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Amy Lynn: Golden Angel

Page 35

by Jack July


  Elle opened the first envelope, it was fragile, the paper had yellowed and become brittle. She carefully unfolded it and began to read about Virginia Hall.


  David Gist looked up and announced, “Time Madam President.”

  She looked at the end of the table and asked, “NSA, will ten minutes give China any greater advantage in preparing for combat?”

  “No, ma’am, not a measurable difference.”

  “David, reset the clock, back them down ten minutes.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Five minutes later, the light began to flash. “Incoming call Madam President.”

  The screen came on and President Shen was looking away from the camera, he nodded, then looked at the President and said, “We are ready.”

  A shaky camera shot stabilized and a man was seen sitting at an ornate desk. A Chinese flag displayed behind him. The president was handed an earpiece so an interpreter could let her follow the conversation. The interpreter said, “Madam President, I’m going to give you a synopsis of what is being said. This is being recorded and I will give you an exact transcript. But the language moves too fast for me to interpret and listen.”

  “That’s fine Donna.”

  “The man sitting behind the desk is Long Cho. The President is speaking. He is lecturing Long Cho on bringing shame to China and to his family.”

  A man standing left of Long Cho removed a gun from his jacket and set it in front of Long Cho. Donna continued, “He is repeating to Long Cho to do the right thing, do the right thing, over and over. He wants him to shoot himself. Long Cho is refusing to pick up the gun. He is pleading his innocence. The President has called him a coward.”

  Suddenly the man to Long Cho’s left pulled a gun, placed it to his temple and pulled the trigger. Long Cho collapsed on the desk. Then the individual, a Politburo security officer, put another bullet in the back of his head.

  The camera shook then went dark. President Shen appeared back on camera. “I hope this outcome is satisfactory for you.”

  “Once we authenticate, we know for sure that is Long Cho. Yes, that will be satisfactory.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence. President North broke it when she said, “Today nearly brought the world to war. It was because we did not communicate. It was because we failed to resolve old differences that have been taking us down this path for years. Do you agree?”

  Shen nodded and said, “I do.”

  “Good, in two weeks I would like you and the Chairman of the Politburo to come to Camp David. We will sit with my Secretary of State, just the four of us. If we do not resolve these issues, we will find ourselves in the same place in the not so distant future.”

  “Agreed. Thank you Madam President.”

  “Thank you President Shen, you are truly a man of honor. We will talk soon.” The screen went blank.

  The President looked up and said, “David, stand down the military.”

  A cheer went up in the sit room as the President nodded to Stevie. Moments later he brought in a cooler. She dug in the ice, and pulled out a Coors Light, popped the top, took a long drink and said, “Anybody want a beer?” They all wanted a beer.

  When Tatiana awoke she looked over at Amy who had fallen asleep with the Bible on her chest. As the jumbo jet made its approach to Doha, Qatar, Tatiana shook her awake. “Hey, we’re landing.”

  Amy nodded and said, “You reckon they got a decent restaurant in this airport, I’m hungry.”

  Tatiana smiled at her best friend, the bright eyes, sparkling smile and her light southern accent occasionally wilted a word that endeared her to strangers and friends alike. There was no need to talk about it. Amy was back.

  They found a chicken place in the airport. Amy polished off four pieces of chicken two rolls, french fries and a side of slaw. Tatiana shook her head and said, “You know someday that will come out on your hips, right?”

  Amy smiled and said, “Yeah, but not today.”

  They boarded another plane and Amy saw the destination at the gate. “The Maldives?”

  “Yep, have you ever been there?’

  “No, that’s one of those fantasy places that people only read about.”

  “Hmm, well, now it’s my home.”

  It was another nine-hour flight from Qatar to Villa International Airport on the island of Ari. They took a small plane to Dharavandhoo then a boat to Faadhippolhu. They rode in a pedal taxi on the island to a gated compound where eight homes sat along the beach. In the center on stilts out in the water was a small restaurant/bar. Tatiana went to a neighbor’s house for her keys but was told the house was open. Amy watched as her demeanor changed. She began to tremble as she walked to the house and opened the front door. She looked around, dropped her stuff, waved Amy outside and said, “Come on, hurry, come on.” They got to the beach and Tatiana started to scan, looking everywhere until off in the distance came a man, a white man who had a scruffy beard. Tatiana squealed and took off down the beach on a dead run. Amy watched in confusion as she tackled him and they fell to the sand, hugging and kissing like long lost lovers. Then Amy got close enough to see who it was.

