Page 11
There were tears in Sally’s eyes, but she nodded as if she hoped she understood. Rebecca knew she would soon. Bobby walked out of the bathroom. He was nude and scratching his chest. He reached for Rebecca but she pushed him away.
“This store is closed,” she said. “No more freebies.”
“Like that, huh,” he said. “Jason always said you’d be quick to leave.”
“Treat Sally kindly,” Rebecca said.
Bobby looked at the young girl on the bed.
“She’ll be leaving soon,” he said.
“I’ll find another,” he said.
“Yes, I suppose you will,” she said.
Alan had left the week before. He had taken a job in Atlanta, and he had written that he had met a girl there. Perhaps Rebecca would stop by and see him on her trip.
Jason drove her to the bus station. It was shopping day and their small community was filled with dour, unhappy women in gray, unattractive clothing. Only a short time before she had been like those women, forever chained in a boring existence. She was thankful to be free, even if the price of her freedom had been her self-respect.
“Are you really ready to leave,” Jason said.
There was a sound in his voice that surprised her. “Isn’t this what you wanted? You said you wanted me to be free.”
“I thought it might take longer,” he admitted.
“I think you’re going to miss me,” she said, “but it won’t be for long, Jason. Look around. There are hundreds here who you can choose from.”
“Maybe we could make other arrangements now,” Jason said. “I mean just you and me.”
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, but when time passes, you can come see me. I’ve got some more growing to do first.”
“I expect you have,” Jason said miserably. “But you’re right. I am going to miss you.”
The bus had arrived and she gave him a kiss and got out. She took her bags from the back seat and walked to the bus and climbed on. As the bus pulled away, she saw Jason standing by his car watching the bus. He looked sort of sad. She waved to him, but he didn’t see her.
The bus passed the large, square building that was the congregation hall she had spent so many years attending. No more congregation hall for her. Now there were beaches and sunshine and new adventures.
Especially new adventures.
Every woman has a bad boy in her past, and mine was Billy Vaughn. I dated him when I was a senior in high school and there were a lot of steamy, make-out sessions in the back seat of his old Ford. He got into trouble of some kind when I was in college and he ended up jointing the Marines. I heard it was either the Marines or jail. I never expected to see him again, and certainly not sitting with my husband in the exclusive Southey’s Restaurant that was located across the street from my husband’s office.
I had been invited to meet my husband for lunch. Edward was usually incredibly busy and I was seldom asked to meet him downtown, and he knew I liked Southey’s. The old restaurant was a historic treasure, a former millionaire’s home that had been converted to a restaurant. Upstairs there were still bedrooms with some of the original furniture. I knew the bedrooms were occasionally used by out-of-town businessmen, or by couples who wanted a little afternoon delight.
Edward and I had used the rooms a couple of times, and I was half-expecting today was going to be one of those days.
I had dressed for the occasion. I wore my school teacher look. I wore a conservative green business suit with a knee-length hemline, stockings and heels. I wore my thick blond hair in a bun and I wore my glasses. Underneath I wore my black garter belt, black panties and black push-up bra that showed plenty of cleavage. I wore just the right amount of make-up. Edward very much enjoyed mussing up my school-teacher look.
Any thoughts of ending up upstairs went out of my head as I saw Billy sitting with my husband. He had changed, but it was a good change. The muscular young boy with the shaggy hair was now a trim, muscular middle-aged man in uniform. He wore Captain’s bars and there were dozens of ribbons above his breast pocket.
They hadn’t seen me yet, and I almost turned and rushed out the door. I had nearly given up my virginity to Billy. It was one of the reasons my parents had sent me a thousand miles away to go to college. In his presence, I seemed to have no will of my own. I wasn’t sure those feelings had ever changed.
I had hesitated too long and my husband looked up and saw me.
“Here’s Becky now,” he said. “Dear, look who is back in town.”
