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The Highlander's Bargain

Page 19

by Barbara Longley

  He turned toward her hand and kissed the center of her palm. Relief and gratitude left him weak, and he took her hand in his. “I’ll walk with you to your chamber. We never did take our stroll to the loch.”

  “Another time.” She leaned into him as they made their way down the hall, and her warmth and presence calmed him immeasurably. Normally by this hour the halls would be pitch-dark, but someone had lit a number of torches to guide their way.

  “He’s going to live. That much I know for sure, but as far as how much damage was done to his brain, it’s too soon to say. I tried to do some healing. I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Maybe it helped.” Again she stroked his arm. “He spoke, and that’s encouraging.”

  “Still, I’ll have to take over his duties as seneschal, and only a fortnight remains until the faerie returns for me.” They reached her door. Facing the rest of the night without her in his arms was more than he could bear. “Lass, what am I tae do? My responsibilities to our clan weigh heavy, and if I dinna return the pensieve . . .” Guilt for the foolishness that had led him to this desperate place swamped him. He blew out a long breath and shook his head, staring mutely into her lovely eyes.

  The longing to lose himself in her arms, if only for the remainder of this one night, overwhelmed him. He couldn’t tear himself away if he tried. “You ken how I feel about you, aye?”

  She nodded and worried her lower lip between her teeth.

  His heart pounded, and he could scarce draw breath. He railed at fate, at himself, and regret for what they might never have ate at him from the inside out. “Though you dinna trust your own heart, I ken you care for me as well. What if all we have is the fortnight left to us?” He brushed his lips across her forehead. “One night in your arms, and I’ll die content, for you are and always will be the keeper of my heart, whether I die tomorrow or live another sixty years. You’ve captivated me from the start, Erin. I love you with all that I am.”

  “Oh, Rob,” she cried.

  “Without you beside me, I canna face what remains of this night.” He ran his hands up and down her back, drawing her closer. “Say you’re mine, mo anam. Say the words I long to hear so that I might possess some small portion of joy to sustain me.”

  “I love you. I didn’t want to, but I do.” She sniffed. “What are we going to do?”

  “Love each other.” His spirits soared to the heavens, and need ignited his blood. She loved him, and for the moment, naught else mattered. He opened her door and lifted her through. “And this time, I’ll no’ forget the latch.” He pushed the iron bar through its frame. Embers still glowed in the hearth, and someone had thought to bring food to her chamber. A covered tray and a goblet sat atop the small trunk. “Come, my love. See what there is to eat while I stir the fire back to life. I’m famished.”

  Erin uncovered the platter. “It’s the roasted pork and vegetables from earlier, plus some kind of berry tart.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” He moved the single chair so that it rested by the trunk. Taking a seat, he drew her down to his lap. “What shall you have first, my lady?” He drew his dagger from its sheath and speared a piece of meat. “Would you like a morsel of this fine roast Molly prepared for us?”

  She nodded and opened her mouth. He fed her. “It should always be thus, sweetling. Would that I be granted the honor of providing for you for the rest of a very long life together.”

  “I love the way you talk.” She sighed.

  “How I talk? Humph. I dinna take your meaning.”

  “Everything you say sounds like a love sonnet. Shakespeare has nothing on you.”

  “I dinna ken whom this Shakespeare fellow might be, but when it comes to you, my very breath is a testament to the love I bear you, lass. How is it you are no’ aware my heart beats solely for you?”

  “See?” She smiled, her eyes bright, and took the dagger from his hand. “Here, let me.” She cut a piece of the roast and fed it to him with her fingers, following the morsel with her own sweet lips.

  They fed each other and shared kisses until every bit of their meal had been consumed. Rob imagined this was their wedding night. They might not get another, unless . . . Thoughts crowded into his mind, and a way to at least ensure her future dawned. “What would you say to a handfasting between us?” He rubbed his thumbs over her palms.

