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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

Page 17

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Oh, how beautiful you look,’ Blake crooned, ‘but you just need a little adornment.’ As he spoke, he reached for one of her small, tip-tilted breasts, caressing it gently. Trixie gave herself up to the sensation, closing her eyes. She came rapidly back to herself when she felt something being attached to her nipple. Blake was using one of the earrings as a makeshift clamp, screwing it securely in place. It didn’t have the sharp, immediate bite of the pincered clips he often used on her, but once it was as tight as it would go it caused a dull ache that Trixie knew would only increase over time. She didn’t object as he fastened its twin to the other nipple; instead, a fierce excitement pulsed through her body.

  Her body never failed to respond when Blake tormented it in this way and, despite the fear of being disturbed, she was loving the sensation.

  ‘Right, up on the bed and get on all fours for me.’ Blake’s tone was deliciously masterful, and Trixie’s submissive core responded to him instantly. She knew how he would want her, head down on the pillow, rump raised and legs spread. It was a pose that invited him to punish her or fuck her, depending on his whim, though the second usually followed the first at some stage in the proceedings.

  ‘Maybe we could do a little role playing,’ Trixie suggested. ‘We could be the couple at the airport. Remember how grateful they were when I said I’d find them a reliable cab driver who wouldn’t rip off two out-of-towners here for the senator’s party. And all the time you were doing exactly that. How long do you think it took them to realise you’d taken their bag?’

  It wasn’t just a need to play games that drove Trixie to her musings. Usually, they only preyed on those they knew could stand the loss. Just because they were grifters didn’t mean they couldn’t have a conscience. Feeling the sting of Blake’s hand on her arse would help ease the lingering traces of guilt she felt at ripping off a couple who’d simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  ‘So I’ll be her,’ she finished, ‘and you can punish me for being so easily distracted. How does that sound?’

  ‘I knew there was a reason we were brought together.’ Blake sighed. ‘My meticulous planning, your innate sense of theatre – that, and the fact sometimes you’re just a brat ...’

  He reached for her thong, pulling it down to reveal her pussy, already sticky-wet. His fingers smoothed over the contours of her arse, applying a couple of light love taps to each one. Just enough to warm her up, preparing her for the harder swats to come.

  ‘Oh, yes, master, spank me,’ Trixie begged. ‘You know I deserve it.’

  ‘All in good time, you greedy little thing.’ His tone was amused, indulgent. She felt him pushing her cheeks apart just a little way, then a fingertip tracing along the length of her crease. He was so adept at teasing her like this, alternating between soft spanks and loving caresses, and she wriggled under his touch, wanting more.

  He had just begun to toy with her tight rosebud when they heard a noise behind them.

  So this is where it ends, Trixie thought, knowing that even if the two of them weren’t arrested for theft there were any number of other charges the senator and his wife could throw at them. But it’s been a glorious career.

  However, when she looked in the direction the sound had come from, it wasn’t to see an enraged Cindi Manley or a gun-toting security guard. Instead, the young waiter stood in the doorway, his expression fixed somewhere between shock and lust. His eyes flickered to the jewelled earrings that ornamented her breasts, then quickly away again.

  ‘How long have you been there?’ Blake asked.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ the interloper stammered, twisting his fingers together frantically. ‘I – I only just got here. I saw your girlfriend sneaking upstairs and ...’ It was clear whatever he’d been expecting to find, it wasn’t quite this. The distinct bulge in his tight-fitting uniform pants told Trixie that, whatever he might claim, he’d been an interested spectator for some little while. ‘Look, I’ll just go and leave you to it, OK? And I won’t tell anyone what I saw, I swear.’

  ‘What’s your name, lad?’ Blake snapped.


  ‘Well, Corey, shut the door behind you and get over here.’ The waiter did as he was told, visibly afraid of what Blake might do to him. Don’t worry, Trixie wanted to tell him. He won’t hurt you. Not unless you get on your knees and beg him to, the way I do ...

  ‘So,’ Blake continued, eyeing the waiter up and down. ‘You saw Trixie here on her own and you fancied your chances, did you?’

  ‘No, sir ... I mean, yes, sir.’ He was adorable in his confusion, and Trixie felt her desire being rekindled, more strongly than before. She rolled over, even though Blake hadn’t told her to, sprawling in a position that gave Corey the best view of her denuded sex lips and the treasure between them. She couldn’t have made her attraction to him any clearer when he’d been serving them drinks downstairs, and she realised that if this scene played out the way she hoped it would, she would soon have the chance to sample his charms. She strummed her clit in anticipation, not caring that it might earn her a stiff rebuke from her master.

