For the Love of Luca

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For the Love of Luca Page 21

by Soraya Naomi

  Then he glances at the guard and back to me, so I rear back, offended.

  Does Luca think we were flirting?

  But then Adriano passes us and motions for Luca to follow him, so he slips away before I can even defend myself.

  Minutes tick by and I order a water from the bar, and as I watch Mary and Cam having a fun time on the dance floor, I wish I was still as blissfully unaware as Mary is of how manipulative this Syndicate can be.

  I get more and more miserable as the night wears on because Luca is nowhere to be found and we haven’t had a single dance together. But an hour later, Michael finally shows up, and I hurry over to him when I see him coming in via the back entrance.


  “Hey! Tez is here,” I yell over the loudness of the music. “I want to confront him, Michael, and I want you to eavesdrop.”

  His brows rise before his lips curl up and he teases, “Okay, Nancy Drew.”

  A chuckle escapes me as I mock glare at him. “Will you do it, please?”

  He studies me and relents, “Yes, only because I’m curious about your interaction with him, but where’s Luca? We have orders that you’re not to talk to Tez.”

  “He’s missing. I think they’re in Adriano’s office, and Tez has been walking around down here the entire night.” I point to the end of the bar that’s closest to us. “There he is.”

  “We wait until the girl he’s speaking with walks away,” Michael instructs just as I see Luca approaching the bar upstairs.

  Behind the counter is Simone, who speaks to him as he listens intently. She then turns around to grab a tall glass, and to my surprise and horror, he watches her every move. For the first time, I catch Luca looking at another woman as she dips down and comes up with the glass filled with clear liquid. My heart splinters into tiny pieces when she slides a drink to him and he looks at it in question. It’s not a shot glass, but the way Luca’s hesitating convinces me it’s vodka or some kind of liquor.

  Don’t take it, Luca.

  He’s unmoving for countless seconds, then he downs the drink. On top of that, Simone hands him something that he pops into his mouth while no one’s around before she saunters away. They seem to have a routine down pat. She probably gave him a mint or piece of chewing gum to disguise the smell. I lean back against the wall for support, realizing he’s in cahoots with another woman who enables his drinking.

  What is he doing – being secretive and then accusing me of doing the same? I need some damn proof, not only to help keep my husband sane but to bring him back to me because right now, he’s far away.

  Disheartened, I inhale a breath as Michael turns to me. I need to act normal when I confront Tez. Be strong.

  As I study Tez, who’s wearing a suit similar to the ones the members wear, I notice that he’s desperately trying to oversee everything. I decide that if I push his buttons, it probably won’t be too difficult to goad a reaction out of him. So when his company leaves, Michael and I make our move; Michael walks behind him and stops at the bar while I advance on him, his eyes narrowing before he glances around.

  I keep my composure like I’ve seen Luca do.

  “Hey, Fallon,” he greets, acting like nothing’s out of the ordinary.

  I tilt my head to the side. “Are we going to do this?” Then I edge close to him. “You’re up to something and lied to either Luca or me to place us on opposite sides.”

  He pretends to be surprised. “I heard about that, but I think maybe you misunderstood me.”

  Michael keeps scanning the room and flicks his wrist, motioning for me to hurry.

  “We both know that’s a ridiculous notion; I understood you perfectly well, and you somehow wanted to make Henry a suspect. I know it’s you who spoofed my phone.”

  His gaze darts away for a second.

  “And then you deleted the message, and now you’re messing with me.”

  “Fallon, you have to calm down. Please keep your distance,” he says, edging backward as someone stops and says something to Michael, who mouths abort before he’s dragged upstairs.


  Then people surround the bar and a woman starts talking to Tez, so when he faces her, I slip his phone from his jacket pocket lighting fast. Putting my back to him, I open my clutch, dig out my phone to unlock the screen, and with perspiring hands, I take a photo of his last calls within a split-second as adrenaline rushes through my veins. And I turn back as the crowd moves around us to slide it into Tez’s pocket just when the other woman kisses him goodbye.

