Book Read Free

Picture Perfect

Page 3

by Maguire, L. E.

  I stopped in front of the picture of me with the purple gossamer ribbon. Under the picture, was a small nameplate that read Purple Passion. Jake had told me that he had come up with names for the two photos of me that were being featured in the show.

  Stopping in front of the second, the nameplate read Lost in Thought. I smiled at the names Jake had come up with. They were perfect.

  As I studied the Lost in Thought photo, my eyes grew wide. You could clearly tell I was naked, but, holy shit, was that a nipple? Could you make out a nipple? My stomach dropped as I moved in to get a closer look. Maybe I should have adjusted the light better. I should have made sure my privates were completely covered. There is no way I can have this photo featured in the show.

  “It’s beautiful.” A deep, husky voice said softly from behind me, causing me to jump.

  I turned to find Daniel standing next to me. He was Patricia’s son and we had spoken a few times prior. He was handsome in a California surfer guy sort of way. He had blonde hair like his mother and her pale blue eyes. He was tall and built but not overly muscular. Impeccably dressed in some designer suit, it made his shoulders look broader and his arms thicker. He really was very attractive even though I tended to lean towards the tall, dark, and handsome type.

  “Thank you,” I said, giving him a small smile.

  “I couldn’t help but notice that you were examining this photo quite intently,” he said, turning his attention from me to the photo. “You really can’t see anything if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Oh, no. Not at all,” I murmured. He turned toward me, raising a brow in question. “Well, yeah, I was worried about just that,” I said, smiling sheepishly.

  “I think every artist does what you’re doing right now. You don’t need to examine your photos so closely. They’re beautifully shot especially these photos of you. They’re just incredible,” he said, now studying my photo a lot closer than I felt comfortable with.

  “Thank you,” I said softly.

  Turning his attention back to me, his pale blue eyes twinkled in the most attractive and mesmerizing way. “I was just on my way to grab a coffee. Would you like to join me? There’s a Starbucks just a few blocks down.”

  “She’d love to,” Jake said from behind me before I could answer. I turned to glare at him. “Go, Em. I’ll finish up here,” he said, giving me a playful grin. His obsession with my love life or lack there of was annoying. I was so going to have words with him later.

  “It’s settled then,” Daniel said, grabbing my elbow to lead me out of the gallery before I could protest. He released my arm and held the door, motioning for me to exit first. Placing his hand on the small of my back, he guided me out onto the sidewalk.

  It was one of those rare sunny days in Seattle for early April. It was warm in the sun and the trees all along the median of First Avenue South were budding and blossoming. While spring was definitely in the air, there was still a wintery nip to the breeze that swirled around us. I wrapped my sweater around me a little tighter, which did not go unnoticed by Daniel.

  “We’re almost there,” he said, smiling down at me.

  When I smiled up at him in response, I couldn’t help but notice the way the sun made the light stubble along his square jaw more visible or how it glinted off his blonde hair. It was almost blinding, making him look like some kind of sun god.

  He cleared his throat, and I suddenly realized that I was staring. I looked away quickly feeling the flush rise up my neck to color my cheeks. Daniel chuckled softly.

  The Starbucks was literally just down the street from the gallery on the corner of First Avenue. He held the door open for me and guided me in with his hand firmly on my lower back again. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled my nose and made my mouth water.

  As we headed toward the counter, I noticed that it was quite busy for late in the afternoon. Young, urban professionals working on their laptops occupied many tables.

  “Why don’t you go grab us a table and I’ll get the drinks. What would you like?” he asked.

  “Okay. Thank you. I’ll have a tall vanilla latte,” I said smiling.

  “Anything else?” he asked with raised brows.

  “No, thank you,” I said, turning to seek out a free table.

  Spotting a small table for two available near the back of the store, I quickly walked over and claimed it. Bringing my attention back to the counter, I noticed that several of the girls

  greeted Daniel by name. Obviously he came here frequently. All of the girls smiled shyly at him. The young girl who was helping him blushed as she turned to make our drinks. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Minutes later, Daniel was approaching the table with our drinks in hand. He winked as he made eye contact with me. “One tall vanilla latte for the beautiful lady,” he said, placing the cup down in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, breaking eye contact with him. Geez, he certainly was a charmer.

  “So, I know from your bio we received at the gallery that you’re originally from New Jersey. You’re a long way from home. What brings you to Seattle? Have you been here long?” Daniel casually asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “A change of pace. Different scenery.” Escaping the only man I ever loved who broke my heart. “Jake and I have been here for almost six months now. How about you? Are you a Seattle native or a transplant like me?”

  He chuckled. “I’m a Washington native. I was born in Walla Walla.” Narrowing his eyes, he feigned a severe look. “No jokes about that either.” He smirked, making me chuckle. “We relocated to Seattle when I was in elementary school.”

  “Has your family owned the gallery for long?”

  “Ever since we moved to Seattle. My mother was always passionate about art. She has been for as long as I can remember.”

  Taking another sip of my latte, I glanced out the window. My attention immediately fell upon a metal structure with benches underneath it located across the street. It looked like an old fancy bus stop. It had intricate ironwork with a glass top. Continuing to casually sip on my latte, I admired the beautiful structure.

