Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 20

by TL Mayhew

  I think I know who it is, but I need to be sure. When I try and turn to look, my head is shoved against a hard surface and warm breath skirts across my ear. “You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easy, did you?”

  Shock waves shoot through my body as Professor Donnelly’s voice rumbles in my ear.

  I wake with a start. Disoriented and panic stricken. Glancing around I find airline seats and other passengers, including the mid-forties woman to my left giving me a sympathetic stare. I offer her a weary smile then glance over to my right where I find Kye sleeping peacefully.

  Waving down a flight attendant, I ask her for a small bottle of water and a blanket. She brings both back in a rush, glancing frequently at the sexy man asleep beside me. I give her an annoyed thanks then cover Kye with the blanket.

  Sipping on the water, I force my eyes open and stay awake for the rest of the flight.

  Once the no seat belt sign has illuminated and we’re parked at the gate, I shake Kye awake. He stretches sleepily then puts a hand behind my head and pulls me in for a kiss.

  I’m slow to return the same affection. He pulls back, searching my eyes, but doesn’t ask what is wrong. I know the questions will come later.

  We’d only brought carry-on bags so we’re able to get off the plane quickly and Kye takes hold of my hand, leading me the rest of the way through the busy airport. It’s like he’s been here a million times. “I take it you’ve been here before?”

  “A few times,” he says, but doesn’t elaborate. Instead, he pulls me out the double doors and we hand our luggage to an awaiting black car. Kye had elected for a car service instead of a rental, which means he and I are in the back… together. A divider offering some privacy between us and the driver.

  When the car pulls out onto the road, dark eyes are turned on me. “You want to tell me what that was about, on the plane?”

  “Not really,” I tell him, looking out the window.

  He takes my chin in his hand, turning my attention on him. “Berkleigh…” he warns. “If I’ve done something to upset you, how can I fix it if I don’t know what it is?”

  My chest tightens at the fact he thinks my mood is because of something he’s done and that he’s willing to try and fix whatever it is. I let out a breath then glance at the glass separating us from the driver in front. “Could we maybe wait until the hotel room?”

  Kye follows my stare then looks back at me and nods, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. This time there’s no hesitation and I relax into him; simply happy my knight is by my side.

  The rest of the ride from the airport to our hotel isn’t long, but the air is thick with my own worry about what he’ll think when he hears what I have to say.

  “We’re here,” Kye says, as the car pulls to a stop outside a massive, expensive hotel.

  Begrudgingly I pull myself up to a seated position and Kye exits the car, offering his hand and helping me from the back seat. We gather our things and head inside, where Kye heads straight for the VIP counter.

  “Hello, Mr. Kingston,” the cute blonde behind the counter says with a little too much enthusiasm.

  “Rachael. Is my room ready?” he asks, making me even more curious about how often he’s been to Kansas. I then remember his lecture. Realizing, between now and the first time we’d met there must’ve been more than just that one time.

  “Yes, sir,” she says glancing around him, and pinning a judgmental stare on me before giving Kye her best fake white smile. “Here’s your key card, and all the arrangements you’d requested have been taken care of.”

  Swiping the key card off the counter, he grabs my bag from me and drops them both on a cart where a bellhop waits patiently. “Room 415,” he tells the older gentlemen, passing money into the man’s hand.

  It’s clear this Kye is in his element here. Hiring drivers. Staying at expensive hotels. Neither of which is something I’ve experienced on the regular. But none of it matters either. At this point I’d be happy with the cheap motels by the track, because unlike him, my sleep on the plane wasn’t as restful.

  He tugs on my hand, pulling me into an elevator before the doors close and we ride in silence. It has me wondering what’s going on in his mind. But I’m not about to ask.

  When we reach the door and he has the key card hovering over the electronic lock, he turns to me. “I hadn’t asked if you wanted your own room,” he says plainly.

