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Unknown Touch

Page 17

by Gina Marie Long

  Daniel said, "Follow me to the garage. We hid it in there."

  I eagerly followed Daniel as did the rest of the group. Not everyone had a chance to view it yet, so the curiosity level was intense. Daniel opened the door that led into the attached garage and let me walk in first. There sat a brand new, Dodge Challenger. Black as night. The shine on it was almost blinding. Absolutely awesome and according to Eli, all mine. Everyone carefully inspected it, holding back from drooling on the paint job.

  After ten minutes, we headed back to the lounge. I still had a couple of people who had gifts to give me. I was floating on air with excitement. It all felt like a dream and I definitely did not want to wake up from it. I had hugged Eli, and thanked him over and over for the car. He beamed with his victory of having pulled off this caper. He had totally surprised me, which was his full intention.

  Dominic had his turn coming and explained, "Well, now, I don't know that I can top a brand new car, and since I haven't had a chance to slip away from here, that's why I decided to make a spectacular meal - my gift to you. But, you have another gift that should arrive any day. I was able to get on the internet and place the order. Here's an I.O.U." He handed me a card. On it was taped a picture of a new notebook computer.

  I gave Dom a huge hug and thanked him, "Dom, that meal was the best I've ever ate in my life. Thank you, especially since you know how much I hate cooking, I can really appreciate what you went through to make that meal. And a new computer? Whatever I have back at home is many years old and glitchy. I've missed having my very own laptop. This is great!"

  The last present was from Daniel. He must have grabbed it on the way back in from the garage. He was sitting right next to me on the sofa and simply handed it to me. The room had grown silent. I was trying to control the slight tremble I had in my hands. In fact, I think I had even quit breathing. It was a type of box made for jewelry. I opened the hinged lid. Shining back at me was an exquisite, high caliber gold necklace. Attached to it was a beautiful, gold, open-faced heart that slid freely over the chain. I knew that if Daniel had purchased this, he would have chosen the best quality available. The value of this gold was very high, without a doubt, although I would not know what to guess. I kept gazing at the necklace, running my fingers over its smooth texture. One just doesn't casually buy a gift like this for another person. This kind of gift is given to someone who is greatly cared for and loved. Treasured.

  Daniel asked quietly, although everyone heard him, "What do you think, Kara?"

  I held firmly to the necklace, still in its box, and reached over to hug him and kiss his neck. The tears had sprung up in my eyes again. "Daniel, this is so beautiful. I can't believe you bought this for me."

  Mentally I said to him, since I was afraid if I spoke my words would get all choked up, Thank you so much. And then he took the necklace out of my hand and placed it delicately around my neck and secured the clasp. Since I still faced him as we sat on the sofa, he maneuvered the clasp around so it landed on the back of my neck. Everyone in the room watched this interaction, fascinated with how we responded to each other. He kissed me on the lips at this point, not in the least bit concerned that we were being observed. It was a simple, sweet kiss. Nothing wild, but filled with love.

  "Well," Dominic interrupted, "We are still sitting here, you two. Hellooo..."

  I burst out laughing as did everyone in the room. One big, happy family. I once again thanked everyone for the presents. I let them know they had all caught me by surprise. And I was shocked at the amount of money they had spent. That was totally unnecessary to go so overboard with the types of gifts some of them had bought me. But, I appreciated and loved all the presents and joked that there would be no exchanges necessary.

  Eli hated to bring up the next topic, but it was important. "Kara, I don't want to ruin your birthday, but a reminder to all of us as to why we are here. Stephen. We have re-grouped from yesterday's ordeal. Zac and Tessa have been out in the field, and Kara and Dom have tried to work out some kinks with mentally connecting to Stephen and breaking through his mental block. I suggest tomorrow that Zac and Tessa go out into the field again, perhaps staking out Simon's place. And, to alert us if we need to take immediate action. I doubt Stephen will try to go up against Daniel's pack all by himself. So, I'm sure he's looking for a partner in crime. Probably David. He'll continue to stir up the rest of his pack, to attempt to convince them that they should back him up on whatever revenge he wants to enact. Luckily, his pack members don't seem too eager to follow his lead of behaving so aggressively. I would suggest that within a day, we should still take some form of action against Stephen instead of waiting for his next deadly act of violence. "

  Everyone sighed heavily. We knew we couldn't keep idling our time away, day after day. Stephen would misbehave again and it would be best to capture him before another innocent human died. I had a feeling that we would be going on a hunting expedition. Soon. I wasn't quite sure what would happen once we caught him. I guess that's when we would have to play it by ear, take it one step at a time.

