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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 13

by Tabitha White

  I live life with no regrets except one; I regret not leaving you when your focus changed from Lance to greed.

  The ominous door to the courthouse beckoned. Once inside, her eyes rested upon the strangers hustling about the court lobby.

  A woman swinging doors open like a Texan changing dance partners caught Angie’s eye. This stout blonde woman executed this mission while a fleeting thought passed at light speed. Craig’s type.

  “Good morning.” Angie said to the deputy running the full body scanner.

  “Good morning young man. Here to see the judge today?” he asked Lance.

  “Yes sir. I intend to ask him if he likes video games.” Lance said as people nearby, who’d heard his reply, laughed. The automated belt carried Angie’s purse through the x-ray scanner as her eye caught the-all-too-familiar shaking in the deputy’s hands. Sad, it beats so many people.

  “Lance.” she said guiding him through the scanner. “We can’t ask the judge that. He’s a busy man.”

  Lance and Angie made their way to a set of vinyl chairs flanking a long wall of windows that faced a busy roadway.

  The stout blonde-haired woman from earlier continued lighting up the place. Angie’s curiosity peaked when she heard this woman mention Craig’s name. Her outward appearance spoke volumes encompassing wiry hair, black leather pants and a cropped shirt revealing her navel. The loud banter took many in the lobby by surprise that morning. Angie didn’t move a muscle while eavesdropping. Once through the scanner her eyes scoured the lobby in haste. Noticing the blond woman’s mannerisms appeared punctuated and her voice agitated, Angie’s mind questioned what games Craig had planned this morning.

  We’ve not arrived late, it's 8:15 A.M. Has my former inconvenience offered a truce? Perhaps Mika needed parking or the effects from last night’s bender still linger? Typical Craig games; he’ll never change.

  Hoping Craig’s brow would furrow this morning Angie searched in angst for him. I’m glad it’s him in the hot-seat unprepared this time. Perhaps he’ll ask for a new court date. His misfortune would provide me time to get the house out of foreclosure. Tiburon has not graced us with his presence yet either. Comforted by the thought Angie grasped onto the momentary interlude and relaxed into the moment.

  “What numbers have you completed thus far?” she asked Lance.

  “One, two and three.” he said.

  Honing in on the frantic blonde’s voice all other noises in the lobby faded. Hearing the name Chase repeated numerous times as her words elevated in octaves, Angie’s mind rummaged through thoughts of what could have happened. Chase whom?

  Jaid made her way through the scanner and into the court lobby.

  “Miss, speak with this attorney, Jaid Wood.” said the stout deputy.

  “I’m looking for Chase Anderson. I’m Craig Freeman’s girlfriend and something’s wrong.” Brittney said.

  “Chase will arrive for his shift any minute now. May I ask why you’re looking for my bounty hunter?” Jaid asked.

  “I need to speak with him. I’ll wait for him.” Brit said.

  Watching Brit keep pace with the devil that morning Angie knew something wasn’t right.


  Angie’s nervous twitch kicked into high gear as she stared at uncertainty.

  This could get nasty real quick. Breathe girl, just breathe.

  As Jaid made her way over to Lance and Angie, they stood up to greet her. “Good morning Jaid.”

  “Good morning Angelina. How do you feel this morning Lance?” Jaid asked.

  “I feel great! Like Tony the Tiger.” Lance said. “I had his cereal this morning.”

  “Jaid that woman over there; the blonde one; did I hear her right? She’s Craig’s girlfriend. What did she want?”

  “It appears she’s the girlfriend. I need to ask her more questions as I’m not sure what she wants with Chase. I surmised it had something to do with his private investigation business.” Jaid said turning to get a descriptive look at this frantic woman. Brit, now appeared on the verge of tears.

  “You have a bounty hunter? I never knew that. Why do you think Craig did not show up?” Angie asked.

  Oh lord here it comes! If they approach me with a bailiff, I may just run! No I can’t what about Lance? What have we done? Do they know! They must at least suspect, don’t they? Maybe not. This pressure feels crazy; I’ll lose it if I don’t get out of here! No, I have to hold it together breathe Angie, breathe, for Lance. He needs you; he has no one else you carry the full responsibility on your shoulders; you and him against the world.