  “I’ve heard the term, but I’m not clear on what it means. Is handfasting like getting engaged or betrothed?”

  “No’ exactly. We have no priest in residence, and with winter soon upon us, ’tis unlikely we’ll see one ere spring. The church has decreed handfasting to be as valid as the sacrament of marriage due to the remoteness of so many of our clans, because they dinna want couples living together in sin. A couple speaks their vows before God and witnesses, and the priest blesses the union come spring. ’Tis a wedding.”

  She tensed in his arms, and her parents’ unsavory past clouded her lovely green eyes. “Think, lass. You may never be able to return to your time. ’Twould be far better for you to be my widow than no’. Your place within my family would always be assured—until such time as you may choose to remarry.”

  His heart wrenched painfully. The thought of her with another man had him wishing for his claymore. He couldn’t stomach the notion of another man’s hands on his woman.

  “Rob, you know how I feel about marriage.” Her expression troubled, she rose from his lap and paced. “I—”

  “Think upon it. ’Tis all I ask.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Faith, lass, do ye no’ ken how already we turn to each other in times of trouble? Let me be your strength, as you are mine.”

  She sniffed and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Staring into the flames leaping in the small hearth, she frowned. “Your parents adore each other. Anyone can see that, especially after tonight. So do William and Lydia, but—”

  “Aye, as do Malcolm and True. ’Tis the way it should be. Did I no’ tell you so over and over?” The need to haul her into his arms nearly undid him, but he forced himself to remain seated. She needed to work through things on her own. “I’ll grant you this; no’ all marriages are happy within the nobility. Most are arranged for political or material gain. But because of William’s experience with first an arranged marriage, and then his second, he’s more amenable to let his kin make their own choices. Let me love you. For whatever time remains, let me be your husband.”

  “I’m not a virgin,” she said, shrugging slightly. “Does that bother you?”

  “Nay. I ken well enough virginity is no’ as highly regarded in your time as it is in mine. And besides, it’s ne’er seemed just that it should be thus for women and no’ for men.” His mouth quirked up. How long had she worried over this? “I’m no’ a virgin either. Does that bother you?”

  “Yes.” She flashed him a pointed look over her shoulder. “You know my history. Infidelity is a deal breaker.”

  His heart took flight at the fierce look of possessiveness on her beloved face. “Had I kent you existed, mo anam, I would have waited, and gladly so. But I despaired of ever finding you. ’Tis true, I sought comfort where I could.” He rose from his place and crossed the short distance to stand before her. “But I am a faithful man. There will never be another for me. I pledge my troth to you and you alone. Will you no’ do the same? Whatever may come, let us join our hearts together so that we face our fate united.”

  “OK,” she squeaked out, tears filling her eyes again. “I don’t want to lose you. Not ever. There has to be something we can do, right?”

  “Aye, but no’ this minute. This night let us consummate our bond.” He brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Let this be our wedding night, and on the morrow we’ll arrange to say our vows before our clan.” Tipping her chin up, he kissed her with every ounce of love he held for her in his battered heart.


  Awash in the tender adoration emana
ting from Robley, Erin melted into his kiss. A delicious shiver of need sluiced through her, heat following in its wake. Her wedding night. Never in a million years would she have believed she’d agree to marry anyone. But the man creating such havoc within her wasn’t just anyone. This was Robley of clan MacKintosh, the fifteenth-century knight who had stolen his way into her life and lodged himself deeply inside her heart and soul.

  For once she intended to let go of her fears, give herself completely and keep nothing back. She might not get another chance. These next two weeks might be all they ever had. Her chest ached. She raged against the circumstances threatening their happily-ever-after.

  Forcing it from her mind, she focused on the present. Tonight she’d love Robley like they had forever. She’d love him without regret or sadness.

