A Lil' Less Hopeless

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A Lil' Less Hopeless Page 11

by Tara Oakes

  Charlie wasn't able to get me an exact location for Vicky until after my visit with Jay. The amount of relief and gratitude that coursed through me when I was given my cell phone back and scrolled through to see her message, will never be duplicated. It was as if it was my own freedom, not Jay's that was being given a second chance.

  Not wanting to chance the message being intercepted or hacked into, she simply texted me that she had found what I was looking for and to stop by the hospital to take it off her hands. It was a good idea, considering she had just broken the law and stuck her neck on the line for me. We don't need a digital trail leading right to her door in case things go to shit, now do we?

  I know from my visits to the OB department, that Charlie is usually stationed nearby on the next floor. Chris puts up a bit of an argument when I tell him to wait in the mail hall. We have an understanding, but that doesn't necessarily mean we trust each other. I leave Jess behind with him to soften the blow to his ego.

  The nurses dart around carrying clipboards and light medical equipment, their pastel-colored uniforms offering a friendly easter-like atmosphere to the place. I nod greetings to a few familiar faces and search the rooms for the one I'm looking for. I find her before long, chatting with an orderly in a corner. She spots me and bids farewell to her co-worker.

  “Hey, Lil's.” She leans in and pecks me on the cheek. “You left your chart here the other day.”

  This woman could never be an actress. She speaks louder than usual, and appears awkwardly fidgety. Not natural at all. I smile at her. She's a good friend. A bad actress, but a good friend.

  “Uh... yeah! Thanks, Charlie.” I overact to match her ridiculous tone.

  Her sandy brown hair is pulled back tight in a ponytail, showcasing her full face. I've never seen her full features before without long hair cascading around them. She's very pretty... beautiful, even. I can see what drew Clink in... but, it's more than that. Clink has never had a problem getting a gorgeous girl before. Looks can only take you so far, though. Charlie has the whole package to keep Clink around when he decides to look beyond the mere physical gifts she was given.

  She leads me over to the central nurses station and unlocks a medium-sized drawer labeled “Charlie.” She removes a large pile of stacked manila file charts and sorts through them until she settles on one inconspicuous file simply labeled “L.”

  I don't dare open it here. Instead, I clutch it tight to myself, and pull Charlie in close.

  “You will never know how much I appreciate this.”

  She nods her understanding and straightens herself up, regaining her composure as a fellow nurse walks by and eyes us.

  “Ladies’ room?” I ask her, looking around for any obvious universal skirted stick-figured door sign.

  She points to a door diagonally down the hall from us. I smile my appreciation once again, and then rush off to the privacy of the ladies’ bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I lean up against the closed wooden entryway and breathe deeply. I hadn't thought this far ahead, and I take a second to plan my next few steps.

  Opening the front jacket of the file, I eye the photocopied paper inside as if it were a treasure map. In a way it is, for nothing could be as valuable as this right now. I commit the name and address to memory using an old trick I learned in a study prep class from high school. It's how I've always retained pieces of information to recall for exams. Once I'm certain I have it down pat, I take a deep breath, close my eyes tight, and pull at the letter-sized document in my hand. Ripping and tearing, I form dozens and dozens of tiny white scraps. I dispose of them in the toilet and use my foot to press the handle down, initiating the flush and disappearance of the incriminating evidence.

  I toss the indescript empty file into the trash can and lead myself back out to the hall. Charlie is pretending to peruse files while casting her gaze repeatedly upward, waiting for my reappearance. I give her a quick “thumbs-up” while passing and move to meet Jess and Chris.

  Once again, that uncomfortable “third wheel” feeling starts to envelop me as I approach the giggling, googly eyed pair.

  “Ahem...” I announce my arrival.

  They both stand taller, almost immediately.

  “Did you get it?” Chris prods.

  I had brought him up to speed with my intentions earlier after they had contained Jay's outburst. I knew I won't be able to do this alone, and a little extra backup never hurt. He was all too eager to help and couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a pretty big arrest. I'm sure this will look more than impressive on his record.

