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ISOLATION: Child Support 911

Page 27

by Tabitha White

  Angie thrust her fists into Craig’s chest despite his current horrific condition and released six years of anger and rage.

  Police officers had made their presence known a few minutes back however allowed a short confession and statement session.

  Angie’s attack stopped from her senses catching the sterile smell of rubbing alcohol as Sam bumped a cart flanking the wall and a bottle spilled. This distraction allowed her anger a momentary reprieve as demureness surfaced and provided a good show for the capacity-filled room.

  “It’s up to Lance if he wants to get to know you. Good-bye for now Craig Freeman; you’re no longer a free man.”

  John entered the room out of nowhere pushing his way through the crowds of nurses and interns fascinated by this tragic sight most medical staff get to see but once in a lifetime.

  Upon seeing Craig, John cupped his hands around his face as if to cover a facial transgression and from the low hollows of his soul came these words, “Please forgive me!”

  The police came forward with a doctor who unplugged all of Craig’s necessary electrical connections and plugged them into a power strip and temporary battery that sat on a wheeled cart.

  “We have to take him to jail now. Discussions can continue with him behind bars.” Officer Colt said.

  John’s legs quivered underneath him as he tumbled to the ground. His cowboy hat tipped forward and masked his swollen eyes, sheltering his boyish lamenting. As his listless body twisted and contorted he looked toward the heavens and in an ear piercing tone wailed, “I’m sorry Lord I’m sorry! He wronged so many people someone had to stop him!”

  During John’s dramatic apology, he fell against the stark white wall, placed his hand on his forehead and began to mumble undecipherable words. His shoes slid on the waxed floors as his body lowered to the ground in a slow incremental manner. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he continued speaking. All present in the room listened to a certified psychopath disclose his pitiful confession.

  Angie’s eyes peered around the room for a hint that her view of John’s laments held true.

  “What did you say?” Jaid asked John.

  Years of sorrow continued to leach from John like acid-rain. However, it brought him no joy. It transformed itself into the three-headed monster of grief, guilt and remorse. Jaid began gaining composure and exchanged a glance with Sam. Sam’s eyes glimpsed in a rapid motion between Chase and the floor as he fumbled with his hands. Tensions began to spring up while the continuous beeping of the heart-monitor kept pace with Angie’s rising pulse.

  “He deserved everything he got! Officer Colt, he’s a cold-blooded animal. He and his family stole everything I earned. They ran an insurance swindle under Governors Insurance where they threatened retaliation against my family if we filed any claims against the insurance policy they’d written. Furthermore, they threatened harm to my family if I didn’t provide them with my client-list and business. Void proof at that point I contacted the police. An undercover investigation began and the investigating officer advised I comply with their demands and stay away, so I did.” Al said.

  Angie looked at Al and said, “Tammy said she knew it wasn’t a question of love between you two.”

  “Angie I watched Craig belittle and threaten you with a solid backhand while I withheld a desire to place my hands around Craig’s neck and kill him. I winced as he threatened your existence by commandeering the Chevy Blazer, revving the engine and charging the heap of metal at your browbeaten body. Angie, I fell in love with you from the sidelines but knew if I betrayed Craig I’d succumb to his aggressions.” John said.

  Sam and Chase exchanged a stoic look, nodded their heads in agreement, and stepped forward toward officer Colt.

  “Officer Cole we’ve committed…”

  Anthony Giannola stepped into the room and said,” Gentlemen the officers need to take Craig to jail. John attempts a confession and you interrupt him. Don’t you feel we need to allow this man to clear his conscience and justice to prevail?”

  Glaring looks exchanged and a subliminal message within Anthony’s words persuaded Chase and Sam to remain quiet and separate within the group. Jaid glared Sam down to size.

  “Hold on Mr. Giannola. I’d like the two men to finish their sentence.” Officer Colt said.

  “We’ve committed the crime of vandalism. Craig and his family belittled so many honest business owners in our community we broke the windows on their business office this morning. We’ll face the consequences.” Chase said.

  Angie remained motionless as the veracity of the situation sunk deep within her core.

  Angie pounced on this like a tiger on raw meat knowing this opportunity, in its present form, would never show its face again.

  Angie’s body quivered feeling relief and denial at the same time.

  Jaid placed her hand on Angie’s back and said, “It’s over Angie?”

  “My insides feel like a mild earthquake, shaking and jerking.” Angie said.

  “Perhaps you should see a doctor. You look like you’re in shock.” Jaid said.

  “I think you’re right. After I collect on the Met-Life, life insurance policy Mark Freeman’s left for me in his will, I’m going to pay everyone back and Lance and will go on a fourteen day cruise.” Angie said.

  “Nurse my friend needs to see a doctor.” Jaid said looking at the attendant at the nurses’ station.

  The nurse led Angie into an examination room and closed the door. Two police officers led Craig and John out of the room and toward the emergency entrance where an ambulance waited to transport Craig to the jail hospital and John to a holding cell.

  “I have closure. Now I’ll collect $1,000,000 on the life insurance policy. I’m looking forward to working as a bounty hunter and bringing deadbeat parents to justice. I’ve redeemed my pride and I feel inspired to help other parents. Lance and I have a home and I’ve found justice.” Angie babbled to the busy nurse checking Angie’s vitals.

  Angie peered out the hospital window and saw; the tire swing. As the swing glistened in the sunlight and swayed in the breeze Angie felt pleased as a secure feeling overtook her. At long last, she relaxed. A fresh new length of rope replaced the withered rope that appeared frayed around the edges just days earlier. Chase’s P.I. business Angie now worked at would provide her satisfaction through helping custodial parents.

  P-taff, P-taff loud weapon explosion sounds caused panic within the hospital causing a lock down.

  “Cancel that; now I’ll collect $2,000,000.” Angie said.

  After an examination by a doctor and a three-hour wait while police searched for an armed-gunman inside the hospital, they released Angie.

  “Jaid I hoped you’d return to pick me up. Was someone else shot besides Craig?”

  “John. Someone didn’t want him talking. John’s psychotic, but I don’t believe he did this. Evidence surfaced placing him in Traverse City this week.” Jaid said.

  “Who do you think shot John?” Angie asked.

  “I’d have to say Anthony Giannola, but I’ll say no more he’s a better friend than an enemy. Come on my first lip-stick bounty hunter, let’s discuss this over dinner.” Jaid said.

  “Anthony’s suave mannerisms and connections will aid my cause. It's none of my business what he does on his personal time. Let’s enjoy that dinner in the relaxed atmosphere of Vitale’s Italian Bistro with a fine glass of Merlot.” Angie said.

  Thank you Anthony you just doubled my net worth.

  The End





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