Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 11

by Miranda Forbes

  Finally, Tony just couldn’t take any more. He pulled back, and we three cocksuckers climbed to our feet. My head spun and my knees buckled. But with a little help from my intimate friends, I ended up sprawled out naked on the desktop, Michelle and Maria on either side of my chest, Tony in between my legs.

  The two women cupped and clutched my breasts, licked and sucked on my nipples. I moaned, writhed, their wet tongues and mouths on my buzzing nipples and brimming boobs feeling exquisitely good. They squeezed my tits upwards until my buds just about burst off into their mouths, then slashed the jutting pink tips with their tongues, tugged on them.

  A third tongue joined the erotic fray – Tony’s. He got down on his knees and gripped my thighs and licked my pussy in one wide, warm, wet stroke, then another, and another; lapping my shaven slit long and deep and lingering. Before parting my pussy lips and teasing my clit with the tip of his tongue, as Maria and Michelle bit into my nipples simultaneously.

  I just about overdosed on sexual sensation, two women sucking my tits, one man my clit. The three of them pulled their lips off just in time.

  Then Tony got to his feet and scooped my legs up in his strong arms, his strong cock pointing at my pussy. While Michelle climbed up on the desk and straddled my head with her knees, poising her blonde sex just above my face. Maria stood right up on the desk and spread her pussy in front of Michelle, slit shining pink an inch away from the woman’s mouth.

  The ultra-sexy tableau froze like that for a second or so. Until Michelle grasped Maria’s butt and plunged her tongue into the girl’s pussy. As Tony pushed his cockhead through my pink petals and sunk his shaft inside me. And I grabbed onto Michelle’s butt cheeks and pulled her pussy down onto my mouth.

  We all shuddered with joy.

  I’d never done a foursome before, and I’d only ever briefly licked a girl’s pussy before. But learning on the job is all part of becoming a chartered accountant, hands-on experience always my favourite method of training. I watched Michelle eagerly stroke Maria’s slit with her tongue, and I did the same, lapping Michelle’s puffy lips. She tasted tangy, juicy, and she moaned into Maria’s muff, so I knew I was getting through to her.

  Tony gripped my legs to his chest and rammed his cock back and forth in my tunnel. I surged with every thrust, his prick stoking me with heat. He pumped faster, rocking me, the wet-velvet friction leaving me gasping. I clung to Michelle’s bum and struggled to keep my tongue on her pussy. But I did, improvising, sticking my tongue right out and letting Tony drive it back and forth on her slit.

  I was bathed in perspiration, breathing pure pussy juice, stuffed full of wickedly churning meat. I saw, felt Maria suddenly shudder with orgasm, as Michelle found her clit and set her off.

  I desperately dug my tongue into Michelle’s pussy, tasting her deep, sucking her to the edge, and over. She moaned and jerked, her butt cheeks jumping in my hands, more hot juices gushing out of her pussy and into my mouth.

  I gulped, getting pumped at a furious pace. Then I was swept up in the tidal wave of ecstasy, everything breaking loose inside of me. My cries of joy were muffled by Michelle’s pussy, my shivers of raw bliss cushioned by Tony’s cock-thrusting. He grunted and came, spraying heated semen inside me, adding fuel to our raging conflagration.

  Michelle and I were still breathing hard and smoothing everything back down into place, when we met up with Mr Delter again on the warehouse floor.

  ‘Everything going all right?’ he asked, excited even more by our own obvious recent excitement. ‘You girls getting everything you need?’

  ‘And more!’ Michelle replied. ‘Your staff have been very helpful.’

  She grinned at me. ‘And we’ve still got another day of … “procedures” to go.’

  Now, that was something to look forward to.

  Mystery Girl

  by Alcamia Payne

  Kitty quickly fell in love with Kamal and soon Kamal asked her to move into his apartment near the souk. The apartment was in a jumble of old buildings which dated back to the earliest days of the city, and it was cool and airy with charming mosaic floors and tall walls.

  The room used for the lounge looked out over a communal courtyard full of chattering women and the small bedroom opened out over a narrow alleyway leading from the souk, and was so close to the apartment across the way, if Kitty leant out of the window she thought she could touch it.

