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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 15

by Tabitha White

  “Tammy! That freaking idiot! Right now I don’t feel we can trust him!” Angie shouted.

  “What’s up? You look furious.” Tammy asked.

  “That idiot John! He now says he has no one to go with him and we need to join him in the undercover operation!”

  “We need a baby-sitter. I told you we shouldn’t trust him.” Tammy said.

  “Listen we’ve gained much ground, we must move forward. We need that evidence or this house will pass to the new owner if I don’t redeem it in the allotted time. That evidence of their embezzlement remains my sole bargaining chip. With it in my hand, I can squeeze $9,000 out of Martin and Craig. Without it I’ve got no bargaining chip.” Angie said.

  “Angie how the hell will we do this?”

  “Now I see why my mother left me her Buick. She said the Buick never let her down, but men had. John thinks he has us over a barrel but I’ve kept a few aces up my sleeve for instances such as this.”

  “John’s crazy if he thinks I’ll act as his patsy!” Tammy said.

  “We’ll meet with John and gather the evidence. Go in the bathroom upstairs, in the medicine chest grab the bottle of liquid skin and bring it down here. While you do that I’ll make a call and get us a baby-sitter.”

  “Liquid skin? Never heard of it. Who do you know that will baby-sit?”

  “Cosmetologists use it when they cut their skin with scissors. It seals the gap straight away like super-glue but better as it fills in the gaps of the ridges on your skin so any arch, whorl or loop imprints remain undetectable.” Angie said.

  “Let me guess more of what you studied with Craig gone at work.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Do we know the plan yet when we arrive at Candy’s?

  John will lure her into the bedroom and we break into the safe and grab the papers. Sam will baby-sit.” Angie said.

  “Who’s Sam?” Tammy asked.

  Angie began dialing a number on her phone as Tammy went upstairs to retrieve the liquid skin.

  “Sam, hi it’s Angie. Listen, I have a favor to ask of you. I need a baby-sitter tonight at 6:00 o’ clock; it’s an emergency and I have no one else I can depend on.”

  “Angie I’m not sure. I don’t like to involve myself with my sister’s clients outside the office.” Sam said.

  “I understand, yet again, I wouldn’t ask but it’s an emergency. Does your sister, Jaid, know about the papers you took from Craig’s file the other day in her office? You said you needed to copy it, but you never returned it. Hell, I’d worry to since our name appears on it and alludes to your knowledge of the crimes. That may leave you in a precarious position wouldn’t it?” Angie said.

  “Well I see we understand each other. Okay, seems I do have some free time tonight.” Sam said.

  “Great I’ll see you at six. You know the address I trust.”

  “Yes, I’ve got it right here. I’ll see you then.”

  Angie brings back black yoga pants and a plain hooded black sweatshirt, a pair of black sweat pants and a long-sleeve black T-Shirt.

  Tammy returns with the liquid skin and asks, “Angie what’s going on here? I feel like we’re going on a clandestine mission or something.” Tammy said.

  “Good, think of it that way. The evidence ties them to embezzling from the mob, that’s fighting fire with fire.”

  “Hell yes! That will teach them to ruin someone’s life!”

  Angie dialed a number on her phone.

  “John my dear, smile I will see you in a bit.”

  “Angie. Hey darling, it’s such a joy to hear from you. We on?”

  “Yes. After that we’re rolling in the hay!” Angie said.

  “Umm hmm! Now that’s what I’m talking about Sugar!”

  “Soon darling, soon!” Angie said.

  “I thought we’d all drive over together in my car. Tammy can drive and you and I can plow our wild oats in the backseat. Then I’ll go in, leave the front door open and you and Tammy can grab the evidence while I lure Candy into the bedroom.”

  “Okay good plan but we will have to drive in separate cars.”

  “Why Sugar? I want to sit next to you on the way over.” John said.

  “Well for starters what if you stay there all night? When you wake up and go to get into your car how will you explain to Candy that your car disappeared? Second, when you get in there I need you to get her to turn off the security alarms.” Angie said.

