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Tudor Rose (The Tudor Dynasty Series)

Page 5

by Salisbury, Jamie

  “You do if you‘re going to live here.”

  The elevator arrives at our destination. Approaching the entrance, we find the door ajar. Amadeus attempts to open it farther but I grab his arm stopping him. I shake my head telling him not to enter, and motion for him to follow me.

  “Don’t you think we should telephone the police first?” I ask. “I don’t like the idea of entering until they’re here.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right, call them.”

  I call 911 and provide all the information to the dispatcher.

  “They’re on the way.”

  “Come on, let’s try and determine if anyone is inside.”

  We sneak up closer. Amadeus leans as close to the open door as he can. I don’t have a good sensation about this and I try to get his attention, but he’s not paying me any mind. He motions his head in the direction of the open door. Someone remains inside, and before either of us can react the door swings open as a black, cloaked figure rushes at us. The two of us are pushed off balance as the figure disappears. Amadeus tries to grab and stop the thief and is taken to the ground with such force the blow knocks the wind out of him. My reaction is to follow the stranger, but, as an exit door closes. I realize I don’t stand a chance of catching him.

  I got a glimpse of the intruder’s face. The unmistakable face of our mystery man I’m convinced. I rush over to Amadeus, who’s sitting up as the officers come off the elevator. I yell at them, pointing to where the shadowy figure went. One officer runs in that direction while the other approaches. He asks if we need the EMTs but Amadeus shakes his head at the suggestion.

  Finally, his breath returns and I help him to his feet.

  “You okay now?”

  He nods and starts walking toward the entry. “Did you get a look at his face?” he asks.

  “Yes, I did. It was our mystery man.”

  “Yeah, it was him. What the hell is going on Zara?”

  “Let’s find out,” I reply as we walk inside.

  The officer requests more officers. The place isn’t trashed like the previous break in.

  “Mr. Tudor, I need for you to look around and determine what if anything is missing.”

  “Of course. Zara, check your things.” I immediately rush over to the table in the living room where I had put Amadeus’ computer. The laptop is gone.

  I tell the officer what’s been taken as his partner returns. Amadeus joins us, not having found anything gone.

  “I understand you had a similar incident not long ago. You weren’t at home at the time?” he asks.

  “That’s right.”

  “Any ideas who broke in here? With only a computer missing, it makes me believe the intruder knew what he was after.”

  I lose my composure at the formality of the questioning. “No kidding! I mean this is supposed to be a secured building. No one can enter without a key or being let in and yet it has happened twice now to the same unit. Last time the place was ransacked, this time we probably stopped that from happening again, but what if we hadn‘t been here? And to answer your question, yes, we have a good idea of who did this.”

  The officer is caught off guard by the tongue lashing, and Amadeus is trying hard not to laugh. He hasn’t seen me behave like this in a while.

  “Here’s a photo of the man on my phone, I’m sure if you pull your file from the last incident, this picture is probably included. We’ve been watching for this guy since we left L.A…”

  A pair of detectives appear, and the process starts all over. As we are sitting with them discussing the two incidents, I get a call. It’s well past 2am, way too late for normal people. I scan my caller ID; Artie. I ignore his call. Why would he be calling at this hour?

  We finish up with the detectives. It’s obvious we aren’t going to get much sleep, if any and my body is beginning to complain. Amadeus is pacing the floor trying to make sense of what has happened. I’m determined to sit with him.

  Amadeus sits down on the sofa next to me, taking my hand. “I’m sorry our night got ruined. You’re exhausted. Why don’t you go lie down and try to get some sleep Zara? I’ll join you in a little while.”

  I nod in agreement as he helps me to my feet. “You sure? I don’t mind staying up with you.”

  “I’m fine. You go on.”

  I’m too exhausted to argue with him. I climb into bed clad only in panties. My body relaxes under the crisp sheets Perhaps I can get a couple of hours sleep.

