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Bred by the Bushmen

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “You can tell us to stop at anytime,” Caleb said, taking her ear lobe between his lips, teasing her erogenous zone in just the right way. She exhaled with a little moan.

  “We can stop. We can go slow. We can do whatever it is that you want and need,” Damon said.

  “I want to feel everything.” Should she be saying this? It wasn’t a lie. She wanted to give herself over to these bushmen, give them free rein over her heart and body.

  In the moment, she didn’t care what was real or not. The only thing she cared about was getting their hands on her. Men had always stayed away, so this was her chance to seize a fantasy—one she prayed lasted longer than one night.

  Caleb teased her waist, his rough fingers slipping beneath the shirt, touching bare skin. “So soft. Let’s help her out of this.”

  They lifted her shirt up and over her head. Beneath was another layer. With it getting colder, she’d had no choice but to put on layers so her body didn’t freeze. With the warmth of the fire, though, along with two large bodies on either side of her, she was in a furnace. Not that she minded. She’d never been a big fan of the cold, and loved to be warm.

  The other shirt she wore was pulled up over her head and tossed to the ground with the other. The bra she wore was gross, but she had to keep her breasts secure otherwise they bounced, and drew way more attention than she liked.

  Feeling a little bold, she lifted up Damon’s shirt and tugged it over his head. Seconds ago he’d been cold, whereas now, he was so warm. His hard muscles were pleasing to her eyes, all defined from old-fashioned hard work. Their sheer strength made her feel safe and protected.

  Why run when they made you an offer you don’t want to refuse?

  Even her own protests sounded stupid to her ears. She wanted both men, and they were offering themselves up to her. It was a dream come true.

  With the flick of the catch, her bra followed her shirts on the floor.

  She stood before them now with her breasts completely bare. A moment of vulnerability kept her frozen in place. They could touch, look, do anything. Were they impressed with what they saw or was she too big for them to handle?

  Damon pulled back a little. His hands resting just above Caleb’s on her waist, and the heat in his eyes made the answer clear.

  No one had looked at her like that.

  He looked like he wanted to eat her.

  Relief cascaded through her just knowing he accepted her body as it was. She’d never be thin, and for once in her life, she wanted to be loved for her own body, explosive curves and all.

  Caleb’s hands moved higher, and she gasped as he cupped her tits, offering them up to his brother. “I think she’d like us to have a taste.”

  Damon didn’t complain. Leaning forward, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, and pleasure shot straight through to her core. It was oddly titillating that two men could share her so naturally, no competition, no awkwardness.

  It was instant, hot, and she couldn’t help but moan. He sucked hard on the tight bud, and while he teased one, Caleb pinched the other. There were hands and lips everywhere.

  Leaning back against Caleb, she took his support. Damon placed his hand across the top of her breast, holding it in place as he licked and sucked at her tit.

  She pressed her thighs together, feeling the heat begin to burn brighter than anything else she’d ever felt. Opal gasped for air, feeling like she was coming undone.

  “I bet he’s hard as a rock for you right now. You’ve never been with a man before, baby, and you’re going to be in for a right treat. You see, not all men like to take their time. Damon and me, we’ll be taking our sweet time with you—get to know what makes you moan, what drives you to want to fuck.” Caleb kissed her neck, licking across her pulse as he continued to hold her tits up like an offering to his brother. “We’ll show you to heaven and back. Treat you like a queen, because to us, that is exactly what you are.”

  Damon kissed across her chest, going to her other breast. His hands went to her sweatpants, and he began to jerk them with force down her hips. She didn’t mind.

  Closing her eyes, she felt Caleb’s breath across the back of her neck.

  You’re with two men.

  She didn’t care. She wanted this more than anything else.

  Damon moved down her body, his massive frame lowering in front of her as he slipped her pants off each foot. She tentatively smoothed her hands over his shoulders, along the corded muscle, then combed her fingers into his thick hair. He looked up at her with adoration in his eyes, and she swore she fell a little more in love.

  As he stood back up, his fingers skimmed along her thighs. He got rid of her panties with a simple yank. She bit her lip from the sharp streak the thin material left behind. These men were rough and unforgiving. She was in for a wild ride.

  Heat flooded her pussy, and she didn’t want to stop. Never wanted this to end.

  Whatever they were offering, she’d take it.

  The past week had been amazing, and the truth was, she didn’t want to leave. All of her life she’d been made to feel like a nobody. These brothers made her feel alive for the first time. Now she had a feeling she’d never want to leave.


  Caleb adored her softness. She was a complete contrast to their hard muscle. Opal was all curves, and pure woman. Her tits were huge, her hips rounded, and her stomach soft. Her body could take a hard fuck, but before either of them could show her how good a nice hard fuck could be, they had to prepare her. Opal was a little virgin, so they had to bide their time.

  The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her, or for her to not want to be with them.

  He intended to get her addicted to them, just as they’d grown addicted to her.

  It almost made him smile at the thought of her leaving. Did she really, for a second, think he’d ever allow that to happen? Her trek into the woods was a one-way trip. She belonged to them, and now they’d make it official—marking her, claiming her, breeding her.

