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Bluehour (A Watermagic Novel)

Page 11

by Brighton Hill

  She giggled. “Here it is.” She told me the address and I quickly wrote it down in one of my notebooks.

  “I love you!” I exclaimed as I shut the cell.

  Now my pulse was racing like crazy. I knew where he lived and the house was nearby and right on the beach.

  In the dimming evening light, I headed down Ocean Avenue and cut through the side yards of the houses until I got to the front side of the homes that lined the boardwalk. I recognized the pretty street with lots of palm trees and tall, narrow mansions of varying styles. It surprised me that he lived in this neighborhood. I would never have looked here.

  Once I found Laurent’s residence, I stood before the narrow French style chateau and simply stared. How in the world could he live in such an expensive place? The house must be worth five million dollars or more. It didn’t make sense that an exchange student would be housed in such a home.

  The stone structure was enclosed by a tall ivy covered fence. From my view, the house appeared to be three stories with crisscross windows and a high turret like on a castle. It had a simple, elegant look.

  From where I was at, I could hear the waves rolling on the shore. The air was salty and fresh. And occasionally, there was a balmy ocean breeze. I noticed that there were lights on in the yard which gave me the feeling that someone was outside. By now it was twilight and there was an intimidating air to the approaching night.

  I heard the backdoor shut and then I heard a splash from within the yard. Shortly thereafter, the most beautiful alluring song began.

  Dangerous Love

  The song was a soft, sensual rhythm. As I gathered my senses, I began trying to peek into the yard through the lattices on the fence. Mostly the ivy was in the way, but in a few spots I was able to gain adequate focus.

  It was well lit with twinkling lights decorating some small cherry trees. Laurent was swimming in a lovely natural pool with a waterfall and places to hide with all kinds of ferns and tropical plants growing around it. The lights danced on the water.

  As he sang, his silky voice mesmerized my senses. “Come to me in the blue hour…” I found it difficult to think straight. It was almost like I was in a dream, but I sensed I was more aware than I should have been.

  To my surprise, I found myself opening the gate to the fence and simply walking inside. It was as if the music was drawing me uncontrollably to him. My heart beat fast. I felt electricity running through my body. My desire to be around Laurent was nearly overwhelming.

  He continued in melody, “Come to me in the blue hour. When the ocean blends with the sky. Come to me in the blue hour. Your flesh is sweet. You are a dream. Come to me in the blue hour…”

  He was watching me with his ocean blue eyes. The expression on his face was ambiguous and I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking as much as I tried. It was my impression that he wanted me there with him. I felt as if he was calling me through his song. The vibrations of his vocals were so entrancing that I almost felt as if I could feel his breath and the sounds of his velvety voice within my own body like we were one.

  I started to gain control of myself. Was he drawing me to my death the way the legends described the mers as singing enchanting songs to lure shipwrecked crews into the ocean only to devour them? Was I his next meal?

  I stopped short in my step. Before I reached the pool, I held my ground. Pulling my thoughts back to me, I began to analyze the situation further. I couldn’t believe I had entered his yard without invitation. My actions didn’t make sense. I wasn’t so stupid to just walk in so brazenly. Was I crazy? How could I lose control of all rationality? Or was Laurent controlling me?

  I was about to run away. Fear overwhelmed me. My breath caught in my throat as my heart pounded in my chest.

  But, then I noticed something. If I wasn’t mistaken, it appeared as if he was surprised that I had stopped. He seemed frustrated though I sensed that he was trying to cover. I think he expected me to join him in the water. I think he believed he could control me through his song.

  If that was the case, I wouldn’t budge.

  Unable to lure me into his machinations, be it that there were any, Laurent stopped singing and spoke directly to me, “What are you doing here?” His speaking voice was also beautiful, but hesitant now. Even though I tried to resist, I felt lost in the rhythms. And despite my inner struggle, I continued to hold my stance.

