Book Read Free

Losing Control

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by Crissy Smith

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Losing Control

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-471-2

  ©Copyright Crissy Smith 2011

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright February 2011

  Edited by Stacey Birkel

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

  Ruston Way

  , Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

  Corporate Wolves


  Crissy Smith


  To D—Thanks for answering all my questions and your continued support.

  Chapter One

  Shawn King walked through the automatic doors of the corporate office building housing McCoy Industries, where he would now work. He’d only been back in town for a month, but he was already starting to go stir crazy with having nothing to do. He’d left his security business in London to come home.

  It was time to settle down and claim his mates.

  He pushed the button of the elevator and waited. His brother’s mate, CEO of McCoy Industries, had offered him a job as head of security until he decided what to do. Shawn hadn’t planned on taking Mac up on his offer, but he didn’t see much choice. It looked like the only way to get closer to the object of his desire.

  Shawn stepped into the elevator and fate smiled at him as he heard the deep command to hold the elevator. He was more than happy to comply.

  The man who had haunted his dreams for two years stepped inside with his head down, attention on his briefcase. “Thanks,” he murmured.

  “No problem,” Shawn told him, boldly watching as the other man’s head snapped up.

  “What are you doing here?” Kyle Moore asked, his eyes narrowing.

  Shawn would have laughed out loud at the look on the other man’s face but he knew that wouldn’t win him any points. Instead, he shifted closer. “I’m back. In fact, Mac has offered me a job, so I will be around…a lot.”

  He let that sink in for a minute. He could smell the subtle change in the other man’s body. Kyle had first been uneasy and angry. His scent now included intrigue. Shawn was hopeful that meant Kyle was still attracted.

  “You’re going to work here?” Kyle asked, disbelief colouring his voice.

  Shawn nodded. Kyle was only a couple of inches shorter than Shawn’s six foot three frame. The build on the other man was good and he knew that under his dark blue suit, Kyle’s body was to die for.

  He licked his lips remembering the one night they had spent together.

  Kyle cleared his throat and Shawn refocused. “I asked if you really planned on working here.”

  Shawn smiled at the annoyance in his voice. “I do.”

  Kyle grunted in response. “For how long? How long before you leave again?”

  Shawn knew he deserved the scepticism on Kyle’s face but he didn’t like the flash of hurt that showed before Kyle covered it.

  Taking a chance, he reached out to Kyle. He placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder and squeezed. “I won’t be going anywhere…again. I’m here to stay.”

  Kyle swallowed and Shawn barely held back a groan. The erection straining against the zipper of his khaki pants had to be visible. He looked down and was relieved to find Kyle was having the same reaction to the closeness.

  “And there’s something you should know,” Shawn told him as he brushed his erection against Kyle’s.

  “What?” Kyle asked, his voice strained.

  “I came back for one reason,” Shawn admitted. When Kyle didn’t question him further, he leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

  The elevator dinged as he spoke. “To claim you.”

  Kyle’s breath rushed out and he blinked. The elevator doors opened but he didn’t move to exit.

  Shawn stepped aside to let him off. “I’ll see you soon,” he promised.

  Kyle growled in the back of his throat before glaring at him and stomping off. Before the doors closed, he looked back. Shawn just smiled.

  A pissed off Kyle Moore quickly made his way to his office in the Marketing department. It was just like Shawn to drop a bombshell then disappear.

  He walked past his secretary without a word and entered his office, slamming the door so hard the pictures on the wall shook.

  How dare he! Two years, he had waited for word from Shawn—ever since the night they had finally got together. It had been special and Kyle knew deep down it had been more than sex.

  His soul had been complete for the first time in his life. One night with Shawn and he had been ready to confess his undying love. He had found his mate.

  Then, with no word, Shawn had left.

  It had hurt more than anything he had ever experienced before. Most wolves waited their whole lives to find their mate. Instead of celebrating it, Shawn had taken off. The hurt was still there along with the anger. But neither was strong enough to contain the need he had felt being so close to his mate.

  In the small confines of the elevator, Shawn’s scent had threatened to overwhelm him. It was all he could do to resist grabbing him and holding him down to plunder his mouth.

  He sat behind his desk and leant back. He tried to adjust his cock, which pushed against his slacks, but it was no use. He was hard and wanting and it was all Shawn’s fault.

  Knowing he couldn’t work all day like that, he unzipped his pants and slid his hand inside. Spreading the pre cum that had leaked over the tip, he started a slow rhythm.

  He thought back to that fateful night two years ago.

  They were both attending the mating ceremony of Mac’s sister Beth to her three mates. He had been drinking champagne earlier but had switched to whisky to drown out his feelings. He was happy for the group but couldn’t help but be jealous.

