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Then He Showed Up

Page 11

by Chris Campillo

  “But of course,” Kate said, feigning her belief in Sue’s system.

  Sue paused, reaching for her drink. She stopped and grabbed Dean’s instead and took a swig. “Hey, drink your own!” Dean complained. Sue waved him off with her hand.

  “Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the short list, the semi-finals. I’m looking at execution. A very important step. What part of your body does the guy choose to place the salt? Near your breast? Too fast, no class. On your arm? A pussy.” Jack broke out laughing.

  “Of course, an exception is on the inside of the wrist. It’s an erogenous zone.” Sue stroked the spot on her wrist, then raised her brows. “This guy is subtle, but he knows the sensitive spots on a woman’s body. A big plus.”

  Kate remembered the night before, when Jack had lifted her hand toward his lips. Her breath caught, and Jack looked at her. She tried to recover by taking a drink of her beer. Too bad her hands were shaking.

  Sue was too far into her presentation to notice. “What you really want is the man who selects your neck. A smart one will choose your pulse point.” She pointed to Kate. “Are you taking notes?” Kate nodded. She imagined Jack leaning into her, tracing that sensitive spot with his tongue. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, but she couldn’t sit still.

  “So, now, I’ve probably cut my list to two guys. And then the fun begins. The talent competition. What can the man do with his tongue?”

  “Oh, Sue,” Kate groaned, dropping her head and shaking it. When she lifted her head, Jack was gazing right at her. She forced a weak smile. It was all she could muster if she was going to keep her breathing steady. He turned back to Sue, but Kate kept her eyes on him, on his mouth in particular. How would Jack rate in such a competition? If his tongue was anything like his lips were in the kiss last night, he’d be a gold medalist.

  “Just listen. I’m not talking about a French kiss on my neck. What I’m judging is his skill and technique. Too much, too light, too wet, just right? You’d be amazed at what the lick of a tongue can prove.”

  “Sue!” Kate was beyond embarrassed. Dean and Jack were laughing hysterically.

  “In summary, I’ve figured out in ten minutes if I’m interested. I’ve saved hours of my precious time. I mean really, even if you both like to knit and eat curry, are you going to pursue a relationship if the kissing sucks?”

  Sue took another sip of Dean’s drink, acknowledging the end of her presentation.

  “So how has that worked out for you?” Jack asked, sounding sincere.

  “I’ve had mixed results. I met Nick that way.”

  Dean interjected, “They dated for four months. Nice guy.”

  “Let’s not talk about that,” Kate interrupted, knowing Sue’s mood would head south real fast if they discussed her ex.

  “Any other case studies?” Jack asked.

  “It’s worked,” Sue said in a voice that lacked her earlier confidence.

  “Sue,” Kate said, calling her out.

  “Fine! The last guy turned out to be an alcoholic . . . but he was an amazing kisser.”

  Jack laughed. “I think you might have something there. It could probably make for a great thesis, ‘Body Shots—A Systematic Approach to Partner Selection.’”

  “Oh, screw you,” Sue said, then smiled.

  “Seriously, I’ll take your theory into consideration if I ever do another body shot.”

  Kate laughed but imagined what it would feel like to have Jack lick her body. It was either the moan or her shiver that drew his attention, and she jerked around to watch some couple on stage. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kimberly, and she watched with foreboding as the waitress arrived at the table.

  “Perfect timing,” Sue said, handing Jack a shot. “Show me what you’ve got.”

  Kate wondered if anyone else heard the theme from Jaws? Oooooooh shit. Oooooooh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

  Jack’s cunning smile broke her chant.

  “Fine,” he answered Sue while he kept his eyes on Kate. “But I’ll try it with Kate so you can be an objective judge.”

  No. No. No. No. If Jack Graham’s tongue touched her body, she’d pass out from the pleasure. Surely, Sue would argue. She was the one who’d brought the whole thing up. She wasn’t the type to sit around and watch the fun. Kate looked at her to see how she would fix it. Sue just winked. The bitch! She’d planned this all along.