  ‘Well, you’re a lucky lad, Corey, because I’m a generous man and I’m happy to share Trixie here. All I ever ask is that you do as I direct you, and I get to watch. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?’

  Corey shook his head.

  ‘Very good. Now get that uniform off.’

  Corey fumbled with the buttons on his jacket, undoing it to reveal a broad, lightly furred chest. Watching him, Trixie had the opportunity to appreciate the tanned, golden hue of his skin. His pants followed swiftly. As Trixie had hoped, he wore no underwear, and she found herself admiring the beautifully sculpted cock that rose from a tangled bush of tawny hair. It bobbed enticingly as he climbed on the bed at Blake’s prompt.

  ‘May I ask you something, sir?’ Corey’s tone was deferential. Blake nodded. ‘Why … why does Trixie have Cindi Manley’s earrings fastened to her tits?’

  ‘Good question,’ Blake replied, with a chuckle in his voice. ‘Just give a tug on one of them, and you’ll find out.’

  Corey pulled one of the earrings, not hard enough to detach it from her nipple, but with sufficient force to make Trixie hiss between her teeth. She knew she was really going to feel it when Blake finally decided to release her from these unorthodox clamps.

  ‘You see, Trixie likes a little bit of pain with her pleasure. If you put your hand between her legs, you’ll find she’s sopping wet.’

  ‘You’re right.’ Corey’s touch was tentative, but as he began to realise Blake was giving him complete rein over Trixie’s body, he grew more assured. He jammed a couple of fingers up into her welcoming cunt and his thumb pressed against her clit. She looked over at Blake to see how he was enjoying the show. His dark eyes sparkled behind the mask, and he had released his cock from its confines.

  ‘Use your mouth on her, Corey,’ Blake instructed. ‘She loves that.’

  Trixie felt a little thrill as her master voiced her desires for her. Corey slithered down her body, hefting her legs over his shoulders so he could make himself at home. She responded to the wet pressure of his tongue against her slit, grasping fistfuls of the thick satin coverlet beneath her as she writhed in pleasure. Her lover teased her clit through the covering of its hood, using butterfly licks to solicit tiny squeaks and moans from her. She knew it would take very little of this treatment to make her come – as did Blake, which was why he ordered Corey to stop.

  ‘Swap places,’ he ordered them. ‘Trixie, I want you to give Corey’s arsehole a good licking. And don’t pout like that unless you want to earn yourself another spanking.’

  She did want that, very much, but Blake was setting the agenda, so she waited till Corey had got in position on all fours and turned her attention to the pucker of his arse. This close to his most intimate place, she could smell his strong, musky sex-scent. She closed her eyes and breathed it in, slipping a finger between her legs to keep her desire on a roll
ing boil till Blake finally gave her permission to come.

  ‘Taste me,’ she heard Blake say, and broke off from rimming Corey to see what was happening. To her surprise – and deep arousal – Blake had presented his cock to the young waiter’s lips and Corey, without complaint, had swallowed it down. There was nothing Blake loved more than being sucked off, and he had never much cared whether it was male or female lips that brought him to climax. For most of the men Trixie had been given to, this was a taboo they couldn’t bring themselves to break, but Corey had no such qualms. He was sucking Blake avidly, his throat working in strong pulsing motions, and when Trixie reached underneath him it was to discover that his own cock was as rigid as at any point since he had stepped into the boudoir.

  ‘Ah, that’s good,’ Blake murmured, as Corey’s slender fingers cupped his balls and rolled them gently.

  Trixie didn’t know whether the waiter had done this before, or whether he was simply a quick learner, but he seemed to be effortlessly finding all the places that stimulated Blake the most: The hidden little spot between his cock and his arsehole, the dark, whorled hole itself. Her finger moved more quickly on her clit, pushing her towards an orgasm she had not yet been permitted. Blake, utterly caught up in the moment, made no move to admonish her.

  As he continued to suck, Corey made a growling sound, low in his throat. The vibrations were obviously adding to Blake’s pleasure. Her master’s head was thrown back, his hand clutching convulsively at one of Cindi Manley’s necklaces.

  Trixie realised with a shock that, for the first time she could remember, Blake had lost control of a scene. He was no longer able to give instructions, or warn Trixie what punishment might await if she continued to play with herself. Instead, he appeared lost in the sensations of being buried so deeply in Corey’s throat. Perhaps, Trixie thought, being hidden behind a mask gave her master licence to abandon his role as the stern martinet for once.

  At the last, Blake seemed to reassert his dominance, tangling his fingers in the lad’s hair and holding him in place until he’d shot every last drop of his spunk down his throat.