  “How do you propose I do that?” John asked.

  “Over dinner you can tell her you need to go outside to smoke. She and Martin don’t smoke so she wouldn’t want you smoking in the house.”

  “Good idea Sugar. Sounds like you have it all figured out.”

  “Keep her occupied in the bedroom and we’ll open the safe with the combo. Turn a radio on and turn it up to hide any noise we may make.”

  “Okay Sugar. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I’m getting ready to leave now as she’s expecting me for dinner.”

  “Why did you tell her you’re visiting?”

  “I told her that I needed a new secretary for my business as my current secretary has decided to join my cousin’s dealership in Petoskey.”

  “Why would she want to work when Martin makes so much money?”

  “I told her it pays $28 an hour and comes with a company car, a Cadillac and includes all travel expenses.” John said.

  “We will meet you there. You pull her in, turn the music up, keep going outside to smoke so the security alarms remain off and we’ll go in Martin’s office and get everything out of the safe.” Angie said.

  “Feed my thirsty soul yet again tonight!” John shouted.

  “John, what the hell does that mean?” Angie asked.

  “Well Sugar, I’ve not revealed any of this to you yet but years ago I landed in a mental institution because I…

  Angie cut John off, she didn’t want to know.

  “Sorry John got to go it’s an urgent call.”

  “Damn it woman! She does that every time! With the stakes high I wanted her to know how a previous attack broke me and landed me in Happy Valley.” John said as his words trailed off.

  Chapter 29

  Sam arrived with his head dropped a bit lower than normal. Sam appeared as a man who knew what he wanted and sought these things through legal means. However, Angie had discovered something during her brief encounter with Sam, he wasn’t as legal as everyone liked to believe.

  Sam curled up his right fist and pounded his knuckles in three loud thumps against the solid wood door. His typical demeanor of riding on the back of adrenaline, subdued itself today. Opening the door Angie said, “Hi Sam. Thanks for pinch-hitting for us tonight I appreciate it.”

  “I’m happy to help.” Sam said.

  “Angie, you ready?”

  “Yes. Lance, Alex come here please. Lance, Alex, I want you to meet Sam he will stay with you tonight. We expect your best behavior out of both of you! Love you see you later.” Angie said.

  “Sam, there’s a list with emergency numbers for us. Thank you we appreciate this.” Tammy said.

  “It’s no problem. I’m happy to do it.” Sam said.

  Angie and Tammy walked to Angie’s rusty but trusty Buick. Tammy’s hands remained empty, Angie’s held a bag with unknown contents to Tammy.

  “Angie I put on the black clothes you asked me to. I’ve colored my hair dark brown and brought the olive-tinted makeup you asked me to bring? What’s in the bag? Did I forget something?” Tammy asked.

  “No Tammy you didn’t forget anything. We needed an insurance policy, so I brought this.”

  “An insurance policy?”

  “Chloroform and a cloth. I thought gentle persuasion applied to John would bring about our desired result. However, I noticed something odd when I first asked him if he had $9,000 so I did not lose my house. He said no. Think about it Tammy. He owns multiple dealerships in Michigan. The man does not work. Do you know why he doesn’t work? Because he tried
to kill a relative’s dog and lived in a mental health facility from the age of eleven to thirteen? Police also suspected foul play in his wife’s death but lack proof.”

  “He had married?”

  “Yes. All that time I spent at the court, I did not just look up Craig and Martin. I also looked up John. He receives social security disability for his mental illness and receives a direct deposit of $11,500.” Angie said.

  “Why the hell didn’t he help you?”

  “Like I said he’s a buck short and a bit shy of crazy. There’s more on him but there’s no time for that right now. Let’s focus on recovering the evidence we need against Martin and Craig.”

  “Okay but we’re talking about this tomorrow morning.” Tammy said.