  Furrowing my brows, I’m confused by his mood. Could it be nerves? Could he be stressing out about the race? With those questions floating around in my mind, I shake my head and he waves me through the door.

  We step into a seating area of a large suite. Glancing around, I notice the open space is decorated with muted neutral colors and minimal but high-end leather and wood furniture, but that’s not what catches my eye.

  Straight ahead are floor-to-ceiling glass windows that make up the far side of the wall.

  I take the few steps through the room and look out over the scenery. Kansas City can’t compete with the bigger cities in California but because it’s my hometown, the beauty of downtown holds a special place in my heart.

  I’m so lost in aged architecture that I don’t see Kye’s reflection until he’s reaching over my shoulder and offering me a small glass of amber liquid. When I take it, I expect him to stand by my side with his own, instead he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to him, and dropping a kiss on the soft spot of my neck.

  “Mmm, aren’t you having a drink?” I ask, taking a sip and letting the liquor burn my throat as it goes down, before dropping my head back on his shoulder.

  “No, I’d like to hear what you have to say first, but also thought you could use some liquid courage.”

  “That I can, how much booze is over there?” I chuckle, but he stays quiet. It’s then I realize if we’re ever going to get any sleep tonight, I need to get this over with.

  I begin telling him about the dream and take the time to go into the minute details of that day so long ago. His arms stiffen around me, but he doesn’t pry for more.

  When I’m finished, I take a big gulp of my drink, set the glass on a side table, and turn in his arms. Meeting his eyes. “So, when I didn’t kiss you back on the plane it wasn’t because of you, or anything you’d done. It was him.” I add that last part with a bit of grit to my tone.

  He places a tender kiss on my forehead and pulls me against his chest, exhaling a long sigh. “We can only hope the two of them have left the country by now, if not, at least we know the cops are looking for them.”

  “Good riddance,” I say, pulling back and meeting his eyes. I expect humor and a boyish smirk staring back, instead sympathy and desire swirls within the transparent orbs.

  I place a palm on his clean-shaven cheek, and he covers my hand with his before leaning down and placing his lips on mine.

  The kiss starts off tender, apologetic even, but once we get a taste of the other, it becomes a frenzy of lips and tongue. As much as I’d love to find out where this might lead, and although his taste is intoxicating, I’m realizing how exhausted I am. “You have a big race in a couple of days. We should be in bed and…”

  “You’re right, we should,” he says, placing an arm behind my legs and sweeping me off my feet, literally.

  Chapter 30

  Pushing the bedroom door open, he carries me in the room and places me gently on the bed.

  His lips find mine, working a magic that I know only he can. I reach for the hem of his shirt, but he lifts my hand away. “This is about you, baby. It’s my touch I want you to remember in your dreams tonight, not his.”

  I’m at the bottom of the Kye Kingston rabbit hole, and there’s no escape. I’ve fallen hard and I don’t care. This man is everything I’ve dreamed of. Sexy. Loving. A little controlling. And a whole lot mine.

  It’s too soon to tell him I love him, there will be time for that. Instead, I do my best to show him how I feel in other ways. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pul
l him closer, this time giving everything I have in the kiss.

  Helping me out of my shirt and bra, he spends time kneading my breasts and tweaking my nipples before moving his mouth farther south. Need builds between my legs.

  I know he’s taking it slow for me. Imprinting his touch on both my skin and in my mind, but I’m quickly realizing how painfully slow it really is.

  By the time his hands find the button and zipper of my shorts, I make quick work of shoving them and my underwear down my legs and flick them aside with a foot.

  He chuckles, “Well look at you, Little Miss Eager.”

  “Kye, please, this is torture. I want your cock in me,” I plead, hoping my eyes or the whine in my tone encourages him to give in.

  “In due time, baby. I don’t think your mind has quite got the message yet.”

