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London Calling

Page 28

by Sorcha Mowbray

  His hold on her neck eased, and he removed his teeth from her. Then he licked at the tiny red wounds to heal them. Her entire body shook, from the loss of blood and from the pleasure.

  “Come, my love,” she encouraged him.

  His fingers dug into her hips. His head fell back, smacking into the tree as he grunted. The warmth of his seed filled her. “I love you.”

  “As I do you, Beloved,” he cooed.

  Hours later when she lay in his bed, his still, placid form beside her, she contemplated what her life might be like as a vampire. Would she truly fit the role of such? Would she be accepted? She continued to stare up at his form. Did it matter?

  The answer had been simple. No. It didn’t.

  A soft knock at the door drew her attention to Omer. He glided toward her. “You slept well?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “I have my answer for you and Jonah.”

  “Excellent,” he replied.

  “If you don’t mind, though, I’d like to wait till he is awake.” She squeezed Jonah’s hand. “He should be the first to know.”

  Omer inclined his head. “As you wish.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled at the man. In a month’s time, she would become a nightwalker like her Beloved. Annabelle realized the idea might bother some of her team, but they’d have to accustom themselves.

  If a near-death experience taught her anything, it had been to live life to the fullest and to not let anyone tell you otherwise.

  “Good day, Miss Craig.”

  “Good day, Mr. Cause,” she replied.

  “I suppose welcome to the family is also in order.” He winked at her.

  “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  About the Authors

  About TL Reeve

  TL Reeve, a bestselling, multi-published author with Cobblestone Press, Decadent Publishing, Evernight Publishing, and Loose-Id, was born out of a love of family and a bond that became unbreakable. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one-day return to the beaches of Southern California to ride the waves at Huntington Beach. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book, or working on homework with a cute little pixie.


  Follow TL on social media:






  Twitter: @tl_reeve


  About Michele Ryan

  Michele Ryan is a new author with Decadent Publishing. She embraced her creative passion and with fellow author TL Reeve, they co-authored two books together. Michele has also published her first solo novella with Decadent. A lifelong resident of the state of New Jersey, along with her husband and three children, who she refers to as her hobbits. When Michele is not plotting or writing, she can be found either volunteering at her children’s school or reading.


  Find Michele on Social Media:




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  Her Clockwork Heart

  Dena Garson


  I want to give a big “Thank You” first to Cameron Allie. Because of her and our sprinting sessions I was able to finish not only this book but also Vordol’s Vow. On time. Without losing my mind or stress eating. Cameron – you were the kick in the pants I needed the last few months! Thank you!


  I also need to give Lauren Smith squeezing “Thank You” hugs for answering my seemingly endless questions about historical England. Yes, some of them were stupid and I probably focused way too much on minutia but she answered them without laughing in my face. Lauren - I’ll buy you cheese fries at our next lunch.

  Her Clockwork Heart


  Nathaniel Dennison is an investigator with the Royal Intelligence Office. Because of his knack for solving puzzles, he’s assigned a case involving a string of missing scientists. During his investigation he crosses paths with Trixie, the only woman to ever tempt him into considering marriage. Despite the bruising his heart took when she left, he can’t leave her to search for her missing brother on her own.

  Beatrix “Trixie” Wadeworth is desperate to find her brother. So desperate that she breaks into the Royal Intelligence Office in London. Getting caught is inconvenient. But getting caught by the one man she never stopped loving may actually be fortuitous. It feels like a lifetime since she last saw Nathaniel but it only takes seconds for those feelings to come rushing back.

  Danger follows Nathaniel and Trixie from London to Edinburgh and back as they search for clues. In the end they find there is more than one mystery to solve. How they ever lived without each other may be the greatest of them all.


  Nathaniel Dennison rubbed the spot between his eyes where his head throbbed. He’d been reading files for the last three—he glanced at his pocket watch—correction, four and a half hours. After all that time, he had more questions than answers.

  There was a connection between the disappearances he’d been asked to investigate. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.

  He took a deep breath. He had to be missing something. The blank lines of his notebook mocked him. When had he ever come up with so few clues on a case?

  Only with the Mastermind.

  He scowled at the stack of files he’d reviewed. The Mastermind had all members of the Royal Intelligence Office on edge, investigators and officers alike. They had been searching for the men behind the political unrest and outright attacks on the royal family for almost three years. No one could pin down who was behind the espionage and hints of treason. His Royal Highness had become increasingly insistent on answers.

  Not that Nathaniel blamed him at all. No one in the RIO did. They wanted answers almost as much as he did. Smoke would be easier to catch.

  With a sigh, he straightened his mess and tucked his notebook away in the breast pocket of his coat. He reached for the lamp to douse the light but paused when something banged against the wall of the records room.

  Most of the RIO staff had left for the evening. By now he should have the offices to himself, with the exception of the security officer who patrolled through the night. But he would have sworn he recently heard the officer’s footsteps echoing down the hallway.