  He nibbled his way down her neck to her collarbone. “Och, love, have you any idea how desperately I’ve longed to hold you in my arms like this?” He managed to untie the laces of her gown and help her out of the yards of wool. “From the very first moment I laid eyes upon you, I prayed you were meant for me.” His fingers trembled as he undid the ties holding her chemise. A look of awe filled his eyes as the garment slipped down her shoulders to the floor in a billowing puddle of linen at her booted feet. Except for the footgear, she stood naked before him, her nerves stretched taut. He sucked in a breath. His eyes darkened with approval as they roamed over her. She basked in it. “Turn around, lass,” he commanded in a husky voice that sent fresh shivers running through her.

  “What for?”

  “I want your hair free and flowing about your shoulders.” A grin broke free when his gaze met with her twenty-first-century footwear. “And then I’ll remove those boots.”

  She did as she was told, and flutters tripped through her each time his fingers brushed against her skin. Once her hair was free, he moved close and wrapped her in his arms. His erection pressed against her backside through his plaid, causing a throbbing ache in her core. She leaned into him, her knees going weak as he caressed her sensitive breasts. His breathing grew heavier, brushing against her skin, arousing her even more than she ever thought possible. It was all she could do to remain standing. One hand continued to stroke her breasts, while the other stole down to the junction of her thighs.

  “Open for me.” He pressed her into his groin and rocked his hips into her.

  Her own breaths came fast and shallow. She widened her stance, giving him access.

  “Och, lass.” Sliding his fingers into her, he found her clit with his thumb, rubbing it while making love to her with his fingers. “You’re so soft here, so hot and slick for me.” His movements became more frantic, and she moaned with pleasure.

  “Too fast.” Grunting, he took his hand away and turned her. “’Tis happening too fast, when what I want is to take my time with you.”

  “I don’t mind.” She ran her hands over his chest, working her way lower. “Really. But it’s not fair that I’m naked and you aren’t.” She unfastened the belt around his waist. His plaid, sporran and belt joined her chemise on the wooden planks. He was gloriously naked from the waist down. Her heart bounced to her fluttering stomach and back to her throat. With his help, she tugged his shirt off over his head.

  Ah. There they are. Those six-pack abs she’d always known were hidden beneath the sexy T-shirts he’d worn. Scars crossed his powerful shoulders and biceps, one made a diagonal ridge across his chest—from past battles?—and not an ounce of flab marred the perfect male landscape. Lean and muscled, Rob could’ve been a sculpture. He was a study in prime masculinity.

  Magnificent. No other word described him better, and she couldn’t keep her hands off of him to save her life. His skin was so hot and soft to her touch, except the wiry patch of hair on his chest. Caressing his pecs, she traced the scar there and stroked her way down to his abdomen, gratified when his muscles rippled and jumped under her fingertips. His shaft jerked, and a tiny droplet appeared at the tip. “We don’t have to take our time.” She raised her eyes to his, pleading.

  He let out a chuckle and held her at arm’s length. She scowled at him, too far gone in lust to wait much longer. What she wanted was to explore the rest of him, and he’d stopped her mid-quest.

  “Sit, love. I’ll remove those boots.”

  “Oh, all right,” she grumbled, doing as he asked. She held out one foot, then the other. Once the shoes were gone, he rose to tower above her, his expression turning fierce. Wave after wave of possessiveness and desire flowed from him to the very center of her being.

  “I claim you as my own. Before God, I am your husband; you are my wife.” He tilted her chin up so that he had her full attention. His blue eyes scorched her as they bored into hers. “Say it, Erin. Say the words. Make your vow to me now.”

  Her heart pounded so hard the sound echoed in her head. Blinking up at him, she parted her lips to speak, and couldn’t. She cleared her throat and sucked in a breath, steadying her nerves. “Before God, I am your wife,” she vowed in a quavering voice. “You are my husband.”

  All the air left her lungs, and she was left gasping for breath. Finally I find a man worth taking a chance on, and more than likely I’ll lose him in two weeks. If only this could last. She’d give anything to make it last, even the possibility of finishing her midwife certification. Had she been born under an unlucky-at-love star or something? Tears filled her eyes.

