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Knight Rescue (Rise of the Wolf Nation Book 1)

Page 3

by Sydney Addae

He stared at her. “How do you think of these things?”

  She shrugged.

  “I mean it. You’ve never been in the military or fought in a war. Yet you’re able to see clearly through the smoke.”

  “Most mothers can see through smoke to the real problem. It’s a mandatory skillset. But in this case, I had a little help from the Goddess. Don’t forget she never disagreed with me and encouraged you to listen to me. When I went over everything that’s what I saw and it scared me.”

  He pulled her in his lap and held her tight.

  “This is my country, I love it and the people. Both human and wolf. But what they’re doing is wrong. They’re undermining an entire race, their allies, for no legitimate reason,” she said.

  “It’s offensive. Just in case they need to shut us down for whatever reason, they have this weapon,” he said seeking to explain their actions.

  “I get that. But to take four Knights? Men trained to give their lives to keep this country safe? Where’s the honor in that?” she asked.

  “Who said anything about honor?”

  She kissed his cheek. “When I think of my country, honor is a given.” She pursed her lips. “We need to find the Knights quick before they think the experiment’s a success.”

  “You don’t think they’re dead?” he asked, once again surprised.

  “No. First, what they did was wrong and they know you’re going to be pissed. I don’t think they’re ready to push your buttons yet. If you did nothing, those Knights will return with some excuse and they’ll be patting backs in offices in the Pentagon.”

  “What will they think about the Knights leaving?”

  “That might make them pause but I don’t think they’ll lock those offices we need to get into yet.”

  “And upsetting the economy?” he asked, appreciating the way her mind worked.

  “Same thing. Remember, there’s probably just a select few who even know about those experiments and they want to believe they’re successful. Timing is going to be everything, we don’t want them to lock everything back up for a rainy day.”

  “Find the Knights before they’re returned which will make them think the experiment failed on one level. Steal their information to counter whatever they’ve done without their knowledge, maybe create a back door of some sort,” he said, thinking it through. “Hawke can handle that.”

  “Did the Goddess share anything else?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

  Jasmine smiled. “You heard everything she said and didn’t say.”

  “Yeah, but I always over-think her messages.”

  She smiled again.

  “So, the mission is to rescue the Knights, and gather the information on their offensive and defensive weapons against us?” He leaned back and met her gaze. “Anything else?”

  “Yes. Do it quickly and quietly. No one can know, except those working in the project. They’ll think they failed. You can make a stink, and send them further into the shadows or appear clueless, allowing it to pass.”

  He laughed. “They’ll be waiting for the hammer to drop every second of the day, especially with the Knights removed from action.” He squeezed her tight. “I love your mind, Sweet Bitch.”

  “That came from the Goddess, I think,” she said.

  He lifted her to the side, stood and then extended his hand to help her. “Let’s get started.”

  “Whoa. Hold on.” She dropped his hand and pointed at him. “Who are you sending?”

  “Not one of the twins, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I’ve evolved. The twins are perfectly capable of taking on a mission like this.” She placed her hands on her hips and stared at him.

  Silas released a long breath and took her hand. “I’m going. Possibly me and Angus. That’s it.”

  She opened her mouth.

  “I need to go. I have to see what’s being planned for the pack. I need to see who and what we’re up against. I can’t get that information second hand. This job is for me.”

  “I see,” she said several moments later.

  “We’ll use the chameleon bracelets, Angus has done a lot of work improving it so we don’t leave a trail of bodies behind. We’ll leave by way of the mountains. No one will know who we are. They won’t suspect anything. We’ll get near the Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras where the distress call originated. Being closer, on the ground, I should be able to track them easier.”

  “You’ve got it all planned?” She looked at him with a wry grin.

  He rubbed his neck. “No but I don’t want to argue with you about me going, so I had to think fast.”

  “When have I ever tried to stop you from fighting for the pack?”

  He couldn’t think of a time. Usually, he decided to remain at the Compound to protect his den, fully believing he was the only one who could. Over the years, Jasmine had proven she was more than capable of protecting the Compound. “Not once. I stand corrected.”

  “You’re projecting.”


  She gave him a mocking look. “You’re remembering all the times you’ve prevented me from leaving here and reversing it.”

  He stiffened. If she thought he’d take her to Honduras, a country that earned the distinction of being called the most dangerous place on earth to be a woman, she was wrong. That small country had an epidemic of femicide, countless women murdered with no justice.

  “See? That’s how you act when it comes to me, so you think I’ve done that about you. I never have.” She turned to leave.


  She looked at him over her shoulder. “Wolfie?”

  “Just Angus and I.”

  “And Asia or Hawke or Me. Your choice. You have to take someone I can talk through as well.” She turned and left the room.


  ONCE THE DECISION WAS made where to go, things moved quickly. Only a handful of people knew of this trip, no one outside the Compound, not even the Alphas. The fewer who knew, the better their chances of surprising those who concocted this nefarious plan. Angus, the twins, Jacques, Asia and Hawke had been surprised when Silas shared what he and Jasmine determined to be the real threat.

