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The Count's Christmas Baby

Page 9

by Rebecca Winters

  “Is it still operational?”

  “Yes. They even hold English mass.”

  She loved its architecture. “There’s a very spiritual aspect about the whole place.”

  His dark eyes fastened on hers. “This city was blessed when Paul of Tarsus visited here in the first century A.D.”

  Sami reflected on Ric’s upbringing. “You were blessed to have a mom you loved so much raise you.”

  He moved closer to her. “Now you understand why I’m full of gratitude for the way you love our son. Your grandparents did a wonderful job with you.”

  “Pat and I weren’t the easiest children. They’ll get a crown in heaven, that’s for sure.”

  While she was caught up with so many feelings she didn’t dare express, she was conscious of a clock ticking away. “I think Mara will wonder if we’re ever coming back.”

  Ric’s mouth turned up in a half smile. “She hopes we won’t.”

  They started for the car. “Do she and Daimon have children?”

  “Yes. Both their married daughters live in Nicosia. They visit back and forth with the grandchildren on a regular basis.”

  “That makes me happy to hear it.” She glanced at her watch and couldn’t believe how long they’d been gone. “It’s almost time for Eliana’s plane to arrive. We need to hurry home.”

  “Relax. We’ll make it.”

  Ric seemed in no rush. Sami tried to heed his advice, but she was too restless. When they reached the villa, she hurried inside to find the baby. Holding him always calmed her down.

  Mara had put him in the carrycot while she was in the kitchen cooking. Sami entered with Ric to find their son lying there open-eyed and perfectly content until Ric hunkered down to talk to him. The second he saw his daddy, he started crying, wanting to be held. On cue, Ric was right there to pick him up and nestle him against his chest.

  Sami burst into laughter. “What a little faker he is. I swear that happens every time with you.”

  A smile lit up Mara’s face. “He knows his papa.”

  “Unfortunately his papa needs to get ready to leave for the airport,” Sami said. Her gaze shot to Ric. “I’ll take him so you won’t be late.”

  She felt his hesitation before he handed the baby over.

  “At least Ric still acts happy to come to me. I’d begun to fear he might have forgotten me because of his new infatuation with you.”


  Afraid to look in Ric’s eyes she said, “I’m taking this young man upstairs. Thanks for everything, Mara.”

  “My pleasure. He won’t need a bottle for a while. I think he’s getting sleepy.”

  “All right then. Let’s go change you.”

  Ten minutes later he’d fallen to sleep. As Sami turned to go take her shower, Ric made an appearance. He looked too gorgeous in a silky charcoal dress shirt and black trousers she hadn’t seen before. Her heart pounded outrageously.

  “I wanted you to know I’m leaving now.”

  “I—I’ll see you later then.” She stumbled over the words. Fear for what was going to happen had chilled her blood. “I’ll pray things go well.”

  Without saying anything, he went over to the crib and rubbed their little boy’s head. “I’ll be back, tesoro mio,” he whispered.

  “What did you just call him?”

  “My treasure.” His gaze swerved to hers. “When you came to find my father, you brought me the world, Sami.”

  His words liquefied her insides. “He’s my whole world, too.” She struggled to keep her voice steady. “Do you have any advice for me for when I meet Eliana?”

  A brooding look stole over his handsome face. “Simply be yourself.”

  That didn’t help her. “How old is she?”


  A year younger than Sami. “Have you—” She stopped herself, needing to bite her tongue out.

  “Have we been intimate?”

  “It’s none of my business.”

  “The answer is yes.”

  Sami had no right to feel wounded by the admission, but she did. Horribly. But she was glad she knew. It put things into perspective. He was a man with a man’s appetite and Eliana was his fiancée, after all. Women always dramatized everything.

  Well, Sami refused to be like that. Everyone knew that the majority of couples, engaged or not, didn’t wait for marriage to sleep together. The fact that Sami hadn’t been intimate with a man except Ric put her in that tiny minority.

