Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew)

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Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew) Page 11

by Bellus,HJ

  “I’m checking out that sweet ass each time you take a turn.”

  “Whatever, you just brought me here to kick my ass, not watch it.”

  “What can I say, I’m a competitive man?”

  Our lips connect and tongues dance for a long time. Probably way too long for a public place. When I pull up and look over my shoulder, I notice a man at the bar studying us. He doesn’t look away when I stare back at him. Chills run over my skin. Kip places me to the side and takes his turn. I look over my shoulder and notice the man taking a pull from his long neck, not breaking eye contact.

  I turn back swiftly, but already have his face memorized. It’s familiar. I scour my memory trying to place it. My breathing begins to race out of control, my fingers fumble together, and then I decide I won’t let this break me. I won’t let it overwhelm our beautiful night.

  “No sour face for a strike, baby.” Kip pats my shoulder and then must notice my mood change. “You okay?”

  I nod. Then use a coping strategy my counselor has taught me before standing up. I focus on the man in front of me and all the positives in my current life. I’m a strong woman who no one will ever control again.

  “Help me?” I ask.

  Kip’s more than willing to help me, making sure to have his hands all over me as we walk to the dotted line. He instructs me to line my toes up and how many steps to take before letting go of the ball.

  “I don’t think your hand on my tit is helping.”

  “Aim for the center,” he tells me and then lets his other hand roam down my side.

  “You’re not helping. You’re distracting me, big guy.”

  His head dips low to my neck and he kisses his way all the way along it. “Good luck kisses, baby girl.”

  He lets go of me and steps back. I gain my composure, take a few inhales of air, and then do my four steps up to the line and let the ball fly. It sails in the air a bit too long and makes a loud thud on the shiny hardwood floor.

  It rolls dead center and then drifts to the left. I keep my hands clutched over my mouth hoping for it dart back center. Right before it plops into the gutter, it takes down two pins.

  “Oh my God.” I jump up and down then turn around and fly into Kip’s arms.

  My legs wrap around his waist and I hug him tight.

  “Good job, baby.” He runs his hand through my short hair.

  “I love bowling.”

  He laughs deeply against my shoulder. Both of our stomachs growl in unison, so we order a bunch of greasy food, drink a few beers, and play dumb arcade games. Kip wins a few stuffed animals for me out of the claw machine and I squeal like a little girl every time he pulls one of the cheap toys up.

  There’s no way in hell I’ll be able to hold all of them on the way back home. I hand a few out to a group of girls who are bored out of their mind waiting on their parents’ bowling game. I keep the striped tiger hugged close to my chest. It reminds me of Kip, my protector.

  I’m shocked when we walk out into the parking lot and it’s dark already. I guess it’s true, time flies when you’re having fun. The drive back to his place is just as relaxing as it always is behind him on the powerful machine. When he kills the engine outside the garage, Boozer runs up to us.

  I hop off quickly and pat his head while cooing to him.

  “If I didn’t love that damn dog so much I’d be jealous of him,” Kip’s deep voice sends chills over my exposed skin.

  “I have enough love for you too.” I grab his hand as we walk into the house.

  “Dad’s gone for the next few days.”


  I know exactly what he means, but feel like playing dumb.

  “Yeah, some out of town conference.”

  “Means we can throw a raging party!” My voice now sounds like a high school girl.

  “Really?” He’s now the one asking a question.

  “Yeah, and order in lots of food and trash the place. I loved ragers in college. Bet Darby could get us a party crowd rounded up in thirty minutes.”

  Kip throws his hat to the counter and runs his hands through his hair in frustration. I can’t keep the joke up any longer before a huge smile spreads across my face.

  “Got you.”

  “Jesus.” He grabs me by the waist.

  “Payback for kicking my ass in bowling.”

  He pecks me on the lips and then says, “I’ll take your tiger away.”

  “Oh please, don’t,” I whine.

