Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  I was determined to take my time, stringing things out for as long as I could before bringing Janice to orgasm, but Officer Ledley had other ideas. He pushed my skirt up to my waist, then a blunt, short-nailed finger probed at the entrance to my cunt, worming its way inside. A second followed with minimal resistance, then a third. He’s getting me ready for his cock, I thought, with a shudder of queasy anticipation at being penetrated by something so big.

  Beneath me, Janice was oblivious, lost in her own private world of bliss. Inspired by Officer Ledley and his seeming need to be inside me, I slipped a finger into Janice’s clutching hole, hooking it upwards to catch the sensitive spot on the front wall. As I licked and rubbed and probed, she squirmed and babbled to herself.

  Ledley dragged his fingers out sharply, leaving a void only one thing could fill. Primed as I was, it was still a strain, his cockhead stretching me as wide as I’d ever been. By the time I was as full as I could go, I reckoned there was probably still a third or more of his shaft outside me.

  My delighted sigh at having a wet, tight pussy to lick at one end and a freakishly big dick filling me at the other seemed to vibrate through Janice’s body, causing her to grab at my ponytail so she could guide me to the very centre of her pleasure. It took us a few moments to find a rhythm that worked for all of us, so that every time Officer Ledley thrust forward, he pushed my face hard into Janice’s velvet folds, and when he withdrew I was able to take a breath before plunging in again.

  Janice was the first to come, grinding her pubic bone almost painfully hard against the bridge of my nose as her juices gushed out into my mouth. As she flopped back on the seat, spent, Officer Ledley pulled me fully out of the car. I caught hold of the top of the door frame in both hands and hung on for dear life as he pounded into me.

  Senses overloaded, held tight in Ledley’s muscular embrace, all I could do was surrender to the orgasm that threatened to rip me to shreds. I howled out so loudly I was sure someone would come running out of the diner to see who was in distress.

  Ledley pulled his cock out of my cunt, spraying my arse cheeks with a couple of well-aimed squirts of spunk, then it was over. The most crazy, intense fuck of my life, made all the sweeter by having my face buried in my best friend’s juicy pussy.

  ‘Well, I guess we should be on our way,’ I said, as Officer Ledley zipped up and made himself look respectable once more and I re-tied my halter top. Janice had already recovered her equilibrium, and her skirt, and was combing out her hair with her fingers as she checked her reflection in the driver’s mirror.

  ‘Where are you ladies heading?’ Officer Ledley asked, as he escorted us back round to our Chevy.

  ‘Oh, we’re booking into a hotel in Las Vegas tonight,’ Janice informed him.

  ‘Vegas, huh? I’ve got a friend who works traffic patrol there, likes to enforce the same kind of authority as I do. Officer Stransky. I’ll have to pass on your registration number, so she can keep an eye out for you ...’

  She? I thought excitedly, waving a final fond goodbye to our uniformed friend. It seemed like this holiday really was about to become the trip of a lifetime.

  A Fantasy Threesome

  by Eva Hore

  She’d promised me I could do whatever I wanted, and now, as the day approached I quivered inwardly. I imagined laying her on top of a wooden table, allowing her legs to dangle. I’d yank her hands above her head and tie up her wrists. Then I’d throw the rope back under the table and bring it over to the right-hand side.

  I’d lift both legs, bending them and place the heels flat on the table. Looping the rope around one ankle I’d throw it back under and bring it up the other side. Then I’d loop the other ankle. Her knees would fall open like this, exposing her, and her wrists would pull painfully as the tension was tightened.

  Yes, that would be awesome, I thought, as my cock began to throb.

  Then I’d pull up her skirt, run my hand over her mound and my fingers would fiddle with the inside of the crotch of her panties. She’d lay there, splayed open, vulnerable. I’d run my fingers lightly up and down the inside of her thighs, she loves that, and I’d make sure I’d go close enough to her pussy but not touch it.

  Her breasts would be arched, hopefully her pussy throbbing by now. I’d produce a pair of scissors and run the tip gently over the crotch of her panties, paying attention to glide the blade over the hard nub of her clit.