Billy’s grin was the same and so were his knowing eyes. My knees felt weak. I stammered something in greeting and nearly fell into the seat across from my husband. I immediately knew it was the wrong place to sit. Billy’s leg brushed against mine.
“Billy and I have been talking about old times,” my husband said.
“I think I need a drink,” I said.
The waitress was there immediately. The service was incredible at Southey’s. My husband ordered for me. He ordered a champagne cocktail. I would have preferred something stronger.
“How have you been, Becky,” Bobby asked me.
“I’ve been just fine,” I said. My voice sounded high. I cleared my throat and tried to think of something else to say but it seemed as if my words had dried up. I was a mess.
“Billy’s been telling me a lot about you that I didn’t know,” my husband said. “I wasn’t aware you so passionate in school.”
I know I turned bright red. I gulped at the drink the waitress brought. I couldn’t believe Billy was sitting at the table beside me, much less having a discussion with my husband about our former relationship.
“I’ve embarrassed you,” Edward said. “It wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to see if Billy’s stories matched yours.”
I gulped my drink again. This was becoming very weird. Yes, I had told stories of past relationships to my husband. He seemed to enjoy hearing them, especially when we were in bed. The stories excited him, but it was just a game with us. Or at least I always thought it was a game.
“I’m afraid you’ve been dishonest,” he told me. “You made up some stuff. Or maybe Billy’s being gentlemanly. It seems he wasn’t your…uh…first.”
“No,” I admitted. “You know I made stuff up because you enjoyed my stories.”
“Because I liked hearing about you with other men, you mean,” Edward said.
I glanced at Billy. He was sipping a rum and coke and seemed amused by the conversation I was having with my husband. He intentionally moved his leg closer to mine and I moved my knee away. I didn’t want him to get any wrong ideas. Yes, I had a strong attraction to Billy but it didn’t mean I was going to cheat on my husband. I had always been faithful. Part of it was I took my marriage vows seriously, but part of it was that Edward was handsome, wealthy, and a good lover. He satisfied my needs. There might have been occasional longings for the wild, feverish, out-of-control feeling she once had with Bobby, but it was not enough to ruin her marriage.
“Edward, I don’t think we should be talking about this in front of Billy,” I said.
The waitress brought me another drink. I appreciated it. I tried to make my first sip a little less.
“Why not? It’s the reason I wrote to him and asked him to meet me.”
“You wrote to him?” I asked, confused.
“He was hard to find. He’s kind of a special projects officer for the Marines. He travels a lot. But I have some friends in Government who helped me out.”
“But why did you write to him?” I asked. “I don’t understand.”
“I think you do,” Edward said. “We’ve talked about it often enough. You’ve got me excited often enough with your stories. Now I want to see the stories in action.”
It still took a long time to figure out what he meant. I looked from him to Billy and back again and it finally dawned on me what he meant. A
t the same time Billy put his hand on my bare knee and squeezed. Heat went up my thighs between my legs and I almost gasped out loud.
“I couldn’t believe he was serious, at first,” Billy said. “But he convinced me. He wants to watch. And I’ve thought of you as years as the one who got away. Now I get my chance.’
“Only if she’s agreeable,” Edward said.
“I can’t believe this,” I said.
“Believe it,” Edward said. “Understand this, Becky. I love you. I would see no harm come to you. But the idea of seeing you with another man is exciting for me. Very exciting. But the final choice is yours. I have rented our usual room upstairs for the afternoon. You have the choice of going upstairs or going out the door. Either choice you make, we will remain as man and wife, or I will respect your decision.”
I thought for a moment. I didn’t move my knee and Billy kept squeezing.
“This is something you really want,” I said.
I finished off my champagne. My husband ordered lunch for us and I kept mine light. I was still thinking but I hadn’t moved my knee, and Billy grew bolder because I didn’t. His fingers traced up and down my inner thigh. Fortunately, the table cloth covered what he was doing. I had more champagne. Billy’s hand slipped under the hemline of my skirt and I jumped a little.