  Asia had looked at Jasmine and nodded.

  Jasmine hadn’t budged on her position of taking a third person she could also communicate with, which meant Hawke prepared to leave as well.

  “What if the Knights have been tampered with?” Asia asked. “It’s possible they’ve added or removed something to those men.”

  Silas agreed. “Hawke pack the scanning equipment. If those men have been altered, we’ll bring them in through the basement tunnels where Matt and Passen can examine them.” He looked at Jasmine. “If we need them, wait until we are on our way back in before they set up the exam rooms.”

  She nodded and returned to their lodgings.

  Silas was in his office finalizing details when his son, David, knocked.

  “Come in,” Silas said hoping the pup hadn’t come to ask to be a part of the team. Tyrese had made his case to Jasmine why he should go, as well as Jacques. She stood in solidarity with him for the small, three-man team. It would be better for Hawke to gather the data directly than relying on a relay system in the clouds.

  “Dad,” David said as he closed the door behind him.

  Silas waited for the pup to say more and when he didn’t, Silas turned and looked at him. “What’s wrong?” David met Silas’ gaze with eyes the same color as his mother, and apparent determination.

  “This trip.” David shook his head. “Mission you’re embarking on... I would ask that you be really careful.”

  Silas took a moment to think. Of course, he would be careful, a lot of people depended on him. But David knew that, so what was he really saying? “I will.”

  David exhaled and took a seat in front of the desk. Leaning forward, his elbows rested on his knees and his hands dangled between them. “Maybe I’m not saying this right.” He exhaled. “You
’re leaving mom in charge, and I can’t imagine a better person to have at your back, than her... except when it comes to you.” He glanced at Silas and then back at his hands. “You weren’t here, didn’t see her when the Goddess snatched you to fight Uncle Angus. It all worked out but the women... the women in her network still talk about how she snatched energy from them to protect the Alpha. It’s a badge of honor for them but at the time, everyone was scared. Mom... she wasn’t mom.”

  Sensing there was more, Silas gave his son his total attention. “What do you mean she wasn’t mom?”

  David gave him an incredulous look. “She tried to attack the Goddess.”

  Silas had heard about that.

  “If anything happens to you, and I’m not talking about you dying or anything like that. I mean if you cannot communicate with her, so she knows you’re okay.”

  Silas nodded.

  “No dark moments. No breaks. For all our sakes, she needs to know you’re good, no matter what.” He stared at Silas. “I’m serious, Dad.”

  “I believe you.” Silas thought for a few seconds. “Why? What do you think will happen?”

  David snorted. “There will be a war. Right here in the States. She won’t think it through. Her anger will lash out first and there will be collateral damage.” He leaned forward. “She has an Army of bitches who will follow her to hell and back without blinking. So, if the men try restraint, we’ll be overruled in a heartbeat. Mom is awesome and is all about pack, except if you’re in danger. Then she changes into someone else.” His gaze narrowed. “Kind of the same way you’d be if she was in danger.”

  Silas sat back so fast, his back hit the chair. The idea of his woman in any kind of danger unleashed his beast. He fought to regain control. When he could see past the red mist, he eyed his youngest pup.

  “Smart. And duly noted. I promise to think how I’d react if I were the one left behind. We don’t want a national crisis and I’d certainly start one if someone messed with my bitch, consequences be damned.” He nodded in appreciation. “Have you heard from Sarita lately?”

  “We communicate every day. She spent time with Hawke’s sister and has returned to her grandparents to finish school. She’s almost done.”

  “You’re good with that?” Silas wondered if he could have allowed Jasmine the same level of freedom and admitted his son was a better man than him in that regard. He couldn’t have done it.

  David smiled and it made him appear more his age. “Yes and no. I didn’t have a choice, the mating bug hadn’t bit before she left. As long as she’s committed to me, I’m okay.” His smile lingered a bit. “She’s worth it.”

  Silas had nothing to say to that and nodded. “Good. Your mom and I just want you to be happy.”

  David stood. “I know. It’s what we all want too.” He walked to the door. “Thanks for listening and understanding where I’m coming from. We all hope your trip will be short but things happen, so I prepare for the worse. In this situation, it’s a pissed off mate.”

  Silas nodded again, as he imagined his actions if Jasmine couldn’t communicate with him. Now her demand that someone she could talk to in case she couldn’t reach him made sense. “I’m always here for you and promise to listen. You have a unique perspective, like your mom.”

  “Thanks, Dad. That’s a great compliment.” He left the office. Silas sat back to think over what David said.



  “Where are you?”

  “Packing a few things for you, why?”

  “On my way.”

  Moments later he entered their bedroom, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. Immediately, he grew hard. “I love you,” he said simply.

  She rubbed his hands and leaned back against him. “I love you, too.” She turned slightly in his arms and returned his embrace. In a few words, he told her of his conversation with David.

  “Insightful,” she said after releasing a long sigh.

  He wasn’t surprised she didn’t deny anything. “One request.”

  “Another one?” she leaned back and met his gaze.


  They stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments.

  “What?” she said.

  “Don’t start a war.”

  “Define war.”

