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Camping, Concealer and Criminals (A Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery Book 12)

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by Cindy Bell

  Camping, Concealer and Criminals

  A Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery

  Cindy Bell

  Copyright © 2014 Cindy Bell

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter One

  Bekki was looking forward to a very special weekend. Between her schedule, and her husband's schedule they rarely got an entire weekend to themselves. But this was that special weekend. Her best friend and colleague, Sammy, was going to cover the salon appointments so that Bekki could enjoy the weekend with her husband, Nick. Time alone with him was long overdue, and she had no plans. She was looking forward to sleeping in, snuggled up to Nick, and not worrying about him getting a last minute call on his cell phone. She knew how important his work was as a police detective and she didn't complain, but it would be nice to have a cell phone free weekend. She was perusing their options for restaurants on her computer when Nick walked into the house.

  “Hey, sweetie,” he smiled as she looked up at him with surprise.

  “Are you off already?” she asked hopefully and stood up to kiss him.

  “No, just had a few free minutes,” Nick explained as he pulled her close. “Only one place I actually want to be,” he added and kissed her once more.

  “I can't wait for this weekend,” Bekki admitted and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Me neither,” he said with a slow, sneaky smile. “I think you will be pleasantly surprised.”

  “What do you mean?” Bekki asked, raising an eyebrow. “Are you planning something?”

  Bekki waited as he looked gleefully into her eyes. She knew that he was hiding something big.

  “What are you up to, Nick?” Bekki asked as she crossed her arms.

  “It's a surprise,” he said. He tilted his head a little closer to hers and she could tell that he was thinking about kissing her.

  “No way,” she said and took a step back. “No loving until you tell me what you're keeping a secret.”

  “It's not a secret,” Nick frowned and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It's a surprise. There's a difference.”

  “Not in my book,” Bekki replied with a slight smile as he kissed her cheek. She snuggled against him, unable to resist.

  “You'll know soon enough,” he assured her.

  “How about now?” Bekki asked as she looked into his eyes.

  “Not yet,” he shook his head. His phone began to ring in his pocket. He pulled it out to answer it, but just the number on the front let him know it was important. “I've got to go in,” he grimaced. “Listen, I'll tell you everything in the morning,” he promised.

  “All right,” Bekki said reluctantly. She offered him a soft kiss before he pulled away and hurried out the door.

  Being married to a detective meant that sometimes she was saying goodbye a lot more often than hello. But, Bekki knew how important his job was, and how important it was to him. She could understand because she was very passionate about her work. She had taken over her mother’s beauty salon and was working as a hairstylist and make-up artist. Her passion for helping people discover their own beauty had taken her all the way to glamorous New York City. When her heart had been broken, it sent her all the way back to her roots. Now, back in her hometown she had made an entirely new life, with a husband she adored, a salon she could call her own, and nothing but opportunity in her future. And one pesky surprise to figure out.

  It wasn't that Bekki didn't like the fact that Nick had taken the time to plan a surprise, but that mischievous glint in his eyes left her feeling very nervous. It wasn't her birthday, or any other holiday. She couldn't think of what he might be planning. Bekki picked up her phone and dialed Sammy.

  “Do you know what Nick is up to?” she asked before her friend could even say hello.

  “Uh, huh?” Sammy stammered out. She was closing the salon that night, and Bekki realized she was probably very busy.

  “Do you need any help closing?” she asked.

  “No, I'm just about done,” Sammy replied with relief in her voice.

  “Oh good,” Bekki cleared her throat. “So, do you know what Nick is up to?” she pressed.

  “Oh Bekki,” Sammy groaned. She was a terrible liar. Something that Bekki used to her advantage on occasion. “I can't say,” Sammy said sternly.

  “Why not?” Bekki asked impatiently. “I can't stand waiting until he gets home to find out.”

  “Bekki, I think you're forgetting again that Nick is the detective,” Sammy replied with a laugh.

  “I'm not forgetting,” Bekki sighed. “That's all the more reason for me to know what is happening.”

  “Why?” Sammy asked.

  “Because I may never get it out of him. What if it's something I won't like, Sammy? What if it's something I will hate? How can I act happy and surprised if I don't know what it is ahead of time?”

  Sammy was silent for a few moments. Each second that slid by made Bekki more certain of two things. Whatever Nick was planning, Sammy knew about. Whatever he was planning, was something that Bekki would want to avoid.

  “All right, Sammy, out with it,” she said with a sigh. “You know that you can never keep anything from me. You might as well give in now!”

  Sammy groaned again. “Nick will be so mad if I tell you the truth,” Sammy pouted.

  “Nick will be more upset if he surprises me with something and I have the wrong reaction,” Bekki pointed out. “Honesty is important, but so is not causing hurt feelings by accident. I was looking forward to a lazy weekend, is he planning something I'll need to shop for?”