Edward was smiling. He glanced at my front and I realized he was looking at my suddenly hard nipples pressing against the front of my dress. Even the gentle touch of Billy’s hand was making me hot.
Billy pulled his chair closer as the waitress brought us lunch. Mine was a fruit salad. The men both ate thick sandwiches and chips but I was far more nervous than they were.
I took a bite and Billy’s hand slipped up higher. I gasped. His fingers touched my inner thigh. They felt strong, yet gentle. He wasn’t groping me. He was gently rubbing and caressing and I knew I was getting wet.
“You remember how I used to play with you,” Billy asked.
Edward was smiling as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“Yes,” I said.
“You used to get hot, but you wouldn’t let me take your panties off.”
I bit my bottom lip as one of Billy’s fingers played around the edge of my panties.
“I knew what would happen if I lost my panties,” I said.
“You mean I would have fucked you,” he said.
“Yes,” I admitted.
“Are you going to let me fuck you today?” I asked.
His finger slipped inside my panties. I closed my eyes for a moment as the first shiverish sensation rocked me. He pressed his finger against my slit and rubbed it up down.
“There are people around,” I whispered.
“It excites you to have people around,” he said.
What he said was true. It also excited me tremendously to have my husband sitting across the table giving his permission for this to happen. I leaned back in my chair and spread my legs a little to give Billy better access.
His finger did not slip inside me. Not yet. He kept rubbing it up and down my slit and it made me tremble all over. I wanted to grab his hand and pull his fingers into me. I felt a desperate need I hadn’t known in a long time. I had to bite my tongue as his finger finally slid into me and he touched my clit.
“You’re getting all red in the face, dear,” Edward said. “Would you like some more champagne?’
“Please,” I whispered softly.
“Please what, dear,” Edward said. “You mean you do want more champagne?”
What I wanted suddenly and fiercely was to come. I knew it was going to happen very quickly, and it had not happened so fast for me in years. I tried to straighten up in my chair and I forced myself not to moan in pleasure, but his finger rubbing my clit was driving me out of my mind. I couldn’t stay straight. I gasped again, and slumped and anyone who looked directly at me then would have known what happened. I gave another little gasp of pleasure and clamped down hard on Billy’s finger. My juices soaked my panties.
It took me a few moments to relax and then Billy drew his finger out of me. Looking at my husband, he placed his finger against my lips.
“Be a good girl, Becky,” Edward said.
I sucked at Billy’s finger, tasting my own juice. I had never dreamed I could do anything like this, but it was obviously only a first step. Both men looked at me as if wondering what my reaction would be. I waited until I was sure my legs would hold me up and I stood. I smoothed down my dress and looked at Edward.
“Could you bring a bottle of good wine to the room please? I think I may need it.”
I felt like every male eye in the place watched me as I got up from the table and walked to the stairway. It was if they all knew what I was doing. I thought about running for the door, but I admit that a small part of me was curious about what it would be like.
I went into our usual room and went to the window. I looked down at the view for a long time, trembling, and thinking about what was to come. I didn’t turn around when I heard the door open but I heard the pop as the wine bottle was opened. I still didn’t turn around until Billy handed me a glass of wine. I still didn’t look at him as I sipped my wine.
Billy put his arms around me from behind. He pulled me close up against his muscular body, close enough to feel his half-stiff cock against my bottom. He kissed me on the neck and then nibbled on my ear. He probably remembered from our past that I got hot and shiverish when he kissed my ears
“I still can’t believe this is happening,” I whispered.
“I’m just praising heaven you’ve got a husband who doesn’t mind sharing you,” Billy said. “I’ve dreamed of this for a long time.”