  Kitty had always reckoned she’d make the perfect Arabic woman. She bought a length of cloth from the souk and made herself a simple shift out of pure sky-blue fabric which fell in a waterfall, draping her sumptuously rounded limbs and which felt like butterfly kisses on her body when she moved. To this she added a thin veil to cover her face, just for a bit of fun with Kamal – and to finish off the ensemble, she wore the large pair of lapis earrings Kamal had bought her and a pair of soft embroidered slippers.

  Kitty didn’t think she’d ever go back to England and when she fell in love with Kamal she’d quickly found a way to run her costume business remotely via the internet. It was an excellent turn of fate, she pointed out to Clive back home in his dreary flat in Hounslow. She was a fabric buyer and she was now on site and able to discover the latest trends in ethnic fabrics.

  Kitty smiled to herself as she dreamt of Kamal and what Kamal kept hidden beneath his smart suit. It wasn’t as if she’d fallen in lust with any Arabic boy. Kamal was a widely respected businessman. ‘So much for the field trip,’ she told Clive. ‘I came for some fabric and I ended up with Kamal.’

  It was thrilling. Kamal was tenacious and he tracked her like she was a wild animal as he followed her through the souk every day. He psyched her up and electrified her to such an extent, she felt as if she’d been plugged into the national power grid.

  Kitty entered into the spirit of the chase because she wanted him instantly, her heart was pounding and she could feel the wetness between her legs as she ran through the crowded souk, darting into doorways and flirting with him, occasionally allowing him to catch glimpses of her long, loose blonde hair.

  Rapidly it became a kind of game and as Kitty fingered the fabrics in the souk and sensed Kamal’s gaze dance up and down her spine, she let him come closer and closer, until one day he caught her and swinging her off her feet, he pushed her up a tiny side street and captured her. Kamal inched her skirt up her silky legs so his nimble fingers could finger her quim and Kitty who was vibrating with excitement, offered no resistance.

  She couldn’t have met a more intoxicating man, Kitty thought, as her fingers combed his thick black hair, and popping open a button she smoothed his taut tanned torso. Leaning forward she bit his lip to encourage his lust and Kamal then began finger fucking her. He was a good finger fucker. He was skilled in the arts of how to please a woman and he moved his finger up and down her lubricious slit and backwards and forwards, as she thrust her hips into his pelvis and ground her pussy against what seemed like a huge cock.

  Kitty could hear Kamal coming up the stairs now and she shuddered with excitement as she placed her hand on her breast, massaging it gently so her nipple stiffened to attention. She knew Kamal would find the new robe sexy and as he came through the door she stood up, posing coquettishly and shaking out her mane of long hair around her shoulders. Kamal laughed.

  ‘How’s my little English whore?’

  Kitty ran to him and began wrestling with his pants.

  ‘The little English whore, is hot and ready, baby.’

  He took her quickly, stifling her with his vigorous kisses and throwing her roughly onto the bed. Instantly, he was inside her, very hot and wet and slippery. Kitty sucked on Kamal’s lips and darted her tongue inside his mouth, as his rough finger teased her clit and brought her to orgasm. As soon as the first tidal wave of lust passed he began to move slowly. It was the part Kitty enjoyed best as Kamal’s meaty tool ground away at her and then began to piston in and out of her love tunnel. Afterwards, he lay with his eyes closed, dozing and occasionally sucking eac
h of her tits gently, allowing his cock to rise and fill again so Kitty could do what she did best. Suck him off and chew her way up and down his stem.

  Kitty turned her head to one side and then she blinked in surprise. She’d believed the apartment across the alley was empty, but a young woman was standing in the window, watching her.

  ‘What is it?’ Kamal asked sleepily.

  ‘Nothing.’ Kitty replied. Her cunt was stirring with fizzing feelings though, and Kitty surprised at herself, clamped her legs together. She’d always been a bit turned on by voyeurism.

  Kitty stroked Kamal’s hair as she continued to stare through the window. The woman was watching her boldly. She was Arabic and had huge lustrous almond-shaped eyes. Her hair hung down in a thick black curtain to her waist and she was naked. She’s taunting me, Kitty thought angrily. How dare she stand there with nothing on and thrust her breasts at me and give me that look. The girl wet her finger and she used it to circle her breasts. Around and around went the finger, closer and closer to the nipple, until when it finally touched the hard black button, Kitty gave a jerk. It was just as if that naughty finger had been working her clit.

