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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Seeing as nothing is burning or shattering, I'm assuming our Crimson is back," Malachi theorized.

  I blushed at his use of 'our,' unsure when I'd been claimed as one of them, but I decided to go along with it anyway. Even if I could only pretend to be a part of something like this for a short period of time, then I would at least know how it felt to belong in a group.

  "Burning and shattering? Malachi, how did you find me?" I asked.

  He gave me a smile and his expression softened.

  "I had a hunch you'd come here. I got your address from Mr. Bipolar and ran there to see if you'd gone home, but you weren't there. This was the only other place I could think of," Malachi confessed.

  "You ran all the way to my house?" I was astonished to hear he’d gone that far on foot and then came all the way back here, wherever here was.

  "I was worried. We realized something must have triggered Storm's essence inside you and the power took over. I just didn't want you getting hurt. The others are looking around too. I should tell them you’re okay."

  He pulled out his phone, quickly tapped on the screen and lifted the black device to his ear.

  "Hey. I found her. Ya, she's okay. Just looks really tired. Uru's here too. No luck, huh? Sleeping outside sounds lovely. We'll figure it out. We'll make our way back and meet you at the intersection in front of the train station. Okay. Sayonara." Malachi sighed, slipping the phone back into his pocket.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  He gave me a sad smile. "Guess your so-called Dad has some quick connections," Malachi replied, sitting next to me.

  "What do you mean?"

  "We've called every hotel in Nokamato and it seems every one of them is full for the night. In fact, they are all booked for the rest of the week." Malachi leaned back against the bench, looking at Uru who sat up.

  "This has to be some type of joke right? There's absolutely no way that EVERY hotel is booked. They don’t even fill up during the summer festivals and international parades," I huffed.

  "We know. Guess your dad doesn't like us very much. He also probably didn’t like it when you defended us and shattered the windows," he revealed.

  My eyes went wide as my jaw dropped. What does he mean shattered the windows?

  Malachi noticed my stunned expression and a playful grin formed on his face.

  "I'll explain in a second. Urufu?" Malachi called out to my familiar who hopped up and down on the rock awaiting his words.

  "You can go fly around for a bit. We're gonna rest for a few," he told her.

  She tilted her head and looked to me. "Woof?"

  "She'll be with me. I'll make sure she's safe. Go enjoy the night air," Malachi reassured.

  "Woof!" Urufu jumped off the rock excitedly and then her body was immersed in a white glow.

  When the glow dimmed, a white owl emerged, flapping her wings as her pink eyes stared at us. I watched her in awe and was impressed that she could actually change into anything she wanted. I remembered Storm telling me how her second favorite form was an owl.

  "Hoot!" she exclaimed, shooting up into the sky.

  "She likes flying around whenever we come here. She just didn't want to leave you alone," Malachi explained.

  I heard the sadness in his voice, which made me understand why Uru stayed.

  "She doesn't want me disappearing like Storm?" I asked in a hushed tone as if the words were forbidden.

  Malachi simply nodded, then turned away to stare out at the lake before us. His face grew serious. "We haven't got time to explain everything to you about how someone's essence can affect an individual if the transfer is successful. We don't trust anyone on the Council yet, and that includes your 'boyfriend.' Until we had a minute to figure everything out, we couldn't say anything more than what we’d already told you."

  I nodded, urging him to continue.

  He looked up to the sky, deep in thought. "If someone survives the transfer of another person's essence and magic, the previous owner can take control for short periods of time. Most of the time, it’s triggered by something. For example, if the previous magician hated a certain phrase or disliked when people looked down on them, it could trigger in the new person."

  "So in this case, Storm was triggered back at the house because..." I trailed off as I tried to remember what happened after my father announced the guys were no longer welcome.

