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Bred by the Bushmen

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Opal liked living in this cabin at the edge of the world, being away from the city, and now knowing how good it felt to have the brothers make love to her—she didn’t want it to ever stop. They were both amazing men.

  Sipping at her hot chocolate, she pressed her thighs together, and offered him a smile. Damon’s gaze had dropped to her legs, and his hand followed. He was so much bigger than her. He made her feel on the smaller side, which was crazy considering her size.

  Slowly, Damon teased her thigh, moving up and down her leg, and each new sensation drove her crazy for more.

  “I liked watching you come apart for me,” he said, his lips trailing down her neck. She still held the hot chocolate in her hands, and she didn’t know what to do. “Are you feeling sore?”

  She felt a little sore but not so bad that she didn’t want them both again.

  “I’m fine.”

  His hand moved to cup her pussy, and she arched up against him, needing more. She’d never been so wanton in all of her life, but there was something about Damon and Caleb that made her forget herself.

  “Let me take that from you,” Caleb said, taking the mug before she spilled it all over herself. That wouldn’t be good.

  Damon eased her down on the sofa and moved her so that he sat between her thighs. She stared up at him, aware of the intensity in his gaze, and knowing exactly what he wanted. She wanted him more than anything else.

  He teased the zipper of her pants down, and pulled them off. She wasn’t wearing any panties, so the moment they were gone, she was naked from the waist down, apart from a pair of thick socks.

  The position she was in also meant she was spread open for them both to see. It was oddly titillating rather than embarrassing.

  “Her pussy is so fucking tight, so beautiful,” Caleb said.

  She turned her head to find him sitting on the coffee table, staring down at her. During her first week, she could have sworn Caleb hated her—now she knew better.

  “I know it hasn’t been long since we last had you, but I need you again,” Damon said. He stroked the hard ridge of his cock, and all she wanted to do was touch him.

  His hand moved between her thighs, and he teased her slit. His thumb stroked her clit before gliding down to press inside her. It wasn’t enough and it only served to drive her crazy, making her need stronger. She didn’t want him to stop. He pulled his thumb from her, and replaced it with his fingers.

  He pumped two inside her, and she was so wet she heard the sounds of her own arousal.

  She wasn’t embarrassed though. Seeing the excitement on their faces, she didn’t think for a second she could ever be. They were entranced, staring at her pussy with a feral need.

  “I have to taste you,” Damon said.

  He slid down the couch and she gasped as his mouth latched onto her clit, sucking it inside. Closing her eyes, she arched up as his fingers continued to fuck her. He continued to tease her nub but his fingers moved from inside her. The dual stimulation brought her to new heights. The angle exposed her ass, and he trailed his fingers back, coating her anus with her own cream.

  “One day, baby, we’re going to fuck you here,” Damon said, releasing her clit long enough to talk. The forbidden idea drove her need higher. They were so filthy, and she loved every minute of it.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What do you want, baby?” Caleb asked.

  She turned her head to look at him once again and was surprised to see that he no longer had his pants on. His cock was already rock hard, and he was working it up and down. The tip leaking copious amounts of pre-cum, and she wanted him in her mouth, to taste him, to feel him explode on her tongue.

  Licking her lips, she stared at him, not knowing what to say for him to understand what she wanted.

  “You want my dick, baby?” he asked.


  “You want it in your pussy?”

  She shook her head.

  “Where?” he asked.

  Her cheeks heated, and it wasn’t just because of arousal. This was new for her. It felt foreign to ask for what she wanted, especially when it was so naughty.

  “I don’t know what you want unless you tell me.”

  She cried out as Damon bit down, causing her a little bite of pain that took her breath away. The pleasure far outweighed the shock.

  “Come on, Opal, I want to hear you say the words,” said Caleb.

  “I want to taste you,” she said. Maybe she was afraid of rejection, that they’d think she was a whore for speaking her mind. She was wrong.

  The smile he granted her was well worth any embarrassment she felt. He stroked her cheek. “That wasn’t so hard.”

  He stood up, and moved toward her head. The tip of his cock grazed her lips, and she closed her eyes, sucking him into her mouth.

  His pre-cum exploded on her tongue, and the taste of him only served to drive her need higher for him. His cock was hard, like silk over solid wood.

  One of the brothers shoved her shirt up, and tore her bra from her, exposing her tits. She didn’t care. With Damon teasing her clit, and Caleb caressing her nipples, she was in sensation heaven.

  She couldn’t understand why any woman would turn these men down. They were both amazing, and right now, they wanted her.

  Opal didn’t want to think about what would happen when they were done with her. They wanted her, and were convinced they wanted to keep her, and so she’d bask in that, and deal with the fall out, if it even happened.

  “Fuck, baby, your mouth is so fucking good,” Caleb said.

  She smiled around his cock, and stared up at him as he hit the back of her throat. It felt good to see him coming apart with her mouth alone.


  Damon was already addicted to the taste of Opal, and also to how responsive she was. She was a dream come true. Just being near her and seeing the arousal building—he was a sucker in her hands. He wanted her, all the time. From the moment he saw her, looking so lost and hurt, he’d known he was never going to be able to let go. Caleb had proven difficult but even he was falling under her spell.

