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Bella (A Sagatori Family Saga a Mafia Romance Book 4)

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by Kimberly Blalock

  Chase was bent at one knee leaning over the man I’d wanted to have a chat with. “Nice to see you too.” His smug grin watched me carefully.

  I avoided the bloody bodies that lay around me. I was in the center of the real-life crime that happened in my world every day. I knew it existed on some level, and sure, I’d thought about it. I’m not going to lie and say I’d never wanted to know what it was like living with no remorse for my actions.

  The man that lay underneath Chase gasped for air. His large hands clasped at his throat. “What are you doing?” He stared up in panic, his eyes engorged and red.

  I still gripped the large pistol I’d taken from the other idiot in my ties hands. “Untie me.” he quickly released a knife from his pocket and cut me free. “Thank you, but I need you to get out of my way,” I ordered waving the loaded metal at the three. “I need answers.”

  “Hey, damn!” the three men yelled as they jumped back away from where I pointed the gun.

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad, boys.” I knelt down. The man watched me through terrified brown eyes. His brow was raised and furrowed. I had no idea that having a man fear me would feel so exhilarating. But it damn sure did. “Where’s your boss?”

  He mumbled something in Russian, his accent strong. I couldn’t repeat it even if I’d tried.

  “English!” I twisted his collar with my fingers. “Where is your boss?”

  “Fuck you!” he spit, literally in my face. Bloody saliva entered my eye. Any disease this asshole had I’d now have. Oh that pissed me off leaving me physically shaken in anger

  “There are only two possibilities here.” I looked up to Chase who had just kicked him in his jaw and pressed his size fifteen shoe into the guy’s chest. “I’ve got this.” I waved him away.

  He smirked, crossed his arms, and backed away. “Okay, princess.”

  I rolled my eyes annoyed with his sarcasm. “Where’s your boss?”

  “I’m not telling you shit, woman.” His growl was one that came from pain, a lot of pain.

  I smiled. “Do you think he’ll talk?” I gripped the man’s hair pushing his head back.

  Chase shook his head. “No, the Bratva never talk.”

  “I agree.” I was wasting my time with this guy. I could stand and walk away, but what would that say about me? I knew what would happen in the end. Chase or one of his men would kill him. I could say without a doubt that I had no remorse for his inevitable impending doom. The Bratva had been a part of so many murders in the last months, which meant this asshole had also been apart of them as well. This included my husband’s attempted murder— the father of my unborn child— I was certain. No, I couldn’t let this go. Giving this responsibility to one of the three that stood in front of me would mean my weakness was exposed. That small part of me that wanted to walk away had been voted out. My husband’s men would think I was the typical woman. Okay, I say “typical”, of course, that’s the men’s wording, not mine.

  I stood, pulled the hammer down, and pointed it to the Russian pig that lay beneath me. “Any last words?”

  “Bella, what the fuck?” Chase reached for the gun, but he’d been in for a long disappointment.

  My eyes narrowed; shame or weakness hadn’t been a part of my demeanor then. I was strong and confidently watching him. “Don’t question me again,” I said to Chase then taking my attention to the man that showed his fear. Sweat pooled around his eyes like he knew what was coming. My finger pressed along the trigger. The ridges pressed into my flesh as I pulled on the metal. I knew there would be a bit of recoil, so I braced myself pressing my weight into my stance. I reached with my other hand supporting the butt of the gun and followed through with a shot to his forehead. The gun’s power threw me back a few inches regardless of how much I’d tried to avoid it.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Chase gasped.

  “Don’t be such a pussy.” I turned away from them to take in a comforting deep breath. Why had that been so easy for me to do?

  I looked down to the concrete floor not wanting to see what I’d done, knowing I was going to Hell. The sins committed with others spilled blood was thought to be forgiven once a confession had made to the priest. But this sin, for me, I’d willingly throw myself into the flames of Hell. My eyes made contact with the mess that I’d caused. His head floated in a shiny pool of his own dark red blood.

  I watched as the deep-red circle-grew, spilling over to the tips of my shoes. His eyes were open wide—watching me— and his pupils were large black circles of emptiness inside of their deep sockets.

  Chase slowly reached for my wrists. “Bella?” he questioned my sanity I’d been sure.

  I was very sane. These men killed many of the men in the Sagatori family, they’d not had a single thought of sparing my husband’s men. Then they turned around to attempt Jax’s life as well.

  I narrowed my eyes lifting them to Chase’s as I handed him the gun. “I want Orlov; have I made myself clear?”

  Chase continued watching me with surprise etched in the creases of his eyes. This had probably not been something they’d seen a woman do.

  Thunder began to roar shaking the tin above us while rain pelted hard against the metal building. “Time to go?” I asked.

  “You tell me?” Chase was being sarcastic as usual; angry that I’d put an end to the guy he’d planned to kill.