  “BRANDON!” shouted a surprised Amy, “YOU’RE DEAD.”

  Through Tatiana’s onslaught of affection he managed to get out, “No, not really.”

  “Wait, that means Bogus is alive, right? Is he?”

  “Yes,” said Brandon.

  “Let me up,” he said to Tatiana with a laugh. They both stood up and looked at Amy who looked back with an expression of shock.

  Amy looked at Tatiana and said, “You knew. You knew the whole time didn’t you?”

  “I thought it was possible. I was hoping and praying. I just wasn’t sure.”

  “Come, let’s have a drink, I’ll tell you all about it,” said Brandon.

  “I can’t wait to hear this,” said Amy.

  They sat and talked for a while. Amy could tell they wanted to be alone. She rose to excuse herself when a man appeared by the table. He was short and appeared to have down syndrome. “Hello Manchin,” said Tatiana.

  “Hi. Bogus said he will come later. I’m supposed to give this to Amy.”

  “I’m Amy,” she said, holding out her hand. It was a brown envelope.

  Manchin gave Tatiana a hug and said, “Goodbye,” then turned and left.

  She opened the envelope and inside was a picture of Amy and Kristy sitting on the back of the ambulance. “Where did he get this?”

  “Who knows? That’s Bogus.”

  “And Manchin, is he…”

  “Yes, he’s got downs. Bogus doesn’t treat him that way. He was his childhood friend in Warsaw. Bogus never forgot him. I think he owns 5% of Zielinski International.”

  “He’s full of surprises isn’t he?”

  “Bogus? Oh yeah.” said Tatiana.

  The Final Chapter

  Director Dotson and Adele sat at the conference room table in his office. The file for Golden Angel was spread across the table. Dotson leaned back in his chair and said, “This was one for the ages.”

  “Indeed. How did the President handle the Chicoms?”

  “She was solid. There hasn’t been one like her since Dutch. I was proud of her.”

  “Do you think she would have pulled the trigger?”

  “I think she wanted to pull the trigger.”

  “Yep, that’s Dutch.”

  Dotson picked up a sheet of paper and asked, “What did you decide about Virginia? T asked that we knock off a couple of years.”

  “Adele shook her head and said, “No, it’s for her own good. We can keep track of her around here. At least keep her off the hard drugs. As soon as she and Larry leave, she’s gonna whore him out to Microsoft or Apple for big money. Then she’ll go on a self-destructive
streak. She’ll be dead in a couple years. I’m trying to get her into rehab but she’s so damaged.”

  “That makes sense. What do you think about moving Danny up? Maybe give him a supervisor’s position?”

  “He could handle it, but I think he may not be around much longer.”


  “Yeah, seems he and Edie Fossen are spending a few weeks together in Germany. They match up really well.”

  “I was wondering about that. Why was Fossen doing comms? That’s a bit below her pay grade isn’t it?”

  “That was T playing match maker.”

  “Oh really?” said Dotson with a little laugh. “Did you tell him if they become involved we have to revoke some of his clearances?”

  Adele smiled and said, “I don’t think he cares.”

  “Hmm, loss for us. What about Cody?”

  “I signed him on as a contractor. He went back to get his family and will be moving them to Louisiana by his folks.”

  Dotson shook his head and said, “It’s a shame we had to lose his best years.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

  “How’s the kid?”

  “She’s tough. She’s the southern fried T. T took her to her place in the IO to recover. She’ll be back in 120 days then her enlistment will be up. She’ll be healed and we can teach her the trade. Tim, no shit, she’s gonna be a good one.”

  “I didn’t want to ask this, but did T resign?”

  “Yeah, got it this morning, but you know, like the song says, ‘You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.’ She’ll be around.”

  “So he made it?”


  “How’d she do it?”