  Shawn staggered to the bar where he was sitting and threw an arm around his shoulder. The two had been friends for so many years he didn’t think anything about it at the time.

  “Can you believe this shit,” Shawn complained.

  Kyle shook his head, not understanding.

  “I mean, to change your entire life for someone. Give up your freedom. I don’t get why anyone would want that,” Shawn’ continued.

  Disgusted, Kyle threw his arm off. “I think it’s nice,” he said.

  Shawn laughed deep and loud. “No, nice would be able to fuck anything and anyone you wanted when you wanted.”

  Kyle wasn’t about to listen to filth, so he stood to walk away. Shawn’s arm caught him around the waist.

  “Hey, what’s up?” his friend asked.

  Kyle looked into the hazel eyes of the man who held him and spoke his fear aloud for the first time in his life. “What if I never find my m

  Shawn’s brow creased in thought. “It’s got to happen,” he finally said.

  “And if it doesn’t?” Kyle prompted.

  He wasn’t prepared for Shawn pulling his body flush against his. “It will. And that person will be the luckiest bastard in the world.”

  Kyle was knocked off balance by that comment. “What?”

  But instead of answering, Shawn’s mouth slammed down on his. Kyle opened to allow him entrance. Shawn’s kiss was hot and demanding. Within seconds, they were rubbing against each other.

  “If we don’t get out of here, I’m going to fuck you right here in front of everyone,” Shawn panted out when the kiss broke.

  Kyle hadn’t even realised they were still out in the open. He quickly took Shawn’s hand and led him away from the crowd.

  Kyle groaned as the memories pushed his arousal higher. The blowjob he had received in the bushes behind the building had been the best of his life. And that had only been the beginning that night.

  His hand was moving lightening fast and he looked down in just enough time to lift his shirt before his seed released and splashed on his chest.

  Oh God! He hadn’t come like that in years.

  Two years to be exact.

  Chapter Two

  Shawn wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking as his mind remained focused on Kyle. He turned into the outer office for the CEO and literally ran into someone.

  He reached out to catch the woman as she bounced off his chest.

  “I’m sorry!” she exclaimed, looking up at him with wide green eyes.

  Shawn blinked down at the beauty in confusion. Electricity coursed through his fingers where he touched her and travelled straight to his cock. His dick perked up even after the earlier stop at the restroom to take care of the erection Kyle had caused.

  There was only one reason he would react so strongly to touching a stranger. He’d found his and Kyle’s third.

  He didn’t realise he was staring until she pulled back just a little. Shawn dropped his hands and stuffed them in his pockets so she wouldn’t notice the way they shook.

  “Sorry,” he murmured. “You surprised me I guess.”

  She visibly trembled and Shawn caught the scent of her arousal. He took a deep breath to savour the smell—vanilla, cinnamon, and woman.

  “It’s…okay,” she stumbled over her words. “I don’t mind having a gorgeous man hold me.”

  Shawn laughed, as her eyes grew even wider than before and she slapped a hand over her mouth. It was just too cute for words.

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe I just said that,” she cried, obviously embarrassed.

  Shawn rocked back on his heels and grinned. “I appreciate a woman that speaks her mind.”

  She dropped her gaze and Shawn took the free moment to look her over. She was several inches shorter than him, petite, but with curves in all the right places. Her brown hair was long and hung around her face with strands of pink and purple. It was a good thing he had his hands in his pockets since they itched to touch the colours and see if they were just as silky as they looked.

  She shifted on her feet and looked around. “I have to go, I think.”

  Shawn didn’t want her to. He couldn’t make the same mistake he had with Kyle. Kyle… Oh hell, he had to tell Kyle. Would the other man believe him? He still had to earn back Kyle’s trust.

  The woman started to step around him and Shawn felt the first stirrings of panic. “Wait!” he said and reached for her again. His hand landed on her shoulder but it might as well have been somewhere more intimate by the way she melted. “Your name?” he requested.

  “Oh! Bree, Breanne Winters, but everyone calls me Bree.”

  Shawn liked the huskiness of her voice. His cock throbbed under his slacks, causing him to have to shift to hide the reaction. “Bree,” he repeated. “I’ll be seeing you again.”

  He strutted off with the promise hanging in the air. Shit, what was he going to do?

  That question would have to wait until after his meeting.

  There was no one at reception so he strode forward and peeked into the office. Shawn smiled as he leant against the CEO’s office doorway. His brother Trevor held his female mate, Annabelle, in his lap as they sat on top of the desk in front of Mac, his male mate. They all were involved in a three-way kiss.

