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Tudor Rose (The Tudor Dynasty Series)

Page 9

by Salisbury, Jamie

  Doing things by the seat of our pants, we find a small bed and breakfast near Salisbury to spend the night. Salisbury Cathedral is our destination the following day. The weather is typical English wintery weather, cold and blustery. For dinner, we ask the establishment’s owner, a plump, cheerful woman who started the B&B with her husband, fulfilling a lifelong dream. Margaret points us in the direction of a small locally owned restaurant. We aren’t disappointed with our meal. Everything used is local, produce, meat, seafood, which is brought from the not too far sea.

  The cathedral does not disappoint. This is what I love about traveling, historic sites. Nothing we have in the U.S. can come close in age. The cathedral was built in the thirteenth century. Amadeus and I are both in awe of historic architecture like this.

  Our next destination is Peter’s farm, which is situated southeast of London. He’s had the farm for years. It’s where his children grew up and is an actual working farm. Luckily he gave Amadeus clear directions and we have a GPS in our rental car so finding the farm is relatively easy.

  Peter walks out of the house to greet us. The house is nothing like I would have imagined since he could easily afford to tear this one down and build whatever he wants. It is a large two story structure in a classic English style. Inside is quite comfortable, like his Manhattan apartment. Later in the afternoon he takes us on a walking tour of the farm. Fortunately we did it this first day because rain came in later and stayed for the next couple of days, leaving mud everywhere.

  The two musicians spend hours in Peter’s home studio. Peter, while he is quite accommodating is also a intensely private person, and I am grateful that he’s allowed me access to photograph he and Amadeus in his home and studio.

  One afternoon while the two are taking a break I sit down with them. Peter gives me a lesson on how to prepare a proper pot of tea and while we are waiting the three of us sit at the kitchen table. The conversation turns to Amadeus and his future.

  “Amadeus is pretty set on you resuming your role as his manager and publicist. How do you feel about it, Zara?”

  “Well,” I glance over at A before I begin, “my first thought is to hire good people to take on a lot of the actual work for me. That will allow me the ability to go after new offers, oversee things more efficiently. Now that we’re married, I have to be able to shut it off. Why? Do you think that’s a bad idea?”

  “No, not at all. I think you of all people can effectively and successfully guide his career. You’ve proven that. Have you thought about creating something like what I have?”

  “Yes I have and we have talked about it extensively. We would essentially be keeping everything involving Amadeus’ career under one roof.”

  “I have your first project, madam manager. Amadeus and I are releasing a track together. We’ll have my people handle the details this time. A and I were thinking of hooking up on the road from time to time. I’m looking forward to all this.”

  Our visit with Peter flies by too fast. Amadeus and I head back to London the day before our scheduled flight. With Christmas just weeks away, we spend our afternoon and evening enjoying the holiday sights, even shopping at London’s famous Harrods department store.

  Chapter Nine

  We quietly arrive back in Seattle late at night. It is cold and blustery Seattle weather. The condo is freakin’ freezing when we arrive. Turning the furnace up, we scramble for the warmth of our bed, which is cold, as well. Giggling like kids we pull the covers entirely over us, holding each other until the chill on the sheets warms from our body heat.

  “Well we’re home, Zara,” he begins, pushing the covers down a bit, so we can breathe. “I don’t have to hold anything back when I‘m here with you.”

  “What do you hold back?” I ask. I would never guess that he has anything more to hold back.

  “Hmmm, wouldn’t you like to know? I’ll have to show you.”

  “Amadeus, I swear you have a one track mind sometimes.”

  “Yes, but you seem to love it.” He laughs, slapping my butt. “Now take off your clothes.”

  “It’s too cold!”

  “I’ll warm you up, baby. Besides, I had to put up with you in those ridiculous nightgowns you wore in England.”

  “You know why I did. Besides it was cold at night on that farm.”