  “I got it,” I concede.

  Chris pushes past Jess, who has suddenly become invisible to him.

  “Well... where is it?” he wonders aloud. “Give it here and I'll be on my way.”

  I shake my head. “That’s not how this is going to work.”

  Chris looks confused, visibly processing and digesting my assessment. “Say again?”

  Interested in our exchange, Jess moves in to hear my words.

  “I destroyed it. And don't bother going to try and find it. I can assure you my informant has hidden all traces of it.”

  “Wha-...? Why would you do that, Lil's? I thought you wanted Chris to find this stripper chick?” Jess is confused.

  I stand firm.

  “I do. But I want to make sure it happens. I'm going with him. I'll take Chris to her and he can do what he needs to do from there.”

  Chris tries to contain his anger for the purpose of public decency as hospital visitors crowd the hallway en route to their own destinations.

  “What are you trying to do here, Lil's? You gonna double cross me?”

  I smile halfheartedly. “Not at all. Just trying to make sure you don't.”

  Chris stands speechless. Jess doesn't.

  “Yes! A road trip! This is gonna be great.”

  Pretty Boy and I turn our confused looks to the third person in our conversation.

  “What?” she asks. “No way can you be alone with him, Lil's. Jay is really gonna loose his shit if he finds that out.” Not waiting for any type of agreement, she marches past us and calls back. “Let's go slow pokes. We've already lost enough time!”

  Chris and I eye each other in mutual suspicion and astonishment. While we were both trying to get one up on the other, Jess managed to swoop in and rattle us both while procuring a little more quality time for their budding romance. Great. Maybe we can pass notes and they can play the whole “Do you like me? or Do you like, like me?” game.

  This road trip is gonna suck ass.


  My back hurts, my legs hurts. My ass hurts. Jess's car is comfortable and all, but sitting still for ten hours of driving will beat you up. Thank God Jess suggested... hell, insisted... that we take her car. Rolling into town in a generic, undercover-looking car is sure to raise some red flags in small-town USA Tourville, Texas.

  The ride has been exhausting, but we are barely more than halfway there. Pulling into the first decent-looking motel we find, we secure two rooms and head off in each of our prospective directions. Girls on the second floor in a double room, while Chris has a single on the ground floor. It's beyond late, and all I want to do is to throw myself on one of the queen-sized beds, but the oversized bathtub is calling to me.

  Other than bra size, Jess and I are identical. She generously offers to loan me some clothes until we get to our final destination in Texas where I'll buy some things to tide me over. It is a great alternative so I don't have to risk heading back to Jay's house. Well... I guess it's officially my house now.

  I work the porcelain handles to begin filling the tub with overly-warm rushing water and begin to strip, preparing myself for the heaven that awaits me. Waiting for the bath to fill completely before I get in, I hand wash my underthings and drape them over the towel bar to air dry.

  Knock, knock.

  “I'm gonna go down to the lobby bar and see of they have a late-night menu, Lil's. I'm starving. Do you want me
to bring you back something?”

  Usually it's the pregnant lady who's always hungry. Jess could out-eat me any day of the week. Knocked up or not.

  “Nah...” I call out through the heavy closed door. “I'm still stuffed from dinner. Thanks, though.”

  The room quickly fills with rising steam, and I dangle my toes over the water, testing the temperature. “I'm just gonna take a quick soak and then hit the sack.”

  Satisfied that the water is just the right level of oh my God I could fall asleep in here, I slip in and slide myself down until the warm liquid envelops me within.

  “’Kay. I'll see you in the morning then.” Jess's voice trails off as she moves further away from the bathroom door. The telltale thudding of the main door confirms that she has in fact left, and given me the peace and quiet I crave.

  I'm not sure who talks more, Jess or Chris. I've had to listen to the both of them ramble on about everything from favorite bands to must-see movies for hours on end. The quiet is inviting. I close my eyes and lose myself in the glorious comfort the bath offers. It may not be nearly as luxurious as my claw foot tub back home, but it'll do just fine tonight.