  I know she’d be excited, wet with desire.

  We’ve been experimenting with different positions and scenarios. Both of us are sexually demanding, expecting a lot from each other. This is what I love most about her, the fact that she is willing to try anything and – as long as it pleases us both – there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

  But will this be going too far?

  I’ll open the door and allow my best friend John to enter. I imagine she’ll try to pull her legs back together but obviously she won’t be able to. John will smirk at me; the two of us in understanding.

  ‘What … er, but …’ she’ll mutter, pretending she is shocked but hopefully she will be secretively pleased.

  ‘We won’t do anything you don’t want. All you have to do is say the word, OK?’ I’ll say to her.

  She’ll nod in agreement

  I’ll hand John the scissors.

  Her breath will catch in her throat as John grabs the crotch and slices right through up to the band. He’ll peel them aside so they lay away from her exposing her very core for our hungry eyes to devour. Then he’ll cut through her skirt and T-shirt and finally her bra. He’ll peel her clothes back so she’ll be naked and utterly at our mercy.

  Fuck, I’m getting a hard-on just writing about it.

  We’ve spoken of this often enough but neither of us had known how to go about organizing a third person.

  Her nipples will be rigid and she’ll be unable to speak, not know what to say as we stare at her flesh. I can almost see her juices flowing in my mind’s eye.

  ‘Do you want him to lick you?’ I’ll ask.

  What would she say? Would she nod shyly, not want to seem too eager.

  ‘Lick her cunt,’ I’ll demand.

  John will move in, his tongue sliding up and down her folds before nuzzling in to open her pussy lips and allow his hot tongue into her gaping pussy. The whole time I’ll have my eyes on her to gauge her reaction. See just how much it’s turning her on, see if she’s enjoying it as much as I think she will. It would be amazing to have someone go down on her and not really watch what he’s doing, but be looking at her instead.

  She’ll love it I’m sure.

  ‘Now up to her tits. Grab them, squeeze them tight and then suck a big brown nipple into your mouth,’ I’ll say.

  John won’t have to be told twice. He’ll massage them roughly; her scent will be on his mouth as he slathers her with saliva. His fingers will probe her cunt which will be saturated. She’ll push upwards hoping he’ll finger her because she loves it when I do it but I’ve asked him not to. I’ve told him no matter how much she wants it he’s not to do it, she’s to beg and even then I’ll make the final decision.

  This will be sheer torture for her; she’s such a horny bitch.

  A hard smack on her pussy will have her gasping. Then he’ll hit a ruler into the palm of his hand before smacking the inside of her thighs, just to heighten her desire.

  She’ll cry out in pain yet love it at the same time.

  ‘Do you want him to stop?’ I’ll ask.

  ‘No,’ she’ll whisper, I just know it.

  I’ll tell John to get naked. He’ll peel his clothes off slowly and I’ll be watching her, watching her eyes and what she’s focusing on. His cock will be thick and hard, engorged with blood, the veins jutting out as his cock stands to attention before him.

  ‘Get between her legs,’ I’ll demand.

  Can I go through with it; will she ask me to stop it? As John positions himself I’ll wonder what she’s thinking. Will she know what I’ve p
lanned how far I’ll go?

  ‘Put your knob just on the outside of her pussy,’ I’ll say.

  She’ll watch, her eyes will be large with expectancy. John’s knob will be straining forward I imagine, trying to hold still in the position I’ve demanded of him.

  It’s this part of the fantasy that she won’t expect. She’ll be thinking I’m just making her wait, which I am but I’m also trying to make sure she’s as horny as hell. As I’ve said we’ve played around before with different scenarios. This will show me whether or not she’s been truthful in what we’ve discussed.

  ‘Get over here and suck my cock,’ I’ll say watching for her reaction.

  What will she think about that?

  In a flash John will be on his knees yanking open my zip. He’ll tug at my jocks and my cock will spring forth. He’ll devour me greedily just like she does and now I’ll know by the look in her eyes, the way I hope she’ll be tugging at the ropes to be free, to join in.