  "You just stood there. Aki was about to say something, but then everything went one-hundred-eighty and the room became really hot. All of us could sense magic exploding off you and that's when the vase cracked and shattered, then the windows began to rattle until they shattered too. Oh, and the flowers in the living room caught fire. And by the time Storm said her piece, the living room was well...not really visitor worthy. We ditched before the other visitors arrived. Don't know what excuse he’s gonna use, but he looked really pissed off." Malachi turned his head to face me.

  "I guess he's gonna tell the visitors it was my fault," I mumbled.

  Malachi laughed. "Hell no. You’re his so-called daughter with no magic. How could you possibly destroy all the glass and cause a fire in such a short time? And the living room reeks of strong magic usage. He can't blame you or it would contradict what he's used as a sympathy card for all these years."

  "What happened after that?" I asked, wondering where James had gone.

  "After that, we tried looking for you because it's not safe for you to be alone. We don't know if anyone else knows that Storm's essence is inside of you. If the same people who killed Storm find out, they'll be after you," Malachi warned.

  "Oh," I replied, frowning that he was so concerned about Storm’s essence. Why am I depressed about that?


  I looked back up to see Malachi with a grim expression. "We were worried about YOU, Crimson Arashi. Just because we just met, doesn't mean we can't worry about you," Malachi emphasized.

  I nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'm not used to people worrying about me. If they do, they usually have an ulterior motive, from what I’ve seen.”

  "We're here for multiple reasons, Crimson. But we will protect you because we want to. I'm not obligated to. When Storm died, we had yet to be assigned and with the investigation going on, I doubt we will be for a good while. Until then, I'm free and do what I want. So, I'll stick around," he announced, as he put his hands behind his back and relaxed.

  "You're really laid back," I pointed out.

  "I'll take that as a compliment. I try to be. Not good to be all serious like Aki and Quillian. They’re getting wrinkles." Malachi turned his head to wink at me.

  I laughed. "They don’t look like they have wrinkles."

  "You have to go up REAL close. Trust me, they're there."

  "You're gonna get wrinkles eventually when you get old," I reminded him.

  "Nah, Hottie. You see, black don't crack. I'll be one hundred twenty years old and still be looking sexy like a caramel chocolate bar." He grinned flirtatiously.

  "Caramel? Hate to break it to you, Hottie McHot Pants, but that's not happening," I teased, randomly thinking of the nickname.

  "Hottie McHot Pants? Did my pants catch fire or is it because my hot sexiness is too sizzling for you?" He winked, giving me a seductive look.

  I laughed even harder, tears forming in my eyes. "You wish you were sizzling hot with a pinch of sexy. Let's stick with regular milk chocolate hotness," I settled.

  "Aww. That doesn't sound as epic as Hottie McHot Pants, but I'll accept a compromise for now." Malachi grinned, staring back at the lake.

  I smiled, following his gaze. I felt the tension of the night leave my shoulders, but with that came the realization of how tired I was. I gripped the jacket that rested on my shoulders, enjoying the soft cherry blossom scent that lingered on it. I never expected a guy to wear a cologne that smelled like cherry blossoms, but I loved the aroma.

  We sat in silence, both deep in thought. The same image of Storm flickered in my mind again and I
had to blink back tears.

  What would it feel like to be dead and realize your death was for nothing? To come to the conclusion that you could have been spared. She could have been with her group of men that loved her wholeheartedly and continued her duty in trying to bring peace to our lands. But instead, she was gone and the world moved on without her. Is she angry where she is? Are our ancestors consoling her as she grieves? If her essence takes control, does her soul somehow return and experience it? If so, what a sad reality that must be. To be alive for a few minutes and to return back to a little ball of light — a soul, drifting among many others with no way of redemption.

  "Do you miss her?" I whispered. I let the tear fall down my cheek as I continued to stare at the calm water twinkling in the moonlight.


  "Do you miss Storm?" I asked again, slowly turning my head to meet his gaze as another tear rolled down my cheek.