  “Dinna think on it, mo céile,” he gritted out. “I ken where your thoughts are taking you. Dinna fash about the future. This night is for naught but consummating our vows. ’Tis a precious gift indeed.”

  She nodded, pushing her grief to the far recesses of her mind. “You’re right. Sorry.”

  His eyes softened and then smoldered. He lifted her into his arms and laid her down on the narrow bed. Covering her with his heat and hardness, his bare skin against hers stole her ability to think at all. The sheer force of his physical reactions to her, the intensity of his feelings dizzied her senses. Arousal, love, possessiveness and passion swirled around and between them like a dust devil.

  “Mine,” he growled, before taking her mouth with a kiss so hungry and hot her heart forgot to beat. He raised himself on his elbows, and his eyes roamed over her. “I want to taste every inch of you, wife.” He nibbled her neck, working his way to her jaw. A rumbled purr vibrated from low in his chest.

  Breathless and needy, she pulled him close for a kiss. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, circling and sliding it against hers. He nudged her thighs apart with his knees and rocked there, teasing her with his erection. His hands and mouth left a trail of flame wherever they touched. She groaned, arching into him as he took a hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked. His callused palms ran down her sides, caressing, worshipping. He moved to her side, giving his hands better access to where she needed his touch the most.

  Oh, he had such talented fingers, and they drove her to the edge. She lifted her pelvis, seeking more pressure, desperate for release. “Don’t make me wait, Robley. Please . . .” She reached for him, stroking his length and absorbing his heat. He shuddered at her touch. Encouraged, she reached lower to cup him, caressing and loving him with her hands.

  “You are so beautiful, lass. The way you respond to my touch drives me mad with wanting you.” He groaned, trembling in her arms. Positioning himself between her thighs, he used one hand to guide himself in and filled her completely.

  Exquisite pleasure rolled through her, merging with his and increasing the sensations tenfold. She tightened around him, bereft when he pulled back, only to crest higher with his return. He took his time, and she rode the slow build toward ecstasy. “More. Faster,” she demanded.

  He answered her with a kiss, his tongue mating with hers, and his moan sluiced through her. She ran her hands over his perfect butt, savoring the tautness of every well-formed muscle. She continued to stroke up his back, over his shoulders and
along his biceps. Surrounded by his scent and heat, consumed by his passion, she lost herself in the glory of their lovemaking. All worry for the future, all the fears rooted in her past dissipated like so much mist before the brightness of the burning sun.

  His thrusts came faster, harder, and she met them, rising to the pinnacle of pleasure. She hovered for a second before her release sent wave after wave of glorious ecstasy rushing through her. Rob soon followed. Throwing his head back, he called her name just as his pulsing heat filled her. She took his full weight as he collapsed on top of her. Running her hands up and down his back, she soaked in the sated contentment flowing between them.

  “You were made for me, Erin of clan Durie. I felt it in my heart the moment I fell through time right into your arms.” Robley rolled to his side and drew her close. He ran his hands over her and nuzzled her temple. His satisfied sigh tickled her ear. “Dawn approaches, and we’ve much to do on the morrow. Sleep, my love.”

  Snuggling closer, she laid her head on his shoulder and yawned. Pleasurable aftershocks still pulsed through her veins. Rob’s love and his tender embrace cocooned her, and the heat radiating from his body lulled her into satiated drowsiness. “I love you, Robley,” she whispered.

  “And I love you,” he whispered back, and hugged her close. “We’ll find a way, Erin. We’ll find a way to defeat our foe.”

  Lord, she hoped so, because she didn’t think she’d survive the alternative.

  Erin awoke to the sound of frantic rapping on her door. Robley shifted beside her, his soft snores taking up where they’d left off once he settled again. “What is it?” she called softly. Her room was bathed in the soft light of early morning and tinged with pinks and golds.

  “Milady, True needs ye,” Beth called through the door. “Her water broke, and she labors.”


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