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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

Page 22

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Nice to meet you." Yoshi bowed.

  "It's a pleasure. I know your brother did an amazing job as a guard for Storm Yuna. It must be nice to be a part of a family who's committed to justice," Melody complimented.

  Yoshi smiled and his eyes met mine, curiosity in his gaze.

  I gave him a sheepish grin and stood up, sliding my hand in his. "Why don't we head there now? I'm starving."

  "Certainly," Yoshi replied. "This way."

  I sighed in relief as I dragged my feet. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and strip out of this outfit. This was worse than wearing a bra all day.

  "You okay, Crim?" Yoshi asked. He tugged at my hand as he stopped.

  I turned to face him and retreated to give him a hug. His body was tense for a few seconds before he relaxed and returned the embrace.

  "Thank you," I whispered.

  "I didn't do anything." He looked at me in confusion.

  "You stopped Melody from being taken advantage of. You didn't do it in a bold or showy manner, but in a way that everyone acknowledged it without the situation blowing up. You showed an example of someone standing up for another in need which is something many people forget or are too cowardly to do. It's because of that Melody is gonna help us." There was pride in my voice as I spoke.

  Melody had explained everything to Yoshi who I hadn’t known spoke Yamato Kotoba. She explained things in even greater detail and again brought up the tattooed individual.

  She wasn't able to see their eye or hair color because it was far too dark, but she hoped once she saw the Emperor they could get a hypnosis artist involved to have a sketch made.

  "That was only because you talked with her and were willing to defend her even before my arrival. Don't go giving me all the credit," Yoshi hummed as he rubbed my back.

  I looked up at him and he pressed his forehead against mine. "I hope this works out," he confessed.

  I heard the vulnerability in his voice. "It will. I know it will. Storm must have intervened somehow to bring Melody to us. Either that or the ancestors are in favor of the change we’re trying to achieve," I comforted.

  He nodded. "Yes. Change has to happen. The tension alone in that place was palpable. I can't imagine shopkeepers working in such conditions and the poor women who have to work and run the risk of being ganged up on and raped when they’re out alone," Yoshi said with disgust.

  I nodded in agreement. From day one, I admired his dedication to helping bring peace and tranquility to Nokamato. It wasn't his duty, yet he took it so seriously.

  Now with Melody's assistance, Yoshi would be able to make a new plan to ensure Melody's safety on her way to meet the Emperor to deliver the information. This could potentially be our only chance at figuring out who killed Storm Yuna and who authorized it to begin with. It filled me with a sense of accomplishment for being able to help get us one step closer.

  "I hope once we figure this all out, we can help bring peace to all of Homatomashi," I whispered.

  Yoshi grinned and nodded. "Me too," he replied before kissing me.

  "James, do not call me again!" I grumbled into my phone as I rolled my eyes.

  "Crimson! Wait, don’t hang up," James pleaded.

  I wanted to anyway, but then I hesitated. I knew a little part of me still cared for him and yearned for his presence again, but I knew better. He'd ended this, not me. He was okay with leaving me for someone he thought was more worthy of his love and compassion. The simple thought triggered my anger and made it easier for me to try and end this conversation as quickly as possible.

  I knew if the guys arrived, they would take the phone from me and hang up. I wished I had the same drive.

  "James, I'm busy. What do you want?" I snapped.

  "You're not planning to go to your parents’ this week, right? You know, ‘cause it's your birthday," James inquired.

  "I know very well it's my birthday in a few days and I have every right to go to my family’s home. I don't see why any of it is your business," I huffed.

  "Woof!" Urufu barked.

  I glanced over and noticed her hop off the sofa and head to the door. I sighed, knowing the guys were most likely coming down the hall.

  "James I have to go."

  "Please, Crim. Don't come. It's safer this way," he pleaded, sounding upset.

  "What's safer, James? It's my parents’ house. It's as safe as it can be. And I can protect myself anyway," I grumbled.

