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No More Black Magic

Page 17

by A. L. Kessler

“I’m just glad we got out of it and that you can conjure a circle without drawing one.” He crossed his arms. “Though you know who’s going to be all over this?”

  I groaned. “Stephanie. Can’t someone eat that woman already? What’s the headline going to read? Youngest Witch in PIB loses control?”

  “Nope. Youngest Witch in PIB has the hots for werewolf.”

  I glared at him. “You better hope you don’t turn up in the headlines.”

  “Yeah, I don’t want that kind of attention on me.” He nudged me. “Levi would love it though.”

  I nodded. “That’s the truth.” Though I still wasn’t happy with the vampire. “I have to meet with Nick today.”

  “You sure that’s a wise idea?” Simon turned to face me completely. “You don’t know that you can trust him.”

  He was right, but it was really my only lead. “I have a feeling I know why he’s in town. Don’t worry, I can handle myself. I’ll shoot him if I have to.”

  “Can you turn him into a frog instead? I’d like a new pet.” He winked at me.

  “I can’t transform anyone, I’m not that powerful.” I laughed. “Though some days I really wish I could.” I imagined the collection of random little creatures I would have at my house. “And if I could manage it, I’d like to get to my house.”

  Simon raised a brow. “And how are you going to do that without a car?”

  “I could take the bus. Or maybe PIB would let me borrow one until I could get my insurance figured out.”

  Simon shook his head. “Speaking of, you should call them and get that started. I’m not sure how exploding cars are covered.”

  “I bought the extra insurance for magical interference and destruction, the car is totaled. I’ll get blue book for it and get to go car shopping.” Something I didn’t think was going to be fun, but at least I’d get a new car.

  “You think of everything, don’t you? Well, I’ll be here all day. You need to handle Nick on your own, he’s not going to talk to you if you have me tagging along.”

  Which sucked, because I needed the company to keep me out of my own head. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll text you if things get too bad.”

  “I’ll be right there if you need me. Just let me know where you’re at just in case another kidnapping happens.”

  I finished my eggs and laughed. “Let’s hope there’s no more kidnapping. I’ll take the bus to my house and then to a coffee shop or something.” I grabbed my phone off the table and messaged Nick, asking him to meet me at the shop down the road from my house.

  “Do you think it’s safe to go back to your house?” Simon asked. “That was the whole reason you started staying here.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, after meeting with Merick last night, I think it’s safe.” Now that they needed me alive to bring in this guy. I wondered if they had any other Elementals in their Cult that could help me.

  No, not an option. I probably had to give a blood oath to them to get help and that wasn’t happening. I refused to join such an insane institution.

  I got a text back from Nick. He was willing to meet and even added a smiley face to the text. I tried not to roll my eyes. I hope he didn’t think he was getting a real date out of this.

  “I’m going to grab a shower, I think I still have a set of clean clothes.” I stood and took the plate to the kitchen. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  He didn’t respond and I wondered what he was thinking about. Was he imagining what would happen when I went to coffee? Was he contemplating how he almost died? Or maybe simply what show he’d watch while I was gone. None of it was really my business so I continued to the bathroom.

  I showered, dressed, and grabbed my bag. Simon was relaxing on the couch when I left. We gave each other a little wave, but that was it. Maybe he just needed a day to relax.

  I had forgotten how much taking the bus sucked. Too many people and it was never on time, but I made it to my house with plenty of time to check in with Simon, grab some things, and walk to the coffee house. I hiked my bag up on my shoulder and marched up to my door.

  I placed a hand on the door to see if I could sense any magic. Nothing. I relaxed and slipped my key into the lock, stepping inside. A sense of calm went through me at the thought of being home. I needed to get the stuff for insurance and take care of that. Then I just wanted to take a moment to be home.

  I went to my filing cabinet and pulled out the insurance information. I dialed and waited. Once I navigated the automatic system I finally got through to a claims rep.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I need to make a claim,” I gave her my policy number. “My car blew up last night due to black magic.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Blew up?”

  “Yep, as in a great big fiery ball of doom. Is a rental covered in my policy?”

  “Um, where are the remains of the car?”

  “Impound lot, I assume. Probably the PIB impound. Could I get something that might have a protection rune?”

  I heard furious typing on a keyboard. “Ma’am, there’s a full investigation needed for your claim and no, a rental is not covered. I have a case number for you and someone will contact you in regards to it.”

  “Okay fine,” I hated that magic always had to be investigated. “I promise I didn’t blow my own car up.”

  “Sadly, it happens too often. Ready for your case number?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah,” She gave me the number and I wrote it down. “Can you do me a favor and put a note in there to leave me a message if I don’t answer? My life gets a bit busy.”

  “Of course ma’am. That’s in there, is there anything else I can help you with today?”

  “No, that’s it thank you.” I hung up and tucked the paper into my bag. I’d need it later and the car wasn’t a huge deal, I’d have another one tonight.

