Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 10

by Miranda Forbes

  He moaned with pleasure when I leaned forward and took the swollen purple head of his cock in my mouth. I licked away the glistening drop of precome, painted the entire head of his cock with my tongue, and then slowly took all eight inches into my mouth.

  I drew back until my teeth caught on his glans and then I did it again. As my head bobbed up and down in Gary’s lap, I reached between his thighs and palmed his nut sack.

  Gary’s hips began rising to meet my descending face and then he wrapped his hands around the back of my head. He held my head as his hips moved faster and faster and it was obvious he couldn’t last much longer.

  When I squeezed his sack he came, firing a thick wad of hot spunk against the back of my throat. I swallowed and swallowed again. Gary’s cock spasmed inside my mouth and I swallowed a third time.

  I held his cock in my mouth until it softened and withdrew. Then I sat back on my heels and looked up at him. ‘You’ve been saving up.’

  He reached out and used the ball of his thumb to wipe a bit of come from the corner of my mouth. Before he could pull away, I grabbed his wrist and held his hand in place as I took his thumb in my mouth and sucked it clean.

  His cock twitched and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to go again. I pushed myself to my feet and walked to the kitchen table. After a quick swallow of beer I suggested that Gary stoke the fire and meet me in bed.

  I finished the beer, dug a fresh tube of lube from the gym bag containing Gary’s clothes, and was waiting in bed when he finished with the fire. By then his cock had started to regain its previous stature.

  He took the lube from me and slathered it on his middle two fingers. Then he reached under my nut sack and massaged it into my butt hole. He teased the tight pucker of my ass until he could slip one finger into me. He pushed it in and pulled it back and then eased a second finger into me.

  ‘Quit teasing me,’ I said. ‘Fuck me already.’

  Gary positioned himself between my legs and hooked them over his broad shoulders. Folding me nearly in half with his weight, he pressed his cockhead against my asshole and, with barely any resistance at all, soon had his entire length buried in my ass. As he drew back and pushed forward, his crotch hair tickled my ball sac and his lower abdomen rubbed the base of my cock.

  He fucked me hard and fast, driving into me repeatedly and lasting far longer than he had the first time. I came before he did, covering my belly with come.

  And then Gary came, firing his second load of the night deep into me.

  When we finally untangled from one another, I walked to the kitchen sink and, using ice-cold water provided to the cabin by gravity feed from a nearby stream, I cleaned my abdomen and then cleaned Gary’s cock.

  I laughed when the cold water made his cock shrivel, practically ensuring that he wouldn’t be up for a third round that night.

  We had sex twice the following day and once Sunday morning before packing for the return trip, and on the way home Gary and I discussed the eight-point buck that I had within my sights but failed to shoot.

  ‘And why’d you miss?’

  ‘Something distracted me.’

  ‘My dick.’

  ‘Yeah, but I can’t tell Marge that.’

  ‘She probably knows more than you think.’

  Gary was turning his truck into my driveway by then so I didn’t say anything. Instead I kept my attention on the house.

  Gary leaned on the horn and the front door opened.

  Marge stood in the open doorway wearing nothing but the top half of a diaphanous white baby doll and didn’t seem to mind that Gary could also see her.

  ‘Looks like she’s planning to keep you busy tonight,’ he said before I climbed out of the truck. ‘I didn’t wear you out, did I?’

  ‘Not a chance,’ I told him.

  I grabbed my gear, climbed from the truck, and headed up the walk. Marge met me halfway, wrapped her arms around my neck, and stretched up to kiss me. The baby doll rose, exposing her bare ass to the weather.

  Gary tapped the truck horn, gave me a thumb’s up, and then backed out of the drive.

  With my wife hanging from me, I made it into the house, dumped my things on the living room floor, and then gave her the attention she desired.

  ‘How’s your vibrator?’

  ‘It couldn’t keep up,’ she said. ‘It just made me want you more.’

  I covered her mouth with mine and kissed her deep and hard. Then I carried her into the bedroom and pushed her back on the bed. She spread her legs apart and I buried my face between her thighs.

  As I licked up and down her long slick slit, three-days growth of beard sandpapered her inner thighs. I slipped my tongue between her outer lips and teased her inner lips, sucking them between my teeth and nibbling them. Then I found the tight bud of her clit and spanked it with my tongue.

