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Page 3

by Charity Parkerson

  Cameron stood out from the rest, sitting alone at a corner table and tilting back a longneck. Sheesh. He was as sexy as sin—in and out of uniform. The soft gray t-shirt he wore strained across his chest. Hungry stares watched him from every direction. Kip knew the exact moment he noticed her. It was obvious he caught sight of Ryan first. A smile stretched his lips. That is until Cameron’s gaze shifted. Their eyes met. Cameron’s smile fell. His disappointment at seeing her there hurt. She couldn’t lie. Sometimes it sucked being an independent woman. What Kip really wanted to do was stamp her foot in frustration…or kick Cameron in the balls.

  He had done nothing wrong, per se, but it wouldn’t kill him to take one for his team. They’d been demolishing the female side for years. Ever the gentleman, he stood when they reached the table. The bastard even pulled out a chair for her to sit. Kip smiled in thanks. At least she hoped she did. In truth her expression felt like a grimace. When Cameron reclaimed his seat, he leaned away from her. Kip saw it happen out of the corner of her eye. To keep from tearing up, she focused on the dance floor, not really seeing a thing. With her mind locked firmly on ignoring Cameron, Kip nearly jumped out of her skin when his fingertips skimmed her forearm. Her gaze shot to his.

  “I’m sorry,” she said automatically.

  The frown pulling at his brow cleared away at her apology.

  “Ryan asked you three times if you’d like something to drink.”

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, sort of wanting to bite off her own tongue. “I was…” Kip had no idea how to finish that sentence.

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “Pretending I’m not here,” he finished for her.

  “I’d love something,” she said, avoiding the truth in his statement. “But I can get it myself.”

  “Of course you can,” Cameron muttered, sounding disappointed as he looked away.

  Thankfully Ryan saved her from issuing a third apology.

  “Babe, I didn’t ask if you could get a drink. I asked if you wanted one. Now you’re going to take whatever I give you as a way to make it up to me.” He dropped his chin and gave his best puppy-dog eyes. “You wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings, would you?”

  Before she had time to respond, a glass filled to the brim with milky liquid appeared in front of her.

  “White Russian.” The man who’d set the drink on the table let his fingers linger over the glass for a moment before moving away.

  Kip’s pulse beat in her ears as her eyes moved upward until colliding with his ice-blue stare. The brim of the straw cowboy hat he wore was tugged low, hiding his blue Mohawk and casting a shadow over a majority of his face. It didn’t matter because Kip knew his every line. A slow smile stretched his lips until full-on dimples and gleaming white teeth shook Kip from her shock.

  “She’s not drinking anything we didn’t watch the bartender pour,” Cameron barked, surprising Kip with his anger.

  She couldn’t tear her gaze away from Josh hovering over her long enough to see if Cameron’s expression matched his tone. The saddened eyes holding her captive never left hers.

  “May I have this dance?”

  Kip barely stopped herself from glancing at Cameron to seek permission. That ridiculous thought had her setting her hand inside the one offered to her. As Josh’s fingers enclosed hers, Kip wondered if her knees would support her when she stood, in light of his earlier anger. Not that he gave her time to test them out. With the slightest tug he had her on her feet and moving toward the dance floor. His arms encircled her waist the second they hit its edge. As Kip’s palms slid up his chest and around his neck, her fingers automatically sought the soft hairs at his nape. She didn’t draw an easy breath until she felt them. He was really there and he didn’t look pissed or anything. The scent of spicy cologne tickled her nose. She inhaled the aroma into her lungs.

  “I can’t believe you’re here after the way our last conversation went.”

  “Don’t be stupid. I never stay mad for long. You look beautiful tonight.” The pride in his voice had her blinking back tears but her throat refused to work.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Kip?”

  Ignoring the irritation in his voice, she pressed her cheek to his chest, hoping to feel his heart beating against her ear. Heartbeats were her Kryptonite. They reminded her she wasn’t alone. With the soothing vibration caressing her senses, Kip chose to play dumb. “I’m dancing with you.”

  He sighed. A smile pulled at her lips.