  We decided to call it a night after Eli's somber mood brought us back to reality. It was pretty late in the evening anyway. Slowly, everyone dispersed, going their own directions. Daniel and I walked to his room to have some privacy without an audience. Our affection towards each other really freaked out most of the team. I'm sure the first thing going through their heads – she's human and he's a werewolf. Abigail seemed easy going about it, though. But she had lived this lifestyle a very long time. I would have to ask her what her actual age was. She was Rebecca and Samuel's child, and if she had been born to them soon after they became werewolves, she would be around 300 years old. It was sad she didn't have a husband or boyfriend. Maybe that was why she was so happy to see her Uncle Daniel have such an interest in me. She didn't want him to be alone. But did that also mean she hoped I would become a werewolf myself?

  Daniel opened the door to his room. The last time we were in there, I had to mentally calm his emotions which were going into overdrive. I wasn't sure at that time if he would transform or get too rough with me. So, as I stepped over the threshold once again, I kept my fingers crossed and remained positive.

  I said, "Daniel, this necklace is incredible. I have a feeling it cost a lot of money. You shouldn't have spent that kind of money on me."

  He took my hands and brought them to his mouth. He tenderly kissed each one and replied, "I am very wealthy. I can afford this jewelry without it making any dent into my finances. And I think it's perfectly fine to pamper someone I love. You are worth it and you deserve this. It is one of the ways I can safely show you how I feel about you, Kara."

  I slipped my hands free of his and circled them around his waist. I snuggled up to his chest, placing my head over his heart. What was it about his chest...I pulled back, realizing it had only been one day since Daniel was attacked by Cassius. Those horrific slash marks that were emblazoned into his gorgeous chest. How in the world had I let that slip my mind? I was well aware of his superhuman healing abilities. Not more than fifteen minutes after the injury, he was barely bleeding anymore. I suppose with Daniel walking about today, not expressing any signs of having sustained such an injury and no indication of pain, all of it passed right over my head. I had not wanted to remember the nightmare of it and he didn't discuss it today. But I had to see for myself that he had healed properly.

  My facial expression was that of panic and concern as I jerked up his shirt trying to get a good look at his chest. He peered down at me, head cocked to the side, trying to understand what I was doing. I just about had his full chest exposed when he grinned with amusement, comprehending what I was searching for. His poor shirt was now bunched up under his chin as I held it with one hand, and inspected his chest with the other. Daniel had healed. No stitches had been required, no ugly gashes, no raw flesh that needed weeks to repair itself. It only looked as if a cat or dog had scratched him with its nails. I looked into his eyes with amazeme

  Still grinning, he commented, "Those marks will be gone by tomorrow. See, nothing to be all worried about."

  I leaned in to kiss each of those marks. I felt guilty for not having asked him about them earlier in the day. Everything was just so overwhelming. There were so many things to think about. I felt his chest muscles quiver with each kiss I gave him. He took the part of his shirt I still had stuffed under his chin, and lifted the entire shirt up and over his head. He was awesome. He could win awards with his body. I couldn't believe I was standing in front of it – his body – him. Daniel. My brain was turning to mush. In a good way.

  He took my hand and we walked over to his bed. He reached for the remote control to turn on the TV. As he turned around to face me, he sat down and reclined back against the headboard of the bed, looking so delicious. He gently tugged at my hand, inviting me to sit next to him on the bed. He wasn't aggressive; in fact, it appeared he just wanted to watch TV with me by his side. Remembering his need for self control, I dove into his mind to check on his emotions. He was completely focused on keeping his wild, animal behavior under wraps. He was extremely content, still aroused and excited but in a levelheaded sort of way. I sensed so much love coming from him. And a need to protect and care for me. I jumped right on the bed with him, and stared into his eyes.