  “Go to the room. I’ll be there in a second.” He pats my ass.

  I walk on clouds waltzing to the room, nearly tripping over Boozer. I catch myself with my injured arm on the wall and feel the pain. It’s a slight reminder this soft cast doesn’t hold much support. I open the door to my room while staring down at the handle.

  It takes me a few moments to gather my bearings before looking up and when I do I nearly pass out. There’s red everywhere. It takes my sight a few minutes to focus in before I scream Kip’s name.

  “Yes.” He walks up behind me wrapping his arms low around my waist.

  I take in the sight of lit candles, rose petals adorning every thing, and the love letter on the center of the bed. The petals nearly make me dizzy. They are everywhere.

  “How?” The one word slips off my tongue.

  “I had some help.”

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Not as beautiful as you, babe.” He pulls me back tighter. “I’m pretty sure the standard is sex on the third date.”

  I remain silent wanting to pick up a soft petal and rub it against my lips.

  “Chloe, it’s okay if you’re not ready.”

  I spin in his arms with tears filling my eyes. “I’m so ready.”

  Kip backs me up to the bed until my legs hit it.

  “I need to go let Boozer back in. I’ll be right back.” He kisses me quickly before rushing out of the room.

  Delicately, I brush away the rose petals before sitting down on any of the precious miracles. I pluck one from the bed and twirl it in my fingers before bringing it to my lips. The note with his sexy handwriting on it sits next to me. I want to open, but in the same moment I want to cherish this moment forever.

  After several seconds flow by in my trance, I finally pull it from the bed.


  I’ve waited for this night for my whole life. I never thought I’d find a woman who made me feel alive again. You’ve done this since the day I met you.

  I want to give you the world and experience everything with you. You’re a warrior who has taken back her life and it makes me a stronger man just watching you.

  It’s hard to say I love you because it’s so much more than that. Our souls have entangled and there’s no way to find out where they start and end. You’re my inspiration to be a better person and you’ve shown me how to live again right alongside you. It’s more than love. It’s the reason God put us on Earth, so I more than love you.


  PS- If the heart sticker isn’t sticky or torn then Darby read this too.

  I hold the sweetest love letter tight to my chest and don’t fight the tears this time. It’s an odd sensation to have the proof of eternal happiness flowing down my face. It’s bittersweet in the same moment. This world has meaning and now I’m living proof.

  I hear Kip walk back into the room and peer up to him. I stand slowly when all I want to do is run into his arms. I study him as he makes his way slowly over to me. I cherish each movement of his body until we are toe to toe.

  My hand darts out and pulls the hem of his shirt over his head. He repeats the action with my shirt. I move to his jeans, unbutton, and tug them down. He does the same to my shorts. We don’t talk or indulge the need printed on our lips.

  Kip breaks the cycle unclasping my bra letting it fall to the ground, wraps me in a low hug, and pushes me back on the bed. Our bodies mold together into one. I feel the soft petals under my skin while my hands roam up and down on his back. His for
ehead rests on mine with our noses and lips lined up without moving.

  We stare into each other’s eyes, letting them speak all the words needed in this moment. Kip darts his tongue out, licking his lips. His scent overwhelms the sugary one of the rose petals framing us. My hands move from his back to cup his masculine, hard set jaw.

  “Make love to me, Kip.”

  He bites his lower lip before moving. He trails kisses from my temple all the way down my body. He stalls and pays attention to each nipple. I clutch the comforter on either side of me and buck up into him. His teeth catch the top of my lacy panties before dragging them all the way down. He doesn’t look up to me before ducking his face between my open legs.

  He works me over in a way he never has. It’s slow and sweet. Almost painfully slow, but I don’t rush a moment of it because it’s a memory I want to imprint in my mind forever. He doesn’t bring me over the edge, but instead stands up and pulls down his black boxers.

  Kip begins to round the bed.

  “No.” I shake my head.