  I glanced at the clock. I didn’t have to leave for a little bit longer, so I went and got my mail from the overflowing mailbox. I sorted through it. Nothing interesting. I walked through the house and made sure everything was in order. Nothing was out of place, no evidence that the Cult had been here. It might have been safe to come home all along.

  Walking into the bedroom, I noticed something sitting on my dresser. A note with a single black rose. I sighed and grabbed it.


  I have removed all runes and spells on your house because of our truce. I saw the news last night and I am sorry that your life is in such danger, but now you understand why he must be taken out. Do your part and you will never hear from me again.


  I looked at the rose and wondered if he thought it a type of olive branch. I shook my head and put the note back. Creepy stalkers, exploding cars, and body parts. My life was getting weird even for me.

  I went to the front door and grabbed my bag. I texted Simon that I was heading out and where I would be. I walked to the coffee shop without any issues. It was nice to get out despite the colder weather.

  I walked into the coffee shop and saw Nick waving at me. I gave him a small wave back and then ordered my latte. I went and sat down with him. “Hey, thanks for meeting me on such short notice.”

  “Of course. I, um...saw the news.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I had an adventurous night. Did you know that Devon was in town?”

  His gaze shot to mine and he shook his head. “I didn’t. I haven’t had much contact with him. He, um...he kind of went off the deep end when he found out that someone had put a binding spell on him.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I ran into him last night.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Nick took my hand and I was unsure what to do. There was a small flare of power to him and I remembered what Oliver had said about people being able to hide their powers.

  “No, not really.” It was a lie, but I could lie with the best of them. “I just thought it was strange. I didn’t mention that I knew you were in town either, but I have some questions for you.” />
  He let go of my hand and smiled. “Ah, so this is for the case. Am I a suspect?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, but I need to know if you know any of these people.” I pulled out the list of names from the victims. “They all have a connection to Devon.”

  “So he’s the suspect.” Nick sighed and looked at the names. “I do, they were research partners with my mother, a couple of them were partners with your father.” He leaned back in the chair. “Our father is the only parent we share.” He stated. “Rumors say that his mother couldn’t handle what he would become so she had people put a binding spell on him.”

  “And your mother?” I asked gently. “I’m sorry, I don’t have a lot of memories from when I was four.”

  He smiled. “Best damn witch there was. She wanted me raised right.”

  “Good, that’s the best she could have given you.” I sipped my coffee. “Devon’s mother was human then?”

  He nodded. “Any abilities he has he got from our father.”

  The Elemental powers, which meant Nick could be one too. “Thank you for being willing to help.”

  “Of course, but I was hoping this was a social call.”

  I smiled. “Now it can be, I’ve gotten the answers that I needed.”

  “I want an answer, or a promise really. You won’t go after Devon alone. If the binding spell has truly worn off he is more dangerous than people know. I don’t want you hurt.”

  His concern for a childhood friend was touching, but... “It’s my job, but don’t worry. I don’t take on anyone without backup.” Most days. “And if it gets too out of hand the case is given to the executioners.”

  “I know how this works.” He sighed. “I just never thought my brother would be a target.”

  I nodded but I wasn’t sure what to say to smooth over the conversation.

  He cleared his throat. “So, you work for PIB and Levi raised you. Is there anything else I should know about you?”

  “I like to read and watch stupid television when my life calms down and allows it.” I shook my head. “There’s not a whole lot to know. I’m pretty much married to my work.”

  “Such a shame. When was the last time you went out for fun?”

  I thought about it. “A partner took me out for a drink the other night.”

  “Nope, that’s work if it was a partner.” He laughed. “Movie and a dinner? After this case?”

  I thought about it. What did I have to lose? “Sure. After I close this case.”

  “Okay, don’t forget.” He smiled and it reached his green eyes. One look at him and you’d guess he was the type of person who had their life together. “I have to go, a business meeting. Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?”

  “If you could take me to my partner’s house that’d be great. The bus system here sucks.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten your car blown up.” He winked at me.

  We both stood and I saw Detective Mason walk in. I looked at Nick. “Looks like I won’t need a ride. Thanks.”

  Nick nodded and left just as Mason walked up to me. “Detective,” I nodded. “What’s up?”

  “Other than your car getting blown up?” He asked me and I sat back down.

  I really wish people would stop that. “Other than that.”

  He sat in the chair next to me. “I’ve put security patrol on Michele and I have a warrant for Devon.”

  “So it was him in the picture.” I shifted in my chair to face him more. “They aren’t sending the executioners out for him?”

  He shook his head. “They want to see if he could be reasoned with, maybe the binding messed with his head.”

  “He’s using magic to kill people. That’s normally an automatic death sentence.” I sipped my coffee.

  “The thing is, that this goes back farther than we thought. He may have evidence that connects to another murder.”

  He probably knew about more than one. “So bring him in alive. Which means we’re going after him?”

  “As soon as I have a location. When will you have a car?”

  “Tonight. I’m working on locating a witness, so I really need to be able to work some magic tonight. I’ll have my phone with me though.”

  “You going to be out of town?”