  "Daniel, you are doing very good staying in control of your emotions," I was proud of him. "Probably better than I am tonight. My own emotions and hormones are skyrocketing. I know I have to be careful not to push you too far."

  Daniel replied, "You are not doing anything wrong. It's natural what you're feeling and how you're responding. You're 21 years old. You're human. I'm a werewolf. It's all a matter of me getting used to you. To this. To us. For me, I need to gradually build up my resistance to the werewolf side, the animal side of me that desperately wants to burst forth when you make my thoughts go wild. I will not hurt you, Kara. I haven't experienced anything like this, as I told you before, in several hundred years. I don't want to scare you or have you leave me, either. If ever I lose my self control, and you are unable to mentally manipulate my feelings fast enough, don't be alarmed if I turn tail and run away from you. Perhaps literally in that sense. I would do this to protect you, for that moment in time, from me. I would return when I'm calm and under control again. But, I do not plan on it ever getting that out of control for me. Kara, I love you."

  Daniel just had something over me. I was head over heels for him and I let him know. "I love you, too, you big, fluffy wolf." I burrowed down onto his chest. He was ecstatic with my mutual feelings toward him.

  I had several questions I knew would shock him. "If I was a werewolf, would you have to be so cautious with me? And if we are going to continue this relationship, you've already fully explained that I'm going to keep getting older and you won't. That's not very fair. I can just picture that after about fifteen years of us being together, and you still looking ungodly young and sexy, I don't think I'm going to like aging one bit. If I asked you to, would you willingly turn me into a werewolf? I'm NOT saying that's what I want. I don't know what I want right now. I just want to know if I chose that life, would you turn me?"

  Daniel sat me up on the bed as he brought himself to a sitting position. He almost had a look of terror on his face. He had to expect this conversation at some point. We couldn't keep skirting the issue of our future and what it actually meant. And what decisions would have to be made. Choices. We couldn't be together, have a life together and live in denial of the facts. I'm human. Daniel is a werewolf. Those were the facts.

  I was absolutely serious about wanting some answers from him. I made it clear by the look on my face that I wasn't being funny or making jokes. He kept staring at me. I'm sure he was debating back and forth in his head what to tell me. I let him have his privacy and did not invade his thoughts. And he seemed aware that I was allowing him this time.

  He grabbed me, held me close to his chest, and sweetly whispered in my ear with absolute conviction, "Baby, if that is what you truly desire in your heart and soul, then yes, I give you my word, when you are ready, I will turn you into a werewolf."

  Chapter 18


  Daniel kept holding me tightly. I think he wasn't sure if I was about to ask him to bite me or not. Well, I wasn't planning any such endeavor at that moment. I just wanted to be clear on his stand, his feelings, about that issue. If I came to him and requested he turn me into a werewolf, I wanted to know in advance that he would go through with it for me. That he wouldn't pitch a fit and argue over the situation. I knew he was terrified and shocked with my bluntness on the subject. In fact, I wasn't sure if he was going to ease up on hugging me or squeeze all the air out of my lungs.

  "Daniel, relax," I attempted to calm him verbally instead of entering his mind. I pushed at his chest. "I am not making any split second decisions right now. I only wanted to know if you honestly would turn me if I asked you to. And you forgot to answer one of my questions..."

  He reviewed in his mind what I had previously asked him. It was the very first question of my rantings. He smiled mischievously and said, "If you are the same as I am, a werewolf, I would not have to be so careful and cautious with you. You, too, would have all the abilities and attributes that I possess. I am including the animal side of being a werewolf: strength, speed, immortality, super healing powers, heightened senses. I would have to help you learn how to control the beast that would reside within you, depending on what we're doing at the time. If we are both werewolves, it is highly unlikely we could cause any real harm to each other in the act of passion. Now, on the flip side, if you got really, really mad at me for not taking out the trash or picking my clothes up off the floor, that's a different story in itself. You could probably do some physical damage to me, as Cassius did." He laughed.