  Time slips by as absentminded thoughts waft in and out of my consciousness. I stretch my sore muscles, searching for the sweet spot that will dull their ache. The water begins to cool itself as the night grows later. My fingers are pruned and growing pale. Calmed and soothed, I crawl from my bath, dry and wrap myself in a blanket-sized towel, and slip into the plush bed nearest me.

  I will not be dreaming tonight, exhaustion guaranteeing a deep level of sleep ahead of me. I welcome it. For my own sanity, I cannot visit the thoughts that plague me. There's always tomorrow for that. Tonight... I just need... sleep.


  “And, where were you last night?”

  Jess is not prepared for my question. She looks around, settles her eyes on her nails and fixates on some small chip in her perfect manicure.


  I move closer to her, bowing down to catch her eyes as they try so purposely to avoid me.


  “What?” She gets defensive. “I... Oh, stop! I'm an adult.”

  I shake my head and help gather the clothes scattered about the room. We've been here for a grand total of eight or so hours, yet we've managed to turn the place into your stereotypical girl's room complete with clothes piles and makeup buffet.

  We all know I'm not the driving force behind this stereotypical behavior. Jess is all about glam today. Finally satisfied with her chosen style, she allows us to clear out and head down to the breakfast area.

  Dropping our things at an unoccupied table, I attack the breakfast layout, heaping piles of yummy deliciousness. I'm just about finished with my first plate and am ready to make a repeat visit to the pancake station when Chris decides to grace us with his presence.

  I greet him with a mouth full of scrambled eggs as he pulls up a seat, fixing his own cup of coffee. I notice Jess taking a sudden keen interest in the gooey pastry in her hand, and not the handsome sleep-deprived man joining our meal. Hmmm...

  If the two of them are going to play this game, I might as well have some fun of my own. I barely know Chris, Pretty Boy, Special Agent Gibson... or whatever he wants to call himself these days. Let's see what he's made of.

  “You look damn tired there, Chris.” He grunts his agreement with my findings. “Didn't sleep well?” Another grunt.

  Time to step it up a notch. “Jess?...” I bite the inside of my cheek to hold in my smile. “Did he sleep well?”

  Chris showers his place setting with coffee, taken aback by my bluntness. Jess drops her muffin, and stares at the crumbs in shock. That's more like it.

  “Aww... don't worry kids.” I wink at both of them. “Your secret's safe with me. Just play safe and don't start grossing me out with PDA.”

  I leave the not-so clandestine lovers to themselves and make another round of the breakfast buffet, packing up a little care package for the road.


  Ugh. It's like a Goddamned oven. Tourville, Texas, is like one giant convection oven full of grease and someone lit a match. I need AC, like... pronto! Jess and I find that relief in the interior of the nearest ladies’ shop. where I quickly purchase a few outfits and necessities to tide me over. Vey light weight, loose-fitting cotton pieces that won't suffocate me any more than this sweltering heat already has.

  Chris was pretty surprised at our final destination, simply following my turn by turn directions as I followed the prompts on my cell phone navigation app. Not trusting him to ditch us at the first opportunity, and go searching for his perp on his own, I've kept the information limited and on a need-to-know basis. According to the welcome sign that greeted us as we passed into town through the main road, the population of this “Tiny Texas Treasure” (their words, not mine) is 7,409. Make that 7,410 now that a certain silicone slut is in town.

  The exact street address of the tramp is safely tucked away in my memory, only to be given up at the very last possible moment. Until then, Chris is none too happy to follow directions and make himself useful by procuring us a couple of hotel rooms to shower up and make a home base.

  Chris joins us as we exit the quaint clothing store and immediately makes a grab for the parcels. Ah... so he's a gentleman. I walk slightly ahead of my new bellboy, and call back to him.

  “Someone's momma raised him right! Very nice, Jess.”

  The receptionist at the small bed and breakfast-styled inn that Chris found for us, greets us warmly.

  “Mr. Gibson... your rooms are ready.” He holds out two metal keys for us.