  I awake some time later to find Amadeus naked, lying beside me. His hand is exploring my body. Realizing I’m awake, he removes my panties then straddles himself over me, we kiss each other with urgency. His body moves harder, eager to release, unable to control the elation I feel as he pulls me tight to him, thrusting deep, overtaken by his climax. Collapsing in pure bliss and exhaustion I slowly turn on my side, facing him and as I do, he reaches for me and draws me closer.

  “My God, Zara, I can‘t get enough of you. I didn’t want it to end.” His mouth finds mine, and we share another passionate kiss. His kisses find their way to my ear as he whispers “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Amadeus.” I freeze as I feel semen dripping out of me as he moves me, triggering a panic reaction.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He sounds panicked by the prospect, staring at me.

  “We didn’t use a condom. We haven’t used one at all, and I’m not on the pill or anything.”

  “I know, baby. I didn’t want any barriers between us.” He looks almost happy. “Zara, I want you to get pregnant. You okay with that?”

  I nod my head. “Yes, you know I am. I’m sorry I freaked on you.”

  “I love you Zara. Let me take care of you, all right?”

  We must have succumbed to sleep because the next thing I’m aware of is Amadeus looking around for the clock.


  I’m sitting on the sofa, attempting to relax, enjoying the tranquility of the moment when I feel him tugging, trying to get me on my feet.

  “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”


  “Let’s go.” He drives us through town until we pull into a marina and park. He doesn’t say a word, he just takes my hand and leads me down the docks until we reach a large white sailboat tied in one of the slips.

  “Well, what do you think? Ain’t she a beauty?” I’ve never seen him act this way, maybe close, but not this giddy. We move along, looking it over. We walk past the stern to observe her from a different angle. I feel the breath almost leave me. The boat is named “Tudor Queen” after a Yorkshire terrier he gave me years ago. She had been his first gift to me. He’s watching me, knowing I’ve seen her name and leads me to the cockpit where he jumps on and holds his hand out for me to follow. He’s got one of those, expressions I call Cheshire cat grins on his face.

  “Welcome to the “Tudor Queen” milady.”

  I am in shock, and I force the words out. “She’s beautiful! I didn’t… long have you had her?”

  “About two years I guess. It’s almost a sin to live in Seattle and not own a sailboat.” He takes me on a tour of the entire boat. Sailing is one of his true passions outside of music.

  “How big is she?”

  “Forty-seven feet. How long since you’ve sailed Zara?”

  “Quite a while.” I can’t believe he remembers something I told him during our years together, about sailing with my father and family.

  “You‘ll be fine. I thought we’d head out into the islands when this tour is over. We can do things by the seat of our pants and the weather. You okay with this?”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  Chapter Five

  Everything for the night is ready, and I hope things go according to schedule as a good portion of Amadeus’ own family will be backstage or in the VIP area. I decide to stay close to him. My gut is warning me not to stray far. Tom Nix, the Seattle detective informed us earlier Artie and Brad, our mystery man, were arrested bu
t are no longer in police custody. Tom explains although he possesses enough to keep them both on a variety of charges, he feels he can learn more with them on the street.

  Then the time has arrived, I walk with Amadeus toward the stage. He’s quiet, as usual, just before his performance. The other band member’s demeanor catches me off guard. Rather than huddling together moments prior to going on, the five gathered separately, away from Amadeus.

  Once they are well into their first song, I glance about and observe Red buzzing the area. He’s picked up on the mood too. He leaves responding to a call coming across his radio. I saunter over to watch the crowd. I notice Julia and one of her daughters sitting in the VIP area, yet even more shocked to observe Artie and Brad next to her. She and Artie are engaged in conversation. Brad is sitting watching Tudor Rose perform. How did they gain access to both the concert and the limited access area? The venue security, along with the roadies have been given strict instructions the two are to be denied admission. This is the call Red got. He approaches the two, accompanied by someone from the building. It is evident, from the body language I’m witnessing, that Artie is trying to challenge Red. I am not carrying a radio, but at this moment, I wish I had one to be privy to what is unfolding in front of me.