  My wife was hot, wet, and ready, and I slipped two fingers into her. I pistoned my fingers in and out of her pussy as I stroked her clit with my tongue.

  Marge’s hips began bouncing up and down on the bed and she wrapped her fingers in my head, pulling my face tight against her crotch.

  Then she came, screaming my name as she slammed her pubic bone against my nose.

  Her pussy was still spasming around my fingers when she said, ‘I want your cock inside me. Take your clothes off and fuck me. Fuck me now.’

  I hurried out of my clothes and climbed on top of my wife. I buried my cock into her slick pussy and began fucking her.

  She wanted something different. She wrapped her legs around mine and rolled us over so she was straddling me. I reached under the baby doll top and took her heavy breasts in my hands. I thumbed her erect nipples as she rode me and rode me hard.

  I didn’t think I would outlast her, but I did. Barely.

  Marge slammed down against me and suddenly stopped. Her entire body quivered as orgasm overtook her. Her pussy spasmed around my cock as if trying to milk me and then I came, firing a thick wad of hot spunk up into her.

  When Marge caught her breath she looked down at me, staring into my eyes.

  ‘Don’t you think it’s time to quit pretending you two go hunting?’

  I was trapped beneath her and couldn’t move. ‘But …’

  ‘I know what you two do in that cabin,’ she said. ‘I’ve known for years.’

  I hadn’t even told her about the eight-point buck and I had the feeling it was too late to try.

  ‘I know you’re bi,’ she said. ‘Is Gary?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ I admitted.

  ‘Why don’t we find out?’ Marge suggested. ‘The next time you two want to spend the weekend together, why not spend it here where I can enjoy his company, too.’

  ‘You want to …?’

  ‘That’s right,’ my wife said as she stared down at me. ‘Both of you. Together. At the same time.’

  I knew then that I had just spent my last weekend alone with Gary.

  But I had the feeling I would experience something far better.

  Taking Stock

  by Lynn Lake

  ‘Ready to go to the mill?’

  I sighed, sitting on the edge of Michelle’s motel bed. The morning was dark and dreary, foggy, the smell of pulp thick in the air from the paper mill down by the river. ‘Yeah, I suppose,’ I mumbled.

  Michelle stepped out of the bathroom in just her bra and panties, and the day suddenly got a whole lot brighter. ‘Don’t get discouraged, Alice,’ she chirped. ‘The inventory count is only two days long – we’ll be out of here tomorrow night.’

  There was that prospect to look forward to. But right now, I was looking forward at Michelle, she was all pink and fresh-scrubbed and good enough to eat, her breasts deliciously perking out of her shiny white bra, her flared hips and bouncy bottom, and visible mound, temptingly stretching out her shiny white panties. The only thing that made this out-of-town inventory audit at all interesting was working with Michelle.

  She padded over and chucked
me under the chin. ‘Cheer up, kiddo,’ she said, smiling sweetly. ‘Remember, we’ve got a job to do. The capital markets are depending on us.’

  I looked up at her pretty face, her twinkling blue eyes and cute button nose and full, glossy lips, the shoulder-length honey-blonde hair that framed that oh-so-appealing face. My own face went red and tingly with the warm feel of her fingers on my chin. ‘Yeah,’ I mouthed, ‘we are getting paid, no matter how piddling. And shareholders are counting on us, literally.’ Michelle could make anything sound important, and sexy.

  ‘That’s the spirit!’ she piped.

  I watched her slip on and button up her light blue blouse, hula-hoop into her darker blue skirt and step into her black heels, my mouth and pussy watering, eyes glaring hard and hungry. Then the floor show was unfortunately over, and we drove out to the paper mill, Michelle at the wheel since she was claiming the mileage allowance.

  ‘We’ll just be observing the inventory count, Mr Delter,’ Michelle explained to the warehouse manager, ‘and performing some test counts. Floor to sheet, sheet to floor, that sort of thing.’

  The girl was so chipper they could’ve used her to grind up the raw logs. I admired everything about her, and I wasn’t alone.

