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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 8

by Tabitha White

  “Pete and repeat? Do I know them?”

  “Craig and Candy.” Angie said.

  “How does this equate to the stars shining on you? I thought you couldn’t stand Craig?”

  “I can’t, he’s deplorable. However, I overheard Craig and Candy fighting about how they had made Martin and I the fall guys for everything. However, Craig also took and surrendered all control of his financial assets to Martin; his inheritance, his position in the company; so he could defer paying child support. The bounty deepened with Candy ranting and raving about appeasing the judge, Anthony Giannola, and finding the will. I intend to find out how deep each one’s involvement runs.” Angie said.

  “Alright Angie! Woo hoo! Woman you have jumped on the justice wagon, let’s get down to business we need proof! How do we go about getting it?” Tammy asked.

  “Must I keep telling you this; the scent of a woman. I looped John in yesterday night. Believe me he’s in, hook, line and sinker.”

  “Alright we need to act fast you don’t have many days left before your redemption period expires. Time to employ the big guns; Jaid” Tammy said.

  “I’m meeting with her at her office this morning, however before I go I want to mention something that seems likely; at least in theory anyway. Years ago, while Craig worked so hard building his deceitful business I decided to study insurance at home without his knowledge. I read a news story in a Lansing newspaper where Attorney General, Mark Skuette announced felony charges for Mike Sage, 67 and Henry Cannon, 55 of Macomb County. The charges alleged that Sage the CEO, and Cannon, bookkeeper of Wixom Compensation Advisory Organization worked together to embezzled an estimated $2.5 million dollars from the company during a twelve-year period. Sage, working with the bookkeeper, Cannon, conspired together and covered up their tracks. Both men worked at this nonprofit for over ten years as trusted employees.”

  “Okay I’m following the path; Craig and Candy right?”

  “Possibilities never cease to amaze me. It makes sense because Candy has complete access to the records in her house. Her motive; money. In the story of Sage and Cannon, they embezzled an enormous amount of money because they worked together. The company policy required two signatures on checks issued over $1,000. To evade that requirement Sage and Cannon wrote themselves checks for $900. When the need arose to write a check over $1000, they provided the second signature for each other. Craig draws no salary from the company yet he remains an officer and somehow can afford to live in one of Michigan’s most expensive neighborhoods.”

  “Angie if Craig and Candy embezzle funds from the company, what role does Anthony Giannola play in all of this?”

  “I believe Martin and Craig handle the day-to-day company duties for Anthony.” Angie said.

  “That’s like inviting a thief to a millionaire’s benefit fund-raiser.” Tammy said.

  “This would allow Candy access to her brother; Anthony. I’ve heard he’s mob but never wanted to confirm or deny that.” Angie said.

  “Angie if your thoughts about the players warrant any truth, you won’t have to seek revenge they’d have sealed their own fate.”

  “Marked or not I’m taking back what belongs to me and seeking justice for the people Craig and Martin duped. I get to seek justice first before anyone lays a hand on them.”

  “You have no way to ensure that though. If the mob gets to them first they’re dead!” Tammy said.

  “Believe me I’ve learned survival strategies along the way; I intend to seek justice!” Angie said.

  Tapping her cheek while deep in thought Angie wondered if this paralleled Craig and Candy; maybe even Martin. Recently, Martin sheltered Craig’s share of inheritance money in a bank account in Martin’s name. Otherwise, the court would have garnished it due to child support arrears. These actions, while immoral, rode a fine line while obeying legalities with skill.

  I wonder. Does Craig possess the cohunes to do something so bold; so brash? He’s kept the judge in his back pocket and now a doctor has attested to his nonexistent disabilities. Yeah right in a pig’s eye Craig cannot work because of a disability! No task is too large for Craig to undertake if he avoids putting a dime in my hand. How does Candy fit in? Someone oversees the records; perhaps Candy plays this role? If she controls all the records, I need to get them from her.