  “I’d like to know myself. Do you want me to go talk to her?” Jaid asked


  As Jaid set her purse on the vinyl seat, Chase walked in as the sheriff on duty directed him toward Brit.

  “Chase will make sense of her hysterics and fine out why Craig’s not here. I’ll have him give me a summary before we go in. It looks like something happened. If his attorney Tiburon supported this sideshow and plans to ask for a continuance, I’ll fight it as they’re the ones who moved up the date.” Jaid said with confidence.

  Jaid kept a close eye on the developing situation between Brit and Chase.

  “They’re done speaking. I’m going to see what’s happening. Wait here.”

  Angie and Lance sat in the familiar vinyl chairs in the court lobby. Peering out the window, she saw her old stand-by. That tire swing remains a permanent part of the landscape enduring many storms yet always remaining brave.

  Chase, now giving the cell phone tower a run for its money, appears busy.

  “Chase what’s up.” Jaid asked.

  “It’s your lucky day. He’s a no show.” Chase said as he continued dialing.

  “You’re serious; Craig did not show?” Jaid asked with equal parts of surprise and delight.

  “This all began yesterday. They both planned on coming to court today. Yesterday he said he had a meeting with an important client that would take him out of town for a few days. He intended to call the court and get the court date changed. Brit called the court this morning to see if the date had changed. When they told her it hadn’t Brit knew Craig had gone missing. She went to the police, you know the drill, if it’s not 24 hours they tell you to come back. They suggested she could contact a private investigator, me specifically. She showed up here, gracing us with her presence this morning looking for me.”

  “She plans to sit there and wait?” Jaid asked with a stoic look on her face.

  “I told her I’d make a couple of phone calls to start; the usual; morgue, hospital and such. Otherwise, I can’t address Craig’s disappearance until after 2:00 when my shift ends. She said she knew today held promise and played an integral role in their future so she said she’d wait here.”

  While folding her arms Jaid said, “How interesting, what do you think happened to him?”

  “Who knows? With his type I’d guess he found another woman to pursue and dropped this one like yesterday’s news.”

  “They will call us any minute now, let me know if you find anything out.” Jaid said with a smile.

  Walking back to Lance and Angie, Jaid looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. “Here’s the low down. Craig’s disappeared. He’s a no show! Can you believe it?”

  Nervousness appeared out of nowhere as her twitch kicked into high gear. Angie began fidgeting like an adolescent who’d placed a tack on the teacher’s chair. She panicked knowing she had to keep from appearing guilty.

  Hold it together Angie; just breathe. Oh my god what have I done?

  Questioning John’s actions toward Craig raced through Angie’s mind and influenced her mannerisms. Does John know when to draw the line?

  Rumors abound, in the local watering hole, about John. Since the calamity with his ex-wife’s disappearance and his long stint in the mental hospital the locals nicknamed him Crazy John. People say he’s a buck short and a bit crazy.

  I’d better play this out exactly as
Jaid would expect.

  “Craig disappeared!” Angie said while trying to control her ill-timed laughter.

  “Well how about that, the playing field’s leveled.” Angie said as a barrage of questions lined up single file in her mind. Rightful laughter ensued amid Craig’s trouble.

  “Brit said she last saw him yesterday when he went to meet with a client. Craig planned to call the court and request a change of date but that never happened. When she woke up this morning and he had not returned she became worried. She called the court and they verified he had not called and requested a date change for court. She has since contacted the authorities. However, until someone’s missing for at least 24 hours, they cannot do anything. The police suggested she contact a private investigator meanwhile and get back with them once 24 hours had passed; great news for you. If Craig fails to defend himself the automatic default judgment serves as a win for you!” Jaid said.

  “My court case just got stronger. I don’t doubt that Craig felt Brit had worn out her welcome and found himself some new hot ticket, perhaps this week, a brunette.” Angie said chuckling while hiding panic that brewed just below the surface.

  Angie’s body had broken out in a cold sweat as her arms hung at her sides. Quick knee-jerk reactions kept appearing out of nowhere amid the hysteria unfolding topside.

