For the Love of Luca

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For the Love of Luca Page 20

by Soraya Naomi

  “What?” He clears his throat. “What time is it?”

  “It’s morning.” I take in a deep breath as my annoyance grows and he yawns. “Did you take my phone yesterday?”


  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We were fighting and I forgot.” After rubbing his eyes, he looks up and meets my stare. “Are the kids asleep?”

  “Yes,” I reply and switch topics back. “Where were you? And why did you send Cam home with the twins?”

  Luca combs his hair back, steeling his jaw. “I checked your phone, and I talked to Tez.” He rises to his full height but sways a little – is he still drunk? “I didn’t find any trace of an erased message, and Tez claims you must’ve misunderstood him, because he denies telling you a different story.”

  Fuck! Michael was right – it has now become a matter of he said/she said. Or am I confused? I begin to second-guess myself again. But I shouldn’t, because the second-guessing is what makes me get mixed up.

  “And you believe Tez?” I can’t even!

  “I believe the evidence, and I’ve tried to find something, anything to support what you say, but everything works against you. I don’t fucking know what’s going on anymore.”

  “Neither do I, but I don’t let our relationship suffer. And I’m positive that Tez is not to be trusted.”

  “At this point, I don’t even care about the damn message anymore, Fallon,” Luca bellows, his foul temper shining through. “I have to know what the hell’s going on in your mind.”

  “So instead of coming home to talk to me, you went out to drink? And by the way, I do care about the message because unless I prove I received it, I’ll never earn back your trust.”

  “I didn’t go out to drink; I drank at the club.”

  From the middle of the night until morning, when no other members would be there to see him, I suppose. “Why?!”

  “Because I don’t know what to do with you.”

  “You don’t know what to do with yourself,” I tell him. “You shut down the second there’s an issue involving me or the twins. Ever since we had them, you’ve become increasingly protective, and since Noah’s accident, you’re the one who’s lost it. You’re being consumed by the need to control what’s going on and protect us, but I’m your wife and not one of your soldiers, and you can’t just stay away.”

  “I stay away because the situation has me in the dark, the situation that you’re creating and prolonging by involving other members. I feel as if I’m always the underboss, whether I’m at the club or at home. You were my solace, and where are you lately? I have to worry about everything that goes on in this apartment now! That’s why I dread coming home.” His words hit me in the heart as if he’s aimed an arrow straight at me.

  “I-I don’t have the answers you seek, and you won’t let me find them, so what do you expect me to do?”

  He spins around, and as he moves to the island, he confesses in a torn tone, “I don’t know.”

  I inch closer, stopping right behind him. “I feel as if my soul is being ripped from my chest while I have to watch you pull away, Luca.”

  “I’m not pulling away. I’m doing damage control to safeguard you and my children – continuously, which I failed at once and my son got hurt!” The bitterness in his voice can’t be contained.

  “You can’t forgive me for what happened with Noah, because we have no one else to blame.” I grind my teeth. “And while you obsessively try to hold on to control, in the meantime, you’re deteriorating because you’re drinking whiskey – alcohol affects you negatively – you might do something you’ll regret when you drink. You pull away because you’re afraid to relinquish a little control to me, to give me the benefit of the doubt while I’m positive you’re all missing something.”

  “I want my wife back,” he growls, twisting around. “The one who’s content with her life and not a part of this Syndicate chaos.”

  “I’m still here, and I am a part of the Syndicate, because of you. More importantly, I don’t run away. You’re the one who needs protection, but you don’t see that. I protect you by keeping your secret,” I reveal, making him tense as he examines me closely.

  Does he think I don’t know how livid Adriano will be if he finds out Luca has been drinking? Abusing drugs or alcohol is forbidden in the organization.

  “If you want me back, then be the man I married. Just be with me, like you used to. Trust me to be strong enough to handle this situation. I think I’m handling it a lot better than you are so far. Did you know I’m teaching the kids to roll onto their tummies alone? It’s something you and I should do together, but you’re always gone, or when you’re home, you’re a million miles away. I miss you so much, and you didn’t miss a moment with them the first three months, but everything has changed since Noah’s accident. I can’t keep going through the same motions with you.”