  He darted her a quick glance. “I’ll answer the next question you haven’t asked yet. I’ve enjoyed my share of women over the years.”

  “If Eliana knows that, then perhaps she won’t be as hurt when you tell her about us.”

  His lids drooped over his eyes. “That’s a nice thought. Let’s hang on to it, shall we?”


  “I should be back with her within forty-five minutes.”

  Her body trembled. “I’ll be ready. What shall I wear?”

  He scrutinized her from her hair to her sandaled feet. “You’re breathtaking with or without clothes. Put on whatever feels the most comfortable.”

  After Ric had left the bedroom, Sami stood in the shower paralyzed by what he’d said. How could he reduce everything to its most intimate and personal when he was preparing to pick up his soon-to-be wife at the airport?

  Yet, on the heels of that thought, she had to remember he’d been intimate with both Sami and Eliana. The situation didn’t fit any scenario she knew of.

  Coming to the island had been a mistake. They’d gotten into a false sense of vacation mode. Last night things had almost spiraled out of control. Because of the baby, she assumed that was the reason they’d both subconsciously let down their guard. But one thing was certain. She refused to put herself into such a vulnerable position again.

  The only thing to do was get through the next few hours while they all talked, then she’d fly home in the morning. She’d done her part so Ric could enjoy the baby, but now it was over. It didn’t matter if he wanted their son with him all the time. That wouldn’t be possible. Reno and Genoa were thousands of miles apart. After his marriage and honeymoon, they could talk on the phone and plan how to arrange visitation.

  While her mind pored over how she would tell him she was leaving, she did her hair and makeup. After that she opened the closet door and put on her navy blue suit, matching it with a lighter blue silk blouse. The rest of the clothes she’d brought with her comprised a few casual jeans and tops. Sami wanted to look her best. Nothing but the suit was dressy enough for this first meeting with a princess, no matter how casual the surroundings.

  When she was ready, she went downstairs and asked Mara to listen for the baby while she walked out to the private marina to take in the view. She hoped Ric and Eliana would arrive while she was away from the villa. Ric could show her the baby before she had to face Sami.

  Mara acted delighted and offered to feed him if he awakened. Sami thanked her and stepped outside.

  The sun had set an hour ago. Sami presumed Ric would be back fairly soon. Twilight had come on fast and the air was cooler, yet she glimpsed sailboats and cruisers out enjoying the evening. From the corner of her eye she saw a jet climbing in the sky from Paphos airport. Under the right circumstances this time of night could be magical, but all Sami experienced was a heavy heart.

  She walked along the path bordering the sand. Everyone knew weddings were for the bride. A bride had the right to expect that the days leading up to her wedding would be filled with excitement. It killed Sami to imagine that because she’d come to Genoa looking for Ric’s grandfather, Eliana’s excitement would now vanish as if it had never been.

  Again Pat’s predictions came floating back at her.

  Neither Sami nor Ric could change things, but she would go out of her way to appease Eliana in any way she could in order not to do more damage. Lost in thought, she didn’t realize she’d been out longer than she’d planned. It had grown
dark. She retraced her steps back to the villa and met Daimon coming toward her.

  “Enrico sent me to find you.”

  “I purposely stayed out to give him time to be with Eliana and the baby.”

  “They’ve been here awhile. He was worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry. Where are they?”

  “In the living room by the fireplace.”

  Sami walked inside and made her way through to the front of the house. She peered around the corner to see the couple over on the couch. In the open-necked charcoal shirt and dark trousers, Ric had never looked more appealing. He’d nestled the baby against his shoulder. His little head bobbed, signaling he was awake. Both were heartbreakingly attractive.

  Eliana was seated near him wearing a stunning watermelon-colored suit. She had class written all over her and could have been a model for the latest princess doll with her dark blond hair falling in curls over her shoulders.


  “HELLO?” Sami called softly to announce her entrance.

