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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 10

by TL Mayhew

  With both my phone and my brother in the other room, I close the door, strip out of my sleep clothes, and throw on a robe. My body vibrates with excitement at finally landing my dream job and I practically bound down the hall toward the bathroom.

  It’s not until I’m stepping under the warm spray of water that I realize, I’ll have to tell Josh.

  Chapter 14

  The drive into work this morning is full of dread. I know Josh will be excited for me. And I know I’ve only been working there for a year, but it feels like I’m about to break up with my best friend.

  Maybe I am. I really haven’t had a chance to get out and meet other people since I moved to California. Going into work and hanging around with Josh and the other mechanics has been my life for the past twelve months.

  If I’m being honest, I really didn’t have many friends back in Kansas either. It’s both a benefit and a curse of having a large family. I had brothers, why would I need anyone else?

  The girls who did call me their friend only did so because they wanted to get closer to one of those brothers. Usually Elliot. It took me some time to realize but when I did, I decided it wasn’t worth it.

  Now I’m about to tell my only friend I’m leaving, and it makes my heart ache. It’s not as though I’ll never see him again, but life gets in the way and I’m sure visits will be few and far between.

  A few tears had escaped this morning just as I was getting ready to leave.

  Elliot took that as his chance to question me again if the pit crew job is what I want. I’m not sure what his deal is and why he’s not more on board with this. In fact, I’d asked him, but all I got in return was muttered curse words and a kiss on the head as he directed me out the door.

  I’ll press him again when I get home, I think to myself as I’m pulling into a spot outside Dragoo’s.

  Taking a deep breath, I collect my keys, and exit my car.

  I feel as though my shoes are full of lead and it takes me forever to reach the shop’s waiting area. But when I do, I head straight for Josh’s office, fully prepared to tell him and get it out of the way so I can concentrate on my duties.

  Unfortunately, when I reach the door of his office there’s someone in there. A man with his back to me. I choose not to interrupt them and instead turn away, prepared to head down the hall. But curiosity gets the best of me and I take a step back, glancing through the window again.

  I watch as the man stands, and Josh comes around the desk to shake his hand. When the stranger’s profile comes into view, all the breath escapes from my lungs.

  There, standing on the other side of the door is Professor Donnelly.

  Panic settles in and I duck out of view, flattening my back against the nearest wall.

  Frozen in place, I wonder what he could be doing here. Josh couldn’t possibly know him, could he? Maybe he tracked me down.

  I take in a sharp breath unable to fathom that might be the case. What I do know, is if I don’t get out of here, I’ll have to confront the demon from my past, and I have no intention of doing that.

  Glancing around the corner of the wall, I make sure the office door is still closed before I rush down the hall to the employee locker room.

  The exciting news I’d planned to share with Josh is no longer at the forefront of my mind.

  Now I’m alone and a lot scared. If he did in fact seek me out, then I can’t imagine his intentions are good. I should’ve taken off in my car and just drove until I was all the way back in Kansas instead of staying here.

  “It’s been over a year; how does he still have this effect on me?” I ask myself, tears pricking the back of my eyes. My father and brothers didn’t raise me to cower like a scared animal, which is exactly what I’m doing now. I know I’m better than this. Stronger than this.

  Swiping away a stray tear, I stand and begin undressing. There’s work to do and I’m not sitting around here letting the fear of some man dictate when and how it gets done.

  Once I’m dressed in the Berkleigh Shaw uniform, I grab my favorite wrench out of my locker and tuck it in my back pocket as I approach the door. At the very least it will make a good weapon.

  By the time I make it back around to Josh’s office, neither he nor the Professor Donnelly are anywhere to be seen. A long sigh of relief washes over me, and I dive into my work.

  Immersing my head in the engine compartment, I try and not focus on him or my surroundings, but nerves get the better of me and with a shaky hand I accidently brush a wrench off the fender. It falls out of my reach toward the back.

  I lean over the edge, the tips of my fingers brushing against the cool metal and just when I almost have it…


  The sound sends a chill over my skin, and in a panic, I rise too quick, hitting my head on the hood.

  Grabbing it with my hand, I gather some courage and turn. Preparing to give the professor a piece of my mind and more if he doesn’t leave, instead I clamp my mouth shut when hazel eyes meet mine.

  “Rookie mistake,” he says, raising a brow.

  On a long sigh, I rub my head and lean against the car. “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” I ask, annoyed.

  He takes a step closer. “Not using a nonslip mat on the fender for your tools.”

  Standing straighter, I jut out my chin. After what happened today and at the bar, I’m not giving him the satisfaction of knowing how the hazel scorching my skin, as his gaze makes its way over my every inch, affects me.

  “I take incredibly good care of the tools I use. This…” I wave toward the engine compartment, “…wouldn’t have happened if someone wasn’t in the garage who shouldn’t be here.”

  It’s a true statement. Directed at him but my mind is more on the man from my past.

  “Incredibly good with the tools you use, huh?” He cocks his brow again and moves closer.

  Determined to stand my ground, I don’t move when he leans in. But I can’t stop the hitch in my breath when his lips are only inches from mine.