  “This is going to be great,” Dean said. “When’s the last time someone’s had their tongue on you, Miss Kate?” He almost fell off his stool laughing. Where had her friends gone? What had she done to deserve this betrayal?

  Jack stood up and moved in way too close. Then he leaned even closer and whispered, “I promise I won’t bite.” When he pulled back, Kate saw the Big, Bad Wolf again. Lord, help me.

  “Pulse point’s the best, huh?” he asked Sue.

  “That’s what she said.” Dean was as giddy as a kid.

  “Unless you’re a pussy.” The arch of Sue’s brow was the only gauntlet she needed to throw.

  Kate panicked. “The pussy lick is fine.”

  Sue threw her head back, roaring with laughter. Dean fell off his stool. Jack turned away from Kate, but his shoulders were shaking. Kate threw her head down on the table. Eventually, she joined in. There was no chance of recovery.

  After they regained their composure, Sue started right back. “Okay, Jack. Let’s see it.”

  “We shouldn’t do this,” Kate argued. “We’re too old for this. Jack’s a client for God’s sake.”

  “The project’s on hold for now. I’m no longer your client.” Jack winked at her. “What do you say, Kate? Want to take a trip to Vegas?”

  Kate’s mind ran the gamut—stop this ridiculousness, run to the bathroom, show him she could take it, let him touch her body and then die with a smile on her face. Her silence seemed to be his answer. He took her face in his hands. His touch was gentle, but it sent tremors through her body. Then he gently titled her head, exposing her neck. Never had her skin felt so sensitive. Picking up the saltshaker, he leaned in, but she immediately tilted her head to her shoulder, blocking his spot.

  “Come on.” Jack repeated his adjustment. When he moved in, Kate repeated hers. The next try was another failure.

  “Kate!” Sue yelled. “Give the man a break.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just ticklish.”

  “Do it, Kate,” Dean demanded, then began to chant. “Do it. Do it. Do it.” The entire room was looking at them now.

  “All right. Just stop.” Kate scrunched her eyes together and tilted her head. It was like waiting for eardrops, but this wouldn’t be cold and miserable. Jack’s tongue, lightly, but oh so skillfully, graced her neck. It was smooth and warm and hit just the right spot. Kate moaned, then trembled, but she was too taken to care. She barely sensed the salt falling, before his amazing tongue returned. Lord have mercy, this man would make every woman in America’s short list.

  It took her a moment to recover. When she straightened her head and opened her eyes, everyone was staring at her. Her cheeks were flush. Thank God, they didn’t know about her other blushing part.

  “Well?” Jack looked at her, a cocky smile on his face. His tongue must have felt her racing pulse.

  “It was . . . it was fine.” Kate nodded, and then downed her shot, not bothering with the salt or lime. “Kimberly,” she called out. “Another round.”

  Jack must have noticed how unsettled she was because he changed the subject. “I’m taking Pete’s boat out tomorrow. Why don’t you all come along?”

  From their reactions, it was obvious Sue and Dean loved the idea. Kate just smiled. How much more of Jack Graham could she handle before she lost it?

  “So what do you say, Kate?” He searched her eyes. Did he know how much he rocked her world? Hopefully not. It would be best to play it cool.


  They finished the second round of shots, no bodies this time, unfortunately. One taste of Kate an
d hearing and seeing her reaction made Jack crazy to worship every inch of her body. God, the woman tried to suppress it, but her sexuality was right at the surface, looking for release. He imagined all the ways he could help her with that.

  They moved around the club, checking out the circus. When they got to the room playing hip-hop, Sue demanded they stop.

  It was the land of sensory overload. The bass was pounding, and strobe lights were flashing to the beat of the music. Jack watched couples moving together in what looked more like sex than dance. This was Sodom and Gomorrah.

  “So is this your regular hangout?” Jack asked Kate, having to yell to be heard.

  Kate rolled her eyes. “We come here three times a year, to celebrate our birthdays.”

