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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

Page 14

by Miranda Forbes

  I moved slightly aside to observe them, and it wasn’t long before a pair of strong male hands was covering my eyes. ‘Guess who?’ a deep, husky voice whispered in my ear. I playfully reached behind me to feel his cock, even though I knew it was Andrew, who I’d met a few weeks earlier at another party. We hadn’t got a chance to see each other since then, but we’d been exchanging steamy phone calls that led to me having to immediately touch myself.

  ‘I see you’re not here alone,’ he said when I’d turned around, indicating Frank.

  ‘Well, Frank’s a friend, not my date, but I’m hoping to show him a good time. Want to help?’

  ‘I think he’s having a pretty good time right now,’ Andrew said, and I turned to see Tracy and Frank still making out, his hands on her tits and her head thrown back.

  ‘That’s true,’ I said, smiling. I guess Andrew had got the hang of things, but I didn’t want to abandon him. ‘But let’s stay here for a little while and see what happens.’

  ‘I’m happy to stay right here,’ he said. Andrew was tall, his skin a pale mocha shade that looked beautiful against my own, but it was his voice, and his talented tongue, that I craved. Because this was the kind of party where pretty much anything went, as long as it was consensual. He eased my panties off, tucking them into his pocket and pushing my dress up above my hips. I slid to the edge of the chair and he got on his knees and was soon licking my pussy with sure, sensual strokes of his tongue.

  I turned my head and caught Frank’s eye as he finally took a sip of his drink. I curled my finger and beckoned him over. We’d never seen each other getting it on before, and I’d thought it might be weird, but it wasn’t. Andrew looked up, but I held his head in place. ‘Keep doing what you’re doing, Andrew. Oh, by the way, this is Frank. Frank, Andrew.’ I smiled up at him, tempted to laugh at his startled expression. ‘Honey, you have to relax,’ I told him, then shifted my eyes toward his crotch. ‘Why don’t you take out your cock? That should relax you.’

  ‘Are you sure it’s OK?’ he whispered in my ear.

  ‘Of course it’s OK,’ I said. ‘In fact, it’s encouraged! I bet Andrew here would like to see your cock, actually.’

  I wasn’t entirely sure that was true, but I wanted to see what he’d say, and I had a feeling Andrew was so in my thrall he’d do anything I wanted. And suddenly the idea of seeing Frank with another man was making my pussy very, very wet.

  ‘Wouldn’t you, Andrew?’ I asked, pulling him up by his shirt. His lips were slick with my juices, and I drew him close for a kiss.

  ‘Yes, Nadine, I would like to see Andrew’s cock.’

  ‘Tell him, then. Or better yet, show him.’

  And while I sat there, Andrew reached over and unzipped Frank’s pants. I stared as his cock was revealed; he wasn’t wearing any underwear, and it popped right out. Andrew’s hand immediately went to the base and he started to squeeze it slowly. I stared, riveted. If I’d known his cock was so stunning, so big and wide and proud, I’d have asked to see it a long time ago. Now I wasn’t sure what to do, but judging from how hard Frank was, I had a feeling he wanted to see what Andrew could deliver.

  ‘Maybe we should go in the bedroom,’ I said, standing and grabbing each man’s arse. I figured there’d be less tension, and even though the doors had to stay open, so there was the potential for us to be seen, it wouldn’t be so out in the open. As we made our way upstairs, the three of us were greeted with many hoots and hollers of encouragement, but we ourselves were silent, all focused on our own fantasies.

  I’d had my share of wild times, but this was different; I was introducing a lover to a friend, and turning that friend into a lover. It had the potential to be amazing, and the potential to go awry. As we walked, I decided to do everything I could to make sure our encounter was amazing, starting by walking ahead of them, lifting my dress over my head, and tossing it toward the men. I had no doubt one would catch it. I did the same with my bra, so I was totally naked by the time we reached the room I wanted, with its four-poster canopy bed that I knew from experience was extremely large, and extremely comfortable.

  I got on the bed first and patted either side of me. ‘Don’t be nervous,’ I told Frank, then turned to Andrew, ‘It’s his first time at a party like this.’