  There’s nothing I want more in this moment than for him to make the connection—feel what I know must be warm soft lips, against mine—but I know I can’t give in.

  He must know it too because he doesn’t even try, instead his body brushes past as he reaches behind me.

  As much as my mind is telling me he’s forbidden, my body is vibrating tenfold from his proximity. Eliciting goosebumps in places I never knew there were any. I’m on the edge of breaking the last barrier between us and pulling him in for a kiss, but I don’t get the chance.

  He straightens to his full height, and with my wrench in his hand says, “You wouldn’t be able to handle my tool.” That arrogant smirk teases his lips and snaps me back to reality.

  I swipe the cold steel from his hand and tuck it in my back pocket, giving him one last glance before killing the mood by dropping the hood back in place with a little more effort than necessary.

  With a chuckle he disappears through the glass door and turns toward Josh’s office.

  It’s not until he’s gone, and the space around me is empty, I’m reminded of the man I’d seen only hours ago.

  My eyes dart from one side to the other, looking at all the possible places someone could hide before turning my attention on each exit. When the garage door opens my heart practically jumps out of my chest.

  It’s just a random car pulling in to be serviced but fuck if I didn’t just about have a heart attack.

  This isn’t me, the paranoid girl watching every corner and jumping at noises. Granted, I’m not all that comfortable with someone’s touch but this sudden onset of fear isn’t me.

  I take in a deep breath and exhale, letting my mind wander about ways I can ask Josh why that man was here without giving too much away. But just as a thought enters my mind, realization sinks in. Kye knows about the job. What if he tells Josh before I get the chance?

  I rush through the door and burst into Josh’s office. “I wanted to tell you myself, but there just
wasn’t enough time and…” There’s a grunt from Kye, and I happen to glance in his direction before finishing.

  He’s leaning against the desk holding a Kingston parts catalog, which he raises into my view before looking up from the pages. It’s his way of letting me know he isn’t there to break the news.

  I let out a breath and turn to leave, but it’s too late.

  “What is it you wanted to tell me yourself?” Josh asks, dragging his attention away from the parts and focusing on me.

  “Umm…” I shift on my feet. Now that I’m in here my courage has dwindled to zilch.

  “How about I leave you two alone?” Kye says, glancing between us. “I’ll have one of our senior sales guys reach out to you next week, Josh. I appreciate you bringing the faulty part to my attention. We use the same on my Formula One car, and I’d hate to think what would’ve happened had something gone wrong.”

  Just when I think this day can’t get any worse, my heart skips a beat at the vision of him tucked in a car maxing at 240 mph and losing control.

  He must see the color drain from my face because before heading through the door he leans in and cups my chin. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Nothing like whatever just skated through your mind will ever happen to me.” Turning my head to the side he whispers, “I may drive fast and hard, but I never skimp on safety precautions. You can rest assured there are no accidents in my future.”

  With that he releases my chin and heads through the door. Leaving me standing there with my gaping mouth and a strong urge to run after him, letting him show me just how fast and hard he drives.

  “Berkleigh? Would you care to elaborate on what you were talking about earlier?” Josh asks.

  “Huh?” I glance in Josh’s direction to find a raised brow. “Oh, uh, yes.” Taking one last look toward the hall and finding it deserted, I close the door and take a seat in the chair in front of his desk. “You’ll want to be sitting for what I’m about to tell you.”

  A grin teases his mouth, but he still takes a seat as instructed. Placing his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair. “Well, let’s hear it.”

  “So the interview…”

  He sits up straight in his chair. “Yeah, how’d it go?”

  “It went good. But please wait until I finish because if I don’t get through this now, I’m going to be a blubbering mess by the end.” I stand and walk over to look out the window. “Who am I kidding, I’m going to be a mess afterward anyway.”

  He lets out a deep sigh. “Berkleigh, I’m a grown man. I can handle whatever it is you’re about to tell me. And if my intuition is correct, I already know. But I’d rather hear you say it.”

  “I got the job,” I blurt it out, but don’t turn around to see his reaction.

  The silence weighs heavy in my ears but when his hand touches my shoulder, I flinch away from him.

  “Berkleigh? Are you all right?” Josh asks, the look of concern creasing his face makes my heart sink.

  Not only am I leaving but I’ve also inadvertently drug him into my personal problems. I drop back into one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  The only thing I can think of to get his mind off my odd reaction is act like it didn’t happen. “I start Monday. I know that doesn’t give you much time to find a replacement. I can ask if they’ll delay my start…”

  “You’ll do no such thing. This is great news and there’s no reason you can’t start on Monday,” he says, coming around to the front of the desk and motioning to the edge as though asking permission if he can sit.

  I nod and he takes a seat.

  “I’ve been working on a contract with a mass market florist shop and they have several more vans they’ll need regular service on. I believe they’re only days away from signing. Once they do, I’ll have a consistent schedule of work.”

  “Well, that’s even more of a reason for me to stay. You’ll need the extra hands.”

