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Picture Perfect

Page 17

by Maguire, L. E.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear you say that, because I needed a way to try and get you to understand exactly how I feel.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Originally, my plan was to bring you up here and tell you that I love you, but,” He gave me a sheepish look. “You kind of forced my hand earlier after you started with that crazy talk about breaking up.” He rolled his eyes as if the thought was completely ridiculous to him.

  But it wasn’t crazy talk. Our lives were about to get insane, judging by the amount of success previous models and photographers experienced following a Soft Caress campaign. I opened my mouth to speak, but he pressed his fingers to my lips, shaking his head at me.

  “I’m in love with you and no amount of success is going to change that. No amount of success is going to change us, separate us. We might not always be with each other, but you’ll always be here.” Pulling my hand and placing it flat on his chest, the steady beat of his heart pounded against my palm. “Nothing and no one is ever going to change that. You’ve been seared onto my very soul, Ember.” He stood and held his arms out. “This is what being in love with you feels like. I’m on top of the world, baby, and together we can accomplish anything.”

  Staring up at Evan, tears filling my eyes, I so desperately wanted to believe him. There were so many things I wanted to tell him, but I just could not get the words out. Jumping up out of the seat, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. Knowing that our lives in fact were going to change, I poured everything I had into the kiss, allowing all the strong feelings and emotions that I had for him to wash over me. Just this once, I wanted to know what it felt like to give myself over to him completely before I lost the chance to do so. Before I lost him.

  “What time does his flight come in tonight?” Jake asked as we packed up, getting ready for a shoot.

  Over the last month, Evan went from being the unknown guy in the Rafael ad to the most sought after male model in the business after the Soft Caress campaign was released. Just as I both predicted and feared. In just the last two weeks alone, I have only seen him for a total of twenty-four hours. When he was home, it was even starting to get difficult to go out since he was becoming more and more recognizable.

  “I don’t know, Jake.” I sighed heavily. “I got a text from him not long ago that he was stuck at Heathrow due to weather.” I pulled out my phone to look at it again. Nothing. “Honestly, I don’t think he’s going to make it out tonight.”

  Jake ripped my phone from my hand and threw onto the couch. Pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his waist while he squeezed me to him tightly.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. I know how hard it must be,” he said, resting his cheek on the top of my head. “He loves you, you know?”

  “I know,” I mumbled into his chest.

  “If he doesn’t make it back, I’m going to cancel my plans with Lucina tonight and we’ll hang out. We’ll watch movies and make margaritas. Or something.”

  Shaking my head, I pulled away from him. “Thank you, Jake, but you don’t have to cancel your plans with Lucina for me. You go and have fun.”

  He cupped my face in his big hands. “Like I’m going to leave you home alone pouting. I’ll cancel plans. Don’t argue with me.” He feigned a severe look before shrugging his shoulders and said, “Besides, she’s getting a little too clingy.”

  “Jake,” I said in warning. This was how Jake operated though. As soon as a relationship started to get serious, he would back off and come up with some excuse as to why he had to end it. There was a string of broken hearts behind him all because he was afraid to really put himself out there and commit. Then again how could I blame him? I had put myself out there with David and look where that got me.

  “Em, don’t start in on me, okay?”

  “Okay, okay. You cancel your plans if you have to.” I paused for a moment and just stared at him. “I love you, Jake.”

  Pulling my face in, he kissed me on the forehead. “I love you, too.”

  Grabbing our gear, we headed out. Today’s shoot was taking place in a studio in the heart of Seattle. It was for Soft Caress once again. They were getting ready to launch a new lingerie line under the label of Soft Caresses. Like their jeans ads, this ad was going to be racy, and I was thankful that Evan was not going to be the star of it.

  The studio was on the top floor of a building off James Street. Since it was just blocks from our apartment, and a beautiful May day outside, Jake and I walked to the location. Of course, I could not help but sneak a peak as we walked by the Hugh of Color Gallery. Fortunately, they were not open this early in the morning. I have not seen or spoken to Daniel since that night I walked out on him during dinner and I kind of wanted to keep it that way.