  His eyes were wide and he looked confused for a second before he sighed. He reached out to wipe the tear from my cheek and moved to wipe the other side. "Yes. I miss her dearly. We all do, even though we're trying our best not to show it. Storm Yuna wasn't just the strongest mage of our generation. She was a beautiful, selfless woman. She loved without holding back and would sacrifice her happiness so that others could smile. She worked so hard and barely had time for herself. Yet, with her spare time she was able to love each of us. It’s thanks to her some of us are alive today." Malachi blinked and his sky blue eyes began to well up. He inhaled deeply.

  "My biggest regret is not being there. The love of our lives died alone...and something tells me she did it to protect us. That's the only thing that calms the rage inside me. Am I angry? Yes. I'm so upset that I would love to burn down that shrine and make each member of the Council suffer. But you know what stops me?"

  "What?" The word was a whisper.

  "Before we went to our meeting that day, Storm pulled me aside and told me that I should always keep smiling. I should never let my anger consume me. That’s what happened to my father. And now he's dead. She said it would make her sad to see me go down the same path." He looked up to the sky.

  "Her words always ring in my mind, over and over again. And that night when we were chasing after that thief, I thought I didn't care anymore. I had no purpose anymore. I'd guarded Storm for years and now I had nothing left. We used to go for runs together and we'd all eat together like a big family. It didn't matter how busy we got, we'd make it happen. But since her death, we were all scattered and so caught up in our grief that it seemed we were drifting apart. So I decided that night, I'd murder that thief. And if he got away, I'd kill Konashi and all the other Council members," he revealed, lowering his gaze to stare right into my eyes.

  I could see the pain in his eyes, but I also saw a flicker of regret.

  "Then I turn the corner and guess who I see? A beautiful Japanese girl with gorgeous blue eyes. For a quick second I thought, 'Wow. I wonder if I’d ever love again. If I would be able to connect with someone like her.' I guess maybe Storm knew somehow you'd be chosen to pick up that watch. I wouldn't have guessed you were an Arashi," he admitted.

  "Do you still want to kill them?" I asked.

  He smiled, shaking his head. "It’s funny. I was so fired up to do it. Yet, when your mother arrived and we found out you were Konashi's resolve died. I was in the shrine that I'd vowed to burn to the ground, yet I couldn't do it because that was your home. Even though I'd heard a little about your story from Yoshi and your 'boyfriend', I couldn't destroy something that may have been important to you. It just felt wrong and..." he trailed off.

  "And?" I pressed.

  "I didn't want to hurt you. You didn't deserve to go through any of this and you could have potentially died. You weren't the cause of Storm's death. And it made me realize that neither were the maids or housekeepers who worked there. Innocent people would have died because of me. Because I wanted to be selfish and get my revenge because I was in pain. I only realized that because of you, Crimson. Not because a part of Storm is inside you, but because of you."

  I was speechless, unsure what to say. I'd never been praised for helping someone. But here was a man I'd just met who confessed that because of my existence, he stopped himself from hurting and killing innocent people.

  "Malachi," I whispered.

  He met my gaze, looking rather ashamed of his confession. I didn't want him to feel bad for wanting to get vengeance. Anyone in his situation would have dark thoughts like that. What mattered was whether or not you acted on them.

  I reached out my hand, caressing his right cheek.

  "Arigato gozaimashitu.”

  His eyes widened at my thanks and I gave him a wide smile.

  "I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart that regardless of your pain and suffering, you thought about others and didn't let your anger control you. You did well, watashi no ai," I whispered. I wanted to know more about his past, but for now, the least I could do was show how proud I was about his decision.

  I could see a slight blush color his cheeks at my last sentence and it took my brain a few seconds to realize I'd just called him 'my love.' But I didn't regret it. In fact, I was more than okay with it.

  His hand pressed against mine that lingered on his cheek.

  "Arigato, Crimson," he whispered.

  I nodded before I yawned. He removed my hand from his cheek, and got off the bench.

  "We should go back. I really doubt they're going to find a hotel at this point," Malachi pointed out, pulling out his phone and quickly tapping the screen.