  Blake’s cock slipped from between Corey’s lips, and he gave a satisfied sigh. Corey’s erection still stood up hard, needing release. All Blake did was nod in Trixie’s direction. She rolled on to her back, pulling Corey on top of her. ‘Fuck me,’ she breathed into his ear, aware that time was short.

  He filled her in one smooth, easy motion. Briefly, she registered the way he was different to Blake, somehow hitting a spot high up inside her that her master never quite reached. But where Corey had youth and length on his side, Blake would always have knowledge and experience – and a hold on her heart no one else would ever prise free. Still, she was determined to enjoy the novelty of fucking a virtual stranger, knowing how much Blake liked to watch her surrender utterly to someone else. Corey’s thrusts grew harder and deeper, as though he wanted to push her right through the bed frame to the floor below. She matched his animal wildness with her own, raking her nails down his tanned back.

  ‘Corey ... Master – I ...’ Trixie struggled to form the words, knowing she had to ask for permission to come.

  ‘Of course, my greedy thing,’ Blake replied indulgently.

  At that moment her climax hit her, and she cried out as jewel-bright colours flamed in her vision. Corey followed moments after her, baring his teeth in an ecstatic grimace.

  As he laid his head on her chest, almost purring with pleasure, Trixie murmured, ‘Thank you, my gorgeous leopard boy.’ She could have lain there for ever, cocooned in Cindi Manley’s silk sheets, but Blake was suddenly alert to the sound of a commotion.

  ‘Corey!’ a voice was shouting. ‘Where are you, you lazy, useless ..?’

  ‘That’s Morgan, the head waiter,’ Corey said, reaching for his discarded uniform. ‘If he comes up here and finds you ...’

  ‘Don’t worry, he won’t,’ Blake said, as he and Trixie hastily made themselves respectable once more. ‘Tell him – tell him you came up here and found someone trying to break into the senator’s wife’s bedroom. They slipped out of the window before you could catch them, but you averted a dangerous situation in the process. Sound convincing enough, and they’ll call you a hero.’ Blake fiddled with the window catch, opening it wide enough to make an escape. ‘Goodbye, Corey. It’s been a pleasure.’

  With Blake’s help, Trixie clambered out onto the balcony. She blinked at the size of the drop beneath them, but Blake seemed confident the ivy running up the walls of the senator’s mansion was more than strong enough to bear their weight.

  He motioned to Trixie to start climbing down, then followed her. Her descent was cautious until the point at which she felt the ivy begin to shake above them. Glancing up, she saw a man lowering himself over the balcony and another preparing to join him. Either they hadn’t believed Corey’s explanation for the disturbance, or – and this she thought more likely – they hadn’t even listened to him.

  It was only a metre or so’s drop to the ground, and she allowed herself to let go of the greenery she clutched. She landed, winded but exhilarated, a moment before Blake did the same. Breaking into a run, they made their way across the darkened lawns to the bottom of the formal garden, conscious their pursuers were only a heartbeat behind. At any moment she expected to be grabbed from behind and hauled to the ground. Why hadn’t they realised it was crazy to attempt to pull off such an audacious heist? At least the memories of their encounter with Corey would keep her warm in gaol.

  When they reached the wall at the end of the garden, she thought for a moment they were trapped. ‘There are enough handholds in the stonework, Trixie,’ Blake panted. ‘We can make this.’

  Praying for a couple more moments’ protection, Trixie scrambled to climb the wall. She was almost to the top when she felt a hand grab at her booted foot. She kicked out, heard someone cursing as the spiked heel connected sharply with her pursuer’s palm. He fell back and that gave her long enough to get over the wall.

  Blake grabbed her hand and urged her on. Only when they were a safe distance from the house did they finally stop to catch their breath.

  Blake patted his pockets and exclaimed, ‘Would you believe it? I left the damn bag of jewels on the bed.’ His face contorted with fury, he kicked out at the turf, sending a divot flying. ‘Fuck it! That’s what happens when I get distracted.’

  ‘Don’t worry, it’s not so bad,’ Trixie replied consolingly.

  ‘Not so bad? We kiss our fortune goodbye and you tell me it’s not so bad. How can you possibly say that?’

  ‘Because...’ She pulled down the top of her dress far enough to show him Cindi Manley’s earrings were still clamped to her breasts. She winced as Blake deftly unscrewed them, feeling the blood began to flood back into her sensitive nipples. ‘These should be easy enough to sell, and they’ll keep us in comfort for a little while.’

  ‘So it hasn’t been an entirely wasted night.’

  Trixie thought back to the feel of Corey’s cock thrusting deep inside her, and the sight of his lips wrapped around Blake’s cock. Those images would sustain her far longer than whatever money they gained from selling the earrings. ‘Oh, no, sir. It hasn’t been wasted at all.’




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