  As we approached the Starbucks that Daniel and I visited just down the street from the gallery, I paused, glancing at my watch. Jake gave me a knowing smile. Walking to the door, he wordlessly held it open for me.

  “Vanilla latte?” he asked, walking up to the counter.

  “Please. I’ll grab us a table.”

  The place was crowded for early morning on a weekday, but I was able to secure a table by the window. A group of young college-aged girls were sitting at the table behind me. Without even looking, I knew that Jake was approaching due to the comments and giggling that was coming from behind me. It had me smiling to myself. Jake really was a good-looking guy. Just the shear size of him along with those diamond-studded earrings and cropped hair he insisted on wearing made him look like a total badass.

  “What are you smiling at, Em?” he asked, placing my latte down in front of me.

  “You’re making them swoon,” I said, gesturing with my eyes at the table behind me.

  Jake peered around me and flashed the girls a killer smile, which was so unfair of him. They did not have a fighting chance. Giggles erupted from the table once again.

  I sat shaking my head at him. “You’re so bad.”

  Glancing out the window, I watched as a bus passed by. An ad for Soft Caress Jeans ran the length of one side with a picture of Evan and the model with her hands all over him in the corner. This was the first time since the ad was released that I have seen it out in public like this. It was exciting to see Evan’s beautiful face on the side of the bus, but it also caused an ache in my chest that marked his absence and that ache was becoming all too familiar. Before I could say anything to Jake, the girls behind us started in.

  “Oh. My. God. I love that ad!” one squealed.

  “That guy is so freaking hot. I would so do him,” another said.

  “Oh, I know. Just look at that ass. Perfection.” They all giggled.

  “Oh, hey, we’ve got to get going or we’ll be late.”

  The sound of chairs scrapping against the hardwood floor came from behind me as they quickly gathered their things and left. Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh.

  “How do you handle that?” Jake asked.

  “Handle what?” I looked at Jake, frowning.

  “Girls ogling over your boyfriend like that.”

  “Honestly? It’s a little weird seeing his perfect ass plastered on the side of a bus like that, watching and listening to the girls as they drool over him. But, at the end of the day, I know he’s mine.” I shrugged. “Besides, have you seen the way I ogle some of the guys I take pictures of?”

  “Yeah, I know you do. So why the heavy sigh?”

  “I just miss him, Jake. I miss him a lot more than I ever anticipated.”

  “Well,” he said, glancing down at his watch. “We have a busy day ahead of us. It sounds like you could use the distraction. Let’s go before we’re late.”

  The studio that Soft Caress was utilizing for this shoot was amazing. It was a ten thousand square foot loft on the top floor of a newly renovated building just across the street from the Starbucks we were at this morning. Natural light spilled in through the wall of windows that ran one
length of the massive room. The walls and ceiling were painted white, and along with the lightly colored hardwood floor, it helped to enhance the natural light.

  Up against one of the walls was a huge white backdrop that extended out from the ceiling and down onto the floor. Set in the middle of that was a huge, elaborate, four-poster bed. Made out of a dark wood with intricately carved spindles, it looked like something that belonged in a castle instead of a photography studio. The bedding was made up of luxurious, silky fabrics in reds and golds. Against the white backdrop, the dark, rich colors really stood out.

  Jake immediately got to work setting up his laptop and other equipment. As I headed in that direction, Eli stepped in front of me blocking my path.

  “Ember. It’s so good to see you again,” he said, smiling warmly at me.

  “You too, Eli.” A genuine smile spread across my face in response to his.

  Stepping to the side, he placed his hand at the small of my back, and gently guided me over to the table where Jake was currently seated.

  “I’m so looking forward to working with you again. The Soft Jeans campaign has been our most successfully to date, and I sincerely believe we have you to thank for that,” he said, smiling widely at me.

