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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 22

by Tabitha White

  “That’s an interesting idea. I’ve never heard anything like that suggested before. Where did you get the idea?”

  “My clients; they shared ideas on what constitutes fair laws in child support. The power lies in the people. The idea of an expanded system mandated by the federal government overseeing child support appealed to the majority. The people asked it mirror the current national standardized system of Federal laws for income taxes.” Jaid said.

  “I must say you’ve done your homework I’m impressed.” Senator Schroeder said.

  “Parents become enraged due to a double standard in the law. Police officers do not pursue child support absconders. Currently parents view child support offices as a large filing cabinet providing miniscule results at best. One of the largest problems in the courts today is jurisdictional discretion. In example, I have two clients earning the same wage, and pay support for one child. One parent pays $400 a week while the second pays $150 a week in child support. The difference stems from jurisdictional discretion. Two judges, two different opinions. One unified system, one set of rules for all states – no exceptions.”

  “Rebuttal’s to court orders would dwindle. In a way if you play you will pay. Jaid, you drive a hard bargain but a logical one; one system for all, now that’s an interesting idea.” Senator Schroeder said.

  “Noncustodial parents expressed that they’d be happy to pay with a unified system. Currently they don’t pay primarily because of a lack of uniformity in the system. Minor consequences keep this cycle going. Enact tougher laws and avert a riot. Judge Hall’s re-election campaign a success. Case closed.” Jaid said.

  “Do you have this drafted up yet?”

  “My secretary’s drafting this up as we speak. I’ll have him e-mail it over to your office.” Jaid said.

  “If I get you fifty-one percent of the signatures on it today can you disassemble the protesters and make a statement regarding the changes about to go into effect so the protests stop?” Senator Schroeder asked.

  “Yes I can. A woman embodies an innate diplomatic disposition often used to promote remediation.”

  “Enough said. Let’s order lunch and then I want to further explore the possibility of you working as the liaison on the social security task force.”

  Jaid’s eyes fluttered in rapid succession as the sounds of clattering utensils in the restaurant served as a great imposter on her frazzled nerves.

  “Sounds great.” Jaid said.

  Chapter 4 7

  “Officer Colt to see Chase Anderson.”

  “I’m Chase Anderson. How can I help you?”

  “We need to speak in private.”

  “Of course, let’s go in the conference room.” Chase said.

  “Mr. Anderson I need you to disclose the results of your investigation into the disappearance of Craig Freeman.” Officer Colt said.

  “I work as a part-time security officer at the Child Services Court. While on duty, a woman named Brit Bloodroot came into the courthouse asking for me by name. She said her boyfriend; Craig Freeman, the plaintiff in a custody case with Angelina Steadfast, didn’t show for court that morning. She noted this seemed odd because he’d initiated the court hearing. I accepted the case and let her know I’d look into his disappearance and get back with her.”

  “Did she mention where she thought he might go?”

  “As a rule, I first inform the client the missing person may have left them. When I told Brit this she responded that he wouldn’t do that; the typical response. Quite often people that have disappeared don’t want to face all the tears and drama so they just up and leave.” Chase said.

  “Did he leave in his car?” asked the officer.

  “No he didn’t, and that’s odd. There’s a rare Indian motorcycle involved. Apparently, he had custom work done on it and word on the street says he’d never leave without it. The motorcycle remains his primary method of transportation.”

  “Perhaps he felt the time arrived for a new ride.” Officer Colt said.

  “According to the shop owner in Utah where he had the work done, he spent over $18,000 customizing the bike.”

  “He spent that much on a bike yet couldn’t pay $26.00 in child support payments each week. That’s strange.” Officer Colt said.

  “I agree the guy has no sense of priorities.”

  “You’re welcome to a copy of my file.” Chase said.

  “Yes I’ll need a copy.”

  “This will take a few minutes.” Chase said.

  Walking out of the conference Chase thumbed through the file. On his way to the copier, he walked behind the reception desk where Sam sat. With full intent, one page dropped out of his hand and he and Sam both left it lay on the floor. The cycle of the copy-machine lumbered along in slow motion. Chase returned to the tension filled conference room where the latch clicked and the door closed behind him. Discretely, Sam’s hand reached down and grasped the paper all while keeping his body as still in his chair as possible to avoid drawing any attention.

  “Here’s a copy of the file officer. If there’s nothing else I must return to work.” Chase said.

  “No I guess that’s it for now. If I need more info I know where to find you.”

  The hum of the shredder winding down overtook the airwaves as the door of the conference room opened. Walking toward the desk where Sam sat, the officer asked, “Sam do you know where I can find Jaid right now?”

  Sam sat nervous like the cat that swallowed the canary as he answered, “I believe she’s in court right now. Let me look in her appointment book; yes, she’s in court today until 2:30.” Sam said.

  “You okay Sam? You look a bit flustered. I hope you’re not coming down with the flu-bug that’s going around?” Officer Colt said.

  “Uh yeah, you may have hit the nail on the head. I’m not feeling that well right now.” Sam said.

  “Okay, well, I hope you’re feeling better soon.” Officer Colt said.