  Before he can spar with me any further the phone rings. Saved by the bell, so to speak! I look over at Amadeus and shake my head, so he won’t answer it. It’s way too late for people to be calling. I get out of bed to look at the caller id on the phone. The call shows up as unknown.

  “Aren’t you over-reacting?” he asks.

  “No, it’s almost two in the morning. The only people who should call at this hour are family,” I reply, flipping through to see who else has called.

  “Zara, you know there’s always going to be someone who calls at off hours. It’s the nature of the business.”

  “Not any more. I’m about to make some changes and put a stop to it.”

  “Okay, babe, whatever,” he replies pushing the covers off him, to the foot of the bed. Swinging his legs over the side, he kisses me and starts into the bathroom.

  “I’m going to get a bottle of water, want anything?”

  He mumbles something. When I return he’s back in bed, looking at the ceiling.

  “Here, I found a beer.”

  He takes the bottle from me, sitting up. “I didn’t realize how tired I was until I got up. I for one am glad not to have to go anywhere for a while.”

  I stand on his side of the bed and take off my clothes, laying them in a nearby chair. Tossing my bottle of water on the other side of the bed I lift the covers, crawling over him to get to my space. I lay over him as he lowers the sheet on us, his hands exploring the skin on my back.

  “Better?” I ask, kissing him.

  “Much. Thank you, baby.”

  I start over to my side, placing my water on the night table, turning off the lamp before scooting my back side next to him. I feel his arm pull me closer.

  “This is nice. I’ve missed this.”

  “What have you missed?” he asks.

  “Being naked next to you.”

  “Mmmm. Me too.” He runs his hand over my body before pulling me tight against him. “Good night, baby.”

  “Good night, A”

  The next morning, the phone wakes us up. Amadeus answers it, half asleep. It’s his mother.

  “We didn’t get in until after midnight…I don’t know, Mother. I’d have to talk to Zara. I’ll have her call you.”

  He sets the phone down and looks over at me. I’m trying to get up. It’s after ten in the morning. He grabs my arm, pulling me back.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Make coffee,” I reply, taking my arm back.

  “Coffee can wait.” He pulls me next to him. “Come here, see what you did?” He kisses my cheek, positioning himself over me, “Spread your legs for me, baby.” He finds what he’s after and quickly relieves himself. He collapses on me, out of breath.

  “Feel better?” I whisper to him.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry, baby. The sight of you sitting there naked…”

  “Don’t, it’s okay A. You can pay me back later.” I try to laugh naughtily, pushing him off me and getting myself out of bed as fast as I can.

  “Zara, don’t tease.”

  “I’m not. Now I am going to make some coffee. I need to see what’s been going on and call your mother back.”

  I tie my robe, throwing the panties I had in the chair at him as I scoot out of the room.


  There is so much going on this time of year. On top of settling in after our trip, Amadeus has projects coming up in January that have to be coordinated and executed. His project with Peter McNichol will hit stores before he goes back on tour the end of the month. And then there’s the tour to get ready for.

  His first solo CD on Magnum is due out the twentieth of December, and the artwork is not
what we had talked about. Magnum has gone with what they chose and did not include any of the photos I submitted. This will be a matter of contention between Robert and me.

  Christmas is upon us also. Amadeus’ family won’t have a huge dinner or anything since we did Thanksgiving together. He tried inviting them to join us on Christmas day, but they have made plans. So it will just be the two of us, and that is fine. My decorating so far has been minimal. He literally has no Christmas decorations, so we decide since we’ll probably buy a house, and with minimal storage now to just decorate economically. I have decided to cook the two of us an elegant dinner Christmas day. After all, it is our first Christmas.

  We coordinate a shopping day each going off in our own directions, but doing it at the same time. Shopping for him won’t be difficult. I’ve decided to get him some new clothes and an iPad he’s been leaving hints about. I’ve also got a doctor’s appointment. I should have already been, but our trip to England and Manhattan after Thanksgiving pushed it off until now. This will be Amadeus’. big Christmas present. He is going to be so thrilled when he finds out. I’ve suspected I’m pregnant for a while now. I snuck a pregnancy test in, and it was positive which I knew it would be. I’m surprised Amadeus hasn’t suspected or started asking questions or something. I’ve noticed changes in my stomach; I have a bump and I haven’t had a period since before we started having sex.