  “I don’t know,” I said with trepidation. My body tensed as I looked around. The entire setting was splendorous. I glanced at the lovely greenery, rocks, and flowers. There was a small cobblestone path that wove through the yard with a quaint park bench set off and under an aromatic tree of many leaves.

  He gazed at me for a long while with his arms resting on the edge of the pool. I felt embarrassed and looked down at my hands, but I could feel his stare burning into me. Tingling sensations were dancing through my body. I looked back up at him and he smiled faintly.

  “How was swim practice?” He asked in what seemed like a genuinely interested manner, but I sensed darkness in his tone.

  “I wondered where you were,” I managed to say as I tried to steady my wobbly knees.

  His eyebrows knitted together. “You were right to tell me to leave you alone, Grace.” I noticed that his nostrils were flared, his eyes disturbed.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “It would be foolish of you to have anything to do with me.” He stretched and floated on his back.

  I walked over to the edge of the water and sat down. Once I got into a comfortable position, I slid my sandals off and dangled my feet in the water. “I’m not afraid.”

  He shook his head and chuckled. “You should be.” He was wading in the pool.

  “And why’s that?”

  “I’m not an acceptable partner for you.” His eyes grew dark.

  “I can take my chances.” I smirked now. The light was hitting the water making it twinkle in the darkness.

  He frowned and swam over to a large obsidian rock and gracefully set himself upon it in a lounged position. “I don’t feel strong enough to resist you anymore,” he finally said looking me in the eyes. His voice was without inflection, but I sensed that he was experiencing actual physical pain from pent up desires. “I am powerless when it comes to you. I need you to make me leave you alone.”

  My voice softened. “I didn’t mean it when I told you to stay away from me.” I felt an ache in the pit of my stomach.

  “You should have meant it.” His enchanting voice was colder now. He looked angry. “If you knew what I was, you would run for your life. I am warning you—run away.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. It’s too late. And like I said, I’m not afraid of you.” My head was spinning. “I know what you are, but you won’t hurt me. I know that.”

  He nodded. “I don’t want to hurt you, Grace, but I don’t know if I can override my nature so completely.”

  “You will,” I said confidently even though terror was rushing through my veins. Everything inside of me warned me to flee, but I wouldn’t. It wasn’t even a question anymore.

  “Why did you come here?” He lowered his head against his fist and scrunched up his gorgeous face.

  I wasn’t sure if I should be open with him. “I want to understand you. Maybe if I saw where you lived, I could figure you out.” When I said that, I couldn’t help but blush.

  He chuckled at that. “You want to know me, Grace?” His tone was wry.

  “Yes, I do.” I flicked water at him with my foot, but it only splashed lightly against the obsidian rock where he lounged.

  His full lips lifted into a crooked smile that made my pulse race even faster. “I think you already know me.” He looked down at his feet and spread his toes.

  My eyes widened and I couldn’t help but gasp. For the first time, I noticed that he had webbed feet. “How well you hid that.”

  I wasn’t sure, but it looked like he blushed. “It’s easy to hide. All I have to do is keep my toes togeth

  It was actually difficult to concentrate on what he was saying because his voice took my breath away. I don’t know how, but it seemed to resonate against the insides of my body. It was almost like an internal massage. The sounds were physically pleasurable. “Do the webbed feet help you to swim faster?”

  “Oh, yes.” He smiled teasingly like he found my question amusing.

  “Is that how you were able to catch up to me when I was being dragged through the water by the boat?” I tried to sound nonchalant as I implored him. I didn’t want him to know how eager I was to know everything about him. Though showing up at his house probably gave him some inkling of that desire.

  Now he smiled slyly, a teasing look on his face. “Did I say I was the one who rescued you?”

  “I know you were.” My voice was matter of fact.

  “Oh, is that so,” he teased.

  “It is,” I challenged.