  When Damon stood up after stripping her naked, Caleb saw the heat and the love in his brother’s eyes. Opal was the right woman for them, and he’d told her the truth. They weren’t just after any woman. They wanted the right woman. The woman that would crave this life, love the both of them, and give them children.

  The last thing he wanted was someone selfish.

  Opal wasn’t selfish.

  It wasn’t hard to see that she’d been deeply hurt in the past, and that made it hard for her to trust. That was fine, though. He was going to make her forget everything.

  “I want to taste her,” Damon said.

  The fire was set, and there was plenty of room in front of it. Helping Opal to the floor atop a large bear pelt rug, he quickly removed his clothes. Caleb wanted to be naked and ready.

  She watched them in silence. For now, she tried to cover her body, but in time, he intended for her to let them see every single inch of her. She was a beauty, and he didn’t mind spending the rest of his life showing her how fucking sexy she actually was.

  Once they were both naked, Caleb gripped his erection. He was long and thick. They had good DNA, both blessed with above average cocks.

  As he wrapped his fingers around the length, Opal watched every move. He wondered if it was her first time seeing a man naked. They would certainly be her last. She licked her lips, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

  The sensuality was there, burning inside her. He’d teach her how to unleash her desires, to ask for what she wanted.

  All she needed were the right men, and he and Damon were the right men.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said. “I might be no good.”

  “That’s not possible,” he said, reaching out to stroke her cheek. “We can show you everything. Just trust us. You won’t be sorry.”

  “If you don’t like anything we’re doing to you, just say,” Damon said. “We’ll stop.”

  “I know. I do trust you. I know you both wo
n’t hurt me.”

  Caleb saw the trust in her eyes, but he wouldn’t allow himself to think anything more of it. Trust was one thing, but he wanted her love.

  He wondered why she denied them at first.

  Why she tried to run back to the city?

  Whatever the answer, he’d find out, and he’d prove to her that leaving them would be a big mistake.

  They were large, hardened men, but they were capable of love. In fact, he knew without a doubt.

  “Are you ready?” Damon asked.


  Caleb sat back and watched as Damon pressed her back against the floor, making her lie down. He saw her nerves showing through, so he moved to her side. Caleb had a great view of Opal’s pleasure.

  He didn’t have a problem with watching. In fact, he loved to see his woman come apart, especially as he knew it was also taking care of his brother. Since their parents died, they’d only had each other. Caleb committed himself to Damon, and his brother’s happiness meant everything to him.

  Damon spread her thighs wide at the knees, then caressed the lips of her pussy. She shivered, her fingers combing into the bear rug on either side of her. Caleb saw her sweet clit, swollen and ripe.

  “Look at that sweet pussy,” Damon said. “You’re so wet, baby. So wet, so perfect.”

  “Taste her, Damon. How does she taste?”

  Opal moaned, arching up, whimpering as Damon sucked her clit into his mouth. Reaching out, he cupped one of her breasts, pinching the nipple. His cock was so hard it ached, but he ignored that, focusing on Opal and making her first time memorable.

  While Damon ravished her pussy, Caleb cupped her face, titling her head to look at him. She was such a beautiful woman. Sweet innocence.

  He knew he was falling for her already, and it didn’t matter how many times he tried to fight it, she’d gotten under his skin.

  Running his thumb across her lips, he couldn’t wait to see them wrapped around his cock. Tonight was about her, though. They were going to take her to a heights she’d never even dreamed of, and then keep her there.

  Leaning forward, he took possession of her lips, and felt her moan. He flicked his tongue across her mouth, and she opened up. Plunging inside her, he felt her tongue press against his, and he closed his eyes, becoming lost to the moment.

  She wasn’t fighting either of them.

  The entire room was thick with desire, the pleasure intense.

  Wrapping his fingers around his dick, he stroked himself in an effort to ease the ache, but it didn’t work.

  Opal was like fire in his arms, and he wanted her.

  Pulling away from the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “Have no doubt, Opal, we want you. How does she taste, Damon?”

  “So fucking sweet. So ready. She’s wet for us, Caleb. She wants us.”

  And he wanted her.

  “Have you done any of this with other men, Opal?” asked Caleb, a new level of possessiveness taking him by surprise.

  “No. I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

  “Good girl.” He took a nipple into his mouth, teasing the other, and she cried out both of their names. They drove her closer and closer toward orgasm. Neither of them let up, wanting her to come. It would be easier for her later if her body was well prepared.

  He loved her softness and the fact no other man had ever been with her.

  She was all theirs.

  His and Damon’s.

  To love, to fuck, to breed.

  Shit, just the thought of her swollen with their kid was enough to make him ache for more, dream of forever.

  He couldn’t get over how perfect she was, for the both of them.

  For the rest of their lives.


  Opal’s pussy tasted like sweet peaches. Damon felt like a greedy bastard as he didn’t want to share. Why should he have to? Well, he would.

  He should have known Caleb wouldn’t let her go that easily. They’d seen the way she looked at both of them. After witnessing the yearning in her eyes, he wondered why she wouldn’t take a chance to stay with them. They weren’t bad men, nor would they ever harm her.