  She’ll be straining her neck as she tries to see exactly what John is doing. I hope to be the most turned on in my life. To feel him slurping, sucking, his breathing laboured.

  Will I really want to be fucked by him? Will she want him to fuck me?

  She’ll look over at me and smile. ‘Let him fuck you,’ she’ll say.

  ‘Really,’ I’ll ask. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Are you?’ She’ll smile, knowing its something I’ve wanted for a long time.

  ‘You want to suck his cock?’ I’ll ask. ‘Lube it up for me.’

  ‘Oh, God yes,’ she’ll say

  Go I’ll say to him.

  In a flash John will have his cock rammed down her throat. She’ll suck hard as he thrusts in deeper and deeper, his hands crushing her breasts while I watch her gobbling him.

  ‘Oh yeah,’ she’ll moan, her mouth full of cock as I go down on her, lick her beautiful cunt until she can bear it no more.

  ‘Let me see him fuck you,’ she’ll scream, desperate for it all to happen now that we’re so close.

  John will come towards me, we’ll kiss, run our hands over each other’s bodies. I’ll cup his balls, he’ll cup mine. I’ll grope his cock, pull back the skin, fall to my knees and suck him deep into my mouth. He’ll love it, standing there proudly while my wife watches on.

  ‘Hurry. Do it,’ she’ll demand.

  ‘Bend over her body,’ John will say, ‘part those legs wide.’

  I’ll do just that, lay flat on her, her breasts will be squashed beneath my chest, we’ll be eye to eye as he comes up behind me and pulls apart my cheeks. Will I relax or clench my butt cheeks together. I’ve no idea how it will really play out but for the moment I’ll say I’m ready, that his knob is there right where it should be, at my puckered hole.

  John will gently pull apart my cheeks, he’ll fall to his knees and slather my hole with saliva, then he’ll rise and very gently begin to inch his way in. My cock will throb, grow as he keeps inching in, it will be touching the inside of her thigh, while she stares straight into my eyes trying to gauge whether I’m enjoying it.

  As he slips in further I’ll kiss her, throw my tongue down her throat as he plunges in deeper. I know I’ll love it. She sometimes puts her finger in while we’re making love and I’ve always enjoyed that but this is the real thing. A man’s cock up my arse, fucking me while I’m lying over my wife.

  He’ll continue to fuck me, and my hand will find her pussy. I’ll fingerfuck her while he’s fucking me until I come, my spunk hopefully somewhere in the vicinity of her cunt.

  When it’s over I’ll stand, look down at her, see the passion and excitement in her eyes. The longing for what’s to come for her.

  ‘Come here and fuck her,’ I’ll demand.

  There will be no need to ask if she wants it. She’ll want it all right. Every way you can imagine

  John’s fingers will part her wet lips to fiddle with her clit before he pushes his rock hard cock inside her. He’ll continue to rub her clit and she’ll begin to scream as her orgasm builds. I’ll be right there watching, watching his cock slip in and out of her, her juices will be all over his shaft, his cheeks will be clenching as he rams into her.

  I’ll push my cock towards her mouth and she’ll strain forward, her tongue stretching out to lick at me. I’ll come in closer, hold her head and push in and out as John continues to fuck rhythmically. I’ll feel the pressure of her mouth, the difficulty she’ll have in sucking me and coming at the same time. It will be an amazing experience I’m sure.

  Then, when she’s finally had enough I’ll untie her and it will be her turn to be demanding.

  ‘Get on the table,’ she’ll tell John

  She’ll climb up, lower herself onto his shaft allowing it to slip easily inside her.

  Peering back over her shoulder,’ You, up behind me. I want it up the arse too.’

  My cock will jump to attention at that request as it’s been my favourite fantasy.

  She’ll lean forward, her breasts will squash into John’s face. I’ll pry open her hole; my knob will ease its way slowly in. I’ll flatten her against John then ride her like I’m a stallion, slamming in and out.

  She’ll love being sandwiched between the two of us, feeling two cocks so close together, two men sweating over her to give her a great time. I’ll owe John for this, for helping me, or should I say us, with something that we’ve only ever dreamed about.