  “Come on, girlfriend.” Sue pulled Kate out on the dance floor. Jack was surprised at how easily Kate joined in with the dancing, matching skills with the rest of the partiers. Sue turned to Kate, sticking out her butt, and Kate pretended to spank her. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at a gentleman’s club. The two were laughing the entire time. Nothing looked better on Kate than that brilliant smile.

  Jack leaned over to Dean and shouted, “They may have missed their calling.”

  Dean lifted his beer to toast Jack’s. “Not bad for a momma, huh?”

  Jack was watching Kate move, but he wasn’t thinking about mommas.

  The music transitioned into the next song, which was much slower with a throbbing beat. The girls kept dancing but tamed their silliness and got into the rhythm.

  It was obvious Kate was feeling the tequila. Her body seemed to melt into one, relaxed wave. Her arms dropped to her sides, her feet barely moved, and she closed her eyes. Her body was an extension of the music and that tight rear end kept time with every beat.

  The dance floor was packed with bodies, all competing for the crudest dance prize. And then there was Kate, her moves so simple, yet so sexy. The fact that she was relaxed and didn’t seem to realize how good she looked made her even more tempting. He glanced over at Dean to see if he noticed.

  Dean caught his eye. “I just keep reminding myself that she’s my friend.”

  Jack was glad Dean was just her friend because he was feeling something much different. He looked at the movement of her hips and imagined her riding him. He wanted to go out and claim Kate. He wanted to come up behind her, grab her hips, and pull her body against his. He wanted to work his hands up and cup her breasts, stroking the nipples. To kiss the back of her neck. To hear her moan.

  Shit! Jack checked his thoughts and adjusted his jeans, but his animal-like senses were still sharp. He noticed the advance of the other man before he ever hit the dance floor. He was big and seemed familiar with the music. He worked his way through the crowd, heading right toward Kate. Jack pushed through the dancers to get to Kate, but the other guy reached her first.

  The jerk grabbed her waist and pulled her into his body. Kate pushed at the man’s hands, but he wasn’t taking the hint. He moved his hips and held Kate against him, making them look like all the other dancers simulating a sex act.

  Jack’s fury was fueled by the panicked look in Kate’s eyes. As soon as Jack reached them, he shoved the man away from her.

  “What the hell, man?!” the stranger barked.

  “Get your hands off her.” Jack didn’t try to hide his anger.

  “Didn’t know she was with you,” the ass argued.

  “She is, so back the fuck off.”

  Kate started to say something, but Jack grabbed her arm. “Come on, we’re going.”

  She had to hustle to keep up with Jack as he dragged her outside. “You can let go now,” she said, but he maintained his grip. She’d never seen him this intense and definitely not out of control like he’d been in the bar.

  When Jack finally stopped behind the club, he let go of her. He scanned her whole body. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Are you?”

  Jack stared at her and then down at the ground. When he looked up, his eyes were troubled. “I’m sorry about that.” He ran his hands through his hair. “It’s just . . . when he put his hands on you and wouldn’t let go . . .” He studied her face. “Believe it or not, I’m not normally a hothead.”

  Kate tilted her head, assessing him. “Do strobe lights turn you into the Incredible Hulk?”

  Jack let out a heavy breath. “Maybe they do.” He stared over her shoulder, quiet for a while. When he finally made eye contact, his face was solemn. “Will you forgive my behavior back there?”

  “Sure. I did appreciate your help.” And the part about them being together was not an unpleasant thought.

  He appeared to relax and smiled. He had a great smile. A make-your-stomach-quiver smile. After a few seconds of gazing at the eighth wonder, Kate regained her faculties. “We should probably head home.”

  Jack shook his head. “No, I’d hate it if my caveman act cut Dean’s party short.”

  Kate considered the situation and nodded. “You’re right. We’re here for Dean. Let’s go back . . . but not to that room.”

  “Good idea.”

  As they headed to the front of the club, Kate teased, “You know, you’ve totally killed my buzz. Next round is on you.”

  “Fair enough. Hell, I probably owe you rounds for the rest of your life.”

  Before they reached the corner of the building, Jack stopped. “Kate, I need to say something before we go back in.” He gazed into her eyes and hesitated. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Maybe you should remember that old adage about silence being golden.” She chuckled, trying to lighten the moment. Oh, please don’t talk about the kiss.