  “You know what I mean. Konstantin wouldn’t want this for you.”

  Ouch. Low blow. Still, she didn’t intend to cave so easily. “I disagree. Konstantin would love to see us dancing like this. He was always a visual beast.”

  Josh pinched her ass. When she jumped in surprise, his touch turned into a caress.

  “Quit playing the fool. You’re allowing life to turn you bitter.”

  It was true. That didn’t mean she had to admit it. “I’m out with friends. Bitter people don’t do things like that.”

  “I’m aware.”

  Kip smiled against his chest. “See? I’m not bitter.”

  Josh’s low laugh was like music to her ears even though there was nothing nice about the sound.

  “We could disappear, you know? It would be as if we never existed.”

  To hide the longing in her eyes, Kip kept her cheek pressed to his chest, absorbing his strength. She could never tell him how many times she’d considered doing just that. “Except we do.”

  He set his chin on her head and his grip tightened. “Yeah, I know, but you should have a normal life with a man who comes home to you and Jade every night. What about this guy who’s eyeing us as if he wants to rip out my spine?”

  “You know Cameron.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  She knew what he meant but hoped to avoid the topic. For a moment, she felt at peace. Nothing about the way she felt for Cameron was peaceful. It was deep longing and bottomless yearning. It was ugly and messy because everything in her life was that way.

  “He kind of hates me right now.”


  Kip smiled at the annoyance in Josh’s tone. “Love you.”

  He pressed his lips to the top of her head at the declaration and whispered into her hair. “Love you too. Let’s go give the cop a reason to be pissed.”

  “Whoa. We recognize that look,” Ryan said, snagging Cameron’s attention.

  Cameron touched the longneck to his lips to buy some time. Ryan and Max’s knowing gazes crawled over his skin. With nothing left to keep him from responding, Cameron went with avoidance.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  A ghost of a smile passed over Max’s lips, ensuring Cameron knew he wasn’t fooling anyone with his denial. Ryan wasn’t as subdued.

  “Please. Spare me. Do you have any idea how many nights we’ve staked out the wares together?”

  “And again,” Cameron stressed. “I have no idea where you’re going with this.”

  “Well, let’s see,” Ryan said, working up to a real show. He tossed one arm across the back of Max’s chair while settling deeper into his. “We both know you want Kip.”

  Cameron spent a moment debating the merits of arguing before deciding he couldn’t force out that lie. When he didn’t call Ryan a liar, the man continued.

  “Now in comes this guy. I mean, dear lord, look at him. I have to admit, as many times as I’ve seen Josh I’ve never really looked at him, because let’s be honest, he doesn’t invite the eye with his surly-ass attitude but damn… That’s one big bastard. His arms are the size of my thighs. Kip is snuggling in pretty close there. Seriously it’s obvious they’ve met before.”

  “And fucked,” Max added, throwing in his two cents.

  “And fucked,” Ryan agreed. “But here’s the thing…”

  A wicked smile touched Ryan’s lips. Dread ate at Cameron’s gut.

  “While you’ve been busy watching them, we�
�ve been busy watching you. Would you like to know what we’ve seen?”

  No. He really wouldn’t but he could see they would not be deterred.

  “You’re so fucking jealous you can’t see straight.”

  Cameron’s mind went blank. He cleared his throat, hoping against hope he could survive this conversation with his reputation intact. “I’m not jealous. There’s nothing going on between Kip and me.”

  Max snorted. “That’s bullshit and you know it. You’ve got a whole hell of a lot going on with that little girl.”

  Ryan kept Cameron from having to issue a second denial. “You, my friend, are in luck. You have us.”

  “How is that lucky for me?”

  Their matching evil grins did nothing to comfort him.

  “Because when it comes to luring someone to join us in bed, we’re the grand master chiefs of debauchery.”

  If there was one thing Cameron could cling to in order to save his ass, it was the truth. He prided himself on spotting a liar or fraud a mile away. Ryan was being one hundred percent honest. Of course Cameron had heard rumors over the years. He’d assumed—incorrectly, it seemed—those things had gone down in the days when the pair had been hiding from their feelings for each other. Now it seemed to Cameron as if Ryan was insinuating this was something they still did.