  We’ll do this for hours, taking it in turns coming over and over again. Later, after John leaves I’ll tell her that next time it will be her turn to choose something for my amusement and hopefully she’ll come up with something equally as exciting, although after all that what’s left?

  Let’s hope it all goes as I’ve fantasized?


  by Michael Bracken

  I’ve been happily married for 20 years to a stunning blonde who has only grown more beautiful as she’s aged. In all that time I have never been tempted by another woman.

  Not once.

  But that doesn’t mean I’ve always been faithful. Several times each year my best friend and I travel into the wilderness to explore nature and to explore each other. My wife thinks we’re hunting or fishing and never once has she questioned our inability to bag our limit.

  Until our last trip.

  Gary and I packed our gear into his pickup truck late one Friday afternoon, and he sat behind the wheel waiting while I gave Marge a goodbye kiss hot enough to scorch paint from a wall.

  As we kissed, she pressed herself against me. Her heavy breasts flattened against my chest and she ground her hips against mine. My cock reacted to the pressure and began to tent the front of my jeans.

  ‘Do you really have to go, Al?’ she whispered huskily into my ear as her hand slipped between us and she cupped my package.

  ‘I really do,’ I said. ‘Gary and I have been planning this trip for weeks.’

  She glanced in Gary’s direction. ‘What does he have that I don’t have?’

  I wasn’t about to tell her. I said, ‘I’ll be home Sunday afternoon. You can wait that long, can’t you?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I just might have to get new batteries for the vibrator.’

  I laughed and pulled away from my wife. ‘You do that,’ I said. ‘And when I get home we’ll see how many batteries you used up thinking about me.’

  I gave Marge one last kiss, a quick peck on the forehead, and then climbed into Gary’s truck.

  ‘What was that all about?’ Gary asked as he backed out of the driveway.

  ‘Marge threatened to replace me with a vibrator.’ I waved at her and she returned the wave.

  ‘You worried that she might?’

  ‘Not a bit,’ I said. ‘I can do things with my tongue that no mechanical device will ever match.’

  Gary glanced at me. ‘I know.’

  By then we were out of the drive and headed toward our weekend getaway, a cabin in the woods that had been his family’s for several gen

  We arrived shortly after nightfall and quickly unloaded the truck. The cabin – a single room, divided roughly into quarters – had no electricity so I fired up one of the lanterns to provide light and Gary quickly built a fire to take the chill off the cabin. The living area where the fireplace was located was to the left of the front door. To the rear was the sleeping area and, continuing counter-clockwise, was the kitchen, and the dining area was to the right of the door.

  Four hours in Gary’s truck had rattled my bladder so I hiked several yards into the woods to the outhouse. By the time I returned to the cabin Gary had made ham sandwiches and had opened a bag of chips and two cans of beer. He was sitting on the couch eating his dinner.

  ‘What are we not hunting for this time?’ he asked.

  ‘Deer,’ I said. I kept track of all the seasons and kept my hunting and fishing licenses up-to-date, just in case Marge ever questioned me.

  She never did.

  ‘And how did we do?’ Gary had finished his sandwich by then and he patted the couch cushion next to him.

  ‘Same as always,’ I said. I was hungry for Gary, not for ham on rye. I left my beer and my unfinished sandwich on the kitchen table, settled on the couch next to Gary, and snuggled under his arm.

  ‘How much longer do you think she’s going to believe your stories?’

  ‘I took two trout home last time.’

  ‘They were frozen.’

  ‘Not by the time we got home,’ I said. ‘We had them battered and deep fried that night.’

  Gary was finished talking. He placed his unfinished beer on the end table and turned to me. He covered my mouth with his and kissed me long and deep and hard.

  He tasted of salt and beer and spicy mustard, and I’m certain I tasted the same. We kissed a second time and then a third, and then we began peeling off each other’s clothing.

  Soon we were naked and I knelt between Gary’s widespread thighs. He leaned back on the couch, his erect cock jutting majestically up from the dark thatch of his pubic hair.


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