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When Darkness Reigns

Page 9

by Trina M. Lee

  Nova leaned against the driver’s door, arms crossed. Wings, horns, and other demon vestiges hidden from sight, he appeared human. But he felt like an incubus powerhouse.

  “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Nova’s red eyes glinted in the streetlight, the only obvious sign that he was more than human.

  Twirling my car keys on a finger, I tilted my head, motioning for him to get out of my way. “You don’t think it’s a good idea to find out what she wants and stop her from getting it? I’d think The Circle would appreciate that kind of proactive approach.”

  “The Circle sees you as an asset, Alexa. They don’t want to lose you because of some washed up demon queen in denial. If I were you, I’d let Falon find his own way out. He’s not helpless without you.” Not for a minute did Nova care about what Falon might be going through. The two of them had never seemed to like one another much.

  “Do you and the rest of The Circle’s powers-that-be not realize that Lilah is not just a threat to Falon and me but to this entire city? And if she manages to tap into all that power locked away in her empire, with Salem at her side, she’ll be a danger to the whole goddamn world. Is that of no concern to any of you?” I stared at him, aghast at what I heard. I’d learned by now not to be surprised by demons’ lack of empathy. Still it never ceased to amaze me just how cold and unfeeling they could be.

  Nova stared down his angular nose at me, unmoved by my outburst. “The Circle is keeping tabs on Lilah and Salem. The smartest thing you could do right now is go home, ward your house, and stay there.”

  Had this demon lost his ever-loving mind?

  My frown deepened in judgmental wonder. “Ok, that’s just about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Lilah and Salem are twin flames. In case you haven’t noticed, so are Arys and me. I may not be an immortal, but I have something she doesn’t. Two things in fact. Three if you want to include sanity.” My restored balance had to mean something, compared to the off-kilter darkness the two of them were spiraling headlong into.

  “Speaking of which, have you considered that all of this commotion could be avoided simply by giving Shya to Lilah? She would have no reason to look in your direction anymore.” Nova shifted from foot to foot as I drew closer to the car. Beneath his warrior garb his shoulders stiffened.

  Subtle enough body language but it still seemed strange. What was his deal?

  I took another step toward him and immediately the frequency of his aura shifted. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that Nova was trying to shield out any and all of my succubus vibes.

  “For one, you’re wrong. People like Lilah don’t get bored, and they don’t give up. Giving Shya to her only brings her one step closer to getting what she really wants. Access to all that power trapped in her kingdom. Is that what you want?”

  Another slow step brought me closer. Again he tensed, like he was wary of me. I’d given him no reason. Besides I couldn’t really hurt him even if I tried.

  “Nova, what’s your problem? You seem a little jumpy tonight.”

  “My only problem is how much time I had to take out of my night to come and mindwash a bunch of your club patrons into forgetting the demon raid they witnessed. A raid that never would have happened if you’d handed Shya over.” Holding up a hand to stop my forward motion, Nova seemed conflicted. He wanted to keep me at a distance, but he didn’t want to give me access to the car.

  Since this conversation was going in circles, my impatience mounted. “Sounds like you have somewhere else to be. So do I. Move aside and we can both be on our way.”

  Nova stood his ground, keeping me at arm’s length. “Don’t let this fling with Falon make you do something stupid. You’re smarter than that. He’s not worth the risk.”

  Immediately my hackles raised. Nothing got me on the defensive as fast as an outsider giving unsolicited opinions on my personal life. Nova hadn’t earned the right to tell me who was or was not worthy of my time and concern.

  “I don’t think my so-called fling with Falon is any of your damn business.” Eyes narrowed, I scrutinized Nova, seeking the source of his apparent discomfort. Was it really me?

  “Yeah, well, The Circle makes that kind of thing their business, and if it doesn’t come from me, it will come from someone else. Trust me, you don’t want that.” Nova watched me warily, uneasy with my proximity.

  I never moved, never tried to touch him. I just let a little erotically charged power slip free like a burst of aroma carried on the breeze. Nova’s pupils dilated. His gaze slipped to my cleavage. Too easy.