  With the band preparing to go into the third song of the set, the stage lights fade to black and all the members of Tudor Rose walk off, leaving Amadeus alone. They file silently past me as I dart over to where I last saw him before the lights went out. I take Amadeus’ hand and tell him to stay with me. As we’re standing, I notice an individual holding a flash light approach us. It’s Red who sprinted up as soon as the stage went dark.

  The whole area is in chaos. Somehow Red manages to lead us away from the main hallway, knowing a crowd is gathering there. Everyone is searching for Amadeus, and I ask Red to monitor his radio. With Artie and Brad on site, I want to keep Amadeus out of the backstage area. After making our way through a maze of hallways, we exit on the opposite side of the venue. My phone is going off incessantly. I need to get us clear of the site. I’m about to send Red to find a vehicle as we stumble across one of the detectives who’d been at the house. I made sure he and his partner, Tom Nix had credentials for this evening, giving them access without letting on they were police. He’s witnessed what happened and come outside to patrol the perimeter, while Tom stayed inside. Amadeus and I dive into his car, leaving Red to supervise the crew and breakdown. I tell him I’ll call him and Robert soon, once I get Amadeus somewhere safe.

  Amadeus suggests we go to his boat. His father’s the only one who is aware he’s purchased the vessel and Amadeus has access onto the docks. Jon Franco drives us to the marina. He tells us he or Tom will call as soon as they are able.

  We walk quietly. Once inside, Amadeus turns on a couple of lights helping me get my bearings. Calls are still coming nonstop. Sitting at the small table, I scroll through to find out who’s been calling me. I ring Robert, who does not answer and leave a message. William’s number appears several times. I tell him Amadeus is fine. As soon as I finish with William, Robert calls. I hear all the turmoil in the background, it’s obvious he can’t speak unless he yells. We end our call for now.

  Amadeus walks over to a fridge and opens it.

  “I’ve got to have a beer, Zara.” He reaches inside. “Want one?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m fine. Would you get me a water, if you have any?”

  He brings me one, handing the bottle to me as he sits down across from me. Sailboats do not possess the room a power boat might. So even though this one is long, the width lacks, making things a bit cozy.

  “What the hell just happened, Zara? I never saw this coming, did you?”

  “No, I really thought everything was fine. Man, was I wrong!”

  He sits, sipping his beer, his mind replaying the evening’s events.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “I will be,” he said, taking one more drink, watching me. “How about you?”

  “I’m fine, just worn out. These past few days have been draining, but I’m getting my second wind.”

  “Good, because I intend to wear you out in more ways than you can imagine.” He winks at me as he sips the beer.

  “I bet you will!” I’m glancing about where I’m sitting searching for my purse. “Damn!”


  “My pocketbook, a notebook I keep. I remember now I left them at the condo.” I never take it when I’m working. I bring my keys, credentials, lipstick, nothing more.

  “Here, use this.” He sets a legal pad in front of me as he sits back down.

  “Thanks. I wanted to make some notes. Who we’ve talked to, anything we might remember leading up to this evening.”

  “Angus, let’s see if he’s aware of any of this or if he left before it started.”

  I start to dial, when Amadeus stops me. “Call Ashleigh’s number. He’ll be without his phone. Put him on speaker too.”

  Ashleigh answers and Amadeus starts talking.

  “Hey, where are you guys? Is Angus with you?”

  “We’re over at William‘s….”

  Angus joins in, “You certainly got a mutiny on your hands little brother. Where are you?”

  “You don’t need to know right now, Angus. Were you there when all this shit went down?”

  “Yeah, Ashleigh and I were in the VIP box with Mom and Dad. So, what’s going on?”

  “We don’t have a clue Angus,” I inject into the mix. “That is what we’re trying to piece together. Can you tell us anything other than how chaotic things became?”