  As silently as possible he exited the file room. At the door to the records room, he paused and listened. There were shuffling sounds, like boxes being moved about, as well as odd clicks and whirls. Almost like a clock with a gear out of alignment.

  “No, not that one,” someone whispered on the other side of the door.

  Was that a woman’s voice?

  “Hurry. We don’t have much time.”

  Again, no response to the whisper, but the clicking sounds multiplied.

  Nathaniel checked the lock on the door. It had been opened. The intruder either had a key or a considerable talent with locks. The locks used at the RIO were unusual and gave even the most experienced lock picks trouble.

  He pulled his derringer from his pocket then as quietly as possible turned the door handle. The last click of the latch set off a flurry of activity inside the room.

  So much for a stealthy entry.

  He positioned himself against the wall, yanked the door open, and leveled his gun on whatever he found inside the room.

  Some kind of insect jumped off one of the file cabinets onto Nathaniel’s outstretched hand and pinched him.

  “Ouch!” He shook his hand and tried to dislodge the bug, but it moved too fast. “What the bloody hell?” He bellowed when the bug ran across his arm then down his chest and leg to the floor.

  “Don’t hurt her. She won’t hurt yo
u,” a woman called out from the other side of the cabinet. “Nid, get over here.” Papers were shuffled and more clicks came from that side of the room.

  Her voice was familiar. Nathaniel lowered his gun but kept it at the ready as he made his way to the other side. As he crept forward he looked left and right for more bugs. “Who is that and what are you doing in here?”

  More shuffling of papers. A drawer slammed shut. The woman whispered, “Squeaks. Hopper. Get in.”

  Nathaniel stepped around the end of the cabinets and leveled his gun at the person crouched next to the cabinet. He blinked in surprise at the woman who looked up at him. “Trixie?”

  Beatrix Wadeworth froze with her hand extended to two small creatures that resembled a toy mouse and small rabbit. “Nathaniel?” She started to stand, then paused and scooped up the toys and slipped them into her pocket. “I uh…” She glanced behind him toward the door.

  He took two steps forward and grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Wh… what are you doing here?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I work for the Royal Intelligence Office so I’m allowed to be here but you’re not.” He tightened his grip on her arm. “What are you doing here?”

  Two of the bugs ran up his arm. He tried to brush them off, but only managed hit one of them.

  “Nid, it’s okay.” She nabbed the one shaped like a spider. “Come here.”

  “What are those?” They looked like bugs, but the whirling noise and clicks gave away the fact that they weren’t.

  “They’re my, well…” She shrugged and dropped the one she’d taken off his arm into the pouch at her waist. “They’re my friends.”

  “Friends?” One of her other toys scratched at his pant leg as it tried to climb it.

  “Oh, sorry.” She reached for the creature but stopped when her face drew too close to an area of his anatomy that no proper young woman should be near.

  “I’ll get it.” He released her arm, slid his pistol back into its holster, then plucked the tiny mechanical insect from his thigh. He examined it for a moment then dropped it into her open palm. The strange assortment of metal gears and parts were shaped to resemble a scorpion.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “How many more of those do you have?”

  “I only brought five of them with me.”

  He opened his mouth to say something then shook his head. “You can’t be here.”

  “What the deuce is going on in here?”

  Trixie’s eyes widened with alarm. Nathaniel groaned. Great, the security officer had found them. “I was just finishing up for the night, Adam,” Nathaniel told him.

  “No one other than RIO personnel is allowed in the records room,” Adam said sternly.

  “I’m sorry. That’s my fault,” Trixie said.

  Nathaniel tried to grab her but she swatted his hand away.

  “You see, we were supposed to have dinner tonight, but someone…” She gestured at Nathaniel. “Forgot.” Then she looked back at the guard. “He gets so forgetful when he’s working. I insisted that if he had work to finish, then I should at least sit with him.”

  “That doesn’t explain why you’re in the records room,” Adam said stiffly.

  Nathaniel opened his mouth to say something but Trixie cut him off.

  “Oh, pish posh.” She waved one of her dainty hands at the guard. “I wasn’t about to be left alone in that boring old office. I need to make sure he finishes whatever he needs to do so that he has plenty of time to take me to dinner.” Her eyes grew wide. “Oh wait.” She faced Nathaniel. “Is that why you said I needed to stay in your office? Because I’m not allowed to be in here?” She looked back and forth between the guard and Nathaniel in mock surprise.

  “Something like that,” Nathaniel said through gritted teeth as he slipped his pistol into his pocket.

  “That’s right, miss. No one other than authorized personnel is allowed in the records room.”

  “Oh, no. I thought you were just trying to avoid me.” Her eyes grew round and filled with tears.

  Despite his annoyance, Nathaniel couldn’t help but be impressed with Trixie’s display. If he didn’t know better, he would have sworn she’d had some kind of training for the stage.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to break any of the rules.”