  Somehow I manage to beat him home and hide all my purchases. I put all the information from the doctor away where he won’t find any of it. True to my calculation and notes I’ve kept in my planner, I conceived the first time we made love. Conceiving is obviously not a problem for us. I hate keeping this from him, but it’ll make a fabulous Christmas present and I hope I can keep it from him until then.

  He walks in about an hour after me, and he’s empty handed! I mess around with a table top tree I bought trying to attach the small ornaments to the branches.

  “Hey, where’d you get this?” He asks, kissing me and flopping down on the sofa.

  “You like it? I thought we needed some kind of tree. I’m going to put it on the piano.”

  “Yeah, I like it. It’ll look good over there.”

  “So how was your afternoon?” I ask, trying to pretend I didn’t notice he came back empty handed.

  “Good,” he smiles, those blue eyes laughing, “I got a lot accomplished. And you?”

  “I had an awesome time. I got everything I set out to get.”

  “Really? You didn’t have trouble finding where you wanted to go?”

  “No, the car has GPS, silly.” Crap, I think to myself, he can check where I’ve been if he wants. “You hungry? I’ll fix something if you can wait until I finish here.”

  For all the time I’ve known Amadeus, Christmas time is when he makes his annual visit to the children’s hospital. He takes wagon loads of toys and passes them out, spending a couple of hours visiting the kids and their parents. I have been with him in the past on a few of these visits. No one ever asked him to do it, he simply started doing it once his career took off. He looks forward to the event and this year it is even more special. We’re married and together we make the visit. His love of children is obvious. It shines through.

  Two days before Christmas and I’m running around trying to get all my grocery shopping done. Amadeus wants to take me to the city market tomorrow. Something of a holiday tradition. I put my key in the door and almost fall over as he opens it, taking bags from me. I follow him into the kitchen, putting them on the floor. He takes my coat and disappears. I start putting everything away.

  “Here, let me help you.” He takes a bunch of refrigerated items and walks over to the fridge.

  “Thanks, A. I didn’t realize how much I had.” Then he throws me a curve.

  “Oh, Zara, before I forget, Dr. Asher’s office called. You need to call them back because they won’t be back in the office until next Tuesday.”

  I try not to meet his stare. I can feel his eyes on me.

  “Thanks. I’m going to go call them before I forget. Do you mind?”

  “No, I’ll finish here.”

  I dig through my pocketbook and find the business card. Dialing the doctor’s number, I look up and catch a glimpse of Amadeus out of the corner of my eye. The nurse answers and finds my information and gives me my blood work results. I turn to see him standing against the wall.

  “Who’s Dr. Asher? You didn’t tell me that you went to the doctor.”

  “Um, I went to find out why I’ve been so tired. He drew blood to see if anything’s going on. And, turns out I’m fine. I’m sorry, I thought I told you.”

  “So now what? You supposed to go back?” he asks as he watches me closely.

  “I’m supposed to go for a follow-up next month. We’ll go from there, I guess.

  Christmas Eve, after our trek to the market, we’re sitting on the sofa talking. It’s too early to eat. The phone rings. It’s his parents. He puts the phone on speaker, so we can both talk.

  “Zara, Amadeus, Merry Christmas. Do you have any plans?” Grace asks.

  “No, we’re staying in,” I reply. “I’m going to cook dinner tomorrow afternoon, but that’s about it.”

  “What are you and Dad doing?” Amadeus asks.

  There’s a delay before Grace answers. “We’re, uh, we’re on our way to Damien’s.”

  “You’re spending the night and tomorrow?” Amadeus asks. He’s clenched his jaw, and that muscle is twitching.