  “That’s the Pioneer Square Pergola,” Daniel said, brining my attention back to him.

  “It’s beautiful. It looks like an antique.”

  “You could call it that. The original was built in 1901, but a truck knocked it over accidentally in 2001. That looks very similar to the original though.”

  “I haven’t wandered down this way yet. I’ll have to remember to come back here with my camera,” I said, thinking of all the interesting close-ups I could get of the intricate ironwork.

  “After you do that, stop by the gallery with your shots. I’d love to see that beautiful structure through your incredible photographer’s eye.”

  “I’ll do that,” I replied shyly.

  We were quiet for a few moments, both casually sipping our coffees as we watched both the car and pedestrian traffic moving up and down the busy city street. Oddly enough, it wasn’t an awkward silence though. Daniel might not have been the type of man I was usually attracted to, but there was something about his presence that I found relaxing. There was no pressure to carry a conversation or the awkwardness that is usually associated with getting to know someone better. He was laid back and easy going, which made you feel comfortable in his presence.

  “So what’s the deal between you and Jake? I assume since he was eager to get you out the door with me this afternoon that he’s not a boyfriend?”

  “You’ve assumed correctly. Jake and I met back in college. We’ve never been involved romantically. He’s more like the brother I never had,” I said, smiling wistfully. He is also the man who picked up the pieces and put me back together after getting my heart shattered, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “So if I were to ask you to join me for dinner this Saturday night, you would say…?” He gave me a hopeful look with raised brows.

  “She would say that she’s busy,” a s
mooth male voice said from behind me.

  For a moment, it took me completely by surprise, but then I recognized that voice and it made me frown. It belonged to a sexy, arrogant jerk, but it was smooth and velvety like warm, melted chocolate. It was liquid sex, and my body immediately responded to it. A rush of heated desire tightened my core, causing my cheeks to flush as goose bumps bloomed across my skin. The reaction did not go unnoticed by Daniel either, frowning as he studied me closely.

  Before I could turn in my seat, the arrogant ass was standing closely to me, basking my body in his warmth. He smelled of that same expensive cologne that was spicy and masculine and it was totally divine drifting off his warm, bronzed skin.

  Recognition washed over Daniel’s face as he made eye contact with the ass standing next to me. He jumped up out of his seat, offering his hand. “Mr. James. I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you right away.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. They knew each other? Daniel even looked a bit nervous, acting as if Mr. James was someone important. “You two know each other?” I asked incredulously.

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry, Ember. This is Evan James. He’s a model who was featured about two weeks ago in a cologne campaign for Rafael Mahoney at the gallery.” Daniel turned to Evan. “This is Ember Whitfield. She has a showing that’s opening tomorrow evening.”

  I cringed when Daniel not only gave this jerk my name but also told him about my opening. Evan’s eyes widened as he flashed me a sexy half smile, which had one adorable dimple winking at me. Wonderful. He offered me his hand to shake. “Ember,” he murmured my name in such a way that he made it sound obscene. Immediately, I pictured him suspended over me while in throes of passion moaning my name making it sound just like that. Holy shit! I am in serious trouble.

  As I slid my hand in his, I felt a tingle run up my arm causing me to gasp. He tightened his big, warm hand around mine in response. A huge smile spread across his face, causing both of those damn dimples to pop out. His piercing emerald eyes bore into mine completely holding me captive.

  Daniel sounded a bit uncomfortable as he cleared his throat. Suddenly realizing that I was still holding onto Evan’s hand, I quickly dropped it and focused my attention back to Daniel.

  “I thought you two might have already known each other since you said she was going to be busy Saturday night, Evan,” Daniel said, keeping his attention focused on Evan as he returned to his seat.

  “We haven’t been formally introduced,” Evan said. Daniel turned his attention on me and frowned. “We met at a club a couple of weeks ago, but Ember was pulled away before we were able to exchange information,” he said smoothly.

  “Oh, I wasn’t the one who was pulled away. If I recall you pretty much had your hands full that evening. What was it? Three blondes that were fawning over you?” I pursed my lips at him. He frowned down at me. Daniel cleared his throat and spoke before Evan could answer. Thankfully, Evan didn’t bring up the fact that we also saw each other at the Top Style Magazine photo shoot.

  “Well, Mr. James, you should stop by the gallery tomorrow evening. Ember’s show will be starting at seven o’clock sharp. I know my mother would love to have you.” I frowned at Daniel, subtly shaking my head, causing him to give me a questioning look. “Unfortunately, Ember and I should be heading back now,” he quickly added. “I’m sure by now my mother and Jake have finalized everything for tomorrow evening,” Daniel said. I nodded in agreement.

  We both stood to leave. Evan did not immediately back off as I rose out of my chair, causing my front to brush up against his in an intimate way. I swore I heard him sigh making my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Keeping my head down, I tried to step away from him quickly, but he grasped my arm firmly. My eyes snapped up to his in irritation.

  “I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow evening, Ember,” he said softly, seductively. “We can discuss plans for Saturday night,” he added, flashing a glorious smile that made my knees go weak. Damn dimples. They are going to be the death of me.