  I let out a frustrated breath and drop my head back on the bed. But it’s not long before I’m gripping the sheets and moaning when his tongue finds my sensitive nub. This isn’t how I’d wanted to come, but fuck I can’t hold back my orgasm much longer.

  He moves his tongue this way and that. Licking and poking before sucking my clit into his mouth, working it with his teeth.

  I come undone without any warning. Arching my back off the bed and tangling my fingers in his hair, I hold his head steady until the aftershocks are manageable and not so…ticklish.

  He crawls up between my legs, placing his lips on mine before sitting back on his heels. “Watching you come from my mouth has to be the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. My dick is as hard as a jackhammer because of you.”

  “Show me,” I tell him, not afraid of how slutty it sounds. Hell, it’s a fact. I want to see his hard cock in all its glory.

  He groans and points at me. “The death of me, I tell you.” Leaning down he kisses me again then climbs off the bed.

  For a moment I think he’s leaving but he surprises me and begins removing his shirt. I can see the ripple of every muscle as he lifts the material over his head, and it falls to the floor. He moves his hands to the button and I lick my lips.

  Who am I kidding? With this man, I am slutty. And I don’t care what he said, this isn’t just about me. I scramble off the bed and have his pants and underwear down before he has a chance to protest.

  When my mouth closes over his jackhammer, I’m positive he doesn’t remember how to form words.

  I smile at the control I have over him. In this moment I hold all the power. I bet I could ask him to marry me and he’d agree. I stop mid-suck.

  What in the ever-loving hell was that thought?

  Is that what I want?

  “Don’t fucking stop,” he orders, drawing my attention back to the shaft in my mouth. I consider giving him the same slow torture he gave me but decide against it.

  It doesn’t take him long once I get into a rhythm of working him with my mouth and both my hands. Unlike the last time I’d performed this service, there’s no warning when he growls out his release and I’m swallowing down every drop he gives.

  Once he’s finished, he helps me off the floor and pulls me in his arms. “I’m sorry, baby, I just… it just felt so fucking good.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I mumble as my eyes drift closed. With my head against his chest, the rhythmic beat beneath lulls me into a standing slumber. Not only am I exhausted but I’m also worried about him and my brother. Driving a race car at top speeds is no easy task.

  The thought alone has my eyes springing open. I lead him over to the bed. “C’mon, I could use a nap and I’m sure you could too. I’d hate to think wearing you down with an afternoon blow job would have you forfeiting a race.”

  “Like hell I’d…”

  I place a finger on his lips. “I’m just kidding, but you are getting in bed with me…” He raises his brows. “…and you’re going to sleep.”

  With a pouty lower lip, just like a five-year-old, he climbs in the bed and scoots to the other side so I can climb in after. I snuggle in next to him, tucking us in as best I can, and within minutes I’m out like a light.

  “Berkleigh… Berk, wake up!”

  The use of my nickname has my eyes springing open. “El?” I call out to him but glancing around I find the room empty. The clock on my phone reads 4:00 p.m. and I realize, I’ve been asleep for almost three hours.

  I’m still tired though, which is unlike me. Normally a nap would keep me up for the rest of the day and night, but I shrug it off as jet lag.

  Tossing the covers back, I’m surprised when I find myself in one of Kye’s shirts and a pair of my underwear. I know I went to bed naked. Maybe I’d gotten up at some point and threw something on, or maybe… I smile, walking into the other room, pulling the expensive material away from my body as I admire the soft texture. “What happened did your lack of self-control keep you from sleeping next to me when I was naked?”

  When he doesn’t respond, I glance up and my face turns fifty shades of red. There stands five brothers and one very, very pissed-off father. Out of my peripheral vision I see Kye coming toward me, but I wave him away nonchalantly with my hand at my side.

  It doesn’t stop him though. Once he’s by my side and with an arm wrapped around my back, he whispers in my ear, “They know, sweetheart.”

  “Know what?” I grit through my teeth.