  Mr Delter beamed at her, his pudgy face sweaty with excitement, his slitted brown eyes shining. The short, squat man looked from Michelle to me – two well-groomed, professionally dressed young woman – and his tight white shirt almost burst with his pumping heart, his tight polyester pants with something else pumping up. We were a far cry from the scruffy male stock hands he was used to dealing with.

  ‘And who’s going to observe you two?’ he leered. ‘Who takes inventory of the auditors? Me?’ He laughed, thickly, spittle striping his chins.

  I’m not quite as attractive as Michelle, but I’m no slouch in the looks department, either. I had my red hair pulled back from my pale, freckled face with a pair of tortoiseshell barrettes, my wide grey eyes highlighted with black liner and mascara, pouty lips with wet crimson lipstick, my taut little body tucked into a green blouse and white skirt and white high heels. Who says accountants have to be frumpy? You never know who you’re going to meet out on the job, besides Mr Delter.

  He licked his heavy mouthflaps and rubbed his hammy hands together, neck rolls ballooning over his tight collar. ‘Well, let me show you girls …’

  ‘We can take care of ourselves, thanks, Mr Delter,’ Michelle stated, drawing away, me along with her, before the man had a stroke, or the chance to give one.

  Michelle and I wandered around the huge warehouse, watching the ten or so employees who’d drawn the short straws perform the inventory count, making sure they were following company and generally accepted accounting procedures. Or at least I hope Michelle was, because my eyes were suddenly diverted from her to a young man about our ages who was ticking off rolls and rolls of white finished paper.

  He had glossy black hair and liquid-brown eyes, a full, sensuous mouth, caramel-coloured skin on a tall, lean, muscular body. His chest and arms were ruggedly moulding out a white T-shirt, his bum a pair of faded blue jeans. He smiled at us as Michelle and I strolled past, and I smiled back, greatly appreciating his count technique.

  The morning dragged on, like the audit work. I was supposed to be performing some test counts on endless bales of newsprint, when I noticed instead that the cute guy had gone missing. I’d been trying to keep him in my field of vision all morning. I took a frantic look around the cavernous warehouse.

  ‘Looking for something, Alice?’

  Mr Delter had materialized at my elbow, slobbering as usual.

  ‘Yes, the washroom. I have to take a dump.’

  He appeared crestfallen, only for a moment, then strangely more excited. He pointed out a hallway that led out of the warehouse way off in one corner. I nodded and walked briskly away, not giving him a chance to keep pace. But still putting a little extra bounce in my bound and wiggle in my waggle, for his apoplectic benefit.

  I turned right at the end of the long hallway, walking past the washrooms and into an office area, in search of my hunky counter. The eight or ten cubicles were deserted on a Saturday, the office area dark. The only light came from a back office along the wall, a beam of it from under the door and around the doorframe; along with a giggle. I hurried forward to investigate, my auditing antennae and pussy hairs aroused.

  The window of the office was shuttered, but stepping towards the light on my tippy-toes, I placed a snooping eye against the cracked-open door. And shuddered with delight at what I saw: my cute guy!

  He has his back to me, but I recognised his bulging bum in those worn jeans, his broad shoulders in the white T-shirt, and his lustrous, black hair. Only, I didn’t recognise the fingers in his hair and the arms around his neck, other than that they were feminine. Which explained the sound of wet smacking now emanating from inside the office and into my ears. Cute guy and some floozy were taking their own private inventory.

  ‘Count me in,’ I breathed, pressing up against the doorframe.

  The smooth, sinuous brown arms squeezed tighter around the man’s neck, the lip smacking becoming more pronounced. My boobs pushed into the varnished wood, nipples buzzing with the pressure, tingling sensations running all through my hot body. The hunk suddenly turned to the side and revealed the woman he was passionately clutching – a petite, raven-haired girl in a purple top and black jeans.

  I so envied her in his arms, lips pressed into his lips. They kissed deeply, hugging each other tightly, right under the burning, scrutinising eyes of this trained professional (in accounting and lust).

  ‘Oh, Tony!’ the babydoll gasped, pulling her clinging lips back from the guy’s mouth and putting a name to the handsome face and body.

  ‘Maria!’ Tony breathed back, staring down at the woman, completing the introductions.

  Except for one party. ‘Alice,’ I whispered.

