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Page 6

by Charity Parkerson

  A blast of cold air washed over her. It did nothing to cool her skin. Heat radiated from her body. It was dark inside except for a soft light coming from inside the kitchen. It cast a slight glow over the living room, illuminating their path enough so they didn’t run into any furniture. His home was all man, just like he was. Big TV, leather furniture and sturdy oak tables filled the living room. She knew from previous visits that every appliance he owned was stainless steel. It was also military clean. He’d told her once that some habits were hard to break. It was a habit they didn’t share.

  Cameron led her past the bathroom in the hall, heading for his room. “No one ever uses that shower so there’re no toiletries in there.”

  Kip didn’t care where they went as long as she could get him inside her as quickly as possible. She ached. “All right.”

  As they cleared the bedroom door, Kip tucked her fingers into his back pocket to keep from running into anything. It was too dark for her to make out a thing. When he flipped on the bathroom light, she considered hissing like a vampire. Tiny burst of what looked like lightning popped behind her closed lids from the sudden change.

  “Sorry. I should’ve given you a little warning.”

  Kip blinked against the assault. “It’s okay. I’m good.”

  The tiny bathroom finally came into focus and she tried taking a step inside. Cameron drew her up short. He looked unsure of himself.

  “I guess it’s a lot smaller than you’re used to.”

  A snort escaped before she could think better of it. Sometimes she forgot that Cameron knew nothing about the real her. One day, she’d have to tell him everything, but not today. Since telling him the bathroom was bigger than anything she’d grown up with would open a conversation she didn’t want to start, Kip chose a different tactic. “It’s perfect. There’s less room for you to get away.”

  With a roll of his eyes, Cameron backed out of her way. “I’ll leave you to it. There’re towels in the closet behind the door.”

  A sigh of disappointment ran through her. She’d been looking forward to watching beads of water run down his body while steam surrounded them. It seemed he didn’t feel the same.

  “Okay.” Even if she’d tried, Kip couldn’t have kept the disappointment from her voice.

  Cameron’s brows drew together as if he were attempting to decipher her tone. She didn’t care how she sounded. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind it was his head that was keeping him away. She hadn’t missed the way he’d carefully avoided her seeing too much of him unclothed. The night they’d shared a private room with Max and Ryan, he’d taken her from behind. That night had been delicious. She’d thought little of his purposeful positioning at the time. The second time they were together, the room had been dark and Cameron was gone before morning. Whether Cameron admitted it or not she knew him.

  This so wasn’t happening on her watch. “Oh. Damn. I forgot my bag in the car.”

  Cameron’s expression cleared. “I’ll go grab it.”

  The second he disappeared, Kip set to work. In a matter of seconds, she had the water at the perfect temperature and was stripped down to nothing. Cameron rounded the corner, bag in hand, and froze. A wave of heat blasted her. The lust radiating from his eyes held her captive. His gaze raked her body. The muscles in her stomach clenched as the muscle in his jaw ticked. He didn’t move. Kip’s lungs burned, making her realize she was holding her breath.

  “Come here.”

  At her demand, Cameron set aside the bag before dutifully doing as she bade. He stood toe-to-toe with her, staring down at her with open hunger.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  He glanced away, not meeting her gaze.

  “I’m waiting, Cameron.”

  When he didn’t move fast enough, Kip reached for the hem of his shirt. This was happening. He would let her in. To Kip’s surprise, he didn’t stop her as she eased the material upward. The closed expression on his face stabbed her through the heart. He expected the worst. It would never happen. Once the shirt was high enough to expose his stomach and chest, Kip inspected every inch. There were angry red scars—she’d been expecting them—but they weren’t what she really saw. It was his lead-a-girl-to-hell abs along with the deep valley at the center of his chest that captured her gaze.