  “Well,” Sammy hesitated once more. Then she rushed forward. “It's not going to be lazy, but I highly recommend shopping.”

  “Shopping for what?” Bekki asked. She was starting to feel a little excited. “Swimsuits? Evening gowns? Lingerie?” she finished in a sing-song voice.

  “Bug spray,” Sammy replied flatly.

  “I'm sorry, what did you just say?” Bekki asked with a short laugh. “I thought I heard you say bug spray.”

  “That's because I did say bug spray,” Sammy admitted. “I don't want to ruin Nick's surprise, Bekki, but I also know you're not going to be thrilled about it.”

  “What exactly is it?” Bekki asked reluctantly. She already didn't like the idea of bug spray. She was hoping that maybe it was an evening hike, or a mo
vie at the park.

  “Camping,” Sammy squeaked out. “I tried to talk him out of it, but he kept insisting that you would love it because of how much you love seeing the stars.”

  “Yes, I like the stars,” Bekki breathed out as she attempted to control her reaction. “From the bed of a nice warm truck, or the porch close to my cozy bed. I'm not so sure if I'd love them if I was trying to sleep in the great outdoors.”

  “I know, I know,” Sammy sighed. “I tried to talk him into something else, but he was so excited and even arranged for your mom to run the salon and invited Morris and me. Of course when Morris heard about it, he was over the moon with the idea. I don't mind camping so much,” she lowered her voice slightly. “But the woods are so creepy at night, don't you think?”

  “I think they're creepy and crawly,” Bekki cringed. “Full of bugs!”

  “Like I said, bug spray,” Sammy sighed. “But promise you won't tell him I told you. He'll be so disappointed.”

  “I'll do my best,” Bekki promised her before hanging up the phone. She sank down into one of the chairs at the dining room table and tried to process what Sammy had just revealed. Her lazy, cozy weekend had just been transformed into the stuff of nightmares. But she knew, that for Nick, she would find a way to enjoy it.

  Chapter Two

  “Rise and shine, gorgeous,” Nick said. He leaned down to kiss Bekki on the forehead. Bekki opened her eyes. She had been awake for at least an hour, anticipating this moment when she would have to act as excited as possible.

  “What, why?” she protested. “Can't we just stay here and snuggle?” she suggested. “We have nowhere to be.”

  “Ah, but that's where you're wrong,” Nick said cheerfully. “We have somewhere very special to be.”

  “Oh?” Bekki sat up in bed and searched his eyes. “Where?” He stared at her for a long moment. His eyes narrowed slightly. “Nick?” she asked as she waited expectantly.

  “She told you, didn't she?” he asked.

  “Hmm?” Bekki asked, her eyes widening.

  “Don't hmm me,” Nick said gruffly as he flopped down on the bed beside her. “I knew Sammy wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from you.”

  “Well, she is my best friend,” Bekki reminded him.

  “Oh well,” Nick sighed and turned over on his side so he could look into her eyes once more. “So, are you excited about it?” his eyes sparkled.

  “I bought bug spray!” Bekki said and picked up a small plastic bag from beside the bed. Nick grinned.

  “I knew you would be thrilled,” he said happily.

  Bekki continued to smile. She was smiling so much her cheeks hurt. Nick was bustling about gathering the things they would need. Bekki was very tempted just to lay back down against the soft caress of her pillows. Instead, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and forced herself to stand up. She was determined to enjoy the weekend, after all Nick had always made an effort to be involved in her interests, she could do the same for him.


  Once Bekki was dressed and packed she walked into the living room just as Morris and Sammy were arriving.

  “Morning, Bekki!” Sammy cried out. “Surprise!” she added.

  Nick glowered at her and raised an eyebrow. “Surprise?” he asked with a playful smile.

  “Oh, you told him,” Sammy sighed.

  “He's a good detective,” Bekki moaned and then winked at Nick.

  “It doesn't matter now,” Nick said with a smile. “We'll be on the road soon. Morris, will you help me load up this equipment?” he requested.

  “Want some coffee, Sammy?” Bekki offered. Sammy nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

  “Was he mad?” she asked in a whisper as Bekki poured her a cup of coffee.

  “No, you know Nick, he never stays mad long,” Bekki grinned and handed Sammy the cup. “I bought plenty of bug spray, and I'm going to make my best effort to have a good time.”

  “Well good, we can make that best effort together,” Sammy smiled.

  “I thought you didn't mind camping?” Bekki asked.

  “I don't,” Sammy shrugged. “A little time outdoors can be very refreshing. But, I prefer camping in a cabin, where I can have a lantern on all night if I like. We're really roughing it, Morris and Nick are packing tents and we're going to one of the rustic campsites.”