  The realization was almost funny. Before that moment, Cameron had never thought of himself as gossipy. As he leaned forward in his seat, going as far as to set his elbows on the table to be closer to the pair, Cameron realized he simply had to know. Ryan and Max’s evil smiles grew at the move since it was more than apparent they’d snagged him.

  “I do believe we should extend an invitation to a particular club to our friends, Max,” Ryan said mischievously.

  Max nodded. “Agreed. I think Cameron and Kip would be very cozy joining us in a private room at a certain underground locale.”

  The Sahara Desert magically appeared, taking up shop right between Cameron’s brain and tongue. It was the only excuse he could muster for how completely his thoughts dried up, leaving him with nothing in the aftermath of Max’s statement. Cameron knew the club they referred to. This couldn’t be good. Kip and Josh arrived at the edge of the table, saving him from having to respond.

  “Everyone has met Josh, right?” she asked, motioning in the man’s direction.

  Ryan and Max shook Josh’s hand and shuffled around to make room. Josh seemed different tonight—more subdued. Less hardened by life. Cameron couldn’t put his finger on it. It didn’t matter. He still wanted to break both the man’s legs. The extra person at the table had Kip pressed closer to Cameron’s side than before. Because he couldn’t help himself he draped his arm across the back her chair, staking his claim. Josh’s mouth lifted in one corner. Fucker. He’d owned the world when he’d had Kip and had thrown it away. Cameron would be damned if Josh got it back. The more Cameron thought about it, the more it pissed him off. Leaning over, he spoke against Kip’s ear, making sure no one else could hear.

  “Doesn’t want you back, huh? Want to tell me another one?”

  She didn’t as much as glance in his direction, but Kip being Kip, she found another way to have her revenge. She lifted the drink Josh had brought her to her lips. Cameron growled. Truly. The sound rumbled from the back of his throat. Kip smirked.

  “I wish you wouldn’t drink that, Kip.”

  Everyone was watching, waiting to see what she’d do—except Josh. He was challenging Cameron with his stare, daring him to say anything else. The testosterone was enough to choke everyone at the table. Kip shrugged as if oblivious to it all.

  “I can’t get anyone to take advantage of me sober. Maybe a little roofie sex is just what the doctor ordered.” Without giving Cameron time to respond, she tipped up the glass and chugged its contents.

  Ryan threw back his head, roaring with laughter. He swiped at his eyes. “Damn. I like you.”

  Kip wiped her mouth and flashed him a grateful smile. “The feeling is mutual.”

  Cameron wanted to be pissed. Josh’s expression gave Cameron pause. The man should’ve appeared triumphant since he’d won this round. Instead Josh simply held Cameron’s stare and looked resigned.

  “Did you really think I’d drug Kip? Harsh.”

  Josh stood and pressed his lips to Kip’s cheek, saying something only she could hear. When she nodded, he straightened away and dipped his chin at them.

  “Later.” He walked away, heading straight for a curvy brunette at the bar.

  Cameron stared at Kip’s profile, searching for any sign she felt anything at all—jealousy, remorse or anger. There was nothing. Kip cared about Josh, that much was obvious by watching the pair, but not in the way Cameron had believed. Watching them interact was…odd. Of course this newfound knowledge also meant he was an ass for constantly picking that fight with her. It also didn’t change the fact that Josh was always around, showing up everywhere Kip went. Josh’s every action smacked too much of stalking.

  “Would you like another drink?”

  Kip’s gaze shot to his as if she were surprised to find him speaking to her. “No thank you.”

  “Come on, Kip. You have to have another drink. You’re going to need fortification for the night we have planned.”

  Ryan’s claim snagged Kip’s attention. Cameron hated the loss of her stare. He also wasn’t too happy about her refusal to give him an inch.

  A nervous-sounding chuckle left her lips. It was obvious he wasn’t the only who’d heard the rumors about Ryan and Max. That thought had Cameron leaning even closer to Kip. Had she heard the tales? If so, why had she still chosen to come out with the pair tonight? Damn. She kept him chasing her intentions.