  His breath lodged in his chest when she closed in on him, practically grasping the lapels of his coat.

  “I didn’t mean to get you into trouble. We haven’t seen much of each other lately and I just wanted to stay with you. Please don’t be cross with me.” She suddenly released him and turned to the guard. “Please don’t turn him in. He didn’t do anything wrong. Not really. It’s my fault. I followed him in here. He really did try to make me stay in his office. You’re not going to tell his superiors, are you?” She turned her attention back to Nathaniel. “I’ll explain to them what happened. Surely they’ll understand.” She drew one finger across her lashes, as if to wipe away a tear.

  “I’m not sure—” Nathaniel said, momentarily distracted by the delicate floral scent that teased his senses when she had pressed against him.

  “Please don’t get him into trouble.” She took a few steps toward the officer. “I’ll go back to his office right now. I promise. I won’t move a muscle from the seat. Just please don’t tell on him.”

  “Now, Miss. Just calm down.” Adam told her in a placating manner.

  “I’ll go right now.”

  She tried to brush past Adam but he rushed forward and grabbed her by the arm. “How about if we leave so Adam can get on with his patrol?”

  “No harm done, Miss.” Adam said. “I’m sure you didn’t mean to break the rules.”

  She turned large, pleading eyes on him. “No, I didn’t. Truly.”

  “My apologies, Adam,” Nathaniel said. “I should probably take her to dinner. I’ve made her wait longer than I should have.”

  “Yes, sir.” He tipped his hat to Trixie. “Good night, Miss. And just remember, if you visit again the Inspector there knows where you are allowed and where you’re not.”

  “I will remember that.”

  Nathaniel tugged her toward his office.

  “And thank you,” Trixie called back to the guard. When they reached his office she said, “Oh, my, that was close.”

  He glared at her. “You have no idea.”


  How did she end up in this situation?

  Nathaniel Dennison. Of all the people in the world to catch her doing something nefarious, why did it have to be him? Not only was he the son of a Viscount, he was the man she thought she might marry someday.

  Of course, someday never came.

  Because of that other day. The day her parents disappeared and her world had fallen apart.

  She cringed. As if her family’s reputation had not been damaged enough. What ever would he think of her now? Now that she had stooped to breaking into intelligence offices.

  He hadn’t spoken a word since they left the security officer. He’d simply dragged her to a tiny office where he’d collected his hat and cane. When she’d tried to ask a question he’d cut her off with a growl and a warning to not say another word until they were outside.

  Clearly he was cross with her. She lifted her chin. She would risk his displeasure and so much more if it gave her the information she needed.

  Once they were outside, away from the building, Nathaniel stopped in the middle of the road and faced her. Surprised by the suddenness, she skittered to a halt as gracefully as she could. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” he bellowed. “Everything about you being in there is wrong. What—” His hand balled into a fist then opened again. “Why—” The muscle in his jaw jumped. “I just don’t—”

  She blinked at his partial statements. “You don’t what?”

  “Bah.” He turned on his heel and marched down the street.

  Perhaps she should just run in
the other direction and get away from him. That would be cowardly. She had gotten herself into this mess. She would get herself out. She took a deep breath then hurried to catch up with him. “Are you all right?”

  “No. I am not all right. I have just lied to one of our security officers and that does not sit well with me.”

  “Actually, I did the lying, you just didn’t correct what I said.”

  The look he gave her from the corner of his eyes should have burned her on the spot. Instead, she decided that his stern and disapproving attitude suited him remarkably well. She grinned which made him frown even more.

  When they reached the end of the block he steered her to the right then across the street.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Someplace we can talk privately.”

  She skidded to a stop. “Just where were you planning to take me?”

  He paused. “No place immoral, if that is what you’re worried about.”

  “I wasn’t until you mentioned it.”

  He stepped closer and his tone gentled. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Trixie.” He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

  “You wouldn’t be the first to assume that my morals had slipped.” She shrugged. “After all, you did just catch me doing something rather illegal.”

  “True, but I also assume that you have a very good reason for it.”

  “I do.”

  “And I plan to hear all about it.” He took her by the arm. “But not out here.”

  He slowed his pace to one that she could easily keep up with. They stopped at a small tavern on the next block. He opened the door for her and motioned her inside.

  Inside the darkened foyer an older man with a curled moustache greeted them. “Good evening, Mr. Dennison. Wonderful to see you.”

  “Good evening, Charles.”

  “Table for two?”

  “Yes, please. Preferably a quiet, out of the way booth.”

  Charles dipped his head. “Right this way, sir.”

  He frequented a tavern so much that they knew him by name? Perhaps this hadn’t been a good idea.

  They followed the man to the back of the room. While the front part of the tavern bustled with patrons crowded around a bar their table was blocked off enough to minimize the noise and distractions. The high walls of the stall made it a private nook.


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