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Chasing Noel

Page 3

by Debra Elise

  The doorbell rang, and Lara’s dog, Zander, raced to the front door and barked.

  “Good boy. Thank you for protecting us.” Lara gave him a rub and opened the door.

  Reese, Caris, and Valeria entered. The little girl ran over to Noel and wrapped her chubby arms around her leg.

  “Auntie No-No. Pick up.”

  “Valeria, ask nicely.” Caris sent Noel a wave and waited for her daughter to follow through.

  Noel looked down at the toddler. “What did do you say, sweetie?”

  “Pweese. Pick up.” She lifted her arms and waited.

  “Much better.” Noel brought her up for a kiss on the nose and cuddled her close. This was almost reason to stay and hang with the group and eat more cookies and talk about what everyone had been hinting about to their husbands for Christmas.

  But it wouldn’t solve her problem. Staying at the cabin would hopefully give her the time and space to decide what came next. With her business and with TS. Because she knew something between them had to give, and soon.

  “Okay, munchkin. Auntie No-no has to go-go before it gets too dark. I’ll see you at Christmas, okay?”

  “Kissmas! Pesents. Yay!” Val scampered out of Noel’s arms and took off after the dog.

  They all knew she was thinking of leaving the area, taking her business to a bigger city. There were several larger interior design firms in the area, and she’d been having trouble competing. And then she didn’t get the job on TS’ condo project, and then there were her feelings about him that were all twisted and unresolved—lots of reasons to leave. She felt a fresh start somewhere else might just be what was needed to take her to the next level in her career.

  “Noel, before you go, we wanted to give you something. It’s not a Christmas present. It’s something to help you decide your next step.” Kelsey dragged a wrapped box out from the pantry.

  Noel laughed and looked around at her circle of friends as she took the corkboard out of the box. At the top were the words, There’s No Place Like Home stenciled in black letters. She teared up at the thoughtfulness and love of her friends. She knew they didn’t want her to leave, but they’d support her no matter her decision.

  “Thank you. This is perfect. I’ll take it with me to the cabin.” They knew she loved to make vision boards, and their gift was extra special since they also loved to tease her mercilessly about her slight obsession. She hugged everyone, and when she got to Kelsey, her friend didn’t let her go. “While you’re gone, be open to new possibilities, oaky?”

  Noel thought Kelsey’s statement a bit odd, and since they’d been friends for a long time, Kelsey also understood how important it was for her to be alone for a while.

  “I’ll see you at Christmas.” She hugged Kelsey tight then grabbed her bag of cookies. It took her another ten minutes to get out of the house. Val wanted another hug, and then Zander had taken off with one of her boots.

  She took her time on the drive out to the cabin. A light snow had begun to fall. So much for the forecast. Her SUV was equipped with all-season tires, and having grown up here, she knew conditions could change in an instant.

  The sight that greeted her when she turned onto the private drive instantly made her smile. Memories from college. Late-night girl talks and midnight skinny dipping in the nearby bay littered her mind. This was the perfect place to decompress and think about what came next.

  She walked into the main room and scanned the area. The furniture was covered in sheets. They’d all been busy with their lives to make the hour-long drive to freshen the place up in well over a year. She packed away the food she’d brought with her and made a cup of tea.

  She carried her cup out to the back and stopped at the edge of the overhang, where the property sloped down to the sandy beach and the water beyond.

  Crisp cold air fanned her face. She took in a breath. The scent of the Ponderosa Pine took her back to less complicated days. But soon the freezing weather forced her back inside and into the kitchen to make dinner. Later, she tidied up the house and put the sheets away.

  The cabin had four bedrooms, two masters on either end with the great room and kitchen in between, and two bedrooms upstairs. She took the room with the view of the lake.

  She’d turned on the generator earlier, but she loved this room because it had a wood-burning fireplace. Luckily there was still half a cord of wood stacked behind the house. She lit the kindling and soon was adding logs until she had a nice blaze going.