  The door opened and I heard several pairs of footsteps enter the living room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair that was slightly longer than I usually kept it.

  "Trust me," James urged.

  "I can't," I replied in a stoic tone.

  I felt a strong gut feeling that told me I couldn't trust his words. Maybe he didn't want me seeing my mom, or didn't want me ruining something for him like a promotion ceremony, or had some other pitiful excuse to prevent me from coming home.

  I couldn't trust anyone who supported my father and until I knew where he and the rest of the Council stood regarding Storm's murder, I wouldn't be taken for a fool. Even if he had good intentions, I'd listen to my gut.

  "Who's that, Crim?" Haru called out while the others continued their hushed conversation.

  James let out a frustrated groan, "You're still with those guys?"

  "It's not any of your business, James. Now, I'll say this only once more. Don't call me again," I spoke in a stern tone.

  The room fell silent and within seconds Quil was behind me. He gently took the phone from my hand and placed it by his ear.

  "Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Bipolar. How does it feel losing out on loving the best woman you'll ever have in your life? Oh, don't bother answering that. I couldn’t care less about your opinion. But I DO care that you’re disturbing our girlfriend. Now, why don't you scurry along and do something productive instead of bothering our Crim? Cool?"

  Quil was silent for five seconds and he laughed.

  "Oh, trust me. You'll regret the day you walked out of Crim's life and you just try and do something stupid. I'll make sure your screams are my new ringtone!" Quil threatened, then hung up the phone.

  "I was handling that just fine on my own, you know," I commented dryly. I wasn't mad or anything. To be honest, Quil standing up for me was hot, but I didn't want them thinking I couldn't handle my own problems.

  "I'm well aware. I just wanted to add some extra emphasis so he knows you're off limits.” Quil pulled me into a hug. “Afternoon, Crim."

  "Hello," I replied in a cheerful tone. I doubt they knew how happy it made me to have their support and for someone to defend me. It was a marvelous, warm fuzzy feeling and made me feel important which was something I hadn't felt before meeting them.

  "Quil, I want to hug Crim too," Haru chimed in.

  My grin widened and I pulled back to see Haru patiently waiting behind Quil, who chuckled.

  "Fine. I'm in the sharing mood today." Quil placed a quick kiss on my forehead and moved out of the way so Haru could give me a hug.

  "Sharing mood, my ass! You wouldn't even give me one piece of your kimchi this morning," Malachi accused.

  "That's different," Aki brushed Malachi off, moving to stand behind Yoshi who was already in line behind Itsuki.

  "Why am I always last to hug Crim?" Malachi mumbled when he realized there was a line; he shuffled to stand behind Aki.

  Quil laughed. "’Cause of all the time you waste complaining instead of claiming your place in line."

  "Slowpoke," Haru teased softly with a wide smile before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I giggled and opened my arms for Itsuki who gave me a tight hug.

  "I have such rude friends," Malachi complained.

  "You love us," Aki reminded.

  "You’re lucky I do or I would kick all of your butts," Malachi pointed out.

  "You may kick our asses in running, my friend, but I would destroy you in combat," Quil retorted.

  "And I cook better than you," Haru st
ated as he walked over to sit next to Quil.

  After hugging me, Itsuki chimed in, “Even Quil cooks better than you, Malachi.” Then he went to sit by Haru on the couch.

  "Hey!" Quil and Malachi called in unison.

  "Quil burns less stuff than Malachi. But you have to admit, Malachi makes the best jerked chicken," Yoshi complimented as he finished hugging me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

  Aki was up next and pulled me into his arms. "I agree on that one. Malachi, can we have one of your traditional dishes again?" he wondered.

  "We haven't made those in a long time," Yoshi pointed out.

  Aki kissed me on the forehead and he pulled back to glance at my lips.

  "Later," I mouthed.

  He nodded.

  I knew the reason I’d moved to second base with him and Yoshi before the others was because of all the time we'd spent together, but I didn't want the other guys to feel bad. I was clueless at dating more than one person at a time, but I wanted to try and balance my time with them as best as I could.