  “Don’t worry, Nova. This thing with Falon, it’s not contagious. You won’t catch his addiction to me. I mean, that is why you’re being so weird, isn’t it? I can feel how hard you’re shielding. Usually you’re falling all over yourself to get a taste of me.” If I hadn’t been in such a hurry, I’d have found the whole thing amusing.

  “Simply playing it safe. Of course I’m still tempted, but I’ve learned that getting the full succubus queen experience comes at a price that I’m not too keen on paying.” Now that I’d called him out, Nova stood his ground, unflinching as my tendril of sensuality drifted around him.

  “No worries,” I assured him, letting just a little more power slip. “You were never on my radar anyway. Now if you don’t mind, I’m leaving.” I came at him, ready to move him out of my way using any means necessary.

  Because the incubus couldn’t help but want that which he should never have, Nova surrendered and moved aside. “I don’t know if you’re in love with Falon or if he’s just your lapdog,” Nova said from behind me as I swung the car door open. “But he’s an immortal, and you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger. The Circle is watching. Don’t give them a reason to get involved.”

  Our relationship was under scrutiny. What else was new?

  I didn’t owe an explanation to anyone, least of all a bunch of faceless higher ups that sent messages through Nova. “The Circle can stay the hell out of my personal life and let me do my job. Because if Lilah kills me, she’ll be The Circle’s problem.” Without another word I closed the door, turned the engine, and peeled out of the lot with a squeal of tires.

  Organizations like The Circle of the Veil were neither friend nor foe. I knew better than to believe they needed me any more than I needed them. Once we stopped benefiting one another, our arrangement would change in a heartbeat.

  I could worry about that if I managed to survive tonight.


  I drove right up to the house. No point trying to sneak up. Lilah knew I was coming.

  While Shya’s house was vacant, Gabriel had stayed there, so the place was relatively well cared for. Unfortunately for Gabriel, he’d have to move out for good soon. This house wasn’t safe anymore. Not that it ever had been.

  Before I’d even gotten out of the car, half a dozen demons surrounded it. A few of them had attended the raid on my club, some still weakened.

  Could I blast them all simultaneously? I was up for finding out.

  I got out of the car, my fingertips buzzing with the energy I called. Directing the flow, I hit each of them at once. I could feel Arys there in my head, present but remaining a quiet passenger to keep from being a distraction.

  Two demons hit the ground in an explosion of limbs before disappearing back to the other side. Three others vanished, probably seeking backup. That left me with one. He regarded me uncertainly, uneasy at being left alone with me.

  “I’m not here for you,” I said, giving him an out, wondering how loyal he was to Lilah. “Leave now on your own or leave the way those other two did. Looked painful to me.”

  The guy hesitated for the slightest moment.

  Enough for me. I let him have it.

  Lilah appeared on the front step in time to watch her demonic minion explode. Her metaphysical presence was huge, reminding me that I couldn’t afford to waste energy on lackeys. I too had a limit, and I didn’t plan on allowing Lilah to figure out what th
at might be.

  “You’re late,” she observed coolly. Draped in a purple robe, her vibrant ginger hair tumbled in loose curls over her shoulders. A hand on a hip, she glared down at me with raw hostility. “Which gave me more time to pump Falon for information. Spoiler alert. He hasn’t cracked yet. So are you here to spring him or to join him?”

  I choked on the urge to tell her to go fuck herself. Poker face, don’t fail me now. “I want to see him. Then we’ll talk about Shya.”

  The stare off that ensued tested my resolve. Eyes narrowed, Lilah made me sweat it out for what felt like a solid two minutes.

  “Sure, why not?” She even shrugged. “I want you to see how much he’s taken for you. It’s incredibly romantic for a man that can’t even love. You have done one hell of a number on him. Nice job.”

  Without giving me a chance to bite back at her, Lilah shoved the front door open and entered the foyer. Following her up the stairs and into the house, I braced myself. As expected I was immediately jumped by two demons, one on either side, my arms pinned behind my back.