  At the sound of her voice, Ric’s black eyes shot to hers and he sprang to his feet. The way he was looking at her underlined what Daimon had said about him being worried. She hadn’t meant to alarm him.

  Her gaze strayed to Eliana whose head had turned in her direction. Large amber eyes gave Sami a wintry stare of condemnation. Otherwise her classically Italian features were devoid of animation.

  Little did Eliana know she didn’t have anything to fear from Sami. But the baby was another matter, because Ric had claimed him. He loved their baby to the depth of his being and intended to be a hands-on father whenever possible.

  At the moment his remote countenance was more pronounced than it had been when he’d told her the reason he’d gotten rid of his title. She groaned inwardly for him.

  “Christine Argyle, please meet my fiancée, Princess Eliana Fortulezza.”

  Sami had known he was marrying nobility, but hearing his fiancée’s title and seeing her in person at last still took some getting used to. “How do you do, Princess Fortulezza?”

  Eliana rose to her feet. “Signorina Argyle,” she said and they shook hands.

  Ric’s fiancée studied Sami without revealing any visible emotion. Though Ric had been honest about his reasons for marrying Eliana, no one could know what was in his fiancée’s heart. She’d been trained to maintain her dignity, but now that this ghastly moment was upon them, Sami thought the other woman was awesome.

  “Come on,” Ric said. “We’ll go into the dining room where we can sit around the table to talk.” Sami followed them, noting Eliana’s tall, slender figure and the three dazzling diamonds of her engagement ring.

  The carrycot was still perched on the table. Ric put the baby down in it, then pulled out chairs for her and Eliana. Since her little boy seemed content, Sami sat down without kissing him. She didn’t want to get him all worked up and create a fuss.

  Mara came in to serve coffee and biscotti. Ric thanked her before she left them alone. His dark, solemn eyes slid to Sami. “I’ve told Eliana everything that happened last January.”

  Having said that much, the onus was now on Sami. She cleared her throat and eyed Eliana. “Then you realize that when I went to the police station two days ago, I was expecting, or at least hoping, to meet Ric’s father.”


  This was so painful for Sami, she could only imagine how shocked and hurt Eliana had to be. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am to have caused you this kind of grief. I had no idea the elder Mr. Degenoli had died, or that Ric had survived the avalanche.” Her voice faltered. “When he lost consciousness, I thought he was dead. Neither of us dreamed we would ever leave our tomb alive.”

  “So Enrico explained. Did he tell you to call him Ric?” she asked in heavily accented English.

  Out of all the questions she might have asked, that was the last one Sami would have expected. “When I realized I wasn’t alone in the dark, I asked who was there. He said he was Ric Degenoli. I was thankful he spoke English and told him my name was Sami.”


  “My father’s name was Samuel. That’s how I got the nickname.” She leaned forward. “Eliana—please believe me. I have absolutely no intention of ruining your life. I know you’re going to be married on New Year’s Day. Tomorrow morning I’m taking the baby back to Reno with me.”

  She purposely didn’t look at Ric while she spoke to Eliana. “Once the wedding and honeymoon are over and you’ve settled into married life, then visitation can be discussed. But be assured my life is in America.”

  The other woman studied her for a minute. “Enrico tells me there’s a man who wishes to marry you.”

  Sami couldn’t fault Ric for telling his fiancée everything. The whole truth and nothing but. No doubt it would make things more bearable for Eliana if Sami were to say that she and Matt would be getting married shortly. But she couldn’t, because it would never happen. Sami didn’t love Matt with all her heart and soul. In the past twenty-four hours, she’d had that confirmed beyond any lingering doubt.

  “There is, but I’ve decided against marrying him.” Her announcement caused something to flare in the recesses of Ric’s eyes, whether surprise because she’d been so frank about it, Sami couldn’t tell. Eliana didn’t flinch. “Perhaps if I give you a little background, you’ll understand.

  “I was young when my parents died. Though I adored my grandparents, I ached for a mother and father. When Ric was born I made a vow. Since he would never know his father in this life, I would devote my life to raising my precious son to the very best of my ability.