  His eyes narrow, and he unpredictably demands, “Did you inform Michael?”

  “Yes, like you ordered me,” I respond, realizing that I need to be smarter or else I’ll lose Luca’s devotion entirely.

  Or have I already lost it? All the evidence points to me lying, but my instinct screams at me that I didn’t misunderstand Tez at all and that he’s the key.

  Then I can’t refrain from adding, “I tell Michael everything because you’re gone so much.”

  Luca’s fists clench before he disguises it by gripping the edge of the counter as he leans back a little.

  I power on, not knowing how to get through to Luca otherwise, “If you want to ruin this marriage, you’re well on your way.”

  His expression turns lethal as he stands there watching me like some kind of dark angel. The silence is loud. It’s deafening. It’s frightening. And I shouldn’t have ever said that to the underboss.

  Then he advances on me like a cat stalking his prey. I retreat just as fast, passing the length of the coffee table until I hit the window and he stops right in front of me so that we’re nose-to-chest.

  When I peek up, there’s an undercurrent of furious pain on his face, and he plants both hands against the window to cage me in, bending low to my ear. “Don’t threaten me.”

  “I’m not,” I defend, detesting how he repeatedly misinterprets me. However, I’m denied the chance to continue when a howl comes from the bedroom.

  Immediately, Luca steps back, and as he rolls his neck, he marches around the table to go into the hall.

  I ignore my desire to cry. If I had a shred of proof, he’d believe me, but luck is always against me lately. Despondent, I shift to the bedroom to see Luca lifting Noah from his crib at the foot of the framed bed.

  He kisses his head in the gentlest manner, smelling his hair in the same way I do, and whispers, “You’re my little buddy.” He represses his fury for the sake of his kids.

  In reality, while Luca might push me away, he’ll always remain the best father. They melt him in a way I used to. I crave to have my husband back as he cuddles with Noah, who looks so tiny in Luca’s toned arms. Then he lays Noah down to peck Milana, who’s still asleep, and disappears into the bedroom.

  I go over to Noah, peeking over the rim of the crib, and he grins widely at me. “Good morning, my baby.”

  In that second, I realize how, sometimes, only the twins can pull us out of our troubling thoughts and worries.

  Before I know it, Luca comes back into the bedroom, looking perfectly polished, as always, in his navy suit, sans tie, and with his hair combed back, his clean-shaven jaw and vivid green eyes not betraying a sign of his drunkenness.

  “It’s going to be a busy day, and all the kids are going to Adriano’s apartment where the sitter and a guard will be while we’re all at the closing down party. Cam will pick them up at five and I’ll come get you at eight,” he methodically comments, rubbing Noah’s feet as he passes me, and I breathe in his citrus cologne, resisting the urge to sigh.

  Then he carries on without another word, another conve
rsation between us unresolved.

  Deep down, I understand Luca’s reaction because when I first found out he was the underboss of the Italian mafia, I feared so much for his life that it almost destroyed us. And he currently has that same sentiment coursing through his veins, only, it’s more intense because our two babies are involved. Maybe we’re both fixated on how to shelter the children? Nevertheless, we need to repair this mess to fix this dilemma, but I’m not sure how to get through to Luca and tonight is my window of opportunity.



  I PLACE MY NUDE LIPSTICK in my gold clutch just as Luca stops the car at the front entrance of Club 7. There’s a line to the corner with fancily dressed people waiting to be let inside for the closing down party.

  Luca steps out to hand his keys to the valet and rounds the vehicle to open my door. I glance up at his perfectly pressed tux, and as he holds out his hand, I place mine in it to move out onto the red carpet that leads to the glass double doors of Club 7.

  But I’m distracted for a moment by Luca whose gaze runs down the length of my red mermaid gown with thin straps. At last, I recognize a wicked gleam in his piercing green eyes as he whispers, “You look so beautiful.”