  ‘Do you want us to suck your cock?’ I asked Frank, and all he could do was nod.

  ‘Good, because that’s exactly what I want to do,’ I told him, seeing him relax a little against the pillows as he got into place and I pulled off his jeans. Andrew moved toward Frank’s face and their lips met, and after I’d gotten his shoes and jeans off, I watched them make out, admiring the beauty of their faces next to each other, Andrew’s big and meaty, Frank’s smaller but still unmistakably manly. Knowing that it was Frank’s first time, that he’d very likely fantasized about being with a guy but never known how to make that happen, make me have to touch my clit. I shifted closer and soon Frank’s fingers were inside me. Their kiss ended and Andrew and I shared another tongue tangling, before we moved on to showing Frank just how much pleasure bisexuals can have.

  I started with his balls, which were so big I could barely wrap my lips around one, while holding the base of his cock and offering it to Andrew. He was quick to take my offering, wrapping his lips expertly around the head. Soon we were working together, and I focused all my energy on bringing Frank as much pleasure as possible, my skin tingling from Andrew’s nearness. I licked my way up Frank’s shaft and lapped at Andrew’s lips. I’d given joint blow-jobs before, but always with a girl; doing with a man was a thrill in itself, somehow forbidden, and all the hotter for it.

  I caught Frank’s eye and he looked like he was in his own kind of heaven. ‘Get on top of him,’ I told Andrew, and he knew exactly what I meant: 69. I wasn’t above wielding my feminine wiles to get what I wanted, and what I wanted right then was as much man-on-man blow-job as I could have. That was truly a sight to behold, once Andrew got his pants off, to see him lowering himself over Frank’s parted lips. That’s when my normally shy friend seemed to come into his own, so to speak, moaning loudly as he took every inch of Andrew’s impressive dick. I played with Andrew’s arse, cupping his cheeks and feeling him flex in response, happy to be part of their pairing while letting them fully enjoy each other.

  ‘That’s good, boys, very good. You both are very talented cocksuckers.’ Frank moaned again, and his hands fumbled to reach mine. I squeezed them and he squeezed back tighter. I peered around to see that Andrew had shifted so he could slap the head of Frank’s cock against his outstretched tongue.

  ‘Come on my face,’ Andrew muttered, lost in his own world, and as I looked on, Frank did just that, gushing his hot cream onto Andrew’s lips. When he was done, Andrew turned around and did the same thing, but in reverse, straddling Andrew’s chest and beating off against his lips. I’ve been in that position, with a hot cock right in front of my face, eager to be blasted with a man’s come. When you’re with someone who brings that side of you out, there’s no better feeling, at once utterly depraved and utterly right. Frank’s eyes met mine for a second before his gaze returned to Andrew and I watched the hot live money shot as Andrew erupted on Frank’s face, his come dripping down his chin.

  ‘Ma’am …’ Andrew said, and I bent down and licked up every tangy drop, then kissed Frank, followed by Andrew. We monopolised the room for the rest of the night, just the three of us, and when we finally left in the wee hours of the morning, I knew that Frank had tasted more than just a hint of true sexual freedom, and there was no going back.

  Bi Today Interview

  by Richard Offer

  ‘So, how did you two meet? How did you get it together?’

  I was conducting an interview for Bi Today magazine. The theme was, “What makes a straight person decide to swap sides – why have they embarked on a same-sex relationship?”

  ‘Oh, by the way, do you mind if I use this?’

  I indicated a portable MP3 recorder on the tab
le between us. The couple looked at each other and nodded assent.

  ‘OK, who wants to go first?’ I smiled as I pressed the record switch.

  ‘After you, Gerald.’

  ‘OK, Peter. As I’m the switch, the bisexual if you like, it makes sense. OK, how did we get it together?’

  ‘Right, firstly I have to say that I’m happily married and have a grown-up family.’

  ‘Really? Would it surprise you to learn that it’s not uncommon for a mature hetero man in his mid-life crisis to take a younger male to have, what he sees, as a final fling; to do something he’s always wanted to try?’

  ‘You mean, a bit on the side?’ replied Gerald. ‘No, it doesn’t surprise me at all, given how much pleasure it has afforded me – not at all.’