  He watched as she sucked on Caleb’s cock. Her lips looking so pretty as she worked it. His own dick pulsed with a fresh wave of need, and he wanted her lips on his. For a virgin, she was willing and quick to learn.

  “Let’s take this to the floor,” Caleb said.

  Moving the coffee table out of the way, they all removed their clothes, and the moment they did, Damon moved between her legs. Sliding his cock along her outer folds, he bumped her clit, watching her come apart with each move.

  She moaned, thrusting her hips up to meet him, and he couldn’t wait for a single second more to feel her cunt wrapped around him.

  With the tip at her entrance, he pushed inside her.

  Damon gripped her hips, slamming all the way to the hilt, loving every ripple as her pussy tightened around him. Opal wrapped her fingers around Caleb’s cock, taking him back into her mouth, and it felt so fucking right to be sharing her.

  Running his hand up her body, he cupped her tit, pinching her nipple. He watched her response, getting acquainted with what she loved, and what seemed to drive her arousal higher. He wanted to spoil her with pleasure, and to show her what she could get by being loved by both of them.

  Some women may not be able to handle two men, but Opal needed the two of them. She’d been alone for too long, and he hoped that it would help their cause to show her attention, to prove to her that this could be their happy ending.

  Once she grew accustomed to his length within her, he paused, loving every second.

  “How does she feel?” Caleb asked.

  “So hot and tight. Her pussy was designed to be ours, Caleb.” He pulled out of her, only to slam back inside. “How’s her mouth?”

  “Heaven.” Caleb stroked her hair back from her face, and he saw the love his brother had for her. She wasn’t a quick fuck. She was everything. The future.

  It hadn’t t
aken neither of them long, but these feelings were rare, and he wanted her desperately. He wanted this to work so damn much. The thought of being alone again was unbearable.

  Driving inside her, he watched her suck Caleb’s cock, and her tits bounced with each thrust. Holding himself inside her, he stroked his fingers along her slit, teasing her clit.

  She’d been so close that he knew with only a few strokes she’d come apart, and she rewarded him. She thrust up to meet him at the same time as sucking Caleb deeper into her throat.

  Watching her lose control was almost as good as feeling her cunt squeeze him like a fucking vise.

  Everything was so fucking perfect.

  Riding her hard, he filled her to the brim. As his release stirred, he didn’t pull out. Filling her pussy with his cum, he closed his eyes, hoping that one of them got her pregnant soon so they could be a family.

  He heard Caleb moan his arousal, and once they all reached their peak, the scent of sex filled the air. He didn’t pull out of her straight away, and instead, moved beside her. Caleb moved to her other side, and Damon pushed some of her hair out of her face.

  “A girl could get used to this,” she said.

  “I was hoping you’d say something like that,” Damon said. He saw that there was still doubt in her eyes about their proposal. She must have been hurt so badly that no matter what either of them said, she still didn’t completely believe them.

  Caleb cupped her cheek, and turned her head toward him. His thumb caressing over her bottom lip. “Will you trust us?”

  “I do trust you. I trust both of you.” She looked at both of them, biting her lip. He loved it when she did that. Caleb tugged her lip out from between her teeth.

  “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “Is someone on your property a bad thing?”

  The change of conversation surprised both of them, but he didn’t mind. She was uncomfortable with talking about her feelings. He’d noticed every single time they talked about it, she tried to find something else to say or at least change the topic.

  “It’s fine, and you don’t have to worry about it,” Caleb said, taking the lead.

  It wasn’t good. Damon had a bad feeling, and now that he thought about it, the look in those drifters’ eyes haunted him.

  “Let’s go and get you cleaned up,” Damon said, easing out of her.

  “I’ll go run a bath,” Opal said.

  He knew she was already in love with their large bath tub, and Damon watched her go. “We’re not going to tell her?”

  “Look, you saw two men on our land. Fine. I’m going to try and see if they were lost.”

  “They may not be lost, Caleb. You know the risks,” Damon said.

  “I imagine we’ve got more chance of being eaten alive by wolves and bears than we do being attacked by poachers or thieves.” Caleb slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Damon had lived with his brother his whole life, and right now, Caleb was trying to get him not to worry. It only meant one thing to him—Caleb was concerned but he was doing the older sibling thing where he tried to take the stress away from him.

  Wasn’t going to happen.

  They were in this together, and he made a note to keep a gun in all areas of the house just in case of an attack. He wanted to be able to protect their woman.


  With Opal asleep in their bed, Caleb let himself out the backdoor and stared out at the forest and the stars littering the dark sky.

  Damon’s instincts were rarely wrong, and he always made sure he listened. If those two men were a concern to Damon, then they worried him. He didn’t know why the men were on their land, but it wouldn’t be hard for them to kill them, and try to steal everything they had. He’d heard of it being done before, and no one had been any wiser. It was a tradeoff for living in the remotest part of the country.

  He held a shotgun in his hands, and their dog sat waiting for whatever instructions he had. Nothing seemed out of place to him, but he wanted to be sure regardless. Tomorrow he’d go and check everything out. There was no way he’d leave Opal alone. He didn’t want to leave Damon alone, either, but there wasn’t much choice in the matter right now.