  His tender tone fills me with hope, and I smile, inching closer as his scent cloaks me and pressing my lips onto his. One of his arms drags me close to his heated, honed frame, and I know instantly that the alcohol has left his system and he’s my Luca again. His eyes fall closed and I cup his cheek as he rests his forehead against mine, yet I sense the tension coiling his body. I guess we’re both anxious about what this night could bring, knowing that Tez and I will be in the same room.

  Unfortunately, our momentary sweet bubble bursts when Luca pulls back, straightens to his full height and orders, “Don’t mention anything about what happened in the penthouse to anyone. Henry has agreed to act normal as well. I don’t want you to talk to Henry or Tez.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he leads the way inside, not even entangling our hands, much to my dismay. But it’s freezing cold, so I rush after him through the double doors and into the club where the DJ enters the raised podium at the far end and welcomes everyone. We careen through the packed dance floor to climb up the stairs toward the VIP area where it’s not crowded yet. I pass some celebrities and politicians I recognize from TV, but Luca pays no one any attention.

  At the second bar upstairs, there’s an area reserved for the family in the corner with a long cherry table and padded chairs, and it’s occupied by everyone who’s already present. As we pass the bar, I also notice the blonde bartender, whose name is Simone according to her nametag, follow Luca with her eyes until she quickly diverts them. He pays her no heed, and I wave my hand to greet everyone. Even Henry dips his chin as if nothing has happened. However, Logan and Carmine assess Luca and me with a frown. In reality, one of them could’ve also spoofed my phone, yet I rule out Logan, who’s a true friend. How do I get to the bottom of this?

  “I think we should call the new restaurant Luca’s,” Logan mocks as we drop in on their conversation.

  Luca has summoned his usual unreadable expression as he grins at Carmine. “We’re not naming it after one of us.”

  “Well, we need a name soon because I have to write something on the logo,” Carmine points out.

  I stand up straight and force myself to act confident. I won’t let anyone think I’m unstable while they trust Tez. So I smile pleasantly when Simone comes over to us with a tray of champagne glasses.

  Luca shakes his head, although I take one for courage as I scan the throng below for Michael.

  He casts me a side-look. “Are you looking for someone?”

  “Where’s Michael?”

  “On his way,” Luca replies, and when the group begins to disperse, he asks, “Where’s Adriano?”

  “In his office. He got a call,” Carmine answers.

  “I’m going to the office,” Luca tells us, and I’m annoyed that he’s already leaving me.

  I thought we’d at least try to have a nice evening together after so many nights apart. But he strides away without another glance at me. It seems like I’m always having to watch Luca walk away from me these days, and he takes a bigger piece of my heart every time. Even when I’m with him, I miss him. My love for Luca is so strong that it pains me, yet it never fades.

  Swallowing back my tears, I blink repeatedly while no one’s paying attention to me and then the DJ starts, the bass of the drums pumping in my ears.

  “Let’s dance.” Mary grabs Cam’s hand and looks at me in question with a sincere smile. Clearly, Henry’s kept his word and didn’t tell Mary about our incident.

  I hold up my drink. “You guys go. I’ll finish this and then come downstairs.”

  “Okay,” Mary says, towing Cam with her just as Logan and Carmine saunter to the bar, leaving me alone with Henry.

  He approaches me, tilting his head, looking sharp and dangerous in his black suspenders, yet his expression holds no malice at all.

  “I was just coming to talk to you,” I say, setting my empty glass on the table.

  “I’m glad you were. What happened that day, Fallon?”

  Unable to keep it in, I blurt out, “I’m positive I’m not imagining things and that Tez wanted me to suspect you.”

  “Luca spoke to him, you know.”

  “I know, but, Henry, I’d never just randomly accuse someone. I was just so scared and I have children to protect. You know I’m not crazy or unstable. You guys have to check Tez.”

  “We are.” He pauses. “He’s being tailed.”

  He is? That’s good, but his phone probably contains the most valuable information. “I’m glad to hear that.” Why didn’t Luca tell me?