  Instantly, he looks at me again, so I continue, “I know you have an ulterior motive, and when I find out what it is, you’ll be a dead man. See, you’re just the manager here. I’m the underboss’s wife.”

  That incites him, the corners of his lips quirking up maliciously as he snorts, “No, I’m a member, you’re just a wife. And so far, it seems that they don’t believe the wife. But I can rescue you when you need me most,” he adds around a vindictive grin, as though he knows something more.

  Then he strides away, but I follow him and seize his arm, pulling him to a stop with all my power. Yanking free, he snarls at me, a hateful gleam in his eyes.

  Music fades and all the inane laughter and chattering drifts into nothingness. “What did you say?” Where the hell is everyone when I need them?!

  He points his finger at me, and I shrink back from him. “Don’t challenge me!”

  “I knew you were involved—”

  “What’s going on here?” a dark male voice interjects, and we swivel in unison and are met with Henry’s imposing figure.

  Suddenly, Logan and Mary flank me, yet I forget to keep my composure and yell, “Tez knows more about that message!”

  “I have no idea what’s wrong with her,” Tez speaks coolly, looking at me as if I’ve sprouted a second head, which makes all my repressed anger detonate.

  I drop my clutch and motion heatedly toward Tez, but Logan’s hands grab my shoulders to hold me in place.

  “Look at how out of control she is,” Tez says, causing all three of the others to frown at me.

  I release a loud sigh. “No! No. He’s a traitor! Why doesn’t anyone believe me?”

  Logan strengthens his grip as Tez smirks at me, and I scowl at his arrogant expression. Then, in that second, I lose every ounce of my self-control and lunge forward.

  Henry jumps in between us, looping his arms around my middle and effortlessly lifting me up. “Calm down, Fallon.” He cranes his neck to shout at Tez, “What the hell did you say to her? She was perfectly fine earlier!”

  Gasps arise from the small crowd forming around us that’s witnessing the argument.

  And if that isn’t bad enough, they part like the Red Sea when Luca marches in a straight line toward me, his tensed features not boding well for any of us as Henry places me on the floor.

  Luca grabs Henry’s arm and jerks it off me, hissing, “Let go of my wife.”

  Henry moves back just as Luca glares down at me. “What the hell’s going on here? You’re all causing a scene.”

  “Fallon’s causing a scene,” Tez pipes in, and Henry and I both sneer at him.

  “Shut up,” I retort, fed up as too many pairs of eyes look at me with pity. I grip Luca’s lapels, imploring him, “He’s antagonizing me!”

  Luca pins his scowl on Tez, who gives a perfect performance as his eyes round indignantly. “Did you seek her out? I warned you to stay away—”

  “She came to me, all riled up,” he says, adding in a feigned empathetic tone, “Fallon, you have to relax. What did I say to upset you?”

  I point my finger at him again. “You know damn well that you provoked me by saying that you can rescue me when I need you most with that spiteful look on your face.”

  “I said no such thing,” he counters, and Luca’s fingers wrap around my arm to hold me still.

  “What?” I respond, uncertain for a second until I see the underlying malice in his dull brown gaze.

; Meanwhile, Mary and Henry let people pass because our scene isn’t interesting anymore, and Luca pulls me close.

  His entire frame vibrates with rage as he whispers in my ear, “I told you to stay away. Why is it so goddamn difficult for you to obey?”

  “Because you don’t handle anything!”

  Logan hears it as he stands behind us, and his look of disbelief strengthens Luca’s resolve.

  “You have to believe me. He’s trying to come between us!”

  I catch Henry and Luca exchanging a glance, and then everyone stares at me as if I’m an alien. I realize that I must look pretty crazy right now as moisture pools in my vision and deadly thoughts about Tez fill my brain.

  “It’s very coincidental that you and she are talking while none of us are around,” Logan speaks to Tez.

  “Are you accusing me? Maybe we should get Adriano.” Tez moves closer to Logan as Luca scans the club quickly, ensuring the boss doesn’t witness this.