  She decided not to wear the sleep set she brought since the room was toasty warm. In her tank top and undies, she grabbed her tablet. She pulled on her favorite socks and crawled into the over-sized four-poster bed and selected a cozy mystery that had been on her to-be-read list for months

  After a couple hours of reading, her eyes wouldn’t stay open. She must have finally drifted off because she woke out of a dead sleep to a loud rattling. Then she heard a man’s voice, cursing. She wanted to run, but where would she go? Her heart pounding, her mind flashed to a horror flick she and about a billion other people had seen

  An unsuspecting woman, all by herself in a remote cabin, wearing hardly anything and with nothing to defend herself expect her tablet and a cold cup of tea.

  She stayed still. Maybe she’d been dreaming. There’d been a break-in at an antique store in the book she was reading, maybe she just had an overactive imagination. She waited a couple more minutes, but no more noises. Then she remembered. Years ago, Kelsey had brought a baseball bat and hid it in the closet.

  God, she hoped it was still there. She moved slowly and tried to be quite as she got out of bed and walked to the closet door. When another noise came from the kitchen, Noel no longer cared if she was quiet or not.

  She wrenched open the closet door, found the bat and swung it up onto her shoulder. Damn, it was heavy.

  Another curse echoed down the hallway.

  Dammit, she needed her cell, but there was no service. Shit, her brothers were going to be furious.

  Footsteps pounded down the hardwood and grew louder as they approached her door.

  She raised the bat and prayed.


  TS headed down the hallway of the cabin toward the master bedroom. He opened the door and took a step into the room.

  “Don’t move or I’ll shoot.”

  “Shit, Whoa, what the fu—Noel?” TS ducked as the bat swung and missed his shoulder.

  He spun around and caught Noel as she stumbled backward.

  “Oh my god. TS!”

  Stunned, he watched as she let the bat drop to the floor then let out a few curses of her own.

  “Dammit, what are you doing here?” Noel shouted.

  “First things first, sweetheart. Is that thing loaded?” TS laughed long and hard.

  She smacked him on the shoulder she’d missed with the bat. “I thought you were a bad guy or a… a hungry squirrel or something.”

  “A squirrel? I’d love to see a squirrel drive an SUV and haul the stack of wood I just brought in. What are you doing here?”

  “I asked first.” She lifted her chin in defiance and picked up the bat and put it back in the closet before she collapsed on the bed.

  “Maverick told me about the cabin and that it hadn’t been used in a while. I was looking for a place to spend a few days before Christmas, to you know recharge, and disconnect. He didn’t tell me I’d have a roommate. Don’t get me wrong, I’m good with the arrangement and the view.”

  “Wait a minute, what view? The curtains are closed.”

  “You’re uh, …” He pointed toward her.

  Christ, TS couldn’t think. She was wearing a tank top that hid absolutely nothing and a lacy pair of panties. “Hell. Noel, you keep looking at me like that… damn, what you do to me. What is it about you that keeps me on a low boil? No one has ever come close to messing me up as you do.” TS forced his gaze to remain on her face and not on the breasts he now imagined exposing and paying loving attention.

; “Ha. You’re seeing things. I’m looking at you like I always do.” Noel crossed her arms.

  “Exactly.” TS let out a groan. She may have thought she was covering herself; instead, the movement ensured all the blood from his brain emptied and headed south.

  He loved pushing her buttons. And she had many. TS was ready to test them all. Tonight.

  He stepped further into the room and in a low voice whispered, “you know I’m not such a bad guy, Noel.”

  “I never said or thought you were, it’s just…” Noel let out a breathy sigh.

  She smiled, then laughed. Hope bloomed in his chest.

  “Listen, we both can’t stay here, and since I’m already settled in, you can leave.”

  “If that’s what you want, I’d be happy to; however, Mother Nature changed her mind and dumped almost a foot of snow, and she’s still going. I barely made it up the lane. I’m not going anywhere tonight, actually this morning since it’s after three a.m.”