  “You know Tammy this went undiscovered for such a long period during annual audits because Sage, the CEO, did not have to submit documentation of his expenses as other employees had to. The expense reports submitted had false and inflated figures reported on them. The two had fine-tuned the orchestral embezzlement as they siphoned funds from the company. Embezzlement holds punishments of up to 20 years with up to three times of the embezzled amount.” Angie said.

  The papers hold the key to the connection! Craig, Martin and Candy. I need those papers! The stakes just got about ten times higher!

  “Tammy I think I understand their crimes however I have no evidence to prove it. Further complicating our efforts, I have to come up with $9,000 in ten days! In exchange for your help, I want to offer you and Alex a place to stay until you get on your feet again. Angie said.

  “I’m in! Thank you Angie I appreciate the help. What do you need me to do?”

  “Well I’ve devised a plan, a precarious one and it depends on John.”

  “John, from the corner bar, infatuated with you, subservient to Craig in years past, John? What makes you think you can trust him?”

  “The sultry scent of a woman.” Angie said in a vicious and warm voice.

  Angie and Tammy plotted out specific details of a well-orchestrated plan ripe with revenge that would ensure Angie and Lance would not lose their home; neither would Tammy and Alex.

  “Beautiful! If you can’t beat em’ join em’ right! You clever woman!”

  “Okay I have a proposal and it entails us…”

  Chapter 13

  “Tammy I’ve got to gain access to Craig’s records where he lives. Craig made sure he scoured everything for improprieties and wiped all fingerprints before turning the records over to me.”

  Angie’s chances of redeeming the home rested in Craig’s hands. He owed her enough support that would cover the redemption fee.

  “How, we don’t have a way of gaining access to his records.”

  “No but Martin does.” Angie said.

  “Martin! What makes you think that Martin would help us?”

  “Men can’t refuse the sultry scent of a woman!”

  “Okay I understand how the scent of a woman motivates John, but Martin? I don’t get it.”

  “Martin lives in a pseudo-fantasy-world where everything on the surface showcases his pride and joy in life. He believes he achieves this through a successful business, a couple of straight ‘A’ kids and the façade of a faithful marriage. You know the June and Ward Cleaver syndrome.” Angie said.

  “How does the scent of a woman play into Martin’s imaginary success?”

  “Impropriety. I know Martin, Candy and Craig’s deepest secrets. Martin confirmed an ace I’ve kept tucked up my sleeve; Mandy.”

  “Ahh, now the gears have begun to click. Al and I often heard rumors about her and Martin. Seems our number two arch nemesis has a weak point. I say all’s fair in love and war; let the games begin. What’s the plan?” Tammy said.

  “We need the records. However, Martin will guard them like gold. Therefore, we use the adage; move him away from pain and toward gain. The lone question; do we hit him with the big guns first or ease him into leveraged persuasion?”

  “Mandy possibly holds the answers to this enigma. We have to find her and see if she will participate without us prompting her. Remember tick tock goes the clock for the house.”

  Craig’s deceitfulness brought out a different side of Angie. She decided to ride atop the coattails of desire using the scent of a woman to achieve her goal. Craig no longer held four aces sporting his shitty politicians’ grin. He may have suppressed her at first. However, no
w, rising above adversity Angie planned to repay those who had wronged her; a sleeping tiger. The scent of their blood etched itself in her memory signaling the hunt to the death commenced.

  “Tammy, reading the file Craig planted in the trunk of my car made me feel like a pawn in his game of chess. I will ensure that he, Martin and Candy can’t cheat or frame anyone else and I’ll do it in stealth mode. They’ll never know what hit them.”

  Unexpectedly the door clicked as the latch grabbed. A pre-menopausal hot flash overtook Angie like a heat wave. Her heart thumped in her chest and gave way to her throat becoming thick. Angie tensed up like a cat ready to pounce at the unknown intruder about to enter through the door. The door clicked and swung open.

  “Lance and Alex you scared the wits out of us!”

  “Sorry we didn’t mean to scare you mom.” Lance said.

  “It's okay. You startled us.”

  Amid light footsteps in the kitchen Angie’s mind drifted back to a shadowy incident where Craig, while drunk, spilled the beans.

  “Tammy I don’t believe Craig remembers telling me his darkest secret.”