  “Are you fucking threatening me now?” Logan cocks his head. “Who the hell do you think you are? You make my friend cry and stand here acting fucking arrogant.”

  “Fuck you! You haven’t liked me from the beginning.” Tez goes face-to-face with him, and Luca becomes livid that his men are fighting and barks, “Stand down, Tez!”

  To which Logan smirks as Tez steps back, bringing up his palms.

  Logan doesn’t move as I worry my lip, and to my astonishment, Tez dips down to take my clutch from the floor and hands it over. I asses it as if it’s a bomb and glower at him, wanting to throttle him as Luca yanks it from his hand. In the meantime, I’m crying. I’m breathing raggedly and my knees buckle, so Luca supports me and his furious expression turns concerned.

  He holds me tight and for a split-second, I see the arresting face of my husband who loves me above all else before the façade of the underboss returns. “Are you okay?”

  “No!” I break down, pressing my nose into his chest and inhaling his scent. “You have to believe me...” the rest of my words trail off as his hand rests on the back of my head, and I hear Luca ordering, “Tez, you stay here. I’m coming back to talk to you. Logan, Henry, ensure Tez keeps his mouth shut to Adriano, and for fuck’s sake, stop arguing with each other out here in the dance club. Do I have to remind you of the importance of staying on the down low?!”

  Then I’m escorted out the door that leads to the back entrance where more people are milling around.

  Michael comes from down the corridor as Luca says, “I was just going to call you. Take Fallon home and stay with her until I come.”

  Michael studies me, his features inquisitively sad.

  “No, Luca. I want you to come with me,” I beg, resting my palms on his hard chest, a shiver running down my spine.

  Our gazes collide and I wait for agonizing seconds as he takes off his jacket, draping it over my shoulders while I stare at him pleadingly. He’s never denied me before when I’ve needed him, and I’m praying he won’t now.

  But he breaks my heart when he resolutely orders, “Go. Home. We’ll talk later,” pulling off my hands and dropping them, clearly needing me away from the club. When he spins around and heads in the opposite direction, emptiness fills my soul.

  “Come on, Fallon.” Michael guides me forward down the busy hall, and when he opens the back entrance, a freezing gust of wind hits my face.

  I quickly slide my arms into Luca’s jacket before Michael leads me to his BMW. As I wrap the warm fabric that smells of Luca close around me, I’ve never felt sadder. I wanted him with me, not a fleeting memory of him.

  I’m trapped in a daze, not even understanding where it all went wrong.

  ONCE I’M INSIDE MY apartment, I kick off my heels and toss Luca’s jacket and my clutch onto the kitchen island, palming my forehead and blinking back tears.

  Unbuttoning his tux, Michael regards me from across the island, saying, “Fallon.”

  “Should we get the kids?” I ask.

  “No, the kids are staying at Cam’s.”

  “Who decided that?”

  “Luca just texted me. What happened that made Luca livid enough to send you away?”

  “After you left, I was able to provoke Tez, and he made an ambiguous statement to the effect that he’ll rescue me when I need him most, which was undoubtedly some kind of admission that he’s involved.”

  Michael’s eyes round. “It’s ambiguous, yes, but is it an admission?”

  I purse my lips and realize I need to get it together. “Yes, he said it as a threat. I lost it and lunged at him just as Luca walked up. Then when Logan and Henry got involved, Luca was incensed and just told me to go home.”

  “How did Tez react?”

  “He stayed calm and denied it, so I look like the irrational person. He’s up to something.”

  “I suppose Luca’s grilling Tez now.”

  I stare at the granite island and confess, “Or he’s going to drink his problems away like he’s been doing for days.” My gaze shoots up and I inquire, “What’s between Luca and the blonde bartender?”

  A crease wrinkles his forehead. “What blonde bartender?”

  “There’s a bartender who serves Luca alcohol and helps him keep it secret.”


  “Yes. Even you didn’t know, so he’s hiding it very well. But he comes home reeking of alcohol, and he had a drink tonight, with her.”