  “Well, let’s say someone with webbed feet swam extraordinarily fast and caught up with you while you were being pulled to your death…”

  I interrupted, “And that someone cut with his teeth the ski rope that was entangled in the tether that was wrapped around my ankle…”

  Now he interrupted, “Whoah, woah, woah…” His eyes were wide. “…This someone must have sharp teeth. Maybe teeth like a shark. Teeth that could tear through flesh.” There was a void stare in his eyes now that reminded me of an ocean predator.

  I gulped. “Yes, I was wondering about that.” It was hard for me to catch my breath as I spoke. “Can I see your teeth?”

  He laughed now. I supposed I caught him off guard with my childlike curiosity. But then, he paused for a moment. His demeanor became serious. “You don’t want to see my teeth, Grace.” He shook his head lightly. “At least, not when they are like that.”

  Chills ran through my body. This new revelation caught me off guard. I hadn’t expected to hear something so terrifying. I took my feet out of the water and pulled my legs to my chest. “I don’t like that you haven’t been in school,” I finally said. I wanted to kick myself for being so forthcoming with my feelings. He didn’t need to know how obsessed I was with him, just like every other girl.

  The fierceness in his eyes lightened with my comment. “Just imagine that there is a mermaid.” He stopped for a moment. “We can say that right?” He looked at me sheepishly which only made my heart race faster.

  “Yes, we can say that.” I was breathless. It was hard for me to speak. I felt so drawn to him and at the same time I was frightened.

  He continued, fighting a slight smile that lifted at the corner of his mouth. I think he was amused with me. “This mermaid has laid claim to the merman though he doesn’t want her. She kills any girl who takes an interest in the merman…”

  Pascal’s words from the cafeteria ran through my mind, “Grace will surely die.” I held my legs closely to my chest as he spoke. The thought of my flesh being torn from my body with razor sharp teeth was unbearable.

  I think Laurent saw the fear in my eyes. He held his fingers against his temples for a moment before he continued with his story. “This merman has been hunting the mermaid.” He looked back at me from across the pool. He wants to kill her. He wants to stop the mermaid from killing the girl he…” He paused like he was contemplating whether he should proceed. “He doesn’t want her to kill the girl he…the girl he needs.” He looked at me with an ambiguous expression on his perfect face. “The problem is that if he kills this mermaid, he will be breaking mer law. He will become a fugitive of his own kind.”

  “So this merman ditches school to kill one of his own kind?” I tried to hide any feelings I had about this.

  “Yes,” he responded blankly. “But the first time the merman ditched, he had mercy on the mermaid and released her just before killing her.” He shook his head in anger. “Stupid,” he spouted out. His hands balled into fists for a moment before he stood up and dove into the water.

  I saw him swimming toward me. So many mixed emotions rushed through my mind. I braced myself. There was no turning back at this point. I knew I had to be with Laurent, that is, if he even wanted me. I still wasn’t sure if that was even a remote possibility. My feelings were too powerful to do otherwise. He had all of me for better or worse.

  When he reached the side of the pool before me, he rested his arms upon the ledge and looked up at my face as I sat so near with my legs pulled up into myself. His nostrils flared at our closeness, but I sensed that he was trying to restrain himself. His lips tightened slightly as he studied my expression. I got the feeling he was scrutinizing me now, trying to figure me out just as I was him.

  His close proximity sent tingling sensations through my body. I wanted to touch his smooth bronze skin, but I wouldn’t dare.

  “In this hypothetical scenario, has that mermaid ever killed any of the girls that liked the merman?”

  At my question, his head jutted back slightly as if my imploration had thrown him off balance. “Yes,” he responded firmly. The reflection of the lights twined through the trees danced in his eyes.

  I tried not to reveal the fear that rushed through my mind. “How many girls could she have murdered?” I kept my voice steady.

  “He cast his eyes down. “Too many.”

  My eyes widened and I couldn’t help but laugh slightly. “Has this merman had many girlfriends?”

  To my surprise, he blushed. “No… God no,” he chuckled too. “After centuries of life, there is bound to be more than a few girls to take a liking to even the most unappealing soul.”