  “Rustic?” Bekki cringed. “I'm not liking the sound of that.”

  “Not liking the sound of what?” Nick asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Oh,” Bekki's eyes widened. “Just the idea that the weekend is only two short days,” she smiled.

  Nick smiled at her. The way he held her eyes let her know he knew that she was hiding something, but he let it go and hugged her.

  “Ready to start our amazing weekend together?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” Bekki smiled in return.


  Bekki smushed her way into the backseat of the SUV between an extra sleeping bag and Nick. She didn't mind being tucked so close, and from the way he curled his arm around her she was guessing that he didn't mind either. Morris started the engine and backed out of the driveway.

  “Let's listen to this,” Sammy said and slid a CD into the radio. As soon as the music started Nick groaned.

  “Nope, no way,” he tried to reach forward and eject the CD.

  “Nick, it's Morris' car,” Bekki reminded him as she tried to suppress a giggle. She knew that Nick was not a fan of country music.

  “I think we should listen to it,” Morris said boldly, though he glanced in the rear view mirror at Nick.

  “Right answer, Morris,” Nick winked at him and settled back against his seat. Nick was a superior when they were working, but this was not work, this was a camping trip, and Morris was holding the keys.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” Sammy said and kissed his cheek before turning the music down a few notches.

  Bekki nestled close to Nick. Nick wrapped his hand around hers as the music swelled, in a ballad about love and loss.

  “Well, I guess this isn't so bad,” Nick sighed as he looked into Bekki's eyes.

  “Not bad at all,” she agreed and gave his hand a light squeeze. She tried to keep a cheerful attitude, but she was not looking forward to the trip at all. Bugs in general were an issue. Then there was the lack of electricity. Bekki was used to her beauty rituals each morning, and not having the tools to do them was going to be a little rough on her.

  It's only two days, she reminded herself and forced a smile back onto her lips. She closed her eyes and tried to think of all the good things about the trip. Snuggling by the campfire with Nick. Spending time with her closest friend in the world, and getting to know Morris better since it looked as if he was very important to Sammy and would be for some time.

  “Wow, this is so familiar,” Nick said as he rolled the window down. He took a deep breath of the humid air. “This is the same route we would take when we went camping with the Boy Scouts,” he explained.

  “You were a boy scout?” Bekki grinned and raised an eyebrow. “With the uniform and the patches…”

  “Don't tease,” Nick said sternly. “I took it very seriously.”

  “I'm sorry,” Bekki said quickly, thinking she had genuinely offended him.

  “I'm just kidding,” Nick laughed. “I mean it was important to me, but only because it was time away from the rest of the world. There is something so soothing about being out in the middle of the woods, cut off from everything modern, isn't there?” he glanced over at Bekki. She swallowed thickly.

  “Sure,” she nodded a little and glanced out through her window. What she saw was breathtaking. The higher they climbed up the mountain the more lush the foliage was around them. The rich green trees towered much higher than any did in town. There were no longer buildings scattered amidst the trees. Instead there were only ponds and streams nestled just beyond the tree line.

  Bekki was growing more and more uneasy with her surroundin
gs. She willed herself to feel excited, but each passing empty field made her stomach sink a little further. She had loved the big city for all of its bustle and culture, but she could appreciate her small town for its history and unique offerings. She couldn't think of anything the least bit redeeming about being stuck out in the woods. Until she glanced over at Nick, who was smiling wistfully as he gazed out at the thickening trees. Instantly, Bekki felt her heart soften to the idea of camping. If Nick could love it, she could find a way to love it, too.

  Chapter Three

  When they arrived at the campsite which Nick had chosen, Bekki was quite underwhelmed. It was nothing more than a clearing with an area for a fire in the middle. There were a few tree trunks arranged around it as a seating area, but absolutely nothing else. She stepped out of the SUV and directly into a swath of mud. As she tugged her foot out of the mud, Nick stepped out behind her, easily avoiding the mud.

  “Isn't this amazing?” Nick asked as he took a deep breath of the mountain air. Bekki followed suit, and did find the crisp air to be exhilarating.

  “It's a nice change,” Morris called out as he was unloading the equipment from the back of the SUV.

  “Let me help,” Nick said as he walked over to him. Bekki scraped the mud off the bottom of her boot the best she could and glanced up at Sammy with a wry smile.

  “It's only a weekend,” Sammy whispered to Bekki. “You will survive.”

  “I hope so,” Bekki whispered back and the two shared a short laugh. Then they set about grabbing the extra supplies from inside the SUV.

  “We should have one of those races,” Sammy suggested in an attempt to brighten Bekki's mood.

  “Races?” Bekki asked skeptically.

  “You know the ones where the couples have to race to see who can get their tents up first,” Sammy smiled. “Whoever loses has to get the firewood!”


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