  The officer entered a bright atmosphere outside the office door while behind it Chase and Sam schemed amid a darkened atmosphere.

  “Chase I’m glad you stopped by the office this morning. If the officer opened that file, we’d have a one-way ticket to jail. That’s too close for comfort!”

  “I know Sam I’m sweating bullets right now!” Chase said.

  Chapter 4 8

  “Casanova you’ve created a conundrum. We still need the original will. If you don’t tell us where you hid it we’ll take matters to the next level with your relative behind you. Explain to us why Mika is so special. Did we mention she’s slotted for auction this week? We found your box filled with bills of lading for artwork you’ve purchased out of the country. This box also contained damning evidence against you, Martin and Hattie working an embezzlement ring. You still show no remorse, nor do you admit to any crimes. Do you have anything to say?”

  Craig remained silent.

  The captor reared his fist back and delivered Craig a fist full of impatience. Craig tried to catch his breath but failed as convulsions overtook his body as another jab delivered to his broken jaw began a sequence of events sealing his fate.

  “Casanova did you hear me? Hell, he looks like he’s wavering in and out of consciousness. Try the classic standby; a quick jolt to his kneecaps with these nun chucks. It may jog his memory.” said the shorter captor.

  The taller captor placed its right foot forward, reared back and struck Craig with the nun chucks. A sharp short pop emanated. Knowing that nun chucks bounce back after hitting an object, to avoid injury the captor, after striking Craig, pulled back and made a sword-like cutting motion.

  “Now we’ve asked you a simple question and our patience grows thin; what’s the importance of the significant changes to Mika?” the taller captor asked.

  Craig winced in pain from the latest blow.

  “Please you need to get me to a doctor! Clawing the gunite exposed the bones in my fingertips. I feel liquid oozing from them and they’re throbbing in excr
uciating pain. Blood has never sat well with me. I feel bugs crawling on me, then it stops and something gnaws at the bones in my fingertips! Please help me! I think I’m dying!”

  “I’m as inclined to help you as you were your wife and son. You didn’t, neither will we.”

  “Please I beg you to help me! My legs feel like they’ve snapped in two pieces. They feel like they’re on fire, as if they’re sliced open and infected! I’m dying, you’ve got to help me! Do you see bugs crawling on them? Something keeps slithering across them, biting me as it inches along. I’m losing it! My minds become unhinged from the ITCHING because I can’t scratch that itch! God help me please make it stop! My throat feels like I’ve swallowed hot molten glass. I’m begging you, I’ll pay you! How much do you want? I’m begging you I need medical attention!” Craig groveled.

  Both captors turned from the hideous sight of Craig as maggots and blue flies feasted on his rotting flesh now plagued by life threatening infections. The oozing white pus produced a gag reflex, but both held their composure and avoided vomiting.

  “You can quit with the waterworks Casanova. I’ve seen everything from bodies crushed beneath a flipped car to severed limbs oozing blood left dangling on little strands of flesh like strawberries on a vine. Now you want to offer money in exchange for your life! Tell us about the changes you did to the bike and you’ll see a doctor!”

  “That bike’s my bargaining chip. Let me see a doctor and I’ll let you know what changes I made to Mika.” Craig said.

  “Casanova, what makes you believe you have any power to bargain? Vain isn’t he? Casanova, haven’t you realized yet that you’re in isolation and we hold all the power. You can’t even clean yourself after using the toilet. You may want to rethink your current disposition, I don’t bargain with anyone. Now you’re going to tell us about the bike or you’re going to feel these nun chucks sweep across the planes of your cheekbones.”

  “I’m not talking until I know you’re getting me help! I need medical attention! SOMEBODY HELP ME! How long have you kept me prisoner? This inhumane treatment must stop; I need medical attention. Please let me out of here! What’s it going to take?” Craig bargained realizing his options dwindled.

  “Casanova, I didn’t underestimate you; touché! You know what it will take; full disclosure. Come clean on everything. You owe money for support; pay it. Now tell me about the bike! You’re irritating me Casanova! I can leave you here for a month if I want to. Everyone believes you went to New York trying to secure a prestigious art gallery client. Brittney ran off with a hotshot movie producer from L.A. He’s a well-built, blonde haired man clocking in around six foot one. He drives a wicked fast Cobra Saleen Mustang! No one’s looking or you, now start talking.”

  “You’re lying and demented! Brit loves the money, my endless stash of money. She’d never leave with someone else! Let me go! I feel like I’m starting to slip away. When you leave, I feel like I’m in and out of consciousness. What have you drugged me with?”

  “Chloroform cowboy! If you get too much in your bloodstream, well, you’ll croak! Ergo, my advice to you remains diligent; confess, pony up and begin paying your debt to society. Otherwise, I fear you’ll receive an overdose. I’ll ask again, why’s Mika worth so much?”

  “HELP! Get me a doctor!”

  Again the captor, left will few choices, reared back and swung the nun chucks at Craig’s dangling legs. A loud thud broke the momentary silence as little flecks of blood traveled in an outward trajectory leaving a spattered pattern in its wake.

