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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 2: Jealousy and Trust

Page 6

by J A Fielding

  “Julie, you look great,” she heard Kelsey’s voice. She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes before she turned around and forced a smile.

  “Thank you. You too,” Julie said.

  “Is that Versace? You have great taste,” Stephanie said in what was obviously a fake smile.

  “Yes it is and thanks,” Julie said as she took a bite of her skewered beef.

  “So, you and Steven….wow,” Kelsey said. Julie was not sure what she was supposed to say.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “I would have never thought that this is what you were talking about when you said you had to take the weekend off,” Kelsey said. Julie smiled.

  “I thought you were in a hurry to get that property. You know, the way you were persistent on getting a house before the end of the weekend,” she said looking at Kelsey who looked at Stephanie.

  “I’m not in a very big hurry so to say,” Kelsey said.

  “Okay, so maybe I’ll call you sometime next week and set up a meet,” Julie said.

  “Sure. I’ll appreciate that,” Kelsey said.

  “So, Julie, how exactly did you meet Steven? You don’t look like the kind of person who would run in his circles,” Stephanie said. Julie looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Excuse me?” she asked as she looked at Stephanie.

  “Don’t get me wrong, you look like an average person and Steven…well, you can tell by today’s guest list that he is an A-lister. So, I can’t help but wonder how you met,” Stephanie said matter-of-factly. Julie took another bite of her skewered beef before she put the plate down.

  “Like Kelsey said, I am a realtor. So that’s how we met and as far as whether me and him run in the same circles, that isn’t something you need to concern yourself with anymore. You lost that privilege when you broke up or when he dumped you because I find it hard to believe that he would wait for you to walk out on him,” she snapped looking at Stephanie.

  “You have quite the tongue on you, don’t you, Julie Parker?” Stephanie asked smiling. From the corner of her eye, Julie could see Kelsey smiling. She turned and looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you have a question for me too?” she asked. Kelsey smiled and shook her head.

  “I feel like I know everything that I need to know, but I would want to know what you did to him to make him bring you all the way out here. You have been with him for a shorter period than any of us, but we never got the formal introduction,” she said.

  “Speak for yourself,” Stephanie piped up.

  “The only reason why the family knew you and him had a thing was because of the family ties,” Kelsey said dismissively. Julie shrugged and a smile played on her lips. She was as uncomfortable as ever, but she knew she couldn’t lose her cool. “But you, Julie, from all the way and here you are meeting the parents. Are you guys serious?”

  “What do you think?” Julie asked.

  “We were serious and his family knew about me and look what happened?” Stephanie argued. Julie shook her head and smiled at them.

  “I don’t need this. I’m not going to do this with the two of you,” she said as she looked around for one of the waitresses. She really needed a drink at that moment.

  “Oh, you don’t need to. We’re not the ones you have to worry about,” Kelsey said, pointing to the far left corner of the pool area where Steven was. Julie turned around and looked at Steven walking in with a tall dark haired woman. She was surprised when she saw the woman slip her hand around Steven’s arm. “If it really was serious, then what is that?” Kelsey asked before she and Stephanie walked away giggling. Julie was not sure if it showed on her face, but she was hurting. Her heart was breaking into a million pieces with every step Steven took. She fought back a tear when she saw the woman using her spare hand to caress his tight abs. She suddenly turned around and walked into the house. She quickly made her way up the stairs to her room. When she got in, she bolted the door and leaned against the door. She closed her eyes and took deep, long breaths trying hard to control her breathing, but she just found her tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to talk to Meg. She walked over to the night stand and picked up her phone. She had not used it since the previous night when she called her dad telling him that they got to London safely. She picked up her phone and dialed Meg, who answered on the third ring.

  “Hey girlfriend,” Meg answered when she picked up.

  “Hey, how are you?” Julie asked trying to mask her pain.