  Tony pulled Maria’s top out of her jeans and up over her head. Her breasts tumbled out, large and lush, mocha-brown nipples jutting out from the golden-brown globes. Tony quickly and gallantly joined her in upper body nudity, stripping off his shirt.

  I stared at the man’s chest, the smooth tan skin, the taut, mounded pecs and yummy-looking nipples. Maria’s mouth was just a split-second behind my thoughts, the woman sealing her plush lips around one of Tony’s nipples and sucking, doing the same to his other edible bud.

  He groaned, gripping Maria’s boobs, squeezing the heavy pair. Maria spun her neon-pink tongue around his nipples, making the pointed tips of his pecs gleam with saliva. I swallowed, my throat clicking dry as Maria’s tongue and Tony’s nipples were wet.

  He bent his head down and pushed Maria’s breasts up, giving her tit for tat, taking a thick nub between his lips and sucking. She and I both gasped. He bobbed his head over to her other boob, basted her other nipple with his strong tongue, then took it into his mouth and sucked on it. I undulated against the doorframe, fingernails digging into the wood, body shimmering with wanton heat.

  Until somebody suddenly pushed up against me from behind.

  ‘What are you looking at, Alice?’ Michelle murmured in my ear.

  Busted, blushing as red as the roots of my hair, I could only murmur back. ‘Wonderland!’

  Michelle’s warm body pressed into mine, turning me molten. I could feel her hands on my shoulders, her tits on my back and her pelvis on my bum, her breath steaming against my neck. She looked over my shoulder and gasped, and I felt that where it counts, too.

  Maria had dropped to her knees on the carpet, had Tony’s big, hard cock out of his jeans and in her hot little hand, stroking. ‘Looks like you’ve found a major deviation from the company’s standard inventory-taking procedures, all right,’ Michelle whispered, her fingernails digging into my shoulder blades.

  I’d thought she was going to chew me out, force me to abandon my observational post. But instead, amazingly and awesomely, she seemed to be as excited as I was, her body me
lding into mine, two sets of glittering eyes now watching Maria kiss Tony’s clean-cut hood, then envelope it in the warmth and wetness of her lips.

  ‘Yes!’ he and I and Michelle all groaned.

  Tony bucked at the sensual impact. I shivered. Michelle shuddered – shoving me forward so that the door creaked open and we stumbled right into the erotic office.

  Maria’s mouth froze halfway down Tony’s smooth cock. Tony’s eyes went wide; then narrowed, a grin spreading across his face, as he recognised Michelle and I for who and what we were. ‘Taking a break, ladies?’ he said. ‘Like we were?’

  Maria popped the guy’s prick out of her mouth and smiled at us too.

  I gaped. Then gulped, when Michelle responded, ‘A break from routine sounds wonderful. Doesn’t it, Alice?’

  I didn’t say a word, letting Michelle lead me over to the pair of lovers and guide me gently down to my knees at Tony’s cock. He loved it, three girls on his prick; and we gals could barely get our fill, and feel, passing the guy’s erection back and forth between us like a sexual baton. It all happened so fast I didn’t even have time to get nervous.

  Maria sucked on Tony’s cock, then passed it over to Michelle, next to her. My beautiful blonde boss pumped it, slid her lips down it, easily inhaling almost all of Tony’s dick and then bobbing her head, sucking him. She tugged tight and fast and wet with her mouth, washing his shaft with her tongue. Before pulling him out slick and hard and bending him over to me.

  She held Tony’s twitching cock right in front of my mouth, and I stared at it, breathed all over it. ‘Suck it, Alice! Suck his cock!’ she urged.

  She’d never steered me wrong before, so I opened my mouth up wide and pushed my head forward. And Michelle stuck Tony’s prick inside of me. His cock filled my mouth, throbbing hotly. I closed my lips over his swollen shaft about halfway down, his meaty hood crowding the back of my throat.

  Then I sucked, urgently pulling on his prick. He groaned and gripped my head, making me go faster, suck harder.

  We switched off over and over, sucking, licking, nipping. Michelle and Maria captured Tony’s cock between them and ran their lips up and down the sides of his shaft; then me and Michelle. It was weird, and wicked fun, looking Michelle in the eye as we slid our lips along the man’s cock, our tongues touching around his shaft, our mouths meeting and pressing together at the tip of his prick.


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