  “What ammunition does this secret hold?”

  “Prior to a family vacation in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Martin asked Candy to marry him, she accepted. Events occurred during trip pitting Craig, Martin and their father, against one another for some time. While in Florida, during a drunken escapade at a local strip club, Martin put the moves on a stripper Craig had his sights set on. Martin and this stripper left and did not return for three days. Craig, the oldest feeling superior in the hierarchal ladder, took this as an insult. Out of revenge, Craig slept with Candy, during her and Martin’s engagement.” Angie said.

  “That’s damning ammo!” Tammy said with equal parts surprise and delight.

  “Craig and their father failed to inform Candy about Martin’s secret escapade with the stripper. Craig positioned himself well as this indebted Martin to him. With respect to Candy, she also felt guided by the knife Craig held in her back. Craig silenced two formidable opponents. He has a habit of making people his pawns.”

  Tammy’s mind turned cartwheels at Craig’s vindictiveness.

  “I remember letters arriving at our home addressed to Craig from Florida.”

  “Potent fuel for moving away from pain!” Tammy said.

  “In Craig’s game of chess Martin’s secrets sat safe for years. They say what goes around comes around and change looms in the distance as tales from their dark side will pay them back tenfold.”

  “Wow! They’ve provided us with grenade strength ammunition.” Tammy said.

  “Angie how should we use this?”

  Angie needed to remain supreme as chess master. Craig feared retaliation if he stirred the pot with Candy or Martin. Martin held supreme control over Craig’s inheritance money and sheltered it from child support by keeping it in his name. Craig slept with Candy betraying brother-to-brother trust. Fear of angering Candy by way of latent knowledge of Martins affair served as a double edge sword. Candy could retaliate and pierce Martin’s heart by letting him know she and Craig had their own clandestine affair years ago.

  Booming roars of a 747 permeated the air outside and thrust Angie back to the present.

  “Tammy it appears that one of life’s greatest dilemmas rests on this silver platter.” Angie said mimicking a waiter holding up a serving tray with her right arm.

  Brain synapses fired as Angie’s mind tried to formulate her next move. A rapid thudding beneath her left breast followed like a rabbit running from a fox.

  Deep breaths.

  With hands beginning to shake like leaves on a maple in late September, the reflex motion of Angie’s eyebrows told all.

  Reaching for the door handle Angie said, “Please come up here Lance. Tammy, Lance and I have to run an errand. You and Alex stay here; we will return as soon as we can.”

  “Okay; what can I do to help?”

  “Nothing just yet, however, if I find the evidence I believe exists, I will need your help”

  Angie and Lance made their way out to the Buick. Many other worries crowded Angie’s mind, not the Buick though. She ran like a champion and started every time. Her late mother’s pride and joy; she left her to Angie without reservation as her dependability trumped any man. The door handle contributed to the salt and pepper infiltration topside on Angie. The door handle, cracked in half in a North and South direction caused Angie to worry. This metal gatekeeper induced stress levels to shoot off the charts each time Angie grasped and tugged like a gentle giant while the omnipresent question hung overhead.

  “I need to go to the bathroom mom.”

  “We’re nowhere near the courthouse, sorry honey. We will stop at the next rest area it's just one mile down the road.”

  The landscape in this neck of the woods, which lacked a heavy saturation of people, gave Angie an uneasy feeling.

  Timber-frame exterior and a cool whitewash interior complemented this rest area. Pride rode atop her shoulders exiting the restroom due to their single reason for visiting the rest area. Lance stood panting in front of the ice cream vending machine.

  Angie fingers grasped eight quarters. As she inserted money into the vending machine slot, it fell and hit the anvil rolling past a short ramp of coin discriminator sensors. The familiar cha-ching metallic sounds signaled the moment of choice had arrived. Choice, a luxury I’ll never take for granted. “What do you want babe?”

  “I want the Spider-Man ice cream.” Lance said.

  Angie chose strawberry shortcake to cool the palate. With great attention, she peeled back the wrapper so as not to disturb the crunchy outer coating. Then indulged with the first bite as a gentle snap of the crusty shell transported her to inner bliss.