  “For the last two months I’ve thought of nothing else and don’t see another man giving my baby the love he’ll need.” Watching Ric in action with their child had settled the question for her once and for all. Anyone other than his own father wouldn’t do.

  “How will you live?”

  Sami had half expected Eliana’s practical question. Ric’s fiancée could be forgiven for thinking Sami was out for everything she could get from him. It was time to reassure her on that point.

  “Did Ric mention to you that I was in graduate school before I flew to Austria?”

  “He said something about it.”

  “I intend to go back to it. Being a computer engineer will provide me with a good living to help me take care of the two of us and pay back my loans.”

  “How in debt are you?”

  Again Sami understood why she was curious. “By the time I’ve received my master’s degree, I’ll probably owe at least $40,000, but I’ll pay it back slowly after I’m employed. I’m fortunate to go to a university where I can be with the baby all day and attend classes at night.

  “Once I’m back there, I’ll email you my schedule. We’ll work things out so Ric gets to see his son when it’s convenient for you. Do you have any other questions you want to ask me?”

  After a few seconds she said, “No.”

  Then there was nothing more to talk about. Good. Sami couldn’t sit here any longer. If Eliana was struggling to hold it all together, she didn’t give anything away.

  Sami stood up without having tasted her coffee. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to put the baby down and go to bed.” She went around to lift him from his carrycot. On her way out of the room, she paused for a moment. “I’m glad Ric brought you here tonight so we could meet, Eliana. I wish you two every happiness on your forthcoming marriage.”

  Even though Eliana and Ric hadn’t been engaged last January, Sami had the conviction that the strange circumstances surrounding the baby’s conception had driven a wedge that could never be closed. “Since I know you have a lot to discuss, I’ll say good-night.”

  Eliana looked relieved. So was Sami, who hurried to the bedroom, thankful the dreaded meeting was over. Once inside, she hurried upstairs and put the baby down long enough to change and slip into her robe. After that she bathed him and gave him his bottle, needing to feel him close to her.

>   She still shivered from the look on Ric’s face before she’d rushed out of the dining room. It said she hadn’t had the last word when it came to her going back to the States. But despite how crazy he was about their baby, he had to face reality. The only way to relieve the tension was for Sami to go home.

  As soon as her little cherub had fallen asleep, she put him down in the crib. Afraid she’d toss and turn in agony all night, she took a sleeping pill and turned off her lamp before climbing into bed.

  If the drug worked and she fell into a deep enough sleep, she knew Ric would get up in the night with the baby. The experience would give Eliana a taste of what it would be like when it was their turn to take care of him.

  While she lay there waiting for needed oblivion, her mind went over the scene in the living room. Sami had given out enough information for Eliana to put her own spin on it. No doubt she believed Sami had come to Italy hoping Ric’s father would fund her graduate-school costs. When she’d found Ric alive, that was even better. The count was worth a fortune and would do anything for his son. He’d already proved it.

  Surely by now it had entered Eliana’s mind that a lesser man with his kind of money could have paid Sami off and been done with the problem without any knowledge of it coming to light. Not Ric. He not only loved the idea of being a father, he genuinely loved playing with the baby and seeing to all his needs. You couldn’t fake that kind of caring.

  Eliana had to be seeing a whole new side to her fiancé. It ought to reassure her he’d be a marvelous father to any children they would have one day. But Eliana would have to get past this obstacle before she could begin to appreciate how exceptional Ric really was.

  Still in turmoil, Sami turned on her other side. For the three of them to meet and talk had been the only thing to do, but none of them had come out of it unscathed. Her gaze lit on the baby, who had no idea what was going on. Her sweet little baby... Hot tears trickled out the corners of her eyes.

  * * *

  When next Sami knew anything, she discovered it was after 10:00 a.m. That pill had eventually knocked her out. With her timing off, it meant she would have to hurry to arrange for an evening flight out of Paphos.


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