  I hoped that once things settled with Storm's case and we figured out who was pulling the strings, then things would be a lot easier.

  Aki released me and Malachi opened his arms wide with a broad grin on his face. I laughed, jumping into his arms and he squeezed me tightly.

  "I agree. We should start doing that. Once a week, we make a traditional dish from our cultural background. It will be fun," Malachi suggested, still holding me in his arms.

  "That’s cool with me. Now let go of Crim, you hogger," Quil demanded.

  Malachi chuckled. "Nah, let me enjoy her for a few more seconds."

  I shook my head playfully but relaxed in his hold.

  "Why did Bipolar call you anyway?" Yoshi asked.

  "Something about him not wanting me to go over to my parents’ house and how I should trust him," I shrugged.

  Malachi let me go and gave me a kiss on my forehead before he walked over to sit on the armrest of the sofa next to Quil. "Trust him, my ass," Malachi huffed.

  "What does your gut tell you?" Aki looked at me intently.

  "I don't trust him. It’s like I'm forgetting something important involving him. I just can't pinpoint what it is; I've been trying not to stress over it." I sighed.

  Haru looked deep in thought. "Must have been from the trauma of that fall," he considered.

  "So she won't remember?" Itsuki appeared concerned.

  Haru shook his head in dismissal. "Nah, she'll remember eventually. But a few stress-free days would be beneficial for her."

  "I'm not stressed," I protested, before moving to grab my apron. I put it on and began sketching out the next commission.

  They all stared at me in silence. I rolled my eyes and mumbled, “Meanies.”

  I understood their concern and maybe I was a 'little' stressed out with everything that was going on. Everything was moving so fast and I was hardly being given any time to process it all.

  I went from my plain secluded life of painting, running, and drinking with my 'Drunken Lover, Sober Friend' and dealing with my family issues to living with six men who treated me more as an equal than anyone ever had. Quil and Aki even called me their girlfriend.

  They showed me care and compassion and simply wanted the best for me, even though they still didn’t know me very well.

  Even though we met due to bizarre circumstances, they accepted it all with ease and were able to move forward. I hadn’t been able to do the same and just wanted some time to process everything that had happened.

  They were all used to this fast-changing lifestyle, but I wasn't and I knew it was only a matter of time before it took a toll on me. I reached for my phone and looked at the next request. I smiled at the familiar name of J.H.

  Draw any weapon of choice. I hope you are well and happy early birthday - J.H.

  I smiled at my phone in excitement and was ready to start when a question popped into my mind. "Where did you guys go this morning anyway?" I turned to the guys who were already starting to get into their own groove for the day.

  "We got a call from the woman you and Yoshi talked to yesterday. She has a lead that may help us in Storm's case. What the Council told us was that Storm was supposed to meet them at a conference center, but they had to cancel last minute. The woman you met claimed she saw Storm and her guards meet someone at the conference entrance, conflicting with the Council’s statements. She has agreed to testify and is being transferred to the palace in Homatomashi to discuss the matter with the Emperor himself," Aki explained.

  "I guess he has no trust left in the Council to handle such things," I considered.

  "None. I feel the Council is starting to realize, which is why we're acting quickly. Melody is being heavily guarded and we suggested they have a doppelganger to use as a decoy," Quil explained.

  "A double? You think the Council is gonna try and make it so she can't tell the Emperor?" I questioned, reaching out for my pencil and twirling it in my hand as I stared at the canvas.

  "I don't ‘think’...I can guarantee it. My gut is telling me they don't want to be caught and will do anything to keep their power and status safe. If one person is corrupted in the Council, I can guarantee that the majority, if not all of them, are included one way or another," Malachi pointed out gravely.

  "The moment they're found guilty, an entire new Council will be chosen. Usually, they’re selected from past leaders or strong family members of those previously on the Council. Your mother would be an example if it came to a point where your father was removed," Itsuki explained.