  “I’m fine. How is London? What’s the Davenport house like? Is it like a palace or something?” Meg asked excitedly. Julie let out a small laugh.

  “London is great. The house is actually a mansion…kind of like the Four Seasons,” she described.

  “For real? I am so jealous right now,” Meg said. “I wish I was there with you,” she added. Julie shrugged and smiled.

  “I wish you were here too,” she said. There was a long silence before she heard Meg breathe out loudly.

  “What’s wrong?” Meg asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong. What makes you think something is wrong?” Julie asked.

  “I have known you for most of your life. I can tell your upset voice from your happy voice and right now, you are having a really bad time which makes me really sad because you are supposed to be having the time of your life out there,” Meg said. Julie wasn’t sure she should even tell Meg what was going on at that moment.

  “Okay. Remember the client I met? The one who I had a bad feeling about?” Julie reminded her.

  “Yeah, why? What does she have to do with anything?” Meg asked.

  “As it turns out, she and Steven know each other,” Julie said.

  “Really, how?” Meg asked. Julie could tell that she was surprised by the tone of her voice.

  “They dated,” Julie told her.

  “Shut the front door,” Meg exclaimed.

  “Yeah, and to make things worse, her best friend also had a thing with Steven. And now they are both here, giving me a hard time,” Julie said.

  “Wow, I’m sorry sweetie. And where is Steven anyway?” Meg asked.

  “He’s downstairs. He doesn’t know any of this by the way,” Julie said as she toyed with her hair.

  “How is that even possible,” Meg asked.

  “Well, he had to head out earlier and check up on his work stuff. He just got back and there is some bimbo hanging on to his every word. It’s just hard to watch,” Julie admitted.

  “What do you mean watch? You should be down there getting your man out of her line of sight,” Meg said. Julie knew that if Meg could have her way, Kelsey and Stephanie would probably be lying in a heap out in the parking lot and Steven would be right next to her. Just then, Julie heard a knock on her door and Amber’s worried voice calling out for her.

  “Hey I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later,” Julie said.

  “Go out there and own that,” Meg demanded in an accent Julie couldn’t quite place. Julie laughed and hang up and then dried her eyes before she walked to the door and opened it.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Amber asked when Julie opened the door.

  “I’m fine,” Julie smiled as Amber walked into the room.

  “I was gone for a few minutes and you disappeared on me and I had seen Kelsey and Stephanie talking to you. I got worried,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, I can handle them,” Julie said smiling.

  “Really? Because your eyes look a little puffy to me,” Amber said. Julie shook her head and shrugged.

  “I’m okay,” she lied.

  “Because if they did anything, it would be my pleasure to have them escorted off the property,” Amber said. Julie smiled and held her hand.

  “Thanks, but really I’m okay,” she promised just as Steven walked into the room.

  “Hey you, is everything okay?” he asked as he looked at Julie.

  “I’m okay,” Julie repeated forcing a smile.
/>   “I’ll just go hang out with Leanne and Lory. Remember the offer still stands,” Amber winked as she walked out. Julie gave her a smile and mouthed a ‘thank you’.

  “Is everything okay?” Steven asked looking at Julie who was now closing the door. “Have you been crying or something?” he questioned as he looked at her puffy eyes.

  “We need to talk,” she said as she looked at him. She slowly walked over to the bed and sat down. “Who was that?” she asked in a calm voice, a bit too calm.

  “Who?” Steven asked.

  “The woman you just walked in with,” Julie said. Steven looked at her and then pulled a chair out before he walked up to where she was. He put the chair in front of her and sat down ready for what looked like a long talk.

  Chapter 7

  “Who was that?” Julie asked again as she looked at Steven who was seated in front of her.

  “She is a model and a friend. Our cars pulled up at the same time and we walked in together,” he explained.

  “Anything else I need to know?” she demanded looking at him.

  “Anything like what?” Steven asked looking into Julie’s warm brown eyes.