  Delicious infusions of smooth vanilla and mellow strawberry ice cream melted between her parched lips as memories settled in of childhood summers. Crunchy outer Graham cracker coating enhanced the creamy confection like wisps of lemon in cheesecake. Wonderful adolescent memories flooded her mind of summer days spent chasing the ice cream truck. Angie found herself lost in the moment of sweet perfection as her cares faded like driftwood in a slow moving river.

  Jolting her back to reality the notion that Lance walked away, cropped up. Shock waves of fear raced through her body like rippling waves in a tsunami.

  “Lance!” she called out in exclamation.

  Her eyes searched this small building like a hawk panning for food on the prairie. Adrenaline pulsed while terror gripped every fiber in her body.

  Has someone snatched him from right under my nose?

  “I’m right here mom.”

  I can hear him, but I can’t see him. Don’t play games!


  “I’m right here mom.” Lance moved out in front of a group of travelers that examined a Michigan map on the wall. Walking up to Lance with her heart still racing a firm realization set in, she needed to cool down. The notion of Craig playing her as a pawn with the IRS had her walking on rice paper. Seldom did single parenting allow the opportunity to daydream and this moment, knee-deep in Craig’s antics, bore the same glaring reality. If someone kidnapped Lance because she relaxed into a momentary interlude, Angie would never have forgiven herself.

  I can’t let my guard down; eye on the prize.

  “Lance you can’t do that! You can’t leave my side, not for a second. Do you understand me?” Angie said engaging him in a bear hug. “A stranger could kidnap you and your picture would end up on the side of a milk carton. I do not want anyone to kidnap you?” she said.

  “I wanted to look water park map! I didn’t go anywhere!” Embarrassed, Lance began to cry amid their scene in the rest area and made a quick dash for the car.

  Lance ran so fast Angie could not keep up with him. Upon trying to get back into the old Buick, he tempted fate. Sensing he would pull the handle her voice spat out an aggressive “STOP.” Lance grasped the door handle and pulled as hard as he could. Snap! The
door handle, finally broke off, as did Angie’s patience.

  “Damn it!” she barked throwing her purse to the ground. “Seriously?” Angie said looking to the sky for answers. “This just isn’t fair. I indulge myself for one moment and disaster results!”

  On-lookers gawked at her tantrum while she attempted reasoning with the big guy. All the while Angie appeared as a disillusioned maniac pushed far beyond her limits.

  “Why me Lord? One simple momentary lapse in judgment to enjoy an ice cream and my walls cave in around me! Leave me alone already! I have weathered your test and remained faithful. Now I’m done! I cannot take much more stress like this. Enough already! Do you hear me? I’ve had enough!” Angie screamed. Angie grabbed Lances hand and began to hoof it toward the next exit.

  Walking East on the highway pounding foot into pavement with Lance crying at her side, adrenaline had its way. Little mirages appeared up ahead in the distance on the highway from the sun. This stretch of two-lane added another heartache to its dossier. Furious, Angie could not even manage to speak to Lance. A white van with no rear or side windows pulled to the side of this well-traveled road. A dark haired fellow, rough around the edges leaned out the window and asked, “Miss would you and your boy like a ride?”

  Lance and Angie crossed over the highway to walk on the side with oncoming traffic. Distrust parked itself front and center, as she yelled back, “No thank you. We’re just fine walking.”

  Not knowing his plans and not testing fate again, they picked up the pace of their stride. Angie knew many individuals disappeared from these parts of Michigan, never seen or heard from again.

  The van crept down the highway as the driver said, “Miss, don’t you and your boy want a ride somewhere? It's awful cold out here.”

  Lance looked up at her and said, “Can’t we take a ride from him Mom? I’m shivering from the cold.”

  Grasping his hand firmer Angie said, “Lance you just can’t trust strangers. He could be a crazed lunatic?”

  Lance responded by crying. With her nerves already frayed and her patience long gone, she let him have a good cry. Dragging his feet shattered Angie’s last ounce of serenity resulting in an emotional meltdown.


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