  “She didn’t, I did. Her plan went to shit when he refused because he was afraid she would go to jail. I called Zielinski and told him to get Bolin the fuck out of there and I didn’t care how he did it. Boguslaw is pretty crafty. He blew up his own car using Chinese explosives he had delivered from one of his mines. Edie did the report and because it was clearly Chinese explosives, of course the Chinese did it. She didn’t have to lie on the report, much.”

  The director nodded his head and said, “T deserves that, thanks for taking care of that for me. It was the least I could do for her. Did you see the reunion between Kristy Wilson and her parents?”

  “Yeah, moments like that keep me coming back.”

  “Me too, that one made my allergies act up. I haven’t shed a tear in awhile. Good to know I still can. Okay then,” said the Director, picking up paperwork and placing it in the folder, “where are you off to?”

  Adele stood up and stretched, “It’s been a long week. I think I’m going to go home, make a drink and fuck the gardener.”

  “You’re a married woman Adele.”

  “No shit, who do you think does the gardening?” she said with a grin while leaning over and giving Tim a hug.

  Tim laughed, “Goodnight Adele.”

  “Goodnight Tim.”

  Amy leaned back in the lounge chair and basked in the sunny eighty-nine degree weather. She looked out across the water. Pictures did not do this justice. The fourth of what Tatiana called a Coconut Icee, Tatiana’s codename for a Peña Colada, was going down good. Off in the distance the bartender played an old mixed tape on a boom box. Haunting music and vocals from 10 cc’s ‘I’m Not In Love’ made the perfect soundtrack for the moment. She could not remember where she heard that song before but she could not believe she ignored it. Mixing the booze with the pain medication gave her a really powerful buzz. Or, more precisely, she was trashed. However, not so trashed that she missed the smell of eucalyptus face cleanser, as the person who wore it walked up behind her.

  “Well, if it ain’t Bogus the great. Yer s-s-sposed to be dead,” Amy slurred.

  “Mind if I sit?”

  “Do what everyouwant.” The words ran together, then she chuckled at her own little joke and said, “Well, not whatever. I heered all ’bout choo.”

  Bogus slid a chair up close to Amy, “Don’t believe everything you hear.”

  “Oh, I don’t. If I did you wouldn’t be-a-sittin here.”

  “What is that you’re drinking?”

  “Coconut Icee, Tatiana had that nice man make ‘um fer me,” She pointed to the bartender and said too loudly, “HI.”

  The bartender waved back and said “Another?”

  Bogus shook his head no and said, “Two bottles of water please.” Then he looked at Amy and asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “I aint feelin nuthin, not a damn thing.” Then she giggled to herself again and said, “oops, I sweared.”

  I think someone wanted you out of the way, thought Bogus. “Yes, well, I just wanted to see you.”

  “S-see me? Hey, hey, you know what? Y-you irritates thefireoutofme. You know that?”

  “Bogus laughed and said, “Yes, I’ve grown rather fond of you also.”

  “Ima gonna tell you somethin’, ’kay? Listen?”


  “Few days ago, I buried the man I loved, cause he was-s-s dead. I never loved anybody like that afor. You herin’ me?”

  Bogus nodded.

  “Know what? When you died, I jus-s figgered, hey, you know, hey, I give up. Now here ya are. Truth? You want the tr-ruth?”

  “Yes, I always want the truth.”

  “’Kay, here it is. Gonna be a looong time till I love anybody, understand? I’m ta-a-red. My hearts all broke up. Needs ta heal. You understand me?”

  Bogus nodded. He was sure he would never get her as open and honest as she was right then. She put out her right hand, palm up fingers splayed. He looked at her funny as if to say, “What?” She shook her hand and he finally got the hint. He put his hand in hers lacing their fingers together and she softly gave it a squeeze. “Stay close kay? Don’t choo wander too far away.”

  “I promise. I won’t.”

  “Good, good”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and they sat silently for a while. She giggled again. Bogus tilted his head, gave her a little smile and asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “I was jus think-in ’bout somtin. My Daddy, he’s gonna, well, ah, gonna have a cow if he meets choo.”

  “A cow? Really? That’s not good is it?”

  Amy shook he head slowly, “NOOOO, it sure isn’t.”

  The End




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