  Later when Kamal had gone back to work, Kitty strolled to the window and leaning out she tried to peer inside the apartment. It was much the same as all the apartments in Marrakesh. The girl’s bedroom faced hers and she could see the bed and a table and a large ewer of water standing on the floor in the corner.

  Kitty liked to think she knew a great deal about sex and believed herself to be an extremely sexually-aware young woman. She knew what she liked and how to please herself. When she was 14 she taught herself to masturbate and before she dated her first boyfriend she’d discovered exactly what turned her on and what didn’t. For some reason though, something about the girl had released a sexy alien energy inside Kitty and she felt perplexed. Perplexed about what seemed to be the lifting of the finger of control gently off the trigger of her sexual beliefs and the release of some sexual magic bullet. I have a wonderful, sexy man, I have Kamal, Kitty pondered, and that should be enough. She lay down on her couch by the window and thinking it might be fun to pretend to pose for the girl, she rolled onto her side and draping the fabric away from her breast she exposed it and began to stroke it, closing her eyes in pleasure as she did so. When she opened them the girl was standing in the window and she was smiling.

  This time rather than be embarrassed, Kitty stared back with equal intensity as she wound the fabric of her shift over her face and flirted with the girl. The girl moved closer, so thinking it might be a bit of fun, Kitty sat up and proudly thrust out her pale, ample breasts. The girl moved her hands down over her body, stroking her breasts and her hips and then she stood with her legs akimbo giving Kitty an excellent view of her luxuriant black bush. Kitty leant forward, squinting. She was interested. She’d never been interested in a girl. The girl then sat down on a chair and opening her legs she masturbated herself, her head thrown back and groaning loudly as her long slender fingers slid up and down her slit and circled her engorged clitoris.

  Kitty did the same as her fingers followed the girl’s in intention. She felt as if both the girl’s fingers and her own were attached by lengths of string and everything the girl did, Kitty did too. Kitty came with a particularly explosive and wet orgasm, but, when she opened her eyes, the girl had gone.

  She came to the window frequently, however Kitty never actually saw her when she was making love to Kamal. She wondered if she was falling in love with the girl, but that was silly, she didn’t fancy women. Or, did she? Kitty pondered. She was certainly turned on when she thought of the girl.

  Kitty spent a long time now gazing in the window. She’d even walked through the souk and up the alleys and tried to find out what building the window belonged to, but the souk was such a maze of streets it was impossible to tell.

  One day the girl came into the apartment and Kitty, pretending she wasn’t there, crept behind the shutters and watched. The girl took off her robe and she poured some water out of the ewer and into a bowl before beginning to wash herself with a little washcloth. Kitty gasped as her fingers strayed down to her sex slit and back up gain. The girl had a way with her hands and even when she washed it was like having sex. The fingers travelled over the voluptuous tanned body, paying particular attention to her breasts and fanny and then she stood with her legs apart, dancing her fingers through her crisp curls.

  Kitty groaned and then she went back to her bed and lying down she began to finger herself as she listened to the Arabic music coming from the girl’s transistor radio.

  Kitty yawned as she watched Kamal getting dressed. His huge thickly veined penis was hanging down between his legs and he was already semi-erect again. Lately Kitty had been feeling exceedingly horny and she sat up, pouting.

  ‘Can’t you stay another ten minutes?’ She was flirting outrageously as she opened her bright blue eyes and smiled at him.

  ‘No, I can’t, sugar plum.’ Kamal came to her, and cupping her face in his big hands and smoothing her lips with his finger he kissed her gently. ‘My business doesn’t run itself.’

  ‘No, I don’t suppose it does,’ Kitty said reluctantly as she watched him pull on his pants and squeeze his robust organ under the zipper.

  Kamal glanced at her. ‘I hope you’re going to behave yourself, Kitty.’

  ‘Of course I’m going to behave myself. I shall do lots of work with Clive, like a good girl.’

  Kamal grinned at her. ‘Great and I’ll try and get home early.’