  ‘So, how did you meet?’

  ‘Like so many romances, it was at work. Peter works in the post room, and I’m an office manager. As soon as he joined our company and started to bring the post round, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He’s a very pretty lad and I couldn’t believe that I was becoming obsessed with him … a man! I’ve never had any tendency that way at all, nor for that matter, anyone outside of marriage; no I tell a lie: there have been a couple of girls. Whatever possessed me to start flirting with him, I don’t know – I just did.’

  ‘I saw that he was attracted to me immediately,’ said Peter, ‘and I was flattered. I didn’t know he wasn’t gay. All I knew was that I fancied this distinguished man like hell. I had split up with my previous boyfriend three or so months before. He and I weren’t compatible, but I felt that Gerald and I could certainly become more than colleagues, and perhaps more than friends.’

  ‘So what triggered the start of the relationship?’

  ‘Gerald told me one day, while looking at my jeans, that he was expecting a large package and could I let him have it as soon as possible, as it was very important.’

  ‘And was it a double entendre; was he flirting with you?’

  ‘Oh, Gerald was definitely flirting.’

  ‘And what did you say?’

  ‘I said I’d be happy to give it to him as soon as I could. I looked him full in the eye as I said it, and our gaze never wandered. It was then that we both knew that some chemistry was happening.’

  ‘Yes, I knew that I was hooked,’ said Gerald. ‘I knew then that I was about to embark on a scary adventure. Some middle-aged men take up with dolly birds, some get their kicks dressing in leather and riding very large motorcycles. It was just my luck I fell for a toy boy.’

  ‘And what is the difference in your ages, if you don’t mind me asking?’

  ‘Not at all,’ replied Gerald. ‘I’m 54 and Peter’s 23.’

  ‘That’s quite a difference. Doesn’t it bother you?’

  ‘Not at all,’ said Gerald. ‘It doesn’t bother you, my love, does it?’

  ‘No me neither,’ confirmed Peter.

  ‘Nor does the fact that we are of different races, in answer to your next question,’ said Gerald.

  I smiled. ‘You’re dead right. What happened next?’

  ‘We arranged to go for a drink after work that same evening. Peter knows this pub a couple of miles away from the office. I’d heard that it was a gay pub, and had never gone there.’

  ‘And was it?’

  ‘Yes, you may have heard of it – silly name – it’s called The Heavenly Arms.’

  ‘I have indeed heard of it … and its reputation. Go on.’

  ‘Well, we made our way there separately. I didn’t want the whole office to know what I was up to,’ said Gerald. ‘Anyway, I walked in and looked around. There were several same-sex couples holding hands and cuddling. Before I knew what was happening, Peter was there just in front of me.’

  ‘I asked him if he was comfortable with what was going on,’ said Peter. ‘He said ‘of course.’ And I asked him if he was sure of what we were all about. Again he confirmed it.’

  ‘With that,’ continued Gerald, ‘he took me in his arms and kissed me. It came as quite a shock, but not unexpected. I was very confused, but I responded and held him tightly. Being used to hugging women, it was also strange when the person in your arms is strong and muscular … strange but wonderful.’

  ‘We kissed and cuddled, oblivious to everyone around us, who were beginning to smile and cheer, I was told later,’ said Peter. ‘Now, I had been there before, but I wondered how Gerald would react.’

  ‘I reacted in a way that surprised me. I got an enormous erection. It pushed against Peter’s and felt like we had engaged swords in a duel.’

  ‘I must admit, that surprised me as well,’ said Peter. ‘A straight guy doesn’t usually get sexually turned on by another man as quickly as this.’

  ‘I couldn’t help myself,’ said Gerald. ‘You see, this man is so very pretty. The fact that he is a man didn’t come into it. I just fell in love with him, pure and simple.’

  ‘And how about you, Peter? Did you fall in love with Gerald?’

  ‘I wasn’t planning to, but it just sort of happened, right there and then. Whenever I’ve loved anyone in past relationships, it’s always ended in disaster with me being horribly hurt, but this time … well I could sense that this would be different.’

  ‘And is it?’

  ‘I have no reason to think otherwise … how about you, my love?’