  Annabelle jumped off the desk in surprise but Mac easily caught her and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Didn’t mean to interrupt,” Shawn told them not trying to hide his amusement.

  His brother growled but smiled back. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

  Shawn shrugged. “The door was open. Didn’t think it was necessary.”

  Mac’s head snapped to Trevor. “You didn’t close the door?”

  Trevor leant forward with his hands on his hips. “Well, excuse me. I didn’t expect to find you in here kissing our girl senseless.”

  Shawn enjoyed the byplay between the two men—two strong men that had been together for years and made it look easy. It was only recently they had found their other mate, making their circle complete.

  He wondered, and deep down he hoped, that his triad would be the same.

  Annabelle started to squirm on Mac’s lap and Shawn had to bite back a laugh at the resulting look on his face.

  “Darling, hold still,” Mac ordered.

  She turned red but stopped moving. “I just came to drop off some papers,” she said to no one in particular.

  “And I’m glad you did,” Mac told her kissing the side of her neck.

  Trevor groaned and Shawn coughed, once again reminding the trio he was in the room.

  Mac sighed but finally released her. She jumped up and away from both men, probably knowing if she didn’t, one of them would have her back in their lap.

  “I have to get back to work,” she said as she started to the door.

  “Don’t forget we have lunch plans,” Trevor called.

  She blushed again as she brushed past Shawn going out the door.

  Shawn was still chuckling as he stepped into the room. “We have a meeting but if the two of you need a few minutes, I could go get a cup of coffee,” he teased.

  His brother sent him a dirty look but moved to stand behind Mac as Mac gestured to the chairs in front of his desk.

  “Keep it up little brother. It’s been a while since I’ve taken you down,” Trevor warned.

  Shawn cocked an eyebrow at the man. “If you think you can, I’m game,” he challenged. A little rough housing might just help relieve some of his stress.

  Trevor took a step forward but Mac cut in, “Knock it off you two. We have work to do.”

  Shawn sat where he was directed and waited.

  Mac cleared his throat and began to fill Kyle in on what he wanted as security for the new government contract they’d just picked up. Additional employees would need to be hired and that meant a lot of background checks would need to be done. Shawn let go of all thoughts and concentrated on business. It would give him something to do while he figured out his next step with his mates.

  * * * *

  Kyle walked down the large halls that led to the corporate boardrooms, his mind still on Shawn. He’d managed to get his daily work done but it hadn’t been easy.

  Every thought he had would return to Shawn. The way the man looked, the confidence that oozed from him, the sure strength with which Shawn had held him their one night together.

  Kyle hadn’t been a shy virgin but being with Shawn had been beyond anything he’d ever imagined. Shawn took instead of asking. He had controlled Kyle from the first kiss until he’d fallen asleep wrapped in Shawn’s arms.

  It had been the only time he had allowed himself to give up all control. It had been more than he had ever thought possible.

  Shit! He had to stop thinking about Shawn. His body hadn’t forgotten earlier and was once again raring to go. As discreetly as possible, he covered his stiff cock with a file folder as
the boardroom came into view.

  The accounting manager—and mate to the CEO and Vice President—was backing out of the room with her hands up. He reached out with his free hand and touched her shoulder before she could back up into him.

  She looked back at him with amusement in her eyes. “Oh, thank God!” she cried and pulled him in front of her. “You go in there first. They’re animals!”

  Kyle laughed, guessing she was talking about her mates. The laugh died on his lips when he led her inside and saw Shawn and Trevor on the ground, rolling around wrestling. Mac leant against the table with his arms crossed, calling out encouragement to Trevor.

  Annabelle was still gripping his arms. “Make them stop before someone gets hurt,” she pleaded with him, but laughter laced her voice.

  Kyle cleared his throat and the men on the ground paused in their playing. Shawn looked up and sent him a dazzling smile. Trevor took advantage of his distraction to roll Shawn onto his back and cover his body.

  “I win!” Trevor exclaimed, before jumping off Shawn and offering his hand.

  Shawn mumbled something under his breath but Kyle was too far away to hear what he said. Trevor threw his head back and laughed before helping Shawn back onto his feet.

  “Come here, baby, and give me my victory kiss,” Trevor told Annabelle, who remained hidden behind Kyle.

  “No!” she argued, looking around him at Trevor then Mac. “And no kisses for Mac either. You all act like children!”

  Trevor grinned and started to stalk forward. “Ah, come on, baby… I won fair and square, so I should get a kiss.”

  She squeaked and let go of Kyle as Trevor got closer.

  Everyone in the room laughed when she went to dart to Kyle’s left and Trevor was there, picking her up in his arms and kissing her.

  She didn’t fight, but instead wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed for several minutes before Mac growled.


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