  Kitty flopped back on the bed, and rolled over. Evidently, she was still sexually aroused and today Kamal had not satiated her. She put her hand on her cheek and fell into a doze.

  Kamal had not shut the door behind him and when the girl came into the room and strolled up behind Kitty, placing her finger on her spine and moving down to her buttocks which she stroked with delicate motions of her fingers, Kitty jumped. A grin spread across her face, she knew who it was. It was the mystery girl.

  Kitty shuddered in rapture. This was a different touch altogether to Kamal’s. Kamal had work-roughened fingers which stimulated her clitoris with their abrasive qualities, but the girl’s fingers felt like silk. Kitty rolled onto her belly, allowing the girl easier access, as one of her naughty fingers eased open Kitty’s butt cheeks and the girl introduced it gently and persuasively inside her tight little orifice, moving it around and caressing the velvet tunnel. Kamal had never fucked her from behind, in fact Kitty had never been fucked, yes fucked in her hole, however, she’d always been intrigued by the idea. She clenched her butt cheeks and found the sensation of resistance pleasurable as the girl forced her finger further in. She was leaning against Kitty’s neck and she was blowing gently into Kitty’s hair with her cardamom-scented breath, sending delicious ripples over Kitty’s skin.

  ‘You like?’ Kitty was surprised the mystery girl spoke English.

  ‘Yes, I like very much.’

  ‘Then, enjoy.’ She pressed Kitty down onto the bed which was still wet with Kamal’s copious semen. ‘My name is Salima.’

  ‘Kitty,’ Kitty said.

  ‘Hello, Kitty.’

  Kitty felt naughty, she knew she ought to stop but the motion of Salima’s hands was intoxicating, and it didn’t seem wrong, not wrong at all. She rolled onto her back and she saw that Salima – who had now slipped off her robe – was sitting naked on the bed with her legs crossed and her red sex maw, oozing and delicious. Kitty’s nipples stiffened and a curious hornet’s nest of sensation stirred in her sex. The girl was holding open her sex lips and she was showing Kitty her clitoris, it was very large, much larger than Kitty’s.

  ‘Don’t you think it’s pretty?’

  ‘It’s very pretty.’

  ‘You can play with it if you want?’ Salima coaxed.

  Kitty blinked. Her hand of its own volition, was already reaching out to touch the tantalising bud. Salima grabbed her hand and began kissing Kitty’s palm, moving th
e tip of her tongue against it in rapid movements which made Kitty want to dissolve in pleasure.

  ‘I shouldn’t do this,’ she said. ‘I have a boyfriend.’

  Salima giggled. ‘Oh, yes, I know I’ve been watching you. You do it so many ways. You do it on the bed and you do it on the floor, or on the Persian rug, and you let him suck your tits and come on them and sometimes you lie with your cunt in his mouth and your mouth on his dick and you come together.’ She licked her lips. ‘I have great fun watching you.’

  Kitty blushed. Her finger was now in Salima’s slit and it was warm and oily and smelt fragrant. She wriggled closer, wanting to plunge her mouth into the sweet, musky orifice.

  ‘I can tell you something,’ Salima said leaning forward. ‘I’ve wanted you for weeks and weeks. The day you moved in with the merchant, Kamal, I fell in love with your long blonde hair, pretty white skin and those pink nipples. I kept watching and then one day I thought, I shall have to see if she likes women. I’ll test her.’

  Salima placed her hand on Kitty’s. ‘Look, move it like this,’ she whispered. ‘Press it hard, I like it rough and next you can pinch my worm like you do his dick.’ She winked at Kitty and pressed Kitty’s finger on the trembling flesh. ‘I think perhaps I can make you desire a woman as much as you desire a man.’

  Kitty was burning with indignation, but she didn’t deny it. Long ago she’d found out there was no point in denying anything unless you were absolutely sure you didn’t want it, and she wasn’t absolutely sure. Not sure that is, whether she only fancied men and didn’t want to try something just a bit different. Come to think of it, she’d once fancied a beautiful buxom blonde who’d worked for her modelling fabrics and she’d had wicked fantasies about her for ages. And, she did love the female form, really enjoyed watching women and the way they moved and behaved, and the colour and feel of the texture of their skin.


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