  “Do you think he’d do anything with her?”

  “Like cheating? No, not when he’s himself, but a drunk person makes stupid choices...” I grimace as a tear streams down my cheek, and I wipe it away with the back of my hand.

  Michael watches me sympathetically and then instructs, “You need to do damage control. You look so confused, Fallon. You’re all over the place while you worry about holding on to Luca, which makes it impossible for anyone to believe you. And Luca keeps his anger contained by drinking, apparently.”

  “He numbs himself.” I spin around, the expanse of the large, empty penthouse depressing me. “I’m going to shower and change.”

  Despondently, I tread to the bathroom and strip my red dress. For an endless amount of time, I stand under the water until I prune. Then I put on my jeans and a sweater and return to the living room to find that Luca still hasn’t returned.

  Michael’s sitting on the couch and has turned on the TV, so I join him.

  “Hasn’t Luca called?” Michael shakes his head as I check the clock hanging in the kitchen to see that it’s already almost eleven.

  Unfortunately, more time ticks by without a word from Luca, and it gets to the point where I can no longer stifle my feelings of insecurity. Instead, they reinforce when Michael gets a call and brings his phone to his ear.

  “Hey.” He shoots up. “What? Alone...okay. I’ll be right there. Watch him!” Michael cuts the call, pacing toward the elevator.

  Leaping up, I trail him as he presses the button.

  “Michael, was that about Luca? What’s wrong?”

  “You were right; he’s wasted at the club. One of the guards called me.” The door opens and he gets inside, but I stand in the doorway to prevent him from leaving.

  “Is he alone?” I ask, dreading the answer.

  Michael glances away in annoyance and then meets my gaze. My heart pounds at three times its normal rate before he replies, “No,” making my soul shatter into tiny pieces while I deliberate whether to follow him or not.

  Sometimes a heart that’s in love doesn’t want to be confronted with the excruciating truth.



  “I’LL GET HIM, FALLON. Don’t worry,” Michael says as I inch backward and the elevator swooshes closed.

  I resolutely grab my wool coat and cherry-red purse with my gun in it from the bar stool and hurry to the door to press the button and travel downstairs as well. Going out the front entrance, I hail a cab and order it to take me to Club 7.

  MY EARLIER MISERY HAS been replaced with outra
ge by the time I arrive at Club 7. The bass hits my eardrums when I enter the front door, and I make a slow perusal of the area where only a small crowd remains as the party comes to an end. No one I recognize is in sight – the entire Syndicate has gone home, except for Luca, apparently.

  Then I see Michael hiking up the staircase. Crossing the almost-empty dance floor, I go up the stairs to turn left toward the bar where a handful of people mill about. When Michael freezes, I stop right behind him and get a view of my husband claiming one of the padded chairs with the confidence of a king ascending his throne. Across from him is blonde Simone, perched on the table, her tight black skirt riding high up her thighs as her bare legs dangle. Luca’s bow tie hangs loose around his neck and his top buttons are undone. Even from a distance, the red veins in his eyes are visible and his hair that was gelled back earlier is now in disarray. His posture is also different; it’s less closed off as he smirks at her and downs a drink. On top of that, they’re alone together.

  At last, I realize that Luca hasn’t only lost control over the situation, he’s lost control over himself. Jealousy blisters inside me when she leans toward him and he props his foot on the polished walnut top of the table, a ghost of a smile curving his lips as she whispers something to him and he nods. Jumping off the table, Simone struts behind the bar and pours a generous amount of whiskey into two glasses before returning to Luca and setting them on the table as his head falls back against the chair sluggishly.

  I shoulder past Michael and dash forward when he tries to seize my arm, closing the distance to Luca, who doesn’t notice me at all.

  Simone glimpses sideways, and when she sees me advancing on them, she shrinks back. Then Luca looks up and his face falls, but his reaction is lethargic.

  I fold my arms and stand between him and Simone as he rises to his full height.

  “Why didn’t you come home?” I demand just when Michael stops beside us, assessing the room to guarantee that there are no witnesses.


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