  He chuckles, leaning back on the desk. “I didn’t tell you that to get you to stay. In fact, it’s the opposite, well I mean, I don’t want you to leave but there’s no need for you to stay because of our heavier schedule.” He lets out a breath and crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s probably premature but I’ve been interviewing mechanics as well. I have a good prospect, and although he isn’t you, I think he could give you a run for your money.”

  His admission lifts a weight off my shoulders then suddenly it doesn’t. “Did you have an interview today?” I ask, even though I’m quite sure I know the answer before the words leave his lips.

  “Yeah, shortly before you got here today. I didn’t want it to seem like…”

  Stunned at the realization his interviewee is most likely the same man from my past, my steps falter and I turn to my boss. “Was his name William? William Donnelly?”

  “Hmm, I don’t believe so. Let me double check,” he says, heading around the desk and thumbing through papers. “I had it right here, somewhere.”

  Panic settles in as I wait for him to utter the name. When he doesn’t find it right away, I’m by his side, glancing at each paper as he searches and stacks them neatly on top of the other.

  I’m not sure what my plan is if it was in fact him. Do I tell Josh about what happened? Or do I just warn him? The man already has a job, why would he be interviewing for my old one unless…he’s here for me.

  “I’m sorry, Berkleigh, I don’t see a résumé with that name,” Josh says, holding one in his hand.

  He must have missed it, I think to myself, thumbing quickly through the same pages, he just went through. Was I just imagining him? No… that can’t be it. I was sure… “What was his name then? The one from this morning?” I huff out, slapping the last of the papers on the desk.

  He picks them up and looks through them again. “Ah, here it is, his name was Justin… Justin O’Donnell. Yeah, this is him, I remember because when I saw the address on his résumé was listed as Kansas. It reminded me of you.” His face turns a shade of pink as though he’s admitting a fondness for me.

  Right now, I don’t have time to gush over the idea, instead I snag the paper from his hand and read through the details before Josh plucks it back. Nothing on it seemed familiar, teaching at the college wasn’t mentioned, and his experience was strictly automotive related. Maybe I was mistaken.

  I stare blankly at the other side of the room, thinking again of the man I’d seen. He’d had the same build as the professor, maybe a little thinner but his height was right, only inches taller than me and the same dark hair.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Josh asks, waving a hand in front of me.

  Shaking the thoughts from my head, I start putting the papers neatly back together on his desk. Anything to keep from meeting his eyes. “Nothing. I’m simply happy that you’re doing this and that you won’t be left high and dry when I leave,”

  “Well, I’m glad you approve.” He offers me a wink before taking the pile and tucking it in his desk then dropping in his office chair. “Are you sure you don’t know Justin?”

  My body goes still. “Yes, I’m sure…. why?”

  Our eyes meet and his brows furrow. “Because he asked about you.”

  Chapter 15


  No matter how much I try, I can’t stay away from her. We’ve got decent sales and parts guys who could’ve come and met with Josh so he could explain what he found, instead it was me driving the forty minutes.

  I should be on the track, prepping for the small race in Kansas, instead the image of her bent over the fender enters my mind.

  On her tiptoes, tan legs stretched as she searched inside the compartment. And while long and breathtaking, they had nothing on the tight, perfectly round ass directly in my line of sight.

  My dick stirred to life.

  I’d had a mind to walk up behind her and give it a slap, just for putting it on display like that. But she’s not mine and I knew once I put a hand on her, there’d be little stopping me from allowing t
hem to roam farther. Public setting or not.

  The problem, my grandmother sees something in Berkleigh and if I were to fuck that up then there’d surely be hell to pay. Just as Grady had led on to, I’m too young for them to be picking out what songs to play at my funeral.

  A chuckle escapes my chest at his suggestion and the thought of a confrontation with Grandmother Kincaid.

  Thinking of Grady, I command my phone by voice to call him. His deep tone filters through the speakers in my car. “Hey, man, to what do I owe the privilege of your call?”

  “Set me up with an appointment on the track. I need some hours in the stock car.”

  “You mean you need to get your mind off her?” he retorts, and I can almost hear his knowing smile coming from the other end.

  Asshole. Always knows what I’m thinking. “Just set the time and let me know when.” At that I disconnect the call, not giving him any fuel for discussing the topic further and have me admitting any of his assumptions are correct. Even if they most likely are.

  Furthering her from my thoughts, I turn them on what Josh had told me on the phone earlier in the day.

  He’d found, on a few separate instances, where brand-new Kingston wheel bearings were failing after only a few thousand miles of use. This could be catastrophic at high speeds if his customers don’t notice them in time. For that reason, Josh had told me he’d be ordering from a longtime, reputable competitor, until we can determine the issue and get our parts back up to par.

  It’s the reason I’m headed to the warehouse now. My role isn’t being involved in the day-to-day production issues, especially as it relates to parts manufacturing, but since my name is on the product—we can cut through a considerable amount of corporate red tape by my giving the order myself—with grandmother’s approval of course. And it will give me something else to focus on besides Berkleigh’s ass.

  Pulling into my assigned space in the parking lot, I shut Sylvia down and head toward the building. Once inside, Alicia greets me with her usual cheerful smile.


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