His lips went back to my neck again. I sipped my wine. In the reflection of the window I saw my husband pouring himself wine and then finding a comfortable seat near the bed. I was trying to act like a modern woman, as if I had control of my feelings but it was an act. Inside I was squirming with desire at Billy’s touch. He was not the only one who had dreamed of this for a long time.
His hands started on my shoulders but then they moved down to caress my breasts. He pulled me tighter to him and I finally gave into all my hunger. I couldn’t fight my feelings anymore, and I hoped my husband meant what he said. I put my wine down on the window sill and I turned in Billy’s arms. He kissed me. It was the bruising, hungry kiss I remembered. He may have been middle-aged, but I still felt the wildness in him. I opened my mouth when he thrust with his tongue.
We tongue-kissed for a while as he explored my body. In the past I had pushed away his hands, struggled against his touch because of my fear of losing control. I had no fears anymore. I let him touch where he wanted and he wanted to touch me everywhere.
He squeezed my bottom hard and I was sure he was leaving the marks of his fingers.
“Don’t be so gentle with her,” my husband said. “You weren’t gentle with her in the back of the car. Use her like a whore.’
I was shocked at my husband’s words, but they released the beast in Billy. His hands were back on my ass, pulling hard, squeezing. His kisses grew harder, his tongue thrusting deep into my mouth. He reached up and undid the pins that held my hair and I shook my head to let it fall to my shoulders. He took my glasses off.
His hands moved back to my breasts, squeezing almost painfully. I didn’t mind. I wanted him to squeeze them even harder. I didn’t think about what I was going to do for a dress as Billy ripped away the top of my dress to reveal my breasts. Buttons went flying everywhere. Roughly, he pulled my bra up to my neck. His hands covered my breasts again, this time tweaking my already sensitive nipples with his fingers.
“That’s what I want,” my husband said. “Treat her rough.”
Billy lowered his head. His lips tugged at my nipple. He opened wider and sucked in the hard bud. Licking and sucking and biting, he sent tremors through me. My knees felt weak again and I almost fell. He picked me up and sat me on the window sill. His arms felt powe
rful. He pressed me back against the window and stepped back to take a long look at me. Even his eyes made me hot.
“Fucking nice,” Billy said softly.
“Fucking is what I want you to do to her,” my husband said.
I was ready for him. My panties were soaked. We were not going to make it to the bed. Billy ripped the rest of my dress off me. I spread my legs as he reached down and unzipped. I moved his hand and reached inside his pants for his cock. I found it bunched in his shorts. He was rock hard and sweaty, and I moved my finger over the swollen head. He groaned a little and I felt his leaking cream.
“Put it inside me,” I whispered. “I’ve waited so long.”
I moved my panties out of the way and tugged him to me. He didn’t waste any time. I guess he wanted to make sure nothing prevented him at the last moment. In a second he had stepped into me and thrust. His cock went up my slippery tunnel easily. I was so damned wet.
“Oh baby,” I moaned softly.
He pressed me back again and he started thrusting deep. I could do nothing but hang on to his broad shoulders. I wished he was naked. I wished I was feeling bare skin under my fingertips. I finally had my Billy’s cock inside me and it was just as big, just as hot as I always dreamed it would be.
“Fuck me, Billy,” I moaned. “Fuck me hard.’
“Fuck her like a whore,” my husband shouted.
Over his shoulder I could see my husband had pulled his cock out and was stroking it. He was shaking with his excitement.
“Do you like this, baby,” I whispered. “Do you like seeing him fuck my pussy?’
“Oh fuck yes,” my husband said.
I closed my eyes. Billy thrust into me harder and faster. His cock grew thicker and I felt the first wet spurts of his lubricating cream. Wicked sensations went through me, making me shudder. I spread my legs wider and I let the feelings wash over me, spasm after hot spasm of shaking excitement. I pulled at Billy’s back as he thrust into me one last time deeply and then came with hot, thick spurts into my belly. I loved it. The spurting of his cum made me come again and all the time my husband watched and stroked his hard prick.