  I nodded. “Up at Levi’s. Just as long as it takes to do the spell. Everything I need is still up there. Once it’s done, I’ll come back and go home.”

  “You okay? After last night?” He asked.

  ‘I’m a little shook up because the coven wants to place me into protection and they hit my car, which activated the spell.” I ran a hand through my hair. “I just want this all to be done. I don’t like it tangling up with my past.”

  He patted my knee in a friendly gesture. “You’re our best. Past or not, I know you’ll close this case.”

  “Of course I will, because it’s the only way to stop the killing.” I let out a sad laugh. “Why are you here anyways? Why didn’t you just call?”

  “I was down the road checking out a lead on Devon’s location. Thought I’d check your favorite coffee shop.”

  I smiled. “Thanks. I think I might go back home and take a nap until Levi comes to pick Simon and I up tonight.”

  His phone rang and he let out an exasperated sigh. “I have to go and take this. Stay safe.” He answered the phone and walked out before I could ask him for a ride.

  I finished my coffee. I dropped the cup in the trash on my way out the door. I went straight to the bus stop and texted Simon that I was on my way home.

  Simon was asleep on the couch when I got back. I smiled and tossed the blanket on him before continuing to the room I had been using. I walked in to find all my clothes washed and folded on my bed. He’d been busy in the couple hours that I was gone. I put them away in my duffle bag and then lay down on the bed.

  I closed my eyes and tried to picture my life going back to normal after this case. We’d catch Devon, take him in, and then I could go back to running errands for Levi. Maybe occasionally catch a paranormal criminal, one that didn’t blow things up. That’d be great. I could go out on a proper date, learn to control the elemental magic, and just be me for a little while.

  Yeah, like that would ever happen. I rolled over on my side. I hadn’t realized that I missed having a normal human life until this point. There was no reason to lament something I never really had. High school was as normal as it could be, growing up with a vampire and being a witch. Was it John showing up that made me realize that I wanted something different?

  No, maybe Simon was right and I just needed a vacation. I smiled. Somewhere warm. I took a few deep breaths trying to clear my mind. I really needed to get more sleep. At this point, exhaustion was going to kill me before the Cult could decide if I had completed their mission or not.

  I let my mind wander and take me to sleep. The silence of the house and the slight chill in the air made it perfect for sleep.

  A knock on the door woke me up and I groaned. “What? I’m napping.”

  “Levi’s here.” Simon’s voice called through the door. “Just thought I’d let you know.”

  I sat up. “Okay, I’m awake. Thanks.” I stood and fixed my shirt and readjusted my pants. I holstered my gun and then walked out of the room. Levi and Simon were sitting on the couch discussing something, but they both went silent when I walked in.

  “Secrets don’t make friends.” I teased. “I need to get to the mansion and do a tracking spell. Then I need to come back into town. There’s a warrant out for our killer, I need to be close to help take him down.”

  They both nodded. “Then shall we go? We have a long drive.” Levi stood.

  “Sure.” I grabbed my bag and went to the door. I went straight to the SUV and climbed in the front seat. Whatever the guys were talking about they didn’t want me around for it, so I’d give them a moment to finish it up.

  They both came to the vehicle looking a little more upset. I looked out the window when Levi
got into the car.

  “Simon has some pack stuff he needs to take care of, so you’ll be without him for a couple nights.” Levi said without anything to ease into the conversation. He started the car and backed out of the driveway.

  I nodded. “That’s okay, he’s not going to want to be there for the takedown anyways. It could get nasty.”

  “More nasty than the car being blown up?” Simon joked.

  I gave a small laugh. “Let’s hope not. I don’t think I can handle anything else exploding.”

  “Did you kill the drug dealer?” Levi asked.

  I nodded. “He’s dead.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but if Levi was allowed to hide things, so was I.

  “Good.” He said and the whole car went quiet.

  I hated when things were like this. It was never good when Levi was overly quiet and I’m sure that Simon’s mind was on the pack business.

  We arrived at the mansion and I automatically headed towards the chamber. Levi followed me. “Abigail, I have something to give to you.”

  I turned around and tried to keep my anger and frustration in check. “I have a three legged werewolf to find. Can this wait?”

  “Not particularly. Please. I know you’re angry with me, but you need this.”

  It wasn’t often that I heard a begging tone in Levi’s voice. I met his gaze. “Okay, but only because you said please.”

  “Thank you, Abigail.” He motioned for me to follow him and I did. He led me through the main room and to the back where his office was.

  “The day the murders started, I sent you to Clarissa to fetch a package.” He started and I nodded even though he was in front of me and couldn’t see. “You never asked what it was, which is what I taught you. To respect my business.”

  Even though I was part of his business, I agreed. “I knew it was magical, that’s it. I could feel it through the box.”

  “It was something your father had left for you. It’s meant for you and only you. It has been in storage and I sent someone to retrieve it. I was planning on giving it to you on your birthday, but, well, apparently things have changed from my original plans.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what plans he was talking about, but I asked anyways. “What plans?”


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