  “Do you have a history with her?” she asked. Steven smiled and shook his head.

  “We’re just friends, that’s it. She was one of the first clients I worked with before I moved over to the States. That’s it,” he promised. Julie nodded and then blinked back a tear. “Is she why you are so upset?” he asked as he raised her chin using his finger. Having him raise her chin up was too much. She felt a tear roll down one cheek. “Hey, what’s going on with you? Talk to me,” he pleaded.

  “It’s just that…she was touching your chest and you didn’t even seem to mind,” she said.

  “She did?” Steven asked surprised.

  “See, you are probably so used to it you didn’t notice,” she argued as she got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Steven walked over to the bathroom door and leaned against it.

  “Baby come out here and talk to me,” he said softly. He knew that she was hiding from him because she was crying and that broke his heart. He leaned against the door and tried opening it, but it was locked from inside. “Babe, please,” he said again. It took a long, tense minute before she walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed to resume her position. “Me walking with Shanice got to you that much?” he asked when he walked over to where she was.

  “No…Stephanie and Kelsey…” Julie started before she dabbed the corner of her eye.

  “Oh God…what did they do now?” Steven asked.

  “It’s nothing, they just talked crap to me, that’s it,” she whispered.

  “Wait, crap like what? What did they say?” Steven asked as he looked at her. She shook her head and shrugged. “What did they say?” Steven asked again.

  “They just made me feel like a second class citizen, that’s all,” she said.

  “How did they make you feel that?” Steven asked.

  “Apparently me and you don’t run in the same circles. So they didn’t understand how you and I ended up together,” she said sniffling back yet another tear. She looked up at Steven and shrugged. “I don’t have any reason why I shouldn’t trust you, but that woman earlier and Stephanie getting really close to you last night…I wouldn’t normally have to deal with that. It’s just…hard,” Julie said in a low voice. Steven held her face in his hands and looked into her eyes.

  “I love you…I have never loved anyone the way I love you and I will not stand for anyone to make you feel uncomfortable, especially not in the house I grew up in,” he demanded before he kissed her softly. “Give me a minute,” he said when he pulled away. Julie stood up and watched him walking to the door.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “Nowhere,” he said as he locked the door. “My sisters have the annoying tendency to ignore doors,” he grinned as he walked back to where she was. He slipped an arm around her and pulled her close to him. “You should never let anyone make you feel like that. There is a reason I’m with you and not with them. It’s because you are the woman they are not,” he said as he looked at her.

  “I love you too but I have never been this serious with anyone and I guess…it just scares me,” Julie confessed as she looked at him. Steven smiled.

  “Then I guess this is new for us both. But we’re doing well so far, right?” he asked. She smiled and shrugged.

  “You are. I’m not very sure about me,” she said smiling sadly. Steven kissed her forehead and then pulled away to look into her eyes.

  “You are doing just fine,” he said. “I never want to see tears in those beautiful eyes, babe,” he said in a whisper. He pulled her even closer and kissed her softly. “I didn’t even get to see how beautiful you looked today,” he said as he walked around her, looking at her. She smiled as she looked at him.

  “Amber lent it to me,” she explained.

  “I’m sure you wear it better than she ever did,” he said.

  “Actually she’s never worn it. I am the one who took the tag off,” Julie said with a smile.

  “You look spectacular,” Steven complimented as he stood in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’m sorry I broke down. I just didn’t know how to handle the whole situation,” she apologized.

  “It’s alright. I would have probably been jealous too, if some guy was paying a little too much attention to you,” he agreed as he slipped an arm around her waist again. She smiled up at him as he brought his head down to kiss her. The kiss was longer and more passionate than she anticipated.

  “We should probably get downstairs before Victoria starts looking for us,” she said. He smiled and shook his head.

  “Not just yet,” he said as he pulled down the zipper on her dress. “I haven’t had you ever since we got here and I want my woman,” he growled in a low voice. She smiled as he pulled her close to him and kissed her.