  "Where are you guys gonna go if you can't find a hotel?" I asked.

  "Sleep outside, maybe?" Malachi admitted.

  He didn't look pleased about the situation and neither was I. They were well-respected men and they didn't deserve to sleep on the streets because my father was being petty.

  "You can stay at my place? Well, it’s mine and James', but if it’s temporary, I'm sure he won't mind," I offered.

  "Hmm. I don't want us invading your space," he admitted.

  I shook my head. "I don't want you guys sleeping on the cold streets of Nokamato. You don't know who might be watching and that could hurt your reputations, which is what I think my father is trying to do. Plus it would be dangerous," I explained.

  I could imagine my father's goal was for them to sleep on the streets and get some reporters to take photos and publish them in the tabloids and spread them across Homatomashi.

  I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of bringing down my men...I mean, Storm's men.

  "Won't Mr. Bipolar be upset?" he inquired with a playful grin.

  "You guys don't like him, huh?"

  Malachi shrugged. "When he grows some balls and stops acting like a puppet, I'll reconsider. Don't need to stay around someone like that for long to realize that they only care about their status," he grumbled.

  "Um...can I ask you something?" I gave him a nervous look.

  "Anything, Crimson."

  "Was James even there? Not like when I woke, know, when I was unconscious for the last five days?" I asked.

  Malachi stared into my eyes with a blank expression. His weighty silence told me what I needed to know.

  "That's a no," I confirmed.

  "Is he really your boyfriend, Crimson?" Malachi asked.

  "I call him my 'Drunk Lover Boy and Sober Best Friend.' But there's no term for that in the friends with benefits dictionary," I joked.

  "Ah... To answer your question, no. He asked us to let him know when you were awake. When you were talking to your mom, Itsuki called him since no one else wanted to," Malachi confessed, rolling his eyes.

  I grinned. "Not even Yoshi?"

  Malachi laughed. "Yoshi is a peacemaker only to the people. Once he has a dislike for someone, they're screwed."

  I grinned. "You're all like that, aren't you?"

  "Yup and proud of it," Malachi cheered. He walked to stand in front of me, turned, a
nd knelt on the ground.

  "What are you doing?"

  "We gotta go home," he reminded.

  "I know, but we aren't going home with you kneeling down," I pointed out.

  He looked over his shoulder to give me a smug look. "A piggyback ride, Crimson."

  I frowned. "Why do I need a piggyback ride?" I didn't want to admit I'd never actually had one before.

  "You can't walk barefoot with those cuts and blisters on your feet," Malachi reminded.

  I glanced down at my crossed legs, having completely forgotten about my feet. "But..." I trailed off, not wanting to be a burden. He did have a point; walking on my bare feet would make them worse. It wasn't like James was around either to heal them.

  "I figure you don't like depending on others, but for once, can you lean on me, Crimson? Please?"

  The vulnerability in his voice made me cave.

  "I...I've never had a piggyback ride before," I confessed. He'd been so honest with me about his feelings that I figured he wouldn't make fun of me for my admission.

  He gave me a reassuring smile. "Guess it's time to have your first. Hop on, Hottie. I'll give you a first-class experience."

  I giggled and uncrossed my legs. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  "Do I hold on like this?"

  "Yes. Just make sure you don't choke me. I can take care of the rest," he reassured me.

  "Okay. I'm ready," I announced.

  He got to his feet with me on his back, hooking his arms under my knees and lifting me slightly to stay secured on his back.

  "This is interesting," I admitted.

  "You mean fun," Malachi countered.

  I laughed. "Yes, even though we haven't moved yet."

  "Just wait and see," Malachi cheered.

  I looked around, trying to spot where Uru had gone. Malachi turned us slightly and took a deep breath.

  "URU! We're leaving!" he shouted; his voice echoed over and over. Within ten seconds, Uru's owl figure soared through the trees.


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