  "Also anyone from abroad who was sent to help the country at the Emperor’s request can be nominated. It all comes down to the Emperor and his final decision. His son can take over in a temporary role until he's better," Haru described.

  "If he's available that is," Quil frowned.

  "True," Yoshi agreed.

  "Hmm... I guess we'll have to hope for the best. If they do plan on ambushing Melody, then at least there's the backup plan. I hope we can find out who was involved in Storm's murder. She deserves to rest in peace," I whispered solemnly, before turning my attention back to the canvas.

  The guys murmured words of agreement before they went back to their hobbies. It was past lunch and I knew Haru would go make something for us if we needed it. I hadn't eaten anything yet, but James' call had ruined my appetite. Drawing would help build up my hunger.

  I closed my eyes to imagine a weapon that would fit perfectly, something I'd use if I had to fight for my life. I took a calming breath and zoned the world out, concentrating on the piece before me.

  A weapon of choice. Let's try this out.

  I bit my lip as I worked to add the finishing touches to the twin swords on the canvas. I didn't get why I'd been struggling to stay focused, but it got worse and worse with each stroke of the paintbrush.

  I knew I had to accomplish this because these were the weapons I had dreamt about. The weapons that had consistently called to me and were a part of Storm's memories. But who did they belong to? They weren’t for me. And if they somehow were, where could they be? How would I find them?

  I had never seen weapons like this in my father’s gallery full of swords, bow and arrows, and other ancient weapons he loved to show off, or in our living room that was decorated with weapons in the corners and on the walls.

  So where were they and what secrets did they hold?

  I finished the last stroke on the inscription on the second sword and stared at the overall product. It was perfect and looked to be an exact copy of the swords that continued to appear in my dreams.

  I took a steady breath and tried to ignore my heart that pounded hard against my chest. These swords have a purpose, but what? What are they trying to show me?

  I lifted my brush to try and add a little more detailing in the shading of the blades, but my hand trembled, making it unsteady. Why am I panicking?

  I tried to take a few more breaths, but breathing was suddenly
difficult. My eyes focused on the criss-crossed swords and widened as I noticed the slight glow to the blades.

  It was like the world around me had gone still, but the painting had come to life. The blades were real and their shiny sharpened blades would cut through anything that tried to hurt their owner. Ribbons that transitioned from pink to orange were attached to the hilts and seemed to blow in a non-existent breeze and brightened the twin swords even more.

  I stared intently until it made sense. These swords weren't for just anyone. They were for me and I had to claim them. But I needed to know where to find them.

  Where are you?

  A vision flashed through my mind, and image after image continued to appear like a slideshow; I realized where they were. But the moment I grasped their location, another scene formed in its wake. The scene from my nightmares. The man with red eyes.


  No, James couldn't have done anything. He...he wouldn't be capable of killing Storm...right? No...he...couldn't. He wouldn't. But if he had...where did that leave me? Would I be next? No, I couldn't be. I wouldn't be!


  I heard Haru call out, but I couldn't breathe. It felt like I was suffocating and the world would crush me like a little ant. I needed to find James.

  No, I needed to kill him. He deserved to die and I'd do it with my own hands. My blades will glide through him and run red with his blood. He broke my heart and killed a woman who loved wholeheartedly. I'd kill him. I'd destroy him.

  "Crimstorm?" Aki called out.

  I felt something drip from my nose and I absently used my free hand to wipe away the trickling liquid that wouldn't stop. I lifted my hand to see crimson. My blood?

  My surroundings began to spin and my eyes glazed over as I fell into darkness.


  "Crimstorm?" I called out, staring at Crimson's frozen form. I knew that when Crimson was in her zone, she could stand for ten minutes straight without moving as her eyes made a detailed inspection of what she'd just created, but this time was different. I could feel something was off and the Kitsune inside me wouldn't stop bashing at the magical barrier that kept it at bay until it knew Crimson was okay.


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