  Oh, god please let me pull this off! I’ve never wronged you lord. That man has left me no choice. Years of oppression caused by his immoral actions have pushed me over the edge. Please god, just for once, I had to level the playing field.

  “Okay let’s go in. It’s time.” Jaid said as she gathered her files for the day’s court proceedings.

  Motioning to Lance Angie said, “Come on we have to go in now. Remember; sit quiet in the chairs and color.”

  Walking into the courtroom always released a preemptive strike against her blood pressure. This time Angie felt a bit different, as it appeared that Craig, neutralized in some way, posed no threat. Jaid sitting in their corner transformed the odds and gave way to narrow hope. Lance, without instruction knew the drill, sat down in the last row of chairs and took out his coloring book. Jaid appeared authoritative in her gray suit; Angie appeared reserved in her Sunday best. Angie and Jaid walked with purpose to the Defendant table. Before sitting down the judge appeared behind his desk, perched high above the courtroom, as the bailiff called the court to order.

  “Freeman vs. Steadfast.”

  Breathe! Just take deep cleansing breaths. You need to appear calm and collected, don’t throw away this moment; the villain now appears as hope. The ball rests in your court today; he can’t hurt you or Lance today and perhaps never will again.

  At that notion, Angie’s stress melted like remnants of a snowman in late March.

  Jaid and Angie stood on solid ground at a table with a microphone where they had sat as opposing parties not long ago. For the first time a relaxed feeling about court anchored itself in Angie as blind justice remained in the courtroom that morning.

  Jaid Wood attorney for the Defendant Angelina Steadfast present your honor.” Jaid said remaining still and silent to state the obvious; neither Craig nor Tiburon appeared in the courtroom that morning.

  “Craig Freeman.” the judge called. “I’ll call for the Plaintiff, Craig Freeman one last time.” the judge asked pausing for about twenty seconds.

  Angie’s palms began to sweat like a cold cola on a hot summer’s day. As her heart rate quickened the intensity of the pulsing sensation gained momentum deep within her ears. The dials on Angie’s watch lumbered away at her brittle nerves as she started at them counting the seconds pass by. Hope glared back at her while her mind questioned his long pause. As this slow and endless torture progressed, Angie’s culminated grief and anxiety ended.

  “Since no one stands before me today representing Mr. Freeman who filed this motion my verdict goes to the defendant; full custody awarded to Ms. Angelina Steadfast. Next case Kramer vs. Kramer.”

  Relief swept over Angie’s body like a fast moving thunderstorm. Jubilation followed as adrenaline charged through her veins like lightning bolts. Subduing these electric emotions she knew the time to exit the courtroom had arrived.

  “Thank you your honor.” Jaid said gathering her lone file on the table.

  “Thank you your honor.” Angie said turning from the leveled scale of justice.

  Exiting the courtroom in triumph Angie’s energy level resembled that of the Hoover Dam. Craig’s game of chess had not gone as planned. The booming closure of the doors echoed in her head as elation took over and jumped through her veins like Isaiah Thomas full court. Angie and Lance exchanged a bear hug that told a victorious tale.

  “We won baby! We won!”

  “Hooray!” Lance shouted.

  Jaid smiled agreeing and allowed them their victory dance. Her gaze became fixated over Angie’s left shoulder as she motioned them with her index finger she’d soon return.

  Peering around the courthouse lobby Angie’s eyes fell upon many people, however, not on Brit. It’s important that I keep it under control until I find out the facts. That fleeting thought remained understated as the lightheartedness of the moment replaced it. Lance and I won for the first time in a longtime! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Feelings of joy and elation pumped through Angie’s veins as if she’d just won the Boston Marathon.

  “I knew court proceedings would go our way one day.” Angie said.

  “I’m hungry Mom, when are we going to eat lunch?” Lance asked.

  “We cannot leave just yet.” Angie said.