  “Thank you. I appreciate that,” I said, giving him a small smile.

  Eli left his hand resting intimately on my back. It was a constant reminder of how much I missed Evan’s touch. That damn ache in my chest started to burn again. Shaking all thoughts of Even from my head, I tried to focus on what Eli was saying about how he envisioned this shoot to go, but instead I just found myself riveted by his good looks.

  With the amount of natural light coming in through the windows, I could not help but notice how striking Eli’s blue eyes really were. They were as blue as the Caribbean ocean and were in stark contrast to his black hair, taking him from handsome to devastatingly gorgeous. But he was still no Evan. He was just a constant reminder of the man I was missing.

  “We all good, Ember?” Eli asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

  “Sure,” I quickly replied. He did not need to know that I barely caught a word of what he just said. Glancing over his shoulder, I looked into Jake’s concerned face.

  “Not a word from you,” I hissed at Jake as soon as Eli walked away. Jake held his hands up in surrender before turning back to his computer.

  Eli returned with the two models. They bore a striking resemblance to Evan and me, which was just crazy since I am not even close to model material. He was tall and muscular with dark hair and light-colored eyes. She was small for a model and curvy like me with dark hair and dark eyes. It almost hurt to look at them.

  We started the shoot over by the window. I loved the natural light that was just pouring in and wanted to take advantage of it. The woman stood looking wistfully out the window dressed in a black satin robe that stopped mid-thigh. The man, wearing matching black satin shorts, stood behind her with a hand on her shoulder, pulling the robe back and nuzzling his face into her neck.

  After several shots, I had them change up the position so she had her back to the window, head thrown back in obvious enjoyment as the man continued to rain kisses down her neck. His hands on her waist were pushing the robe open revealing the black satin bra and panties that matched her robe.

  After several more shots by the window, Eli called for a break so the models could change, and that was when he dropped the bomb.

  “Ember,” he said, getting my attention as he headed over to me. “I’ve got great news.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I just got off the phone with Evan Ryan’s rep. You remember him, right?”

  Hmm, if he only knew. “Yeah, sure. I remember him,” I said, attempting to sound nonchalant.

  “When we’ll be ready to finish shooting the Soft Caresses line, Evan’s going to be available. Great news, huh?”

  Great news? Was he kidding? Having felt like I just had the rug pulled out from under me, I forced a smile on my face and nodded.

  My saving grace came when the models returned. Pushing the thought of Evan rolling around on a bed half naked with some beautiful model equally half naked, I poured all my focus into the job at hand. Once additional shots were taken at the window with them showcasing a variety of different items, Eli called for a lunch break.

  Breaking out my phone, I was disappointed to see there was nothing from Evan. I still had no idea if he was even on his way back to me or if he was still stuck in London. Taking a chance, I hit the call button, but the call went straight to voicemail. Maybe he was already on the plane and had his phone turned off. For the life of me, I could not figure out how my parents had dealt with the separations, and my mother was not even in the big leagues when she modeled.

  Suddenly realizing how much I missed them, I gave my dad a quick call. He answered immediately.

  “Is this my baby girl?” he said happily. I could hear the smile in his voice, which had me on the verge of tears.

  “Hey, Daddy,” I quietly replied, rapidly blinking my eyes to keep the tears from falling.

  “I saw that Soft Caress Jeans campaign you did. It was gorgeous, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.” I cleared my throat. “I have a question for you about a shoot I’m on now.”

  “What’s up?” he asked, sounding perplexed. I never called my dad for photography advice.

  “Well, I’m working with Soft Caress again. They have a lingerie line coming out, and I’m having trouble adjusting the white balance correctly. The location we’re currently in is flooded with natural light.”

  “Is that so?” He paused as I listened to him take a deep breath. “You want to tell me his name?” he finally asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I tried to play stupid, but I knew I was not fooling him for a second.

