Sir, where are we? They just look at me funny.”

  “Go to the cashier. Find someone who works there.”

  “Departing city,” she reads out loud, “Tulsa, Oklahoma.”

  “Chloe, listen to me right now. I’m calling a shelter to come get you. Go with them and Ava and I will be there as soon as possible.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for leaving you guys.”

  “Chloe, tell us what you’re supposed to do,” Ava adds.

  “He changed once we got married. He always told me he didn’t mean it.”

  Ava’s on a hotline and covers the mouthpiece to her phone. “Keep her on until I can get her the name of someone coming to get her.”

  “It’s okay, Chloe. It’s not your fault. We’re here for you.”

  I watch Zane scribble down numbers and Ava re-dial the phone.

  “He’d only leave bruises where my clothes covered, then the stress of his job hit him.”

  “Chloe, I don’t care. I love you. Ava loves you. We’ll take care of you.”

  “He broke my jaw three months ago and told all of our friends and family that I finally had my teeth fixed.”

  I clench and unclench my fist. I let her talk, knowing that’s what she needs the most right now.

  “Claire.” Ava waves at me. “Claire from the women’s shelter will be there in five minutes. She’ll show her badge. She said to keep her on the line until then.”

  “Chloe, a woman is coming for you and she’ll keep you safe until we get there.”

  “Did you call the police because I’ll run if you did?"

  “No, she’s from a woman’s shelter. No police.”

  The sound of a can crushing catches my attention. I forgot all about Kip witnessing the whole scene. The mild giant’s veins pop in his neck.

  “What was her name?” her voice quavers.

  “Her name is Claire.” Zane pushes the notepad in front of me and I read the notes. “She has short blonde hair and will be wearing a golden heart pin on her lapel.”

  “Okay. I can’t go to the police.”

  “It’s not the police. I promise.”

  “I can’t ruin his career. It means so much.”

  I slam my fist down into the table, but know it’s not the time to talk sense into her.

  “You won’t, Chloe. All that matters is that you need to be in a safe environment. His career will be fine.”r />
  I bite down on my bottom lip until I taste blood. She begins to talk, but a long pause interrupts us. It’s her phone’s final signal of life.

  “I won’t hurt him.”

  “I know, Chloe.”

  She’s there. Zane scribble out on the notepad.

  “Claire is there, Chloe. Stand up and look for a blonde woman.”

  “I am. I don’t see her. Are you lying to me?”

  “Zane, tell her to call out Chloe’s name.”

  “Who is Zane? Is he a cop?”

  Chloe is out of her mind. Frozen with fear, she’s trying to run, but crippled with blinded terror.

  “Zane is Ava’s husband, remember?” I grip the phone tighter. “The woman from the women’s shelter is there and calling out your name. Trust me, Chloe.”

  “Okay.” Her voice is shaky and unsure.

  “Stand up and look for her.”

  Her phone cuts out again.


  She doesn’t respond. I scream her name again, more panicked this time and her end goes dead silent.

  “We lost her.” I slump down in defeat.

  “Get up,” Ava demands. “We are going to get her.”

  “Like fuck you are,” Zane roars.

  “She’s a sister to us, Zane, I rarely defy you, but on this I will.”

  “She’s right, Zane. We’re going for her.”

  I catch the silhouette of Rhett staring out of the screen door. We’ve been down this road before and it was a nightmare. He nods to me, giving me his approval. Zane and Ava tango in a serious argument. Charlie lets out a cry, hearing her loving parents argue in heated tones.

  “Let them go,” Rhett speaks up behind the screen door. “Kip, will you go with them?”

  I turn to Kip, who's clearly upset and he only nods.

  “Zane,” Rhett growls. “Let them go. They’re not going back to Tennessee. Let them get her, she needs help.”

  He bounces Charlie up and down in his arms. Zane turns to Kip, pointing his finger into his chest. “If she comes back with one hair out of place, we’ll have words.”

  “I’ve got this,” he nods.

  And we pack our bags to go rescue our sister.



  “She’s in bad shape,” Darby whispers.

  I keep my eyes focused on the road, trying to keep my mouth shut because right now I’m ready to Hulk out of my mind. Ava and Darby rushed into the shelter to find Chloe crying, huddled in the fetal position on a cot while cradling her arm.

  Yet, she refuses to go to the doctor even though her bone is breaking skin.

  “My dad’s a doctor.”

  “What?” Ava and Darby both ask in unison.

  “My dad’s a surgeon and lives in Preston.” I grip the steering wheel, not feeling confident about revealing a piece of myself. “He’ll take care of her and won’t document it.”

  “Are you sure?” Ava asks.

  I glance in the mirror to see Ava holding Chloe to her chest just like she does with her own baby, Charlie.

  “I’m sure,” I grit out.

  I like my privacy, actually thrive on it. I’m a quiet man who avoids the spotlight for a damn good reason, but when I heard Chloe’s devastated voice streaming from the speakerphone, the old Kip dialed in. The protective Kip, the one who is trained to honor and keep law, and above all protect.

  “Thank you,” Darby whispers and clutches my hand on the gearshift. “She needs help.”

  I only nod to her, not liking my personal space being invaded. I’m grateful it’s a short drive to the airport and the two dipshits at home have our flights booked within the next hour. We left in such a rush, none of us packed a bag, and Chloe only has a purse on her.

  “Here.” I pull off my flannel, long sleeve, button up shirt and place it around Chloe’s shoulders.

