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The Giant Book of Poetry

Page 62

by William H. Roetzheim, Editor

When midnight comes a host of dogs and men


  When my love swears that she is made of truth


  When old women say, it smells of snow


  When she stopped on the sidewalk


  When spring, to woods and wastes around


  When the wind works against us in the dark


  When two plates of earth scrape along each other


  When we do evil


  When you came, you were like red wine and honey


  Whenas in silks my Julia goes


  Whenever I go by there nowadays


  Whenever Richard Cory went down town


  “Where are you going, to-night, to-night


  Where long the shadows of the wind had rolled


  Where, without bloodshed, can there be


  Wherever they’ve


  While I stood listening, discreetly dumb


  While my hair was still cut straight


  Whither, “midst falling dew


  Who does not love the Titanic?


  Who will believe my verse in time to come


  Whoever guesses, thinks, or dreams, he knows


  Whose woods these are I think I know.


  Why so pale and wan fond lover?


  Wild Nights—Wild Nights!


  Will, lost in a sea of trouble


  Winter rain deepens


  With the second drink, at the restaurant


  With them the seed of wisdom did I sow


  Witlaf, a king of the Saxons


  Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night


  You are so beautiful and I am a fool


  You are telling a story


  You came in out of the night


  You can see them everywhere in Cuba.


  you fit into me


  You lie beside me


  Index Pointing To Audio CD




  11 (Xi)

  Poems of Romance

  14 - Love

  23 (Xxiii)

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  25 - Dust Unto Dust

  28 (Xxviii)

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  03 - Generations

  51 (Li)

  Poems of Romance

  13 - Love

  Act, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  13 - Middle-age

  Address Of Ruth To Naomi

  Poems of Romance

  36 - Commitment

  After Apple-Picking

  Poems of Working

  14 - Farm

  After Blenheim

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  22 - Futility

  After Great Pain A Formal Feeling Comes

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  35 - Coping

  Ah! I Intended

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  22 - Aging

  Aim Was Song, The

  Poems of Nature

  26 - Wind and Storms

  Alexander Throckmorton

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  20 - Looking Back

  All The World’s A Stage

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  11 - Aging

  Allen Ginsberg

  Poems of Working

  22 - Writing

  Alley Violinist

  No audio version available



  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  15 - Aging

  American History

  Poems of Working

  25 - Teaching

  American Sketches

  Poems of Working

  13 - Farm

  An Argument

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  15 - Philandering

  An Arundel Tomb

  Poems of Romance

  48 - Commitment

  An Exchange Of Gifts

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  10 - Writing

  An Obstacle

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  25 - Oppression and Discrimination

  An Old Man’s Winter Night

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  02 - Aging

  An Old Story

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  12 - Loss of a Friend

  Aner Clute

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  19 - Peer Pressure

  Annabel Lee

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  14 - Death

  Answering Machine, The

  Poems of the Human Condition

  15 - Society

  Anvil-God’s Word, The

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  04 - Western Religion

  Any Movement Kills Something

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  12 - Consequences

  Apparently With No Surprise

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  16 - The March of Time


  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  22 - The End of the World

  Armadillo, The

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  13 - Writing

  Ars Poetica

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  29 - Ars Poetica

  Ashes, The

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  13 - Human Rights

  Assembly Line

  Poems of Working

  0”3 - Factory

  At The Office Early

  Poems of Working

  20 - White Collar


  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  06 - Temptation

  Autumn Thoughts

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  14 - The March of Time

  Axe Handles

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  02 - Generations


  Poems of Nature

  11 - Animals

  Bagel, The

  Poems for Children of all Ages

  05 - Strange

  Ballad Of Father Gilligan, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  03 - Supernatural

  Ballad Of Pious Pete, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  15 - Death

  Ballad Of The Black Fox Skin, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  04 - Supernatural


  Poems of Nature

  06 - Animals

  Be Your Words Made, Good Sir Of Indian Ware

  Poems of Romance

  30 - Seperation

  Beautiful Toilet, The

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  34 - Failed Relationships

  Because I Could Not Stop For Death

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  21 - Dust unto Dust

  Before Groundbreak

  Poems of Working

  05 - Construction


  Poems of Nature

34 - Landscape

  Beleaguered City, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  12 - Ghosts

  Bell, The

  No audio version available


  Belle Isle, 1949

  Poems of the Human Condition

  08 - Friendship

  Beyond Recall

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  22 - Disbelief and Visits

  Binsey Poplars

  Poems of Nature

  39 - Trees


  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  14 - Looking Back

  Birth Stone

  Poems of Working

  15 - Farm


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  46 - Moving On


  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  19 - Oppression and

  Discrimination Blessing, A

  Poems of Nature

  02 - Animals

  Boy Died In My Alley, The

  No audio version available


  Brass Knuckles

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  07 - Poverty

  Brook In The City, A

  Poems of Nature

  19 - Earth


  Poems of Working

  21 - Writing

  Bus To Veracruz, The

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  11 - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory

  By That Fallen House

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  21 - Futility

  By Their Works

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  03 - Western Religion

  Camouflaging The Chimera

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  08 - Soldiers

  Cardinal Detoxes: A Play In One Act, The

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk B

  02 - Religion

  Carrion Comfort

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  26 - Questioning Religion

  Carrion, A

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  22 - Dust unto Dust

  Ceist Na Teangan (The Language Issue)

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  03 - Language

  Certain People

  No audio version available


  Channel Firing

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  19 - Futility

  Charge Of The Light Brigade, The

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  03 - Glory

  Clearances (Part V)

  Poems of Romance

  18 - Love

  Come Not, When I Am Dead

  Poems of Romance

  06 - Unrequited


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  26 - Battle of the Sexes

  Computation, The

  Poems of Romance

  26 - Seperation

  Confessional, The

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  20 - Betrayal

  Confined Love

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  12 - Philandering

  Conrad Siever

  Poets Look at Eternity Disk B

  18 - Immortality

  Consulting The Oracle

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  19 - Eastern Religion


  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  24 - Faith


  Poems of Nature

  44 - Trees

  Country Fair

  Poems of the Human Condition

  14 - Society

  Couple, A

  Poems of Nature

  13 - Insects

  Cremation Of Sam Mcgee, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  10 - Death

  Cubist Portrait

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  30 - Anger & Forgiveness

  Curse, The

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  27 - Battle of the Sexes

  Dacca Gauzes, The

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  18 - Human Rights

  Dance, The

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  21 - Looking Back

  Danse Russe

  Poems of the Human Condition

  03 - Unexpected or Inner Beauty

  Darest Thou Now O Soul

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  28 - Inspiration

  Daydreaming On The Trail

  Poems of Nature

  29 - Landscape


  Poets Look at Eternity Disk A

  13 - The March of Time

  Dead Village, The

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk A

  02 - Haunted Buildings

  Dead Water

  No audio version available



  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B

  16 - Aging

  Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner, The

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  11 - Casualties

  Death Of The Hired Man

  Poems of Working

  27 - Household

  Decade, A

  Poems of Romance

  20 - Love

  Deed Knocks First At Thought, A

  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  05 - Temptation

  Defense Of The Meek

  Poems of the Human Condition

  16 - Society


  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  30 - Ars Poetica

  Dichtung And Wahrheit - Part Xxxiii

  No audio version available


  Did I Miss Anything?

  Poems of Working

  24 - Teaching


  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  17 - Writing

  Ditty, A

  Poems of Romance

  29 - Seperation

  Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  41 - Inspiration


  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  17 - Human Rights

  Doing, A Filthy Pleasure Is, And Short

  Poems of Romance

  02 - Courting

  Don Fargo & Sons

  Poems of Working

  06 - Construction

  Dream Deferred: Harlem

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  21 - Oppression and

  Discrimination Dream Of Death, A

  Poems of Ghosts, Evil, and Superstition Disk B

  12 - Death

  Dream Of Jealousy, A

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  17 - Philandering

  Dream Pang, A

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  33 - Failed Relationships

  Dream, The

  Poems of Loss and Sorrow

  25 - Disbelief and Visits


  Poets Look at Choices in Life

  10 - Temptation

  Driving Lesson

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk A

  04 - Generations

  Dry Tortugas, The

  Poems of the Human Condition

  11 - Parents

  Dulce Et Decorum Est

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  14 - Casualties

  Dumka, The

  Poems of Romance

  40 - Commitment

  Eating Poetry

  Poets Look at Writing, Art, and Poetry

  07 - Reading

  Eating Together

  No a
udio version available


  Electric Elegy

  Poems That Make a Statement Disk A

  16 - Human Rights

  Epitaph For James Smith

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  10 - Philandering

  Epitaph On A Henpecked SQuire

  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  32 - Failed Relationships

  Epitaph On William Muir

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  29 - Inspiration

  Everything The Power Of The World Does Is Done In A Circle

  Poems of Inspiration and Faith

  14 - Pagan


  Poems of lust, betrayal, and lost love

  28 - Battle of the Sexes

  Eyes, The

  Poems of Romance

  27 - Seperation

  Facing It

  Poets Look at War and Peace

  12 - Casualties

  Fading Into Background

  Poets Look at Growing Up and Growing Old Disk B


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