  Angie and Tammy arrived at Candy’s and circled around back which flanked an elementary school. The stands filled with supportive parents, as their children body-checked opponents while stealing the puck in hopes of making a goal; perhaps even a hat trick, remained unwilling participants providing background noise. After parking the car they opened the trunk and pulled out ski poles and snow shoes.

  “Brilliant!” Tammy said.

  “Come on let’s do this.”

  Angie and Tammy walked around the outdoor ice rink and through a thicket of pines, which bordered Candy backyard. Depressing the lever on the snowshoes dislodging them, they looked at each other in amazement.

  “What’s up ladies?” John asked them.

  “John why aren’t you inside?”

  “Relax, she couldn’t wait for a real man to show up. She needed no priming. She’s passed out in the room.”

  “Did the neighbors hear you?” Tammy asked.

  “What neighbors, they have five acres here. No one can hear anything going on here tonight.” John said.

  “John! What the hell did you do to her?” Angie asked picking up and holding a syringe in her gloved hand.

  “Well Sugar I wanted to make sure things went as planned; for me and you both, so I gave her a little something.”

  Again that familiar clicking noise sounded.

  “Stop! Stop right there. I don’t want to know anymore! I’ll have no part in this. I’m getting the evidence, and I’m leaving!” Angie said.

  “Ditto!” Tammy said. “You know you’re a real freaking idiot! People like you …” Tammy said.

  “Tammy no stop! We’re here to do complete a job. Please keep quiet. Let’s gather the evidence and go!” Angie said.


  “I’m ready for you Sugar.” John said.

  With her back to John as she walked away Angie flipped John off while Tammy mimicked a gag reflux motion as they both felt repulsed by this strange man.

  “What a freaking psycho! Thank you for the heads up about the disgusting pig! Why can’t some people take no for an answer? He’ll rot in hell!” Angie said.

  “You let me know the exit plan for him. He deserves it!” Tammy said.

  “I knew Candy would not go through with it, I planned to go through the window while she and John fought. From there we’d access the safe and leave within four minutes. But that freaking psycho goes and drugs her; his actions define a deplorable man a buck short and two bits shy of crazy! Let’s go I have more evidence than John realizes.” Angie said.

  Chapter 30

  Angie held her cell phone to her ear and listened to persistent ringing.

  “Jaid, hi it’s Angie. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Sure Angie. I have a few minutes before I go in court. What do you need?”

  “I’ve got a couple of questions about Craig’s inheritance. Martin shelters it by keeping it in his name. With proof of them co-conspiring and intentionally hiding it from garnishment of child support arrears would I have a case? I’m trying to gather the $9,000 I need to redeem my home.”

  “Sad to say Angie but they have the legal right to put their money in any person’s name they want to. Proving intent doesn’t constitute a case. The judge would need knowledge on when the inheritance left probate.”

  “Jaid I did that. Craig and his criminal dealings with the judge keep Craig safe from any garnishments.” Angie said.

  “Not many attorneys want to face-off against Judge Hall because of his connections in this county and state. Otherwise the attorneys who opposed him would lose each time in court.” Jaid said.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Remember what I told you the first time we spoke; the first statistic my law professor taught; most cases never go to court. They’re settled between the two attorneys. The easiest way to win a case; move someone away from pain and toward gain. The law is complex and requires attorneys to follow procedures in a courtroom. Most of the laws have exit strategies written within them; it’s tragic, I know. It pains me to let you know that Judge Hall, Craig and Martin will remain above the legal letter of the law because they understand the complexities. My best advice for you; beat them at their own game. Look at the bigger picture, what motivates them? Find a way to move them toward gain and away from pain. That singular strategy defines a clever attorney. I wish I had more time to devote to this case right now, however a media frenzy surrounding an upcoming-trial prevents me.” Jaid said.

  “Thank you Jaid I think you may have hit the nail on the head for me. I’ll talk with you soon.” Angie said.

  These words of wisdom kicked Angie’s cleverness and tenacity into overdrive.