  Lance sat, Wrangler jeans and all, on the floor, and completed a maze in a coloring book. Without warning, like morning fog hovers over a cool lake Angie’s nervous habits kicked in. Grasping a section of hair behind her left ear her fingers intertwined it in a figure eight pattern. Her mind traveled to a what-if scenario. This complicated mess would have continued until Lances eighteenth birthday. Angie decided to leave that behind her and focused on Jaid’s words of the previous day, the best solution, outsmart him. I’ve won this battle over Craig haven’t I? Jaid had laid a solid foundation with unfettered access to the file; Angie stood firm in her resolve; move away from pain and toward gain.”

  Jaid’s remained so engrossed in her own thoughts she failed to hear the heavy thunder of her heels on the porcelain-tile floor.

  “Nothing has changed on news about Craig. When Chase heard the judge’s decision he told Brit and she left. Brit told Chase she didn’t feel he’d run off with someone else. They devised the plan months ago; to win custody and cut a deal with you wiping away the large sum owed in return for a small payoff.”

  “The prick never ceases to amaze me.” Angie said.

  Jaid continued, “If you agreed, he would not ask for child support from you. In exchange, you would regain custody of Lance. However, you would sign a document agreeing that you released him from the $50,000 he owed you.”

  “No one, except a prick as devious as Craig could think up an underhanded plan like that.” Angie said.

  With a tight jaw Jaid said, “Slick plan, isn’t it, attempting to position himself with the larger bargaining chip by winning custody and you nullifying any current debt or future debt.”

  Agitation at the mere thought of this prompted Angie to say, “Thank the lord the custody hearing turned out in our favor! It’s done now.”

  Walking around the busy courtroom lobby looking into the gritty eyes of deadbeat parents turned Angie’s stomach. The tension in her springs persisted and Angie feared it would uncoil. As the stark realization of Craig’s sick and convoluted plan drove the unimaginable home rage raced through Angie’s blood like a rocket soaring skyward. She stood there and imagined herself alone with Craig in a room where she’d have one chance to deliver him a punch so catastrophic he would arrive D.O.A.

  “Thank you lord!” Angie said looking toward the heavens. An eye for an eye.

  Memories of Craig’s wicked voice reiterating that ver
se, danced about in her head like Rumpelstiltskin. Evil little bastard. On one hand Angie praised Craig’s decommissioning, however, it undermined devout beliefs to fight him legally.

  “Thank you Jaid! Victory means the world to us. The thought of a verdict in favor of Craig turns my stomach. A deep churning sensation inside my veins, like a volcano in the pre-eruption stage, has stopped thanks to the verdict in court this morning.”

  Upon exiting the courthouse and exchanging parting pleasantries Angie said, “I’ll talk to you soon, for now Lance and I have a date at the park and then lunch.”

  “I will talk with you soon, bye Lance.” Jaid said.

  On tap this morning, a visit with Angie’s old constant the tire swing. He amused himself swinging as Angie’s thoughts centered on the tight woven rope. Appearing strong, with the ability to carry the weight of the world upon its fibers today prompted Angie to stand taller and throw her shoulders back.

  Angie and Lance continued their journey of a thousand miles, but a problem still lingered; Angie’s auctioned home and moving away from pain and toward gain.

  Chapter 25

  “Good morning Angie. What’s our plan for today?” Tammy asked.

  “Tammy I need time today to digest yesterday’s events. Dark and dirty feelings have crept in because I met two despicable men on their own level. I’m ashamed that I played a part in this and I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself!”

  “Angie, remember the dire circumstances Craig left you in? You still haven’t found a way to redeem this house yet; where will you and Lance go; back to the shelter! That’s no picnic!”

  “This concerns you how? Oh, that’s right you and Alex will have nowhere to go if Lance and I lose the home? I remember you prompting me to take this to the next level and put the screws to Craig! Except you have no guilty conscience in any of this do you!”

  “Angie! I lost everything at the hands of Craig and Martin! My husband left, and remains out there somewhere, because he feels like a failure! Our love has not faltered, yet my child lives without his father because your husband stole his pride and dignity! So yes, I yearn to see justice brought on Craig and Martin. My rage stems from the permanent mark they’ve left on our lives. I’ll never get that time back, but destroying them will satisfy. What goes around comes around, and as long as I’m alive Martin and Craig remain in my crosshairs!”


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