  ‘No, I think we’ll be together for a very long time,’ agreed Gerald.’

  ‘I do hope so,’ I said. ‘You both seem to be very much an item. You seem to be very compatible. And…?’

  ‘Well, I went to the bar and got a couple of beers,’ said Peter. ‘Frankie, the barman said, “I see you’ve scored at last. He looks a nice boy. Take care though, you know what usually happens, and we don’t want you hurt again.”’

  I took the bottle of Bud over to Gerald who had found a seat in one of the intimate alcoves, very popular in this pub.

  ‘Right, we need to talk,’ I said, as I sat down beside him.

  ‘Of course. Right you want to go first?’ he replied.

  ‘OK, we’re not just going to just kiss and cuddle are we?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so, but this pub’s a bit open for anything else other than a grope.’

  ‘No, silly, I didn’t mean that, we’d be thrown out if we started any of that malarkey. No, I meant sex …’

  ‘Yes, I wondered about that. Now look, I’m a complete novice; I have only the vaguest idea of who does what to whom and …’

  ‘Well, to cut to the chase, other than mutual masturbation.’

  ‘Sounds good.’

  ‘… and oral, the only real alternative is anal … but you knew that didn’t you? This isn’t a complete surprise to you?’

  ‘No, it isn’t. Right, to put the record straight, I have indulged in some anal play with my wife and a strap-on. I like to use butt-plugs on myself, but I can’t imagine putting my dick into another man.’

  ‘Good, that works out fine. I like to do the fucking, and it seems that you’re going to be the fuckee. There may be times when that will be reversed, and that may surprise you, but for the most part, I’m going to shag you rotten. Happy?’


  ‘It was at that point I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I had to see what I’d let myself in for,’ Gerald took up the tale. ‘I reached down and felt Peter’s dick through his jeans. My God, it felt massive.’

  ‘I’ve been very well blessed in that department,’ said Peter smugly, ‘although you’re not bad yourself, Gerald, for a whitey.’

  ‘Thank you, my sweet. Yes, I felt his large package and tried to imagine it inside me. Would it hurt? Was I big enough? AIDS? I hadn’t thought about this in the heat of the moment. I asked Peter about it.’

  ‘I told you that I was clean didn’t I. After I split with my last lover, I had a blood test and the results were negative, but it cuts both ways.

  ‘How about you?’ I asked Gerald.

  ‘I’m fine as far as I know

  ‘I hadn’t thought of that either,’ said Gerald. It was possible that I could have picked up something from Elaine, my wife. She does take other lovers – with my blessing, I might add, and we still have an active sex life.’

  ‘I told Gerald that in this case, the best thing to do was to use ultrasafe condoms, two at a time for extra protection.’

  ‘And did you,’ I asked.

  ‘Of course. Not once has one split, but you can’t be too careful, can you?’ said Peter.

  ‘Right, you finished your drinks and then …?’

  ‘The inevitable happened. We went back to my flat,’ said Peter, and we rushed into my bedroom and undressed in an instant.’

  ‘And it was then I could see the true size of what I was about to take,’ said Gerald. ‘He is truly massive – not just long, but he must be about two inches across and that’s just behind the helmet. He has no foreskin, so he looks even bigger. I thought: ‘Oh bugger me,’ which was exactly what was about to happen. I also had a massive hard-on. Yes, I’m well-endowed but compared to Peter’s ten inches … well … Still, on with the plot. Shall I continue, Peter?’

  ‘Go ahead, love.’

  ‘Well he advised me to get onto the bed on my arms and knees and present my arse to him. I could hear the sound of him putting the condoms on, the slurp of lubricant.’

  ‘You can never have too much lubricant,’ said Peter.

  ‘And then the icy feeling of Peter applying it to my arsehole. He worked loads of it up inside me and stretched my hole with his finger. He inserted another one, just as a gentle bit of stretching, and then took his hand away. Next, I could feel him press against me. He put his legs over the backs of mine – so I couldn’t get away, I learned later – positioned his dick against my hole and pushed gently.’

  ‘I told him to relax, but, unless you’re used to it, it’s the last thing you can do,’ said Peter.


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