  She closed the final inch between them and opened her mouth over his chest. Damn. It tasted every bit as delicious as it looked. A hum rose in her throat. The shirt disappeared. If his skin hadn’t been delighting her taste buds, it might’ve surprised her he’d willingly tossed the garment aside. All she knew at the moment was desire. She reached for the button on his jeans, working it loose before sliding down his zipper. As she pushed the material down his hips, Kip couldn’t look away. His body was amazing.

  Cameron touched her chin, tilting back her head and forcing her to meet his stare. His eyes searched her face as if he couldn’t decide if her reactions were genuine. There was no way she could hide her body’s response to him. He was killing her. Kip’s clit pulsed, begging for his touch. Water filled her mouth at the thought of straddling his sexy hips and having his controlled power between her thighs. Snagging his hand, she slid it down her body, moving slowly and torturing them both. Her eyes threatened to fall closed as his palm scraped over her sensitized nipple but she forced them to stay focused on his face. When she reached the apex of her thighs, Cameron didn’t need any further encouragement. The tips of his fingers skimmed her mound. With the lightest pressure, her pussy lips parted beneath his touch. Sparks of electricity ran through her. Pleasure coiled in her stomach. Every muscle in Kip’s body tightened with anticipation. By the time Cameron dipped inside her channel, she thought she might scream.

  “Damn, Kip. You’re so wet.”

  Kip could barely speak past the lust choking her. “I can’t help it. Your body is amazing. I want to do bad things to it.”

  The final word barely passed her lips before Cameron claimed her mouth. He took a step forward, deepening their kiss while maneuvering her toward the shower. Kip shoved at his jeans, hoping to pry them off, but Cameron didn’t stop. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he held her against him as he stepped into the shower, jeans and all. Laughter bubbled in her throat.

  “You’ll never be able to get those jeans off now.”

  Cameron dipped his head, drawing her nipple between his teeth. The sensation went straight to her cunt.

  “I’m scared of myself right now,” Cameron said against her skin. “These pants are all that’s keeping you safe.”

  The deep rumble in his voice made her quiver with anticipation. He dropped to his knees.

  “In my mind I’m already fucking you and it has nothing to do with pleasure,” he added.

  Tugging her hips forward, he coaxed her leg over his shoulder. Kip clung to the wall as hot water streamed down her body. She couldn’t look away from his face. His expression was almost feral. Holding her stare, he slowly leaned in.

  “It’s just me, claiming your body and trying to bury myself so deep inside you, you’ll never escape.”

  His hot mouth covered her pussy, and Kip’s knees buckled and she almost went down. Only his grip on her ass and the shoulder supporting her leg kept it from happening. Cameron didn’t show an ounce of mercy. His tongue, lips and teeth scraped, tugged and sucked, making her half insane. Her cries echoed from the walls of the tiny shower, filling her ears until the roar of her blood pounding drowned out all sound. All she could do was feel. She ground herself against his mouth, uncaring of anything other than capturing the blinding orgasm Cameron promised. Her muscles tightened around his tongue, attempting to hold him there. It slipped away, tracing a line to her clit, circling and tormenting her. The tips of his fingers skimmed her crack, dipping inside. The coil wound tight inside her snapped. Cameron’s name tore from her throat as her vision darkened around the edges. She couldn’t draw enough oxygen into her lungs to support her brain. Pulses of pleasure beat between her legs and still Camer
on didn’t relent. He growled against her pussy, making her head spin. When Kip thought she couldn’t take another second, Cameron shot to his feet, unbalancing her and tossing her over his shoulder. In a fog-like haze, Kip stroked his ass as he headed for the bed.

  “You’re mine,” Cameron said, sounding almost demonic as he tossed her onto the mattress.

  Fuck yeah, she was. Too bad she’d lost the ability to speak.

  Kip didn’t respond. He couldn’t let that stand. It was possible she couldn’t catch her breath. Her chest rose and fell with each strained lungful of air, making his already aching cock scream for attention. Cameron didn’t hesitate or consider how Kip would react. Snagging the handcuffs from his side table, he snapped them around one of her wrists. Her gaze moved to her arm as if she couldn’t quite grasp what he’d done. If she thought to argue, he didn’t give her the chance. He held her stare as he urged her arms above her head. Kip didn’t fight it. Anticipation had him perched on the edge of insanity. After weaving the empty cuff through the rungs of his headboard, Cameron snapped it closed around her other wrist.