  I never had a chance to fight them off before Lilah was there, pressing her palm to my forehead. The swell of her darkness was suffocating, fire and brimstone, a noxious substance that had me reeling. My mouth opened in a silent scream as she stripped a layer of my power away. Alarm sang through my head but it wasn’t mine. All I knew was pain.

  Then it was gone. Lilah stepped away and waved a hand for her demons to release me before wiping her palm on her robes. Like she couldn’t stand the way my power had felt either.

  Weakened and momentarily disoriented, I fell to my knees. “Cheap tactic, bitch,” I muttered, a hand going to my throbbing temple.

  “Can’t blame me for not taking any chances.” She regarded me with utter disdain. Turning on a heel, she strode into the living room. “Get up, Alexa. We have business to attend to.”

  Gritting my teeth, I shoved to my feet, trying to quell Arys’s worry by proving I was fine. Sure, totally fine. With concentration I remained on my feet well enough to follow her, feeling like I might collapse any second. She hadn’t left me a lot to work with. I felt weak as a human. Tapping Arys and my vampires might still be possible, but if I wasn’t strong enough to control the force, it would be a wasted effort.

  The moment I stepped into the room and my gaze landed on Falon, my dark half’s voice urgently filled my head. ‘Do not let her see you react. She’s seeking weakness. If she thinks he’s one of yours, she owns you. Whatever she does to him, you can’t care. Not in front of Lilah.’

  If anyone understood the desires of the Dark Flame, it would be Arys. Showing weakness in front of any foe was a mistake. In front of someone like Lilah, it would be a death sentence.

  Why Shya had chosen white when he redecorated this place, I’d never know. Falon knelt on the bloodstained carpet near the fireplace. Hands tightly bound behind him, the flesh of his wrists sizzled from the silver restraints.

  Damn, this woman played dirty.

  Blood dripped from numerous cuts and gashes marring Falon’s perfect face. Both eyes, his jaw, and the bridge of his nose bloomed in purple, blue, and black, too many shades to count. His wings sagged against the floor, marred with splotches of red. He’d been beaten, cut and burned, most likely with silver. All within an hour.

  Still he held his head high, ready for more.

  Our eyes locked. Furious defiance burned in Falon’s gaze. I could almost feel him thinking the same thoughts at me as Arys. Show nothing.

  “There, you’ve seen him,” Lilah said, nodding toward Falon. “Now where’s Shya?”

  On shaky legs I pushed forward, coming to a stop near the couch in the middle of the room. That couch had many tales to tell. It put me about equal distance from Falon and Lilah, allowing me to keep them both in my view.

  She stood back near the kitchen, hovering on the edge of the large living room. A few demons flanked her, looking like something the cat dragged in.

  Why wasn’t Salem here?

  It took more effort than it should have to fish the fake stone from my pocket. Pissing her off as soon as I arrived while incredibly weakened probably wasn’t the brightest move. But fuck it, I was pissed off too. If she decided to kill me, I’d be helpless to stop her. So I had to trust that she needed Shya badly enough to keep me alive.

  I turned the stone over in my hand, noting how her gaze followed the motion. “What do you need Shya for? Because we both know you don’t miss having him around. Or do you?”

  “That’s really none of your damn business. I need him and I’m finished waiting.” She snapped her fingers and her lackeys launched into action.

  Before they could grab me, I tossed the stone onto the couch. A fake would tick her off, but if it worked as Gabriel said, then maybe it would weaken her and level the playing field. Holding my breath when one of her guys moved to snatch it from the cushion, I waited to see what happened.


  His hand closed around it and nothing happened. Lilah’s outstretched arm greeted him when he turned around. Across the room Falon watched through swelling eyes, brows knit as he tried to figure out my tactic. He knew I’d never bring the stone here.

  The fake stone dropped into Lilah’s open palm. Nothing happened.

  At first.

  Then it started to glow, an orange light that grew brighter. Lilah yelped and tried to shake it off. The stone refused to be dropped. The more she fought to release it, the brighter the glow became.

  “What the fucking hell?” Voice shrill with rising panic, Lilah thrust her hand at a waiting demon. “Get this thing off me.”