  “Promise me you’ll look out for yourself.”

  “What?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

  He hesitated, looking up at the sky, as if seeking divine guidance. When his eyes came back to hers, Kate saw something different. That damn live wire was back, jerking about in her stomach. “You need to be careful. You have no idea how you look . . . what you do to men.”

  “Oh, please.” She sighed. Kate hoped she sounded exasperated when, in fact, her heart was racing, the wild wire moving into her chest. She prayed the night would hide the blush she felt in her face.

  Jack gently lifted her chin, giving her no choice but to look into his eyes. “You just don’t see it. You’re a beautiful woman. And sexy as hell.”

  Kate stopped breathing. She was speechless. She couldn’t even laugh it off as she normally would. Then, just when her body forced her to take a breath, Jack leaned down and kissed her.

  It sent an explosion through her senses. Oh my God! Oh my God! Kate was completely taken aback. Logic flew out the window. The only thing she could process was the feel of his lips. They were tender, warm, and supple. The kiss was gentle, just like the night before, yet so threatening to her self-control.

  Kate knew she needed to stop it. She had to stop it. She had to stop it right then. But her body disagreed. So she didn’t stop. In fact, she shut the door on her warnings and gave in to her desires. She responded, moving her lips ever so tentatively against his.

  It seemed to trigger some switch in Jack. He groaned and grabbed her waist, pulling her close to his body. He deepened the kiss, no longer tender but passionate, and Kate responded in kind. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling her body even closer to his. She sighed with pleasure. His tongue stroked her lips, and she opened for him without hesitation. This feels so good. He teased her mouth, pulling her further into the kiss. I forgot how good. Their tongues tasted, explored. Was it ever this good? Kate moaned as she fell deeper into his spell.

  Jack tightened his hold on her waist. He didn’t trust his hands to stay in check. Hell, he wasn’t in check. He knew he shouldn’t be kissing her, but knowing and wanting were two different things. Her response surprised him, having expected her to push him away. But Kate hadn’t. He’d felt her momentary hesitation, but then she’d returned his kiss with a passion t
hat met his.

  As the kiss grew, he lost control. He could no longer resist his need to touch her. His hands moved to her back, stroking up and down her spine. Every inch he touched answered a desire that had been building all week.

  Kate moaned, grabbed his hair, and pulled him even closer. There was no way he could resist her now. His hands traveled around her rib cage and ever so slowly moved up to cup her breasts.

  “Jack,” she cried out, her voice full of need.

  He kissed along her chin, down her neck, tasting the salt he’d placed there earlier. Her breasts filled his hands, heavy and firm. Her nipples peaked sensitive, more sighs escaping her lips as he stroked them.

  Moving back to her hot kisses, he traced his hands down to her hips, moving them back to grab her ass. God, she felt fantastic—everything he’d imagined. Pulling her closer, he brought her center against his erection. She moaned into his mouth, driving his need even greater.

  He broke the kiss to murmur, “I want you. Want you so bad.”

  Kate whimpered. He pulled back to see her. Her eyes slowly opened, full and glassy. Her lips, swollen and moist, called to him, but he fought the urge. Something was off. In her eyes, he could see the struggle. A woman who was ready to be loved battled with the woman who couldn’t take a risk. When she blinked and pulled away, he knew who’d won.

  “Kate.” He reached for her, but she stepped farther away. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head, her chest heaving, more likely with panic now.

  “Talk to me.” He stepped toward her, but she held her hand up.

  “I can’t. Not now. Please, Jack. Not now.” She turned and headed back into the club, not waiting for him.

  He followed her inside and waited for her outside the ladies’ room. When she exited much later, he walked beside her, but she didn’t look at him. As they inched their way through the growing crowd, Jack stayed close, protecting her in this vulnerable state.

  They found Sue and Dean back in the karaoke bar. They had their heads together and were having what appeared to be an intense conversation. As Kate and Jack approached the table, Sue and Dean stopped talking and looked up at them with curious stares.


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