  “Yes.” Grace replies.

  William comes on. “Well, look you two, we’re probably going to lose you. We’re out here on the ferry. Enjoy your first Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas.” I jump in. Amadeus stands, his eyes are darting around. I mouth at him to say the same.

  “Yeah, you and Mother have a Merry Christmas. Tell Damien we asked about him.” He pushes the end button on the phone.

  “Amadeus? Why did you do that?” Instead of answering, he walks over to the window.

  I follow him over and stand as close as I can. I just witnessed some family dynamic I’ve been unaware existed. He keeps staring out. I put my arm around his waist, as I do he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulls me close and kisses the top of my head.

  “We’re not going there tonight, okay? Let’s just enjoy our evening.”


  “Come on. I’m gonna get a beer. You want one?”

  I shake my head. I sit back on the sofa and wait for him. Should I tell him tonight or wait until morning? No, tomorrow.

  I wake up Christmas morning and smell the coffee. The good Christmas coffee I bought. It’s eight-thirty, A has let me sleep in. I grab my robe off the chair, and walk into the living room where he’s sitting bare foot clad only in his jeans. He jumps up as I enter, putting one arm around my waist, the other on my cheek and kisses me.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” I pull myself closer.

  “Merry Christmas. Did you make my coffee?”

  “Yes, ma’am I did. Can I get you a cup?” He releases his grip, heading for the kitchen, knowing my answer before I speak.

  I pad over toward the windows, trying to sneak a peak at the tree on top of the piano. I can’t get a decent enough look before he appears with my mug.

  “Being nosy are we?” He grins, knowing he caught me. “Trying to see what Santa left or should I say if he left you anything.”

  He hands the mug to me, I reply, “What do you mean if?”

  “Well, I don’t know if you were good enough this past year.” He’s getting immense pleasure ouy of this.

  “Come on and sit down, I get to do this.”

  He grabs my free hand. “In a minute. Come sit with me. Then we’ll start.” So we sit and try to drink coffee. Finally, I race over to the piano and get the boxes of clothes.

  “Merry Christmas. You have to open all of them for it to make sense. You’re not a kid, so I saw no point in dragging it out.” He rips into the boxes and pulls out the
shirts and jeans I’ve picked out for him.

  “Thank you, baby. They’re exactly what I‘ve been wanting. Now wait here.” He walks over and finds a box and brings it to me. “I hope you like this.”

  I tear off the wrapping and I find a charcoal sketch I had admired at Peter’s. It was one he had done. “Amadeus? I can’t believe it.”

  “Peter gave it to me on the sly and told me to give it to you for Christmas. I believe he wrote something for you on the bottom right.”

  I look, and there’s a dedication which reads: 'To Zara. You're a breath of fresh air in a hard world. Love P. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I take him the last present I have. His ipad. Which he loves.

  He hands me a small jewelers box. “I hope you like this.” He sits back and watches me open the box. Inside is a large sapphire ring. The sapphire is surrounded by smaller diamonds.

  “Amadeus, it is beautiful. I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

  He pulls me next to him. “You like it then?”

  “Yes, God yes.” I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He’s going to get more than that in a minute.

  “Good, I wasn’t sure what to get you. I wanted to get you something special for our first Christmas.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “We’ve had a quite a Christmas, haven‘t we?” He sits back on the sofa, watching me admire my hand. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off it.

  Okay Zara dummy, I think to myself. It’s time. I stand up and turn back in front of him, straddling myself over his legs, putting my arms around him.

  “I’ve got one more for you.” He’s eyeing me curiously like he’s not sure what I’m up to. I’ve thought and thought how I’m going to say this, and now I’m freezing up. “Amadeus, you know how we haven’t used any protection all these months? Well, seems we don’t have any problem conceiving because evidently we made a baby the very first time.” I’ve been watching him, he has a shit-eating grin on his face as he realizes what I‘m telling him.


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