  The small stone had doubled in size, and I realized it was draining her power. A slow drain but a drain nonetheless. The demon attempted to pry it from her palm, but that only sped up the process.

  “I cannot believe how useless you are,” she hissed, flinging him aside with her other hand. Then she rounded on me, eyes blazing. “Do you think you can win this with some cheap parlor trick? I will destroy you.”

  “But then you’ll never find Shya. We’re the only two who know his location.” I didn’t dare let my gaze wandered to Falon. Injecting as much venom as I could into my scowl, I gave Lilah my best bring-it-on stare.

  Her demons glanced at me helplessly, like they felt as useless as she claimed them to be. The stone glowed brighter as Lilah struggled to free herself from it. Panic had her unable to think clearly as she blasted it with her own counterattack. In a surge of desperation she dug deep, pulling on that twin flame essence. Gabriel’s stone shattered into several tiny pieces that flew in every direction, nailing most of us with a few painful little pellets.

  I watched Lilah closely, trying to assess how much, if any, the stone had managed to weaken her. Though unhurt she seemed awfully frazzled and furious. Maybe Falon and I could work with frazzled. Most people didn’t do well in such a mindset.

  “Grab her. Put her on her knees facing him. Not too close.” Lilah barked the instructions at the hapless demons.

  They rushed to obey, tripping over one another in their haste to grab hold of me. Where did she even find these guys? Don’t get me wrong, every demon was a threat that should be taken seriously, but on a scale of not so bad to absolutely terrifying, these guys didn’t even register on the bottom rung.

  I was jostled and dragged across the room. Shoved down onto my knees facing Falon, about six feet separating us, they tightly bound my wrists as well. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think Lilah was absolutely terrified of me. I’d barely lifted a finger, and she’d pulled out every stop to strip my defenses down.

  I shoved that idea away, another thought I could assess later. If I was still alive.

  Arys remained a silent bystander within my head, but I felt him there, ready to make a move the second he deemed it time. Across from me Falon exuded arrogant apathy. I hoped I could remain so stoic; I knew what was coming.

  After allowing herself a moment to gather her composure
, Lilah came to stand next to us. She remained at a slight distance, where she could watch everything.

  “Now, Alexa, I’m going to ask you again about Shya, and for each time you don’t give me an honest answer, Forest here is going to break one of Falon’s bones. It might be a little one or it might be a big one. We’ll find out together.” With a smug smile in place, Lilah scrutinized us each in turn. “Honestly, I’m shocked you allowed him to violate you like that. To mark you like property. Like a branded animal.” Like any good demon worth their weight in brimstone, Lilah sought a way to get inside my head. “I know the sex is good, but I didn’t think it was that good.”

  Her ploy didn’t work. My laughter stole her smile away, replacing it with an analytical frown. “Maybe the problem was you,” I offered pleasantly. “I’m a succubus. It’s only good for me if it’s good for him, so it’s always good for him. But hey, I’m sure you excel in other areas. Torture for instance. As I see I’m about to find out.”

  In a fit of fury Lilah smashed a fist into a fancy vase on the mantle, causing it to shatter over the hearth. “Tell me where Shya is.”

  Falon and I exchanged a look. A smirk caused a cut on his lip to bleed again. He didn’t have to say a word. Neither did I. We made our choice. We wouldn’t give the bitch a damn thing.

  When we volunteered nothing Lilah waved a hand. Forest stepped up behind Falon, grasped two of his fingers, and snapped them backward. Falon clenched his teeth but otherwise didn’t react.

  My blood boiled as I choked on my rage. “Maybe if I understood why you need Shya, I’d be more inclined to give him to you. Did you ever consider that? Civility can get you a long way.” Knowing that backup was coming brought both relief and worry. I didn’t want them joining in this little torture session.

  “Don’t give me that crap. Nothing about this is civil. It’s not too late to save your own ass. We can strike a deal. Give me Shya and I forget you even exist.” She said it like it was a deal that I should take, something that would benefit me greatly. But demons didn’t make deals like that unless they were desperate.


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