  “Chloe.” His voice is cracked up and I figure it’s because of the first word he’s let slip since walking back in.

  “Now.” I grab his wrist and tug him back onto me.

  Our bodies line up again and I feel him nudge at my entrance. My eyes act on reflex, shutting for a moment. Kip’s slow and as he enters me slowly.

  “Open your eyes, baby.”

  I listen and peer up into pure pools of love staring back down at me. He’s all the way in me, filling with so much more than I had ever thought possible. Kip drops his forehead to me. I clutch his ass in my healthy hand and force him to move. I can’t handle the stillness anymore.

  He begins to move in and out of me. I feel wetness coating my face and bring a hand to my cheeks. It’s not my eyes. Kip has tears flowing out of his eyes. I bring my hand to his face and catch each one.

  Kip hits me hard just in the right place, my back bows off the bed, and my head tilts up. Moans escape me while my hips buck up, milking Kip and receiving all the pleasure. He begins grunting and then collapses down harder on me, cupping my face.

  It’s art pure and simple watching Kip release inside me. He collapses on my body and I’m in a position that I never want to leave. God, please let him be mine forever.



  “Good morning, babe.” Kip brushes the hair matted to my cheeks away.

  “Mmmm.” I snuggle deeper into his chest.

  “Sleep good?”

  I roll over in hopes of not assaulting him with my morning breath, but snuggle right back into his chest. It’s clear he’s been up and brushed his teeth and also made coffee. The strange combination fills the room with a minty coffee mixture.

  “Have never slept so good. No nightmares.” He links his fingers with mine.

  His mouth is on my neck kissing up and down. Kip bucks his hips into my back and I moan out loud when I feel his need.

  “You?” I ask.

  “Same, no nightmares.”

  “You have nightmares?” I ask tentatively.

  “Sleep has never been my friend, Chloe, until last night.”

  “One day I expect to hear everything.”

  “One day,” he mumbles into my neck.

  I’ll take that. I know what he holds deep in his gut is just as dark and horrid as what I’ve been through. The difference is he’s kept hold of his pain and dealt with it as life floats by. I want to be there for him just like he’s been for me.

  I wiggle away from him and throw my legs over the bed. “I’m going to use the bathroom and be right back. Don’t move an inch.”

  I warn him with my pointer finger as I stand up.

  “I’m not going anywhere, babe. How’s your arm?”

  “Not bad. A bit achy.”

  I don’t close the bathroom door when I enter and go about peeing and then brushing my teeth. Before I’m ready to go back to the bedroom, I look in the mirror at the messy, wavy curls bouncing in every direction. A slow smile begins to spread across my face and I finally fall in love with my new haircut.

  Never being a morning a person in my entire life, I feel a zing of energy zap through my body. I bounce back into the bedroom and throw myself on the bed landing in the middle of Kip. He catches my hurt arm in his, protecting it from my reckless leap.

  I’m centered on Kip’s body while his hands roam up and down my back. I kiss him hard letting him know exactly what I want. It’s just in a matter of moments before he’s inside me letting me control the tempo. I move slowly at first, enjoying the sensation of Kip filling me.

  I sit up, planting my hands on his chest, and then pick up my speed. Most of my weight is hinged on my good arm. Kip squeezes my hips to a painful point, helping me balance and ride him harder and faster. I’m so close and have no patience or self-discipline to enjoy it any longer.

  “Fall with me,” I whisper.

  My words hit Kip and he smiles widely and then I feel him pulse in me. It’s the one last movement that sends me tumbling over the edge, chanting out his name just like I did last night.

  “What are your plans today?” Kip asks, perched on the counter across from me.

  I let the piece of syrup covered French toast dangle from my lips and smile. “Repeat.”

  It’s a one-word answer and he smiles. It’s way beyond lunchtime and we’re just getting around to breakfast. He kicked me out of bed and demanded I showered while he cooked for us. My stomach happened to be on his side and growled in protest at the same exact time. His gesture was sweet and tender when he turned on the shower for me and ushered me inside. I held tight to his hand, wanting him to join me, but he refused.