  “Tammy I believe I’ve figured all this out, with Jaid’s help of course. She remains one of the sharpest tools in the shed I’ve ever dealt with. She gets right to the point and I like that.”

  “Okay what do we need to do? Please tell me because from what I can see someone tampered with these records. On the surface they appear legitimate however my business experience tells me otherwise.” Tammy said.

  “How do you know?” Angie asked.

  “Well for starters they did not file their Michigan Corporate Update on the proper form. Do you see this code in the upper left-hand corner, it’s incorrect.” Tammy said.

  “How do you know that it’s wrong?”

  “I know because I had to file this form for our corporation, per State of Michigan requirements, for the last ten years. The last digits in the sequence of numbers represent the current year. These represent a 1989 filing; trust me they’re fabricated.”

  “I’m glad you have business savvy about the forms.”

  “What did you find on the bank records?” Tammy asked.

  “It’s obvious that they’ve tampered with these bank records because this states Craig drew a salary and he never did. I’ve had the courts trying to garnish his wages for some time. He’s drawn no salary from this company since before we divorced. Besides, I’ve saved all our bank statements. They cooked the books. It seems like they knew we’d go after these records, staged them, and left them as bait. Martin filed a fake copy of the will in probate.”

  “Do you think John did this with them?” Tammy asked.

  “I’m not sure at this point. Craig and Martin may have paid John off to lead us to the incorrect files or the cooked books, as I like to call them. Protecting their assets signals we’re close, me we must keep looking.” Angie said.

  “What do we do now?” Tammy asked.

  “Nothing; we’re going to do nothing. We’re going to let John believe that we think we have the correct files.”

  “That’s great however we still don’t have the correct files. We need them to go to court and prove their wrongdoing to prompt Craig to pay you the money so you can redeem your house.”

  “Hold on a minute Tammy let’s look at all the players; there’s Candy constantly trying to appear rich. She travels out of the country on a regular basis and I’m beginning to believe it’s not for personal reasons. Then there’s Craig, who would frame his own brother before he went down. Martin, a ruthless self-centered man and John showing clear signs of psychological problems making him unstable. John could never work if he
wanted to; he’s marked.”

  “How do we get the business records though Angie? Without them we have no proof of Craig’s earnings.” Tammy said.

  “If we can’t find the original records I know how we can prove it. We can obtain Craig’s phone records and contact each client. If they paid him in cash, we could calculate how much he and Martin made. Let’s look at this from a different angle. What element motivates the Freeman brothers toward gain and away from pain?” Angie said.

  “Well this remains your area of expertise; you know them better than I do.”

  “Okay for Craig pain represents losing and gain winning. Money; an ancillary by-product of winning; represents gain for Craig. For Martin, keeping my knowledge at bay represents gain. Martin knows the knowledge I have on him will ruin his professional image and personal life. I’d have to guess he planted the false evidence in my trunk. Craig would never risk putting himself in the spotlight owing over $50,000 in child support. He’d insist on precise and accurate moves on Martin’s part, so none of his funds fell prey to garnishment. Craig would never act reckless with his money, however Martin would act brash with Craig’s freedom and money.” Angie said.

  Beginning to indulge herself in a figure eight walking pattern on the carpet Angie said, “Candy would never accept losing her social stature, hell she’d sell her own kid before she let that happen. Her children never travel with her nor does Martin. It’s for business I know it! Tammy what if…no they wouldn’t act so bold…”

  “Angie what?”

  “Tammy, money laundering links their actions together. They have the business savvy and it appears they’re playing with the big-guys. They have enough players who hold all the key positions. Think about it, why would Martin and Craig bring John in, he’s a hack! The guy’s Coke bottle glasses and pedophile-like personality keep him an outcast. Nonetheless, using John and his cousin’s automotive dealerships makes perfect sense. They could have used a blending technique where they comingled dirty funds with legitimate sales receipt’s within these dealerships. Automotive dealerships prevail as known places for hiding large amounts of money.”


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