  I reach out and swipe both of them, turning to my two companions. “Let's not play the same game as last night, hmm? You two take this one,” I hand Jess the key in my right hand, “and I'll get some peace and quiet not wondering where my good friend has run off to.”


  A cold shower is just what the doctor ordered. I slip into some of my new clothes, a gauzy little sundress and some cowboy boots. When in Rome, right? Leaving my still-damp hair loose to air dry, I pray that it won't frizz, but bring a back up clip just in case.

  With Jess and Chris nowhere in sight, I wander down through the comfortably coordinated main lounge. The owners have a penchant for plaid and wallpaper, as the rooms are seamlessly decorated with both. Helping myself to a glass of iced tea and a few cookies from a large silver platter, I head out to one of the massive looking wooden rockers on the front porch.

  The sun hangs low in the afternoon sky. Another long day of driving. But, we've finally made it. We're so close and yet not nearly where we need to be. I need this to be over, with that bitch rotting away behind bars. I need Jay to be home, with me, doing some random normal thing that I'll never take for granted again.

  A sleepy-looking Jess joins me on the porch, choosing to occupy the hanging wooden love seat swing.

  “The iced tea is fantastic,” I inform her.

  She eyes my glass appreciatively, but shows no sign of getting her own.

  “Have you seen Chris? He was gone when I woke up.”

  I stop myself, mid-gulp. “What do you mean, he was gone? Did you two have an argument or something.”

  Jess's cheeks begin to shade themselves crimson. “No... we... after we fell asleep, he just left.”

  I stand quickly, perhaps too quickly. The unrelenting heat around us socks it to me, and I feel a dizzy spell taunt me.

  “That son of a bitch! He's going to look for Vicky without us.”

  Moving to the slightly cooler, although not properly air-conditioned, interior of the building, I approach the front desk. Surrendering my emptied tumbler to her, I ask the oddest of questions.

  “Does this town have a strip club? Where can I find it?”

  She looks at me, dumbfounded by my bluntness. I am in God’s country after all. Deep-south God country. While every one of these towns has at least one booming strip club, it's probabl
y not something good little girls go asking to find.

  “Umm... your friend. The gentleman that you came with already asked me that same question.”

  I knew it! Damn little fucker can't bear to sit tight and take orders from a little lady. He needs to step up and steal the show.

  “It's over on Hampton Street. Doesn't open for a little while, though. We've got laws for keeping it closed till sundown.”

  I'm sure they do. I'd bet a fistful of hundreds that those same men who passed those laws, are some of the establishment's best customers. Hypocrites.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  Jess and I split up momentarily to retrieve our handbags from our respective rooms, and meet once again on the front porch.

  “What do we do now, Jules?” she prods.

  I take a deep breath. I had originally planned to send Chris and Jess in as a couple. An appealingly sexually adventurous couple visiting a strip club together. Now that plan's shot to hell. I can't very well send Jess in by herself. On one hand, I think she'd probably die of embarrassment, having all those people think she was the “sort of girl” to go there alone. Second, that would draw attention to herself in an unwanted way. I needed them to be completely incognito, so as not to spook Vicky only to have her take off.

  A cleaned-up Chris, looks very different from the pretty boy Vicky would remember, especially in the dark of a strip club, but I didn't want to take any chances. If he were there with a female companion, like Jess, he would have been able to hide his face in conversation with her. Damn him!

  “I don't know, Jess. We can't very well go strutting in there. She knows me. She'll run the second she sees me. And... I promised Jay I wouldn't get too close.”

  Jess takes a deep breath, searching her fingernails, her shoes, for some magical answer.

  “But...” it appears she may have found one somewhere in-between, “she doesn't know me... I could get close and then trip her up long enough for Chris to swoop in.”

  I eye her suspiciously. Thoughts of Em suddenly flash before me. I can't ask another one of my friends to put herself in that kind of danger. I couldn't live with it. It was one thing for her to just help Chris get into the place. It was another thing entirely for her to get close to Vicky. The woman is a murderer after all. Chris is a trained law enforcement officer. Jess is a trained serial shopper and social debutante.


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