  Straightening away, Cameron swept his gaze over her body as he peeled off his wet jeans. Removing the soaked material from his body wasn’t fun but the way his jeans ended up that way made it worthwhile. A flush covered Kip’s skin. Her nipples were hard, making his mouth water. Everything about her called to him. She might’ve been chained but she wasn’t helpless. Her hooded eyes were heavy with desire as she waited to see what he would do next. For a moment, she pressed her knees together as if her patience was at end, before she allowed them to fall open, tempting him. His dick strained to be closer to her. Moving slowly, hoping to torment her, Cameron found a condom and ripped open the package. He palmed his cock, savoring the way her eyes followed the motion when he stroked it.


  Damn. The breathless way she said his name tightened his skin. He rolled on the condom.

  “I don’t think you’re understanding your position, Kip. You’re mine.”

  She licked her lips. Oh, she was a tease.

  “Maybe so but you’re mine too.”

  He skimmed her inner thigh with the tips of his fingers. His eyebrows rose. “Maybe?”

  The sound of her breath catching filled the air. Her back arched. “Definitely.”

  His knee hit the mattress between hers. “That’s better.”

  “You gonna keep me locked up all night?”

  Instead of answering, Cameron settled between her thighs and closed his lips around her nipple. She made him want everything and dream the world could be his. Even though his body was screaming for release he wanted to savor every second. Kip’s deep moan combined with the flavor of her pussy still lingering on his tongue, making his dick leak. His balls were already drawn up so tightly there was no way he would last.

  “If you only knew how many times I’ve pictured you exactly like this—incapable of getting away,” he said, moving from one breast to the other.

  Her thighs tightened on his hips as if attempting to lure him inside.

  “I could do anything to you right now. Any special requests?” He was dying. It was worth it.

  “Inside me. Now,” she panted.

  A low chuckle rumbled from his chest, sounding sinister even to him. Sliding his cock along her slit, Cameron relished her every pained moan. Her juices soaked his fingers.

  “Oh God. Please?”

  He did it again, teasing her clit with his crown. The whimper coming from the back of her throat was his undoing. Surging forward, Cameron gasped for air as her tight heat surrounded him. Everything he felt for her clogged his throat. She meant every fucking thing to him. In that moment, he would’ve killed for her.

  * * * * *

  Cameron’s fingers trailed down Kip’s arm before moving back up again. He repeated the motion until Kip was having a hard time holding her eyes open. Every muscle felt wonderfully sore. Between her bout and Cameron’s lovemaking, she’d be lucky to crawl out of bed in the morning. In spite of her exhaustion Kip’s mind refused to shut down. Tracing a pattern across Cameron’s oblique, she stared into the darkness, soaking up the sound of his heart. If he was the least bit concerned over her draping over his body like a blanket, he didn’t say a word. There was something rattling around in his brain though. She could practically feel him stewing.

  “Out with it,” she ordered when she couldn’t take any more.

  His low chuckle rumbled against her cheek. “What makes you think there’s something to get out?”

  “Because I know you. Something’s up.”

  He lasted exactly five seconds. “I talked to my dad today.”

  “Ha! Called it. What is the elder North up to these days?”

  She felt Cameron shrug. “The usual. Working the ranch, disappointed I haven’t been home since I got hurt, and coming this way in a few weeks to trade some horses. He’s wanting to meet up in Cottonwood while he’s on this side of the U.S. It’s a little over four hours’ drive but nothing compared to his haul from Athens. I was hoping you and Jade might want to go with me. She’d get to see the horses.”

  He sounded so hopeful Kip’s heart skipped a beat. God. The things this man did to her soul. It wasn’t fair.