  Craig winced in pain emitting a loud screech followed by a dull ugh that fizzled in intensity near the end. Craig’s tremors began increasing in intensity. Permanent damage would result from the toning and cramping of his muscles that now occurred like clockwork.

  “Take that Casanova! I have no patience for an insolent like you. Your crass attitude earned you two broken legs! Now I’ll add insult to injury as this hunting knife slices deep within multiple layers of skin with no hesitation. This allows the flies to lay eggs within your open cuts and the maggots to fester in your blood. Maggot’s cowboy that’s what you feel crawling on your skin. Sad to say but I’m not certain how long you have left. However, I’m aware that maggots spread toxic germs within your internal organs causing permanent damage. Soon your internal organs will begin to shut down in a chain reaction due to the multitude of bacteria racing through your veins. Once these germs hit your liver and kidney you risk organ failure. You stand little chance of surviving that. I’ll leave you to your vices as you simmer on these thoughts while your insides rot and ferment. Duty calls, I’ll return in a few days. Perhaps you’ll still breathe life and walk among the living when I return, perhaps not.”

  “I’ll tell you if you stop torturing him!” said a hostage whose voice sounded for the first time in the isolation camp.

  “I need the will?” said the taller captor.

  “It’s hidden in the vintage running boards on Mika.” said the second hostage.

  Chapter 4 9

  “Look what we have here; I live to see the day. You bring us much satisfaction.”

  Silence ensued on Craig’s part as he hung, teetering on the brink of death, with crushed limbs, cold and unconscious.

  “Don’t push my buttons! Answer me or I’ll unhinge myself on you and end your life now! You dead or have you just forgotten your manners?”

  “Do you think he’s dead? Smack him around a bit and see if that jolts this prick back to the living.” said one captor.

  The taller of the two captors put hand to cheek trying to rouse Craig. The desire to kill Craig did not enter their minds. They wanted him to understand the consequences of biting the hand that fed him and to identify with feelings of anguish that he’d imposed on so many others.

  “When someone’s talking to you it’s polite to answer them. Maybe he’s dead. Hey jackass you alive? If I had a mirror I’d see if he could fog it.”

  A long silence followed as one captor pressed his fingertips on Craig’s jugular vein searching for signs of life.

  “Oh no, he’s got a pulse, he’s not dead; not yet anyway. Come on Casanova time to rise and shine.”

  Craig attempted speaking and released indiscriminate moaning sounds that coincided with his level of discomfort, as his limbs lay contorted like limp pasta topped with blood.

  “Casanova, I see some blood at the bottom of the pool there; I applaud your efforts. Seems Mr. Ringleader here opposes us settling the score.”

  Another shoddy attempt on Craig’s part to form a sentence fails.

  “Ouch! Those fingertips look like they hurt! Damn Casanova I give you an ‘A’ for effort. Well will you look at that! You’ve ground your fingertips right down to the bone. The pink flesh still hangs off this one. Hold still while I pluck it off; no pain no gain right.”

  At the captors try to sever the loose skin from the fingertip Craig’s nerve endings jolted him from his coma.

  Blurting out in a muffled voice as he groveled for mercy Craig said, “Oh no lord please let them stop, I beg of you. Oww! Please God no! Stop I’m begging you. Please help me!”

  “Casanova did you get a little wiggle room around your wrist? You thought you could claw your way out. This gunite’s tough stuff. Notice the fine quality of the smaller gravel mixed in with the mortar; solid shit isn’t it? I’ll leave it alone; if you can free up some slack and you’re successful at clawing your way out with your fingertips, well you’re free.”

  The shorter of the two captors spoke up saying, “I brought you a present; new music in the form of five new wind chimes. Scream as loud as you can, there’s no one this side of the Mississippi that’s going to hear you. The last time I left, your gut-wrenching screams echoed. This way you can keep at it until your vocal cords snap under the intense pressure.”

  “Please I need to see a doctor! My fingertips burn! I think they’re infected! Please, please I beg of you! Get me a doctor!” Craig said.

y Casanova nothing doing; I’m choosing to withhold a doctor; the essential key to your survival, the same as you did when you locked Angie and Lance out of their home. Where’d you and your jackass brother hide the will? Have you figured out who’s here with you?”

  Craig had no response for the captors leaving the unrelenting Arctic airwaves silent.

  “I didn’t think you’d have anything to say to that. Here’s the deal Casanova; try to scream louder; scream with every exasperating ounce of air in your lungs. Rest assured there’s someone in the near distance who may hear you. I’m a fair person and believe everyone deserves a chance. Well that’s one of your chances. Scream until the little crystal hanging from Mika’s handlebars shatters.” said the taller captor.

  “Did you know she’s right here behind you? We know we told you we parted her out already. Another example of mind control; just messing with you. Oh sorry, you can’t see her behind you. Her chrome shines in the sunlight and she’s all gassed up and ready for a ride into the west as the sun descends over Lake Michigan and the day turns to dusk.” said the shorter captor.

  “Your other chance…” said the taller captor pausing to collect his thoughts.

  “Please let me say it I love these classics.” said the shorter captor.

  “Please, go ahead.” said the taller captor.


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