  He surprised me again. I folded my legs under myself. “Centuries of life?” My expression was imploring. “How old are you?”

  “I’m seventeen,” he whispered with a smirk on his perfectly sculpted face. His closeness intensified the vibrations of his voice inside my body.

  I scrunched my eyebrows. “How old is the merman?”

  Looking away, he paused for a minute. I got the feeling he was counting. “Over two hundred and eighty years.”

  “Wow!” I unfolded my legs and scooted slightly closer to him. “How is that?” I almost whispered.

  With his attention suddenly on the scrape on my hand, he flinched and moved back away from me where he paddled in the water. “Let me show you around the pool now before my family gets back.” His voice was unintentionally husky, just one of his many musical inflections.

  “Family?” I asked feeling confused.

  To my surprise, he smiled warmly which gave me the feeling he was thinking fondly of them. “My friends…” he said, “…The other exchange students and Josette. We consider each other family even though we aren’t genetically related.”

  That sparked a whole bunch of questions in my mind, but before I could implore further, Laurent motioned to the water. “Come on.”

  “You want me to get in the water in my shorts and shirt?”

  A crooked smile lifted on his unbelievably gorgeous face. “I think you’ll manage.”

  My heart nearly stopped at his smile. I even forgot to breathe. “Should I be afraid?” I looked away, realizing what an idiotic question that was.

  “You know the answer to that.” From the corner of my eye, I saw him tilt his head to the side and stare at me for a moment.

  When I glanced at him, he moved over to the side and made some clicking sounds which gave me the feeling that he was calling me to the water.

  Carefully, I slid into the pool not too far away from him. The water was refreshing like a gentle caress. When I turned to Laurent, I noticed that his jaw was clenched now. He looked pained.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked, mesmerized by his piercing blue eyes that sparked in the night.

  He pulled the ends of his long wet hair over his nose and mouth. His eyes squinted.

  I huffed lightly, wondering if I smelled bad.

  “You’re not afraid.” He shook his head subtly in bewilderment.

  “You saved me from death two times. T
hat gives me considerable confidence that you want me alive.”

  He smiled, revealing beautiful white teeth. Aside from being perfect in every way, they looked normal. “I don’t always get what I want.” It seemed like he was trying to speak casually, but I sensed that he was experiencing dark inner turmoil. “Sometimes I lose control. Like now, letting you be here with me.”

  I shuddered at the implication, but stronger than my sense of fear was my yearning to touch his beautiful lips with my finger tip.

  “Come.” He lifted his chin toward the center of the pool. “I’m going to show you some of our habitat. “With you here in the water, my hunger is stronger than on land…”

  My body tensed at that.

  He seemed to have detected my concern because he explained in a gentler tone, “I can’t get too close to you yet or I would take your hand.”

  At that, I didn’t know how to respond. I think my head was just spinning in general. But I did notice that he said he couldn’t get too close to me yet which sent a sudden thrill through my essence as I pondered the implication that he was planning to hold my hand in the future. I thought back to the time at Santa Monica Beach when my fingers brushed against the palm of his hand as he was giving me my sapphire ring. He recoiled violently at my touch. I wondered if he was afraid of experiencing something of the same.

  “We better hurry,” he looked toward the house in a way that made me think that the très beaux could arrive any time now.

  I wondered what would happen if they saw me here with Laurent. It wasn’t likely that they would be happy about it.

  “Just follow me to the bottom of the pool…” His soft voice was melodic. “There is a cave to the side.”

  Fear rose up within me at the idea of getting trapped in a cave without oxygen.

  He must have noticed my hesitation because he tried to reassure me. “It’s okay. I’ll be with you. I’m well equipped when it comes to underwater safety.” With a facetious expression on his face, he raised an eyebrow.

  Now, my curiosity deepened. I felt confused—it seemed like his demeanor was a contradiction to what he had just said.


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