  “But, what about calling—”

  “No service. This blizzard isn’t letting up anytime soon, so you’ll have to put up with me. I have some ideas on how you could do that if you’d like to hear them.” He should feel bad about not being able to leave at her request, but he wasn’t. He doubted he could get very far anyway considering how hard he was. Maybe she’d agree to help him out?

  “TS, do you expect me to believe that in the six hours since I feel asleep, that there’s enough snow outside to keep you from leaving?”

  “I don’t expect anything from you, Noel. All I can ever do is take what you’re willing to give. But in this case, yes. You need to believe me. Check for yourself, the snow has drifted up to the porch, and the steps are barely visible.”

  Her facial expressions jumped all over the place, from desire to disbelief to uncertainty. He wasn’t above taking advantage of the situation, but he wasn’t going to talk her into anything she didn’t want. And he was pretty sure she noticed how she was affecting him, his erection hadn’t backed down no matter how he tried to picture something else, anything else, and oh, Hell.

  She turned and walked to the window. She was killing him. Her ass was perfect, he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she flipped the curtain aside and peered into the storm raging outside the cabin.

  “Dammit. Okay, you’re right. I um, didn’t turn on the baseboard heater in the other bedroom, but I’m sure it’ll warm up in no time once you turn it on. The room is on the other side of the kitchen—"

  She’d turned back toward him and froze. He watched as she warred with herself. The desire was back on her face, in her eyes. She twisted her hands in front of her, then dropped them, then wrapped her arms around her waist.

  His heart rate sped up as she licked her lips and continued to stare at him. The only sound in the room was the howl of the wind and their breathing.

  “Noel, I know this isn’t how you thought things would go, but I for one am damn glad the storm hit. I’ve wanted you for a long time. Hell, I know you know that, and that damn kiss at the baby shower… you were just as turned on, right?”

  Instead of answering him, she dropped her arms and started to walk toward him. Either she was going to throw him out of her room or—not. Hell, he hoped it was door number two.


  Noel didn’t care how or why TS was here. Yeah, she smelled a setup, but she was done denying herself. She wanted TS more then she wanted her first cup of coffee in the morning. She’d take the unexpected storm as the universe telling her it was time.

  Time to get her groove back, and it was more than time she and TS found out if the sparks they’d been setting off whenever they were together were the real deal.

  “You know something TS, you talk too much.” She stopped halfway across the room and crooked her finger at him.

  It would be so easy to keep pretending she didn’t want, didn’t crave his touch in the middle of the night. Screw easy. She no longer wanted to dream anymore about what being with TS would be like. She desperately wanted to experience what he had to offer.

  TS flashed the crooked grin that never failed to send a shiver through her. He closed the distance between them, backed her into the wall and leaned into her overheated body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her body pressing back into his.

  “No one’s ever accused me of that before. I hope you’re ready for me, Noel. I’ve wanted you for so long that once isn’t going to be enough. I don’t think it’ll be for you either. I plan on burying myself balls deep into you—all night.

  “TS, you may be the most arrogant man I’ve ever met, but I’m done denying myself and you. I’ve thought about you too. And what it would be like to have you inside me, driving me crazy as I scream your name.”

  At her words, he let out a deep groan and devoured her lips. It was at that moment she grasped what this meant as his kiss consumed her. No more yearning, no more nights of frustration, and wishful thinking. She began to tremble from the deep need he created.

  He took her hands and pinned them above her head and wrapped one hand around her wrists and held her in place. His erection throbbed against her belly as he ran his hands up and down her back. His hot, open-mouthed kisses along her neck and collarbone drove her slowly crazy.

  Her palms began to itch, she needed to touch him—everywhere his gaze had touched her flesh earlier. Enveloped in his arms, she pleaded for sanity. “TS, please. I need to touch you.” Her voice hoarse from desire, she wiggled one arm free and covered his erection through his jeans and whispered. “These have got to go—now.” She reached for his zipper.