  Their chance of a future together was in their grasp. Every passing second, he felt the walls around Opal’s heart melting. She’d been hurt a lot, and he figured she’d suffered a great deal of pain. Maybe not physical pain, but words could still hurt.

  She didn’t trust them completely, nor did she trust their need for her, and he was fine with that.

  They’d win her over, he had no doubt.

  “If you think this is nothing, why are you out here right now?” Damon asked, coming up behind him.

  “You need to go back to bed,” Caleb said, without turning around.

  “You can’t keep doing this, Caleb. You can’t keep shutting me out. We’re in this together, and that means we fight together to protect what’s ours.”

  Damon stepped out into the cold, and it pissed Caleb off. His father had always told him to take care of his brother, and he’d be damned if he’d let anything happen to him. It was the only thing his father ever asked of him.

  “Get inside before you get cold. I need you to protect Opal.”

  “We’ll protect Opal together. I’m not going to let you get hurt. It’s not happening. You can be a pain in the ass about it all you want.”

  “What’s going on?” Opal asked.

  They both turned to look at her. She’d pulled on a large jacket, and Caleb cursed as he saw her shivering, her bare legs exposed to the elements. Her hair was tied up at the base of her neck, and it had gotten loose with sleep. He didn’t know how it was possible, but she looked even sexier like this.

  He also noticed she was still wearing large socks.

  “Why are you carrying a gun?” she asked. “Is there an animal?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  She frowned. “I know I’m from the city but even out here, a shotgun is really out of place. What’s going on? Is this about those men Damon was talking about?”

  Neither of them spoke.

  He didn’t want to concern her, and he knew Damon felt that way as well. If she got a scare in her, she may want to leave and never turn back.

  She snorted. “Look, I know you guys think I’m some helpless female.”

  “We did kind of find you hurt, alone, and helpless,” Damon said.

  “Yes, but I’m not. I’m strong enough to handle whatever you’re going to tell me, so stop treating me with kid gloves, and maybe I can help.”

  Caleb stared at her. “You don’t even think we’re being serious about a relationship with you,” he said.

  “Caleb,” Damon growled his name, but he didn’t care.

  The last thing he wanted right now was for Opal to be worried about her safety, and if that meant exposing her own fears, so be it. Out of the two of them, he wasn’t supposed to be the nice brother. He was the practical one.

  She stared at him. He expected her to look away but she didn’t.

  “You can’t deny it,” he said.

  “I’m not.” This shut any protest up from Damon. “I’m not used to this, okay. How do I know I’m not going to be passed over when you find another woman?”

  Caleb shook his head. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “I’m used to it, okay, and I know what you’re trying to do,” she said.

  He raised a brow. “What am I trying to do?”

  “You’re trying to turn this on me when the real problem is those two damn people that trespassed on your land. I get it. I’ve done it my whole life.” She held the coat around her even tighter. “Give me time,” she said. “I’m not used to … meaning anything to anyone.”

  Damon stepped up toward her, and Caleb felt so much pain for how she must have felt.

  “We want you, Opal. We’re going to take care of you for the rest of our lives.”

  Taking one last look at the forest, C
aleb entered their home, locking the back door after their dog. “Let’s go back to bed.”

  Chapter Eight

  Opal didn’t miss the city one bit. After over three weeks of roughing it in the wilderness, she had no regrets. And roughing it was a loose term. The brothers had a fully stocked panty, wood stockpile, generators, and everything to make life comfortable and secure. They had a little piece of heaven out here.

  The brothers hadn’t tired of her, and she actually believed they were growing closer to each other by the day. Caleb promised to teach her how to make maple syrup early in the new year, and Damon was going to show her how to keep bees. It was such a simple, beautiful way to live, and she never wanted things to change.

  “It’s chilly out there,” said Damon after pushing open the front door. A gust of cold air rushed in the cabin, making the flames in the fire flicker. He hung up his toque and coat and ran his hands up and down his arms. “I’ve chopped enough wood for the week, so we’re good.” He winked at her and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. He always made her feel like a princess when she was used to being the ugly duckling growing up.

  He leaned over and kissed her lips on his way to the kitchen. There was hot cider on the stove, the scent of apples and cinnamon infused in the air. She heard him getting a mug from the cupboard. Life was beyond comfortable, like she’d known the White brothers her whole life.

  She heard them talking in the kitchen. “One of the solar panel batteries just died. We’ll need a new one soon if we want hot water,” said Caleb.

  “The weather will only get worse. I can get to town on the snowmobile. They always have a stockpile of batteries.”

  Opal turned around on the sofa to see Caleb shake his head. “If anyone’s going, it’ll be me.”

  “I won’t even argue with you,” said Damon. “But if you go, get some stuff women need. Check out the general store, too.”

  “Way ahead of you.” Caleb clapped Damon on the shoulder, then headed to the bedroom.

  Once Damon was sitting next to her with his cider in hand, she waited for him to fill her in. When he said nothing, she couldn’t hold back. “Do you think it’s a good idea for Caleb to travel all the way to town in this weather?”


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