  “Um,” she said, eyes skirting away. “What exactly are our plans for the evening?”

  Max leaned forward in his chair, focusing on Kip with barely contained fire. The change in him was enthralling. It was obvious Kip wasn’t immune. Her lips parted and a flush rose on her cheeks. Cameron swiped his fingers over his mouth to hide his smile. This should be good. Even he couldn’t look away from the wicked glint in Max’s eyes.

  “This place is a bit loud. We were thinking of moving this party to a quieter location.”

  Kip shocked him by not backing down. “I’m guessing you know just the place.”

  “Oh yeah.” The challenge in Max’s gaze couldn’t be missed.

  “I think I’ll take that drink now.”

  The laugh rumbling from Max’s chest could only be described as depraved. If the promise of sexual pleasure had a sound, it had just fallen from Max’s lips. “Drink fast. We have other places to be.”

  Cameron and Kip were literally fucked.

  * * * * *

  Even though Kip had arrived at Hal’s with Max and Ryan, she agreed to ride with Cameron when they left. He stared at the taillights of Ryan’s truck, picturing all the terrible turns this night could take as he ignored the deafening silence inside his car. If Kip was as much as breathing, he couldn’t tell.

  He couldn’t take any more. “Are you going to stay mad at me forever?”

  “I’m not mad.”

  The blatant lie had him glancing her way. He expected her to avoid his gaze. Instead he found her staring at him. His lips pulled at the corners without his permission. Because it was Kip he knew exactly how to respond.

  “I’m not sorry for caring too much.”

  A smile exploded across her face. “I’m not sorry for wanting you and not a savior.”

  As far as apologies went they’d pulled it off beautifully to Cameron’s way of thinking. Ryan’s blinker flashed and Cameron followed, turning into Arden Fair mall. All the shops were closed this time of night but they weren’t going there. They were headed underground. As they stepped from the car, Kip looked around. It was obvious she was curious but she wouldn’t ask. He knew her too well. She was the most independent person he’d ever met. She’d never back down from an open challenge. Max and Ryan flanked them
on either side, making Cameron feel as if he was being escorted to perdition. The nondescript building gave no hint of the debauchery taking place just below the surface.

  When a dark-haired man stepped from the shadows, Kip started a little at Cameron’s side. There was nothing about the man that would make him stand out in a crowd. He was average height, average build and had average looks. He was exactly like thousands of people Cameron saw on a daily basis. The man nodded at Max even though his expression held. There was no judgment. Still, Cameron couldn’t get inside and out from beneath the man’s stare fast enough. With a quick scan of his keycard, the doorman let them inside, and Max led the way down a darkened staircase. A soft light shined at the bottom and low music floated up the stairs. The farther they went the more the temperature dropped. Cameron bit back a laugh. He’d expected hell to be warmer.

  As the first moan reached his ears, Cameron barely stopped himself from glancing behind him to see Kip’s reaction. He had to admit there’d been a tiny part of him that hoped he was wrong about where they were headed. If the noises surrounding them weren’t enough to tell the tale, the sheer curtains allowing them a clear view of a few of the blatant sexual acts taking place cleared up any doubts.

  “Please tell me this is not happening?”

  Even though it was obvious Kip intended to pitch her voice low enough for only Cameron to hear, Max’s rumble of laughter let them know he’d heard her loud and clear. Cameron tried not to snort at the horror in her voice. In spite of her obvious shock over their current location, he was damn proud of her, especially since he was still considering running for the hills. He didn’t need to speak to or see any of these people ever again, except he sort of did.

  Given the shit direction his mood had taken since Kip had kicked him out of her bedroom the night before, Cameron very much feared she was indeed necessary to his existence. The realization did nothing to help his current mood. Without warning, Max drew up short. The narrow hallway, combined with walking on each other’s heels, had Kip colliding with his back. Chills raced down his body. His skin tightened. She didn’t back away. Instead her hands found Cameron’s waist, making him realize her actions had been intentional.


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