  “Jasmine. You know what I mean. If something happens to me, don’t retaliate against humans. That would break the Goddess’ mandate of remaining unseen.”

  Her lips curved as she continued staring at him.

  “Seriously Jasmine. Don’t start a war.”

  “If something happened to me and it was the humans,” she said using her fingers as quotations marks. “Would you violate the Goddess’ rule?”

  His body shuddered as he tried to keep his wolf under control. His eyes itched, no doubt changing colors at the very idea of his mate in danger.

  She snorted. “I didn’t think so.” Leaning forward, she traced a fingertip down his chest. “I promise I’ll only do what you’d do if the situation was reversed. Don’t ask me to be someone I’m not, we’re mated with the same set of rules, passions and commitments.” She pressed her finger into his chest. “Don’t insult me by asking me not to retaliate, as if my feelings are somehow less. I’ll blow those bastards up and become their worst fucking nightmare if something happens to you because of them. Now, if you have a problem with that, get over it.”

  He rubbed his chest and pulled her close. “I love it when you get all blood-thirsty and stuff.” He growled low in his chest and kissed her hard.

  Her fist tangled in his hair and pulled hard, tingles raced down his spine in anticipation as her kiss equaled his in ferocity. He loved when she forgot herself and let go. If he could bottle his feeling for this one moment in time when she held all of him in the palm of his hand, the sheer joy of being one with her, he’d do it in a fucking second. He relished the plushness of her body, neither big nor small, just perfect for him. Eager for more, eyes closed he wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled hers, inhaling deeply.

  Goddess, her scent set off firestorms of need in him. His cock hardened in recognition of her. Leaving small kisses on her neck, face and chest he pulled her tighter, wanting more contact, and yet needing to be flesh to flesh.

  She pushed back slightly, wearing a naughty grin that set his beast on fire. He pulled her shirt over her head and stared at her full mounds.

  Reaching behind, she deftly popped her bra open and slid it from her arms while watching him. His eyes dropped to her breasts.

  “Ah, Sweet Bitch, so fucking beautiful.” His heart slammed in his chest. His mouth watered as he dipped his head to capture the right nipple in his mouth. A jolt of sensation ripped through him at the taste and texture.

  She cried out as he dragged his teeth along the taut buds of her nipples, her hands grasped at his hair. He loved it. Would she demand he satisfy her now? Or would he be able to draw it out, taste more of her?

  His palm settled between her legs and pressed against her mound.

  She shuddered.

  His beast growled as he pushed her back, seconds later he removed the rest of their clothes. Naked to his touch, he brushed his lips against her nipples again. His palm returned to her mound, she was so wet, so hot, his fingers slid easily between her legs.

  Moans, music to him, slipped from her lips as her legs widened for better access. He caught sight of her wet pussy and pressed his fingers in deeper, and bringing out her ambrosia. Turning aside he sucked and licked his fingers clean. Desperate for more, he squeezed and kneaded her breasts as he slid down her body, with an eye on her glistening center.

  “Silas,” she moaned. Her hips writhing on the bed, he sensed her need. And he’d take care of it after.

  After he feasted on her sweetness. His chest expanded at the proof of her arousal, her need for him. This was all for him. Famished, he gave long, slow lick on her tender folds.

  She gasped and
grabbed his hair.

  Pleased she needed him for this, he continued drawing out more of her juices. She gasped when he latched onto her clit with his lips and then twirled his tongue up and down it, before giving it a hard suck.

  The hard yank on his hair, coupled with the scream that bounced against the walls egged him on. His cock throbbed with desire to fill her. To once again bring her pleasure that no one else could ever provide. He continued alternating suckling, licking while his fingers fucked her tight pussy.

  He didn’t want her to think about anything other than him, and the pleasure he gave her. She bowed up as her first orgasm stole her breath. Her walls tightened around his fingers. Once she stopped shaking he leaned forward to lick her sweet juices before they hit the sheets.

  “Mine,” he growled as he lapped every bit.

  Her thighs trembled against his cheek.

  Smug male satisfaction came over him that she responded to him this way, that he took her to the pinnacle and brought her such immense pleasure.

  “Always yours,” she murmured in a husky tone that shot to his cock. His mate was spectacular, so lusty and sensual. His soul craved her very essence. With one smooth move he was atop her, his leg pushing hers wider apart. She grabbed his cock, rubbed her thumb over the head and placed it between her legs. Her instructions were clear.

  He pushed forward, lifting her leg slightly so she could take all of him. It wasn’t until he was pressed against her that his beast reveled in their closeness. He paused to enjoy the feel of her tight tunnel holding him, then he withdrew slowly before thrusting back inside, taking her hard and deep the way she liked, no demanded, it. Over and over he thrust into her, her silken walls caressing and then tightening as her breath hitched.

  He was on fire for her.

  “Now, now,” she screamed.

  He lifted onto his hands and arched his back, increasing the pace. Her body shook, she was in the throes of ecstasy when he released a roar and shot into her tight sheath. Together they crested the waves of sweet bliss as his orgasm ripped through him, leaving him content and drained.



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