  She shudders and gasps in horror when my thumb grazes her shoulders. I hold my hands up in surrender and reassure her with a nod that it’s okay. I let the girls carefully pull the shirt around shoulders and put her one good arm in the arm sleeve and cover the other arm as best they could.

  Ava and Darby go through the lines first, creating a distraction. I keep Chloe clutched to my side with her injured arm to me. She’s stiff as a board and it only fuels me to find and beat the fucker down who did this to her.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” I whisper down into her ear.

  She shakes more in my touch.

  “I promise. I watched my mom be beat by my step dad for years and it’s the one thing I don’t fucking put up with.”

  My language makes me cringe. I shouldn’t be talking like this to an injured woman who has been beat.

  “I’m sorry.” I rub circles on her back.

  “Thank you,” she finally stutters out.

  I bend down in the security line to take each of her shoes off and check her pockets.

  “How romantic, honey!” an older woman behind me coos. “Must be newlyweds. He’s a keeper, sweetie.”

  I only acknowledge her statement with a nod and hold Chloe from behind her. She’s still scared and shaking. I’m not sure if it’s from pain or sheer terror.

  “I’m going to have to let go of you when it’s your turn.” I push back her hair to whisper the rest. “I’ll be right behind you and your friends are waiting on the other side. Try to act normal. You’ll have to raise your hands above your head.”

  She nods. The smell wafting from her is a mixture of vomit and greasy hair. It’s evident she hasn’t showered in days and it hurts my heart. It’s harder than I thought to let go of her. I creep nearer to the edge to remain as close as possible to her. I’ll give it to Chloe; she keeps a damn good poker face while raising her hands in the air and waiting to be approved. Only I see her wince from the pain it’s obviously causing.

  I scrub my face when she’s cleared and then follow her, doing the same thing. Chloe nears me when I walk to her, so I wrap my arm around her again and keep her close.

  “Our fucking gate is at the other end of the fucking airport,” Darby says.

  “I can’t walk anymore.” Chloe’s tears finally fall from her eyes.

  “Here.” I guide her to a bench and urge her to sit down. “I’m going to carry you on my back.”

  “They won’t let you do that,” Ava adds her two bits.

  “We’re a happy couple, remember?” I pat Chloe’s knees and then swivel around. “Put your good arm around my neck.”

  When I feel her arm lock around my neck I stand up, holding the back of her legs. She’s fucking light as a feather. One hundred pounds if I had to take a guess. I fucking bench more than this every morning in the gym. I don’t wait for Ava and Darby to critique the situation before taking off. Darby checks the ticket and begins leading the way.

  Chloe’s head falls down on my shoulder. I turn to her and see her weak smile.

  “Thank you.”

  “You okay?” I ask her.

  She nods on my shoulder.

  “Just say my name if I need to stop and sit you down.”

  We don’t have any time to waste and really need to book it to our gate.

  “I’m so embarrassed.” Chloe moves her cheek on my shoulder. Our skin-to-skin connection does something to me.

  “Don’t be. Fuckface should be.”

  “I’m really a strong woman. Everything changed when we got married and it was a trap that spiraled out of control.”

  I let her talk and keep up with Darby zipping around crowds and lines of people filling the airport. Ava remains behind us.

  “I’m smart enough to know better, but he crushed me and that’s the most embarrassing part.”

  Her stomach growls, causing a vibration on my back. The fucking girl needs a sandwich stat.

  “We’re here,” Darby announces.

  “Ten minutes to boarding,” Ava adds.

  “Darby, stand near the chair, I’m going to squat down and set her in it.”

; I gently squat again, feeling no pain. I missed my gym session this morning and this girl’s weight is nothing compared to what I typically punish my body with.

  “Darby, do you have any food on you?” I ask.

  “Do I fucking look like a walking Taco Bell?” She grabs her crotch and flips her hair over her shoulder.

  I shake my head and realize I have Rhett’s evil twin here with me. “I’ll be right back.”

  I sprint back down the terminal like I’m late for a flight until I come upon the first food stand. It’s a sub sandwich and perfect. My stomach growls in hunger as well. I scour the menu, finding a cold sub and order it as plain possible since I have no idea what Chloe likes. And I sure in the hell hope the girl isn’t a vegetarian.

  “Hungry, big guy?” a woman purrs behind me.

  I turn around to see a very attractive blonde woman sucking on her finger while eating me alive. My exposed shoulders from the tank suddenly feel violated with her blatant attempt to seduce me. With my ink, muscles, and my bad boy aura, I should be used to this, but I get sick of it.

  I love working behind the bar as a bartender because my back is to the wall and I’m out of reach. I’m quiet, so most people around me leave me alone, but in an area like this, I’m fair game for everyone.

  I cock a half smile and reply with something that will shut her the fuck up. “It’s for my boyfriend.”

  It shuts her game right down with a not so pretty snarl. The deli is fast and I’m back sprinting to the gate. The staff are calling for boarding and I’m in time to help Chloe up to her feet.

  “It’s open seating,” Ava says.

  “I’ll put her by a window and sit with her.” I hold up the sandwiches. “I got her food since Taco Bell over here is closed for business.”

  We all share a much-needed laugh when Darby flips me the bird. After successfully boarding, I pull down the tray table to tear a piece of the sub off for Chloe before take-off. Ava and Darby ended up sitting right in front of us.


  “Thank you so much, but I can’t eat bread.”

  Shit, I didn’t even think about her being gluten intolerant.


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