  “The man who seems to have you tied up in knots. What’s his name?”

  Sighing heavily, I glanced out the window and happened to notice a man and woman embracing on the sidewalk. It looked like some type of reunion. That ache flared within chest once again. “How did you know, Dad? Am I that transparent?”

  “I know, because, sweetheart, you are a better photographer than I ever was. So, yes, you are that transparent. You want to talk about it?”

  “His name is Evan. Evan James.”

  “The Soft Caress Jeans guy? Did you meet him on set?”

  “No. I actually met him weeks before.”

  There was a long pause. I know my dad was wondering why he was just hearing about Evan now. “Wait. Is he Evie Ryan’s boy?”

  “Yes. That’s him.”

  “I worked with his mother once. Gorgeous woman. Very sweet and down to earth. If he’s anything like his mother, I can see why you would be attracted to him. So, what’s the problem? He’s treating you well, yes?”

  “Yes, Daddy. He’s treating me wonderfully. But since the Soft Caress ad went live, I’ve barely seen him. I miss him so much more than I ever thought possible. How did you and Mom do it?” I finished in a whisper, chocking back a sob. Glancing around the room, I spotted Jake staring at me with his arms crossed over his chest and a deep frown marring his handsome face. When he started to head over to me, I held a hand up and shook my head at him.

  “Separations are never easy, sweetheart. Nothing seemed to help for your mother and I as we tried to stay in touch while we were both going in opposite directions. It’s why she gave it all up,” he said, sounding sad. “Being in love with a model is difficult enough, but when that model becomes wildly popular, like Evan will, it’s going to seem downright impossible.” He paused for a moment. “Does he love you?”

  “Yes. He said he does.”

  “Do you love him?” Geez, the one question I was praying my father would not ask. I was certain that I was in love with Evan. I just hadn’t told him yet. “Ember? You haven’t told him yet, have you?” It never ceased to amaze me how well my father knew me.

  “No, Dad
. I haven’t,” I said shamefully.

  “Baby, I know David did a number on you, and I could kill the bastard for it. But if you love Evan, you need to let him know. He needs to know how you feel especially when he’s going to be away from you for long periods of time. Knowing that you love him, it’ll help keep him going, and I’m speaking from experience on this, sweetheart.”

  “I know, Daddy. I’ll tell him. I promise. As soon as I see him again.”

  “You are the strongest woman I know, Ember. If anybody can make this work, it’s you.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. I’ve got to get back to work. I love you and I miss you. Give Mom a kiss for me.”

  “I love you, baby girl. You know I will. Take care.”

  Clutching the phone to my chest, I gazed out the window. Running through everything my dad said, I knew it was not possible for either one of us to quit our jobs. I knew Evan would not ask that of me just like I could not ask that of him. But out of everything my dad did say, I knew he was right about one very important thing. I needed to tell Evan how I felt. How stupid I have been acting so afraid of three little words. What I would not do to have him in front of me right at this moment. I prayed it wasn’t too late.

  Jake’s hand gripped my shoulder and squeezed. “You okay? You want to tell me who that was on the phone?”

  Turning, I took Jake’s hand from my shoulder and squeezed it. “I’m fine. It was my dad. I just needed to hear his voice.” Jake nodded in understanding, kissed my forehead, and headed back to his computer.

  When the photo shoot got back underway, Eli had the young models move to the bed. The chemistry between the two was amazing as they rolled around on the bed together. It was not until the next break when the two of them kissed before going back into the changing area that I found out they were an actual couple. No wonder their playful act on the bed had been so convincing. How I envied them, though. Being able to work together like that. The ache in my chest from missing Evan flared violently, bringing tears to my eyes.

  Once we got back to work, watching the models play around on the bed, suddenly reminded me of the night I wrestled Evan for my romance novel, and our passionate love making that followed. I did not even realize I had zoned out until I heard Jake tell everyone to take five. Quickly, he pulled me aside.


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