  Noel found herself tossed onto the bed and watched in a daze as he stripped out of his clothes in record time. He covered his toned body over hers. She ran her hands over his heavily muscled arms, his shoulders and back, around to his stomach where she lightly tickled the skin over his taut abs.

  TS sucked in a breath as she caressed him lower. She reached out to grasp his cock again when he took both her wrists in her hands and placed up above her head—again. He seemed to have a preference for keeping her hands off his body, but she needed to touch him, or she’d go insane. “TS, please?”

  “Not yet, sweetheart. I’m going to learn every inch of you first before you get your turn.”

  Noel sighed as he lowered himself on her, she opened her legs, and he settled in between her thighs. At the intimate contact, something inside of her broke open. She couldn’t name it, it scared her even as it brought her a sense of contentment she’d never experienced.

  Noel wrapped her ankles around his back and pressed into his hard length. He rocked his cock into her and ground his hips until she thought she’d weep with gratitude. This. This is what she knew it would be like. Feel like.

  “Sweetheart, if you’re going to change your mind about this, say it now, or...”

  “TS, this is what I want. We both knew from the first kiss... I ... I never thought… but from the moment I touched you, I knew. I knew this is where we’d end up.”

  “Damn, Noel. No more talking like that, or I’m going to come right now. I’ve wanted this for too damn long. I promise I’ll take it as slow as I can. Until I can’t. Then I’m going to erase every memory of any other man you’ve ever known.”

  He took possession of her lips and her thoughts. He took his time, and it was driving her mad.

  When they both ran out of breath, he began dropping kisses on the top of her breasts. God, she burned for him. When his tongue swirled around one nipple, she arched her back, desperate to get closer.

  Sounds of pleasure escaped her as he thoroughly loved her breasts. When he moved and started a trail kisses down her sensitive abdomen to the edge of her curls, she began to move her hips, desperate for his touch.

  “Yes.” She moaned. Her voice sounded foreign to her; husky and needy. She let out more sounds as he moved his tongue closer to exactly where she wanted it.

  He didn’t disappoint. He licked and suckled her clit until she th
ought she’d go mad.

  He teased and caressed her, bringing her to the edge of frustration as she lifted herself closer, searching for release.

  “Is this what you want?” He slipped a finger inside her and began to stroke slowly, torturously until she felt the first divine pressure of a climax building.

  “More.” She pleaded. She didn’t want it to end, but she couldn’t wait and lifted herself up once again, begging for his kiss. His mouth covered her again. His tongue back where she wanted it most.

  “Please, TS, oh my God, that feels so good. I need....” She lifted her head from the pillow and watched as the man who was creating delicious sparks of heat inside her looked up at the same time.

  She rotated her hips and rode his tongue as her climax exploded through her, sending tendrils of heat throughout her limbs. He continued the pressure, and the climax continued to build before it burst deliciously sharp. So intense her pleasure, Noel screamed his name. When he placed another finger inside her and found the exact right spot, the sensation sent her over a second time. She cried out again then felt herself float back down to the bed.

  TS stretched his body up and over hers and guided himself into her. He set a slow pace as he captured her lips, kissing her, teasing her. She let out small groans each time he pulled out just to the edge before plunging deep.

  “You feel so damn good.” TS turned her over and guided her up onto her hands and knees. He reached around and caressed her breasts as he slipped two fingers into her. She cried out his name again as he flicked his fingers and pumped them in short strokes, bringing her to another orgasm. When he took them away, she whimpered, and he chuckled.

  “You like that? Jesus, Noel, you’re so wet for me.”

  When he nipped her ear lobe, she almost came again as he entered her at the same time. TS set a steady rhythm; she never wanted him to stop.

  He came with a shout of her name and stayed inside her as he shuddered. He kissed and softly scraped his teeth against her neck until his body stilled.


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