  "I can see many advantages in choosing to convert, Daniel," I seductively smiled as I ran my hand over his chest and settled down by his side. "And, I can understand the disadvantages, too."

  Daniel and I were reclined back on the huge, supportive pillows propped against the headboard. We behaved ourselves, and simply relished being in the company of each other. It was late in the evening, around 11:00. The others were probably worried about me, wondering why I hadn't come back to the cabin yet. They should know that if Daniel and I were together, I would be safe, protected by him. But since he was a werewolf, I'm positive they held some fear for my safety, even though Daniel was one of the good guys.

  I felt a tiny thud at my mind, not in my mind, but at it, like a little "knock, knock". Dominic. He was checking in on me, but trying to do so mildly, without completely invading my privacy. He wanted to make that mental contact to ensure that I wasn't in any trouble. At first, I was aggravated that he was being nosy again, but it was late, and I thought it would be polite and respectful to alleviate his concerns.

  Yes, Dom, I know you're there. I am fine, I had opened up my mind freely to him.

  He responded with relief, What are you doing? It's late. Don't you think you should be back at the cabin by now?

  Great. He was reenacting the role of a father figure. Again. Or that of a would-be boyfriend. I am with Daniel, as I'm sure you already know. We are watching TV and talking about things. I swear to you, that's all. I'll be back at the cabin before the clock strikes midnight. Hmm, was that in Cinderella?

  I don't know! I'm just concerned about you and I can guess what the two of you have been discussing. That's all. He sounded a little depressed. Poor Dom. I'll be paying attention to whether you get back on time. With that, he drifted out of my mind, breaking the connection.

  Daniel sensed my distraction by how quiet I had become during those moments Dom and I were mentally talking. With Daniel's light psychic ability, and our close emotional ties to each other, he could put two and two together. Daniel may not have been able to totally read my mind all of the time, but could pick up enough emotions, sensations, and partial images that led him
to the conclusion it was Dom speaking to me.

  "Let me take a wild guess. Dominic?" Daniel laughed, rolling his eyes upward.

  I answered, "Yes, he was worried about me and wondering when I was going to return to the cabin. I would love to just stay here, sleeping next to you all night, Daniel. Just sleep. Nothing else that could make you flip out, although you do seem to have your emotions controlled rather well tonight. I'm impressed. Regardless, to be thoughtful of my team, I should go back to the cabin. I told Dom I'd be back by midnight."

  Daniel sat up on the edge of the bed, nodding his head in agreement. I was gazing at his back as he reached for his shirt. The muscles rippled in his biceps and forearms as the shirt was pulled on over his head and down over his powerful torso. He turned and looked at me.

  "What?" He innocently said as if he had no clue at all as to why I became so silent. Why my eyes were glazed over with lust and a tremendous amount of love for him.

  I threw a pillow at him. "You know what. Don't give me that, 'I didn't do anything' look of yours!"

  He reached for my leg and dragged me across the bed. He politely bopped me upside the head with the pillow I had thrown at him. It was all out war now. I nabbed that pillow back up and before I could take a swing at him with it, he tackled me backwards on the bed. He had my arms above my head and the pillow had gone flying across the room. I tried to wrestle my way free. Then he had to show-off. He used just one of his giant hands to hold my arms in place, still above my head. His body was possessively covering my body, firmly but carefully, so as not to crush me. I couldn't budge an inch. To top it off, he faked a yawn, as if this was no exertion on his part whatsoever. So unfair and I was very vulnerable in this position...but I loved every minute of it.

  Instead of wrestling to break free, I would use my latest technique of distraction. Since his face was only inches from mine, I leaned up and started to kiss him. I felt many things shift their positions at that point, which included his hand losing its grip on my wrists. I made my move, my attempt, to win this wrestling match. I quickly slipped my arms down to his waist in hopes he was ticklish. Daniel started to smile as he kept kissing me and squirmed around from my tickling, breaking lip contact. As fast as humanly possible, I grabbed at his waist, wrapped a leg around his body, and with all my strength rolled him over so I had the dominant position on top of him.


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