  Henry frowns, his expression becoming sympathetic. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “I was never going to fire.”

  “Yeah, you say that now,” he teases, lightening the mood, and my instinct doesn’t rear up.

  But as I evaluate the balconied second floor, I regrettably see Luca watching me from the other side as he comes out of Adriano’s office. His lips thin into a hard line, and I know it’s because I’ve defied an order and spoken with Henry. Yet this conversation between Henry and me was needed.

  He storms down the hall and when he reaches us, he asks with tensed civility, “Everything okay here?”

  “Everything’s good,” Henry assures him before excusing himself.

  I meet Luca’s glare and immediately defend, “I was smoothing things over with Henry. I fixed one mess, Luca.”

  “Why can’t you just listen to me?! I’ll fix it!” Pure contempt drips from him.

  Overwhelmed by days of him deciding the course of action without any results, I don’t back down. “You aren’t fixing this at all! You’ve lost control completely!”

  He edges forward to force me backward, his features clouded with fury. “Don’t push me.”

  “No. You don’t push me. I’ve been very patient with you, but I refuse to let you treat me like one of your soldiers anymore!” I shoulder past him, but he folds his fingers around my bicep, spinning me back around and dragging me close until we’re face-to-face.

  “I’m always watching you. Don’t forget that,” he warns, and although he’s fuming, I swear a flash of regret blazes across his beautiful, hard face before he lets me go. Just as angry myself, I turn on my heel and march over to the staircase where I rush down.

  Luca’s gaze brands my back until I get to the bar while steam puffs from my ears, and when I glimpse up, Luca’s gripping the balcony railing, his scowl settled on me.

  Evidently, we’ve both lost the ability to act poised. Swiveling around, I suddenly see the brown crew cut of Tez entering the club before he stops and speaks to one of the guards for a long time.

  Inconspicuously, I stalk the guard and avoid Tez since I still feel Luca’s eyes burning into me, prickling my nape.

  “Hey, aren’t you Fallon? L
uca’s wife?” a girl who stops in front of me asks.

  I don’t recognize her big green eyes and wavy blonde hair. She slightly taller than I am and wears a stunning sapphire dress that hugs her curves.

  “ we know each other?”

  “Oh, no, but Luca mentioned you when we worked on your cake.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Brielle, the pastry chef of the new restaurant.”

  Privately, I grin – this is the woman Michael was supposedly ogling.

  I tilt my head. “My cake? It’s not my birthday for a while.”

  “Sorry, I meant menu. I was thinking about cake just now,” she says around a smirk, making me laugh.

  “Well, to be honest, I could use a big piece of chocolate cake right now.”

  “Me too,” she agrees. “But there’s nothing to eat here. Just a lot of booze, which works out fine too.”

  “So what kind of desserts are going to be on the menu?” I ask, genuinely interested and she talks animatedly.

  “Ice cream, tiramisu, of course, and cannoli...” her words trail off when I look up at the second floor and don’t see Luca standing at the railing anymore.

  Although I don’t want to be rude because Brielle seems lovely, I can’t concentrate on her while I scan the room for my husband’s authoritative frame, which I’d recognize instantly, even in a crowd of a million. Coincidentally, someone else gets Brielle’s attention and she turns to him just when the guard who was speaking with Tez stops to hang out at the corner of the bar.

  As I strut up to him, his lips pull up salaciously until he recognizes me and stops smiling, saying, “Hey, Fallon.”

  “Hey. Do you happen to know how long Tez is staying?” I probe.

  “Yeah, only for a few hours. The guards will lock up.”

  Which gives me a few hours to corner Tez. Where the hell is Michael when I need him?

  Distracted, I turn away from the guy and cross the dance floor to wait at the door that leads to the back entrance so that I’ll bump into Michael the second he enters.

  All of a sudden, Luca’s beside me, and I jump, startled because he just came out of nowhere, and he dips his head. “You’re mine; don’t ever forget that,” he says in a low voice while I have no idea what just happened.


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