  “No, but a detective came and got our names and stuff, said he’d get back with us. Oh yeah, Dad says his name is Tom Nix.”

  “Okay, we’ll get back to you,” Amadeus replies, ending the conversation. He stares at the puzzled expression on my face. “What? He doesn’t know anything, let’s move on.” He stands, trying to stretch. He finds another beer just as Robert calls back. He indicates he wants this on speaker.

  “Robert,” he greets the man, “what you can tell us?”

  “All I know for sure is the boys are claiming artistic differences with you.”

  “Hmmm. Anything else?” Amadeus asks.

  “They are regrouping on their own.”

  “Robert, did you talk with them one on one or is this hearsay?” I ask because this fact could prove valuable later.

  “Yes, I did speak with them for about ten minutes. That’s all they would give me. You aren’t going to believe who’s been hired to manage them?”

  “Let me guess,” A chimes in, “Artie!”

  “Yep! He whisked the guys out fast. Didn’t want them questioned. He’s already released a statement.”

  “I’m not worried about Artie representing them. With all the mess going on with Brad and being the interest of local detectives, I don’t know how the relationship can last.” Amadeus adds, “What about this statement, Robert?”

  “Rick, my assistant has been calling around trying to find someone who‘s read it. I am planning to release one before morning stating simply that A and the band parted ways, he’s still with the label, and the tour shall resume shortly and dates are to be made up. What do you think?”

  “It works.” I answer.

  “A?” he asks.

  “Yeah, fine. We’re one step ahead, no blame is being laid. We can anticipate what comes out of their camp.”

  “Exactly. Why don’t you two try to get some sleep, not much we can do except wait. I’ll be in touch first thing in the morning.”

  “Sounds good, Robert.” I reply. “Talk to you then.”

  A doesn’t say anything further until the call ends.

  “Let the war of words begin. He’s right Zara. So, why don’t we lie down for a while?” He takes my hand and leads me to the sleeping quarters. The motion of the vessel is soothing to my stiff body. He’s been holding me, no words exchanged. Suddenly, he sits up as far as he is able, given the sailboat�
�s cramped quarters. “I’m going to secure the cabin for the night.”

  I remove my jeans and top placing them to one side. He returns as I try to cover myself, but he catches enough to conclude I’m naked. I catch a smile come over his face as he strips off his clothes. He reaches for the small light above us, and we plunge into darkness. A few minutes after laying in the dark, he puts his arm around me. One thing about Amadeus, he’s highly sensual. His mouth encases mine, probing until our tongues meet, our kiss intensifies.

  Instead of making love, we lay there caressing each other until we fall deeply asleep.


  Morning comes too early. Amadeus is already awake, up top walking around. I throw on my clothes and find the way to the cockpit where he’s sitting reading a newspaper. He’s pulled his hair back in a ponytail, making his rugged features stand out. He’s a handsome man, but never one who lets his looks interfere with his personality. He glances up as I approach.

  “Good morning,” I lean over and kiss him as I find a place to sit. “Been up long?”

  “A while. I couldn’t sleep. I walked to the store and got a paper.” He points in the direction of a building at the edge of the docks.

  Knowing why he bought the newspaper, I wait for him to tell me what, if anything he’s found. I observe my phone laying next to him.

  “Well, according to the front page this morning I stormed off. Whoever wrote the article said there are serious disagreements among us. They quoted Artie as saying I wanted to go solo for a long time and used the conflicts as an excuse to leave, using the stage to make a dramatic exit. You believe him?” His voice is getting louder as his pent up anger begins to escape.

  “Actually, yes baby. We need to call Robert. I want to find out how Artie got this in the paper.” I know newspapers keep deadlines.

  “But Zara, I’m the one being made out to be the bad guy in all this! I‘m not the one who walked off, they were!”

  “I understand. Obviously last night was pre-planned.” I quickly give him a lesson in newspaper deadlines, which helps soften his anger.


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