  “I’m sorry. Evan is it?” He nodded as his jaw tightened. “You’re obviously more than welcome to attend the show tomorrow night, but there is nothing we need to discuss about Saturday night.” I leaned in closely to him. “Because we just aren’t going to happen.” I pulled back and anger flashed in his eyes. His lips thinned into a hard line and his nostrils flared slightly as he let go of my arm.

  Turning to walk away, I could hear Daniel and Evan say their goodbyes. Daniel quickly caught up to me, pushing the door open. Again, he placed his hand firmly on my lower back, guiding me out onto the street. Instead of his touch being gentlemanly as before, this time it felt possessive.

  We headed back to the gallery in silence, which was probably for the better. I was beyond irritated with Evan James, the model. When I told him in the bar that I knew his type all too well, I could not have been more right. Another model boyfriend was the last thing I needed. I got the impression that if Evan had not interrupted Daniel, he would have asked me out. That was a distraction I just didn’t need right now either. I needed to concentrate on my career and this gallery showing could be the ticket to getting me noticed. It was probably for the better that Evan did interrupt Daniel even though I knew Daniel was way better for me than Evan. A guy like Evan was going to give me nothing but heartache.

  We reached the gallery. Daniel paused with his hand on the door. “I had a lovely time. Thank you,” he said softly.

  “Me too. Thanks for the coffee,” I said smiling.

  Daniel looked like he was about to say something else. I held my breath praying that he was not going to ask me out when the door was suddenly pushed open. I looked up into the familiar warm brown eyes of Jake and sighed in relief.

  “There you two are. Did you have a good time?”

  “Yes, thank you.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “We need to go,” I added through clenched teeth as I walked past him.

  Jake raised his brows in surprise before turning his attention to Daniel. “Thank you, Daniel. We’ll see you tomorrow evening.” Jake extended his hand to Daniel who kindly shook it.

  “My pleasure, Jake.” Daniel turned to me. “Thank you again, Ember. I really did enjoy spending time with you,” he said, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my cheek. As he pulled back, I noticed his nearness or his kiss did not spark any kind of reaction from my body like Evan did. “I hope I can spend more time with you again real soon,” he added, sounding hopeful.

  “Yes. Thank you.” I grabbed Jake by the arm pulling him out the door. “See you tomorrow.”

  As soon as we got out onto the sidewalk, waiting until we were a few doors down from the gallery, I gave Jake a scathing look. I was so angry with him I nearly growled at him.

  He rose in brows in surprise. “And what exactly have I done to deserve your ire?” he asked jokingly.

  “She’d love to,” I said mockingly. “Really, Jake? What the hell were you thinking?”

  “That you need to get laid,” he said seriously before he started laughing. “What’s the big deal, Em? It was only coffee,” he said, shrugging. “Or did something else happen?” He flitted his brows at me suggestively.

  I smacked his arm. “Something else happened all right, but not what you’re thinking.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I ran into that ass from the bar.” Jake frowned at me in question. “The one with the three blondes hanging off him that was hitting on me? The model from the photo shoot?”

  His eyes widened in recognition before he frowned angrily. “Did he say anything to you?”

  “Oh, yeah. Daniel asked if I had plans for Saturday night and before I could answer him that ass spoke up saying that I was busy. Daniel knows him,” I said, pulling the lobby door to our apartment building open harder than was necessary. The gallery was conveniently located just down the street from our apartment.

  “What?” Jake asked loudly just as we stepped into the lobby. His booming voice echoed off the barren walls of the entrance.

��His name is Evan James. Apparently, he was featured in some cologne campaign for Rafael Mahoney at the gallery a couple of weeks ago.”

  “The bastard. That explains why he was also at the Rafael shoot that you did,” Jake said quietly in a menacing tone. “I don’t like him. Steer clear of him, Em,” Jake said in warning. I winced when he roughly pounded the button to call the elevator.

  “You don’t need to worry about that, Jake. I knew when I first saw him in the bar that the guy was no different from….David.” I flinched at having to say his name just as the elevator arrived. Jake snatched me up into one of his signature bear hugs and carried me into the elevator. Setting me down, he kissed the top of my head as he pushed the button for our floor.

  As the elevator climbed to the top floor, Jake sighed and ran his hands down my arms. “So why are you angry with me?” he quietly asked.

  “You realize if you hadn’t pushed me out the door with Daniel, I never would’ve run into Evan, and he wouldn’t know a damn thing about my show tomorrow night.” I narrowed my eyes at him just as the elevator arrived at our floor. “And Daniel never would’ve invited him,” I said, angrily digging my keys out of my bag as we walked down the hall.

  Jake grabbed my elbow, stopping me in my tracks. He spun me around to face him. “He’s going to be there tomorrow night?” he asked, sounding deadly. I just nodded my head at him. He ran his hand down his face. “I’m sorry, Em. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s all right, Jake. Really, how could you have known?”

  We entered our apartment quietly walking down the entry hall. Jake’s bedroom was to the left before heading into the kitchen. He stopped at his room to take off his shoes and jacket. I dropped my bag on the island in the kitchen and headed for the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room.


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