  “Why do I feel like you are just using me for my body?”

  My eyebrows dance up and down playfully. “Because I am.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  Both of our cellphones go off in unison. I relax a bit when it’s my new phone and not the old one. Still no word from Zack.


  I hear Kip answer his phone at the same time.

  “Zane is talking to Kip, so you have to agree,” Ava gets out.


  “Darby and I are in your driveway. We’re going shopping and kidnapping you.”


  “You have to go.”

  “Okay,” I let out in a more convincing tone.

  “Get your ass out here.”

  I look down to the tight tank and panties I’m in. “Give me a second.”

  “Are you guys dressed?” Darby thuds into the kitchen with her eyes covered.

  “Nope, give us a second I’ve got my dick in…”

  “Oh my God, stop,” she squeals.

  “We’re dressed-ish.” I laugh at Darby trying to be all prude like.

  She finally lets her hand drop and looks up to us. Kip still on the counter with his phone to his ear and me perched on the barstool.

  “What’s the damn fire?” I ask.

  “We want a girl’s day and you haven’t been answering your phone. We came to kidnap you from your boinking bonanza.”

  “Jesus,” Kip bellows then jumps from the counter. He tosses his phone down and then comes over to me. “Done eating?”

  His lips graze mine, not being discreet about our newfound relationship. I surprise him and kiss him back. It feels good to openly let some of my feelings out. When we connect, my stomach storms with emotions that can’t be controlled. My tongue darts out, running along the seam of his lips, and he opens wide letting me take all of his taste in.

  “Now, I’m finished.” I pull back a bit.

  Kip picks me up by the waist, clutching my ass cheeks in his large palms before heading down the hall.

  “Let me get her dressed then she’s yours.”

  “Holy hotness,” Darby mumbles. “I may need to go visit Rhett first.”

  Kip helps me dress even though I need no assistance. The way
his hands roam up my thighs and down my sides is just the perfect dessert for our very late lunch.

  “Zane called me because the girls wanted you and I guess we weren’t paying very close attention to our phones,” Kip says with a half smile.

  “We need to remember to turn them off next time.” I tap the tip of his nose.

  “Agree.” He drops his forehead to mine.

  “Kip, last night and this morning was more than love.”

  “It was and right now I’m having a hard time letting you go.”

  “I’m addicted to you.” I brush the tops of his shoulders. “Also, I’ve never had anyone go downtown on me.”

  He shoots up both eyebrows in shock.

  “Satan always said it was too disgusting even though I caught him with another woman doing the same act. So, I knew it was me.” I fight back the nerves and threatening tears. “You made me feel beautiful again. Wanted.”

  The last word dances off my lips and feels good to say out loud.

  Kip’s biting down on his bottom lip until he finally speaks. “I love you, Chloe.”



  We’re in the third dress shop. Darby is looking for a new brand or at least new style for her fashion blog. Ava is in search for new maternity clothes since it’s confirmed they’ll be expecting another little Rivers baby.

  The girls pulled all the details from me about Kip. At least, I let them think they know everything. I shared the important details like we’re official and we enjoyed each other. Our words though are too sacred to share with anyone. I keep them tight locked tight down in my heart. My heart, where a warm and glowing emotion is beginning to bloom.

  “Chloe, try this one on.” Darby tosses a little black dress my way.

  “I’m not in the mood to shop right now.”

  “I didn’t ask if you were. Go try it on. You’ve got a man you need to drive wild now.”

  It’s such a new concept, but it’s true. Kip’s love is so natural and feels like something I was born to be in. With Zack I always had to worry about what I wore and how I looked, but with Kip none of that matters. Hence, why shopping doesn’t even sound tempting to me right now. I just want to be in his arms talking and exploring each other’s bodies.


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