  “That you’re a couple,” El says, stalking toward me but shaking Kye’s hand before pulling me in for a long hug. “Dude, you have so much explaining to do. And I’m going to be there in the front row,” he whispers with way too much enthusiasm.

  “Back’atcha, brother,” I retort, as he pulls away.

  After Elliot the rest of my brothers swarm in, giving Kye high fives and handshakes and swinging me around like they haven’t seen me for a thousand years.

  Dru turns to his twin. “Dude, it’s kinda gross we’re hugging our sister after they just...”

  “Dru Michael Shaw, that’s enough!” Dad’s voice booms through the room, making me jump. “Berkleigh, I suggest you go get dressed.”

  I glance from Dad to Kye, silently wanting him to come with me but also to make sure he’s going to be okay. He nods and waves me toward the bedroom.

  Tossing things out of my suitcase, I find a bra and a pair of sweats, forgoing one of my shirts because I decide to leave Kye’s on. It smells like him and I could use all the calming I can get.

  Running my fingers through my hair, I put it in a place that looks presentable and prepare to head back into the den of lions, but I’m startled when the door closes.

  Standing inside the room is my father. “Your boyf…” He can’t finish the word and sticks his thumb toward the door instead. “Kye mentioned it would be better if we talked in private first.”

  I nod because words escape me. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. Tears sting the back of my eyes and I run over to him, wrapping him in my arms. “Oh, Daddy! I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, sweetheart,” he says, returning my embrace. I don’t miss the emotion in his tone either. “Is there someplace we can sit?”

  Searching around the room, I lead him over to the bench at the foot of the bed and we take a seat. “Berkleigh, I’m going to start by saying this isn’t a good idea…”

  “Dad...” I interrupt, but he raises a hand. “Let me get this out then you can say your piece.”

  I nod.

  “I wasn’t happy when Kye told me what was going on, but we’d insisted he explain why you’re here and not in your own room.” He pauses, chuckling. “I’ll admit that one has some… well, he has nerve being so forward about whatever this is between you, but I appreciated his honesty.”

  My smile goes wide as my dad compliments the man I’ve fallen for in the other room.

  “I realize you’re a grown woman and if this were any of your brothers, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, but…” He swallows hard and I know he’s holding back a tremendous amount of emotion. “…you’ll always be my little girl.”
br />   Those last six words gut me and the tears I was fighting so hard tumble down my cheeks. He opens his arms to me, and I melt against his chest. “He’s a good guy, Dad.”

  “I see that now,” he says, as we rise from the bench. “Now let’s get back out there before your brothers corrupt Kye.” We laugh, walking arm in arm back to the room where the normal chaos that is my brothers has ensued.

  Dad leads me over to Kye, and as if he’s giving me away at our wedding, he tells him, “She’s all yours.”

  Kye shakes his hand and wraps an arm around me while we watch Dad corral my brothers and they shout their goodbyes as they disappear through the door. It’s then I realize I never got a chance to talk with Elliot.

  I swipe our room key card off a nearby dresser and shout over my shoulder, “I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter 31


  “No, Grady, I haven’t heard from her. It’s been two fucking hours since she stepped through the door!” I shout into my cell, pacing back and forth in the hotel room.

  “Where is Lawrence?” he asks and I cringe.

  I run a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. “He was taking a later flight; they’d gotten a lead on William and Alicia. Fuck! If anything happens to her…”

  He mutters a slew of obscenities on the other end. “That shit is for the cops to handle, not your girlfriend’s security detail.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” I shout into the phone again. I’m taking my frustrations out on the wrong person but he’s the only one in the near vicinity. “Just tell me what to do, Grady.”

  A long breath comes over the line. “You’ve checked with everyone on the crew? She’s from Kansas, Kye, she knows her way around, maybe she met a friend—”

  “Her phone and everything else is here. She has no money, no way to reach anyone, and a stalker on her heels,” I tell him, as my chest tightens at the fear something happened to her.


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