  Damon knew he’d already fallen in love with her, but he’d spent so much time getting to know her. He’d made her laugh, and seen her through pain. He’d even heard her orgasm in the bathroom, and even though it hadn’t been by his own hand or his brother’s, he’d still found it sexy to hear. For over a decade, he’d been living in suspended animation, craving love and family. He’d started to lose hope, then Opal appeared as their saving grace.

  Damon took his time, spreading the lips of her pussy to get a better look. Her little cunt was pink and swollen, her thick thighs opened wide. Opal had a light patch of pubic hair, all natural. He couldn’t stand the modern women who waxed everything off to look like a pre-teen. Opal was perfection. He sucked on her clit, sliding down to tease against her entrance, but he didn’t penetrate her.

  No, that pleasure would be on one of their cocks, claiming her as their own. He was excited at the prospect of having her in his bed.

  Resting one of his hands on her stomach, he looked up to find his brother watching them. They both wanted to fuck her, to breed her. To get her swollen with their heir.

  His cock ached, pre-cum already leaking out of the tip.

  He needed to get himself under control, otherwise he was going to blow his load, and he wasn’t about to spoil her first time.

  Caleb was older than him. He had way more patience, and Damon knew that it would be Caleb to take her virginity. There was no way he’d even make it enjoyable, whereas Caleb would be able to hold himself back, to give her time.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to create enough pressure to cause a little pain, but combined with the pleasure, it would take her to new heights.

  She screamed their names, and the sounds echoed off the walls—sweet music to his ears.

  He was tired of waiting.

  Flicking his tongue back and forth, he drew her orgasm to the peak, and this time, he thrust her over the edge, loving her release as she came with abandon. There was no control inside her. Her body convulsed, her pussy spasming against his mouth. It was beautiful to see their woman completely vulnerable, trusting them in the most intimate way.

  He took his time, and only when she couldn’t handle his touch anymore, did he finally pull away.

  Licking his lips, he relished her taste, knowing that he was going to love her pussy many more times.

  “That was amazing,” she said. Her hand went to her face, then stroked down her body as if calming the burn inside her. “I wasn’t expecting it to feel that good.”

  “Do you want us to stop?” Damon asked. “Or would you like Caleb to take this sweet pussy? To make you ours?”

  “There’s no going back once you take my cock,” said Caleb. “This. You and us. It’ll be a done deal.”

  “Yes, yes, I want it,” Opal said.

  He stared at his brother, seeing Caleb’s eyes flare.

  Damon shook his head, hoping his brother saw that he didn’t have the control to take her. He knew that Caleb wanted him to be the first, but Damon couldn’t do it. Moving from between her legs, he climbed up toward her head, taking her lips.

  “You’ve given me the sweetest gift letting me taste your pussy.” He took possession of her lips. “Thank you.”

  Opal held onto the back of his head, pulling him down. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Caleb moved between her thighs.

  Caleb stroked her pussy, making her cry out as he teased her sensitized clit.

  “Are you sure?” Caleb asked. “Do you want this? You wanted to leave just a while ago.”

  Damon glared at his brother. This wasn’t what he wanted.

  When he’d come home, he’d seen the look in Opal’s eyes. She didn’t want to go. He didn’t understand why she’d try to leave, but he also didn’t want to make it easy for her to go. He loved her, dammit, and the last thing he wan
ted was for her to leave.

  “No, I don’t want to leave. I want this, Caleb. I want to at least give it a try with you and Damon. Or until you get fed up with me.”

  This had Damon’s full attention. Turning back to look at her, he shook his head. “We’ll never get fed up with you.” It was taking all of his control not to tell her how much he loved her, and scare her off.

  “I know I’m not anything special. I’ve never been wanted before in my life. I know I can be a giant pain in the ass.”

  Caleb growled. “Have you been told this before?”

  “Yes. It seems I was a burden to everyone. No one wanted me to be born. It’s fine. I know I was a big mistake, and that people have been trying to get rid of me. It’s fine.”

  And there he saw the problem.

  Opal was used to being pushed aside. To not being wanted. Was that why she left the city? So they didn’t get rid of her, and she didn’t have to feel that rejection again? They may have lost everything, but before the accident, their family had been perfect. Damon couldn’t image coming from a family that never really wanted him to be born. It could break a man. It had broken Opal.

  Damon felt like an asshole. He’d ran because he thought she was like other women, too fickle to commit. She wasn’t like other women at all. Opal didn’t know what it was like to be wanted, to be loved unconditionally.

  “You’re not unwanted, Opal. Anyone who told you that bullshit in the past is an asshole.” Caleb moved between her thighs so they were both looking down at her.

  Damon’s heart pounded as he saw the tears shining in her eyes. He wanted to hurt every single fucking person who put that look there. This was why he didn’t want to be part of society. Too many people had too much fucking power in hurting others, and he was over it.

  There was no way he’d ever let anyone hurt their woman again.

  “You’re our woman, Opal. We’ll protect you, care for you, and we’ll give you everything your heart desires. All you’ve got to do is give us a chance to prove it. We’re not like other people, and I promise you, we won’t break your heart,” Caleb said.


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