  “I’d love to go with you but why don’t you ever go home?”

  Cameron’s weight shifted beneath her, making Kip wonder if he was uncomfortable answering the question. She wasn’t taking it back. He was a part of her life. She wanted to know everything about him.

  Finally he shrugged again. “Things are different now. I’ve changed and he’s changed.” Cameron paused. “No. I’m the only one who’s changed. Obviously I’ve changed physically but I also don’t see things the way I used to. Every time I go back home, I stay in my old room and everything looks so foreign to me.” An aggravated sigh came from the back of his throat. It was sexy. “It’s hard to explain. All my childhood memories are still in my head but I can’t remember being that person—innocent and idealistic. I can see the parts of me I’ve lost too clearly there.” Cameron fell silent for a moment before adding, “Well, that went from asking you to go on a fun road trip to being depressing as hell real quick.”

  Kip disagreed. She found his admission fascinating. There were times she could see the parts of her that were missing with a blinding clarity as well. It sucked. “It’s funny.”

  “What is?” Cameron asked, sounding genuinely interested.

  “I’ve always seen you as innocent and idealistic.”

  Cameron’s chest shook with barely suppressed laughter. Kip loved the way it felt.

  “Innocent, huh? Maybe we should go out with Ryan and Max again. I don’t think I’ve done enough to disabuse you of that notion.”

  Kip thanked any and all deities still listening to her for the darkness hiding her face. It burned with mortification. That night was more than the heat of the moment. It was the heat of a thousand moments with Cameron, built up since the first time he’d kissed her and then left her unsatisfied. Kip pinched his side. “I can barely look the two of them in the eye when I go to self-defense class as it is.”

  Cameron’s laughter grew. The sound made her want to be outrageous. She loved it when he was happy.

  “I’m being serious. You have no idea how much Ryan enjoys tormenting me. The other day, he gave me a tube of cherry Chapstick because he said he knows it’s my favorite.”

  Cameron was laughing so hard no sound emerged.

  “Then when I didn’t get one of their positions right, Max pointed out he knew for a fact I was more flexible than I was letting on.”

  Cameron swiped at his eyes. “Oh God. We’re so going back one of these days.”

  Huh. Kip did kind of want to go again.

  Chapter Five

  Mountie North—honest to God that was the man’s name—looked so much like Cameron it was eerie. Older and without the scars of course, but he was Cameron in every other way—height, build, eyes…everything. Kip
couldn’t look away. She also kind of wanted to hug him. It was impossible to avoid an immediate connection with someone who was the replica of someone she loved. For the hundredth time since they arrived at Cottonwood Stables, Kip forced herself to focus on the horses gathering inside the fence instead of Mr. North’s slightly mismatched eyes. It didn’t last long.

  “Kipley, huh? Are your parents hippies?”

  This coming from a guy named Mountie. Kip pasted on her brightest smile. “They could’ve been I suppose, but that’s not how I landed the name. I was named after a tiny town in Texas. In the mid-1800s, in the time of the Old West, it was a haven for outlaws. Here you are, named after the police. How ironic the two of us should meet?”

  Mountie had a barrel laugh. She didn’t know how else to describe it. It came from the chest in a huge bellow. The sound was contagious. Kip couldn’t stop smiling. There was no word in the English language that was strong enough to describe how nervous she’d been about doing this. Parents weren’t her strong suit. It wasn’t as if she’d had practice, and loving parents wanted to know things. What if he had questions she couldn’t or wouldn’t answer? This was a huge risk.

  “Actually I’m named after Mountie Jacobson, the famous gunslinger. So really, how ironic we should meet?”

  A burst of unexpected laughter hit Kip. She didn’t know if the man was screwing with her but he was quick. Even though Jade was too young to understand their conversation she was momentarily distracted from the animals. She giggled as if she knew what was going on. The sight only made Kip laugh harder. It had been a long time. That thought was almost sobering. When she stopped to think about it, Kip couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this light.


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