  “Are you sure you still haven’t got around to reading any of the Fifty Shades books?” she teased with a smile.

  “Actually, I read up on a few chapters. I think I get why you compare me to that Christian Grey person,” he said as he watched her dress slowly drop to the floor and gather around her ankles like white petals. He took her hand as she stepped out of the dress and then turned her around holding her against him. He slowly kissed one shoulder softly as she closed her eyes. “But since you have read more of the book than I have, how about you tell me what he would do if he was here,” he asked in a low soft voice.

  “He would tie me up,” she described, her eyes still closed. Steven smiled and used his free hand to pull his tie off. He then slowly put the tie around her neck letting it drop on either breast.

  “What would he do before that?” he asked as he traced his kisses up her neck. She moaned softly as he worked his way up to the base of her neck, one of her most sensitive spots.

  “He loves domination by spanking,” Julie said softly.

  “I like that,” Steven said in a soft voice as he pulled away and looked at her now standing in front of him in nothing but her shoes, white lace panties and the strapless bra. He walked round her and sat down at the edge of the bed. He then pulled her down and made her lie on his thigh with her ass in the air. She let out a moan when she felt him caress her gently. She knew that at any moment, his gentle touch would turn to be a stinging spank and the fact that she didn’t know when it would come only made the moment more intense. Steven did not seem to be in any particular hurry. He took his time caressing one cheek and then the other before he spanked her hard making her gasp out. For some reason, that really excited him. He once again caressed her before he spanked her again. By the time Steven finally decided to stop spanking her, her ass was stinging right where his hand had been landing. He helped her up and then laid her gently on the bed. He pulled the tie away from her neck slowly and then raised both of her arms. She looked at him as she tied her hands together and then fast
ened them to the bedposts. At that moment, she was not so sure whether introducing him to bondage was a very good idea. She looked at him as he caressed her gently all the way down to her waist. When he slipped his hand in between her legs and felt how wet she was, a smile played on his lips. “You like that?” he asked as he looked down at her.

  “I love it,” Julie moaned as she looked at him. Steven got up from the bed and walked over to where his suitcase was and got two more ties. Julie looked at him as he walked back to the bed took her shoes off and tied her legs to opposite ends of the bed, leaving her lying there spread eagle. To Steven, he had never seen anything sexier. He went ahead to undo the front clasp and pulled her bra away before he began caressing her slowly, making her moan and shiver feverishly as she looked at him. Steven was definitely having the time of his life as he looked at her lying helplessly on the bed completely at his mercy. He held her breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently before he lowered his hands and held her hips. Looking at her lying there was turning him on a bit more than he hoped yet he had more planned for her. He slowly lowered one hand all the way to her core and gently began fingering her. He started out slow, but soon he was moving his finger in and out of her so hard and so fast she was struggling against herself not to scream. When he pulled his finger out, she was whimpering begging for him to let her finish. He got off the bed and slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, a bit too slow for comfort. After he undid the last button he let the shirt drop to the floor before he went ahead to get his pants off. As he stood there, she noticed that he was fully engorged under his boxer shorts. He leaned over and gave her a kiss before he went ahead to take them off baring his nudity to her. She knew that he had never had a woman like this. She moaned softly as he got on top of her and aligned his body perfectly with hers.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked in a low voice. She looked into his eyes and nodded as he lowered his head to kiss her. A shiver went through her when she felt the head of his cock at her opening. When he pushed himself into her, she moaned softly. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist pulling him deeper inside her. She moaned softly as he buried himself deeper inside her, all the way to the hilt. She moaned softly as she felt him stretching her out as he moved in and out of her. It was not long before he began moving so hard and fast in and out of her making her want to scream. He suddenly stopped, leaving all ten inches of his cock deep inside her and then untied her wrists, leaving her to hold him as he fucked her hard and deep.


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