  “Oh wait!” My eyes moved toward the area I’d come from. “My bag.”


  Chase followed behind me as I searched for my bag. I wasn’t certain if it was here. I needed to search for the room I had been held in. I mindlessly began searching, hoping that I’d find it. Twenty precious minutes passed before stepping into a small makeshift office. It was dark and difficult to see anything familiar until Chase flashed the flashlight from his phone allowing me to see

  A chair sat alone in the middle of the space. The desk that I’d seen earlier sat against a wall and held only an ashtray. “This is where he had me tied up.” I pointed to the chair.

  Chase’s hand cupped the bend of my elbow. “You okay?

  I ignored the question seeing my bag, “There.” It lay on the floor in a heap, all of my belongings scattered across the floor. With the exception of my phone— it had been shattered— and my father’s gun was missing. “He took Papa’s gun.”

  “It’s okay,” Chase said as he led me out the side door.

  An eerily calm echo was interrupted by the rain and clap of thunder. Seven men lay dead on the ground. Seven men lost their lives in a moment of bloodshed. Seven men that deserved every bit of what they’d gotten and the eighth was still at large. We’d find him. I’d make sure of it.


  Chase kindly saw me to the penthouse so that I could shower and change. I did so, quickly. I’d wanted to return to Jax more than anything. Once I was dressed and ready to leave, I slipped back inside of my closet opening one of Jax’s drawers. One large, gold-plated pistol lay flat, wrapped inside of a white handkerchief. I unwrapped and investigated the weapon testing the sight. With a firm grip, I aimed the sight at a pair of heels that sat a few feet away on a shelve, and it made me feel powerful. I slipped the already loaded clip inside, double checked the safety, and tucked it inside my bag. I’d planned to kill Orlov with Papa’s gun but this one would do nicely as well.

  Another few minutes in the car and we were in front of Chicago Memorial.

  “You good?” Chase asked again.

  I nodded but didn’t give anything away. I’d not truly been okay in a long time, but I’d learned to accept my life was different from most people a long time ago. I wouldn’t have a normal life even though I’d fooled myself into believing that I could. I would always be different than most women my age. And now I’d killed two men. I’d become a murderer for revenge and honor. I’d become everything the men were, and now it was time they treated me like more than a fragile girl.

  The elevator doors opened and in slow motion, Emily ran toward
me. Her arms raised and flailed as they reached for mine, tears swam in her eyes, and her strawberry cheeks pulled into a grin. “Isabella!” She flung her body into mine. Her cries pounded into me vibrating my soul. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!”

  The room began to spin and my knees gave out landing me in a heap on the floor. What had happened? I wanted to ask her, but my mouth wouldn’t find the words. I knew the answer. My body was heavy, too heavy to hold myself up. Tears flowed and dripped from my nose and chin.

  “I know you wanted to be here when he woke up, I’m so sorry you missed it.” She pulled back.

  “But I…” I wiped away the tears.

  “Jesus, Emily,” Tony chided as he stood behind her shaking his head. “He’s awake.” He nodded toward the hallway. “Fucking dramatic.”

  I was standing inside the hospital room in seconds. “Jax,” I whispered.

  Alessandra stood next to him praying. I knew because her eyes were closed and she held her crucifix. I smiled, stepping inside of the room. My flats were silent; he hadn’t seen me yet. I smiled as I watched his eyes move, his lips move, his hands move. The most glorious day of my life was seeing him do the things I’d prayed so hard for. My prayers had finally been answered.

  His eyes grazed the fluorescent lights then landed on mine. A smile crept over his beautiful lips as he spoke my name. “Isabella.”

  “Jax.” My smile was larger than life. Happiness filled my soul.

  “Everyone.” He waved his hand. He seemed very weak, and I knew it would take time to get back to himself.

  Alessandra, Mrs. And Mr. Moretti, and their other two sons looked at me the moment Jax spoke my name and filed out into the hallway.

  “Come here.” I didn’t rush I was scared. Was he okay? I wouldn’t be able to keep from touching him but would that be okay? “Bella?” he questioned.

  I took the final step as my thighs touched the bed. He was really awake and smiling at me. I collapsed next to him. “I missed you so much.” My head fell to his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around me filling the void I’d had for so long. “I’m right here, baby.”

  “I thought you were going to die.” I fought the tears. I fought them so hard until all the pain I’d held finally exploded against protest. “I killed them.”

  “Isabella?” I didn’t want to move. “Isabella?” His hand caressed my hair smoothing my worries into nothing. “Isabella?” I took a deep breath relishing in his touch.

  “Yes?” I tucked myself into his embrace.

  “Wake up, Isabella.”


  My eyes opened from the dream I’d just had “It was a dream,” I muttered. I’d fallen asleep on the way to the hospital and dreamt Jax was awake.

  “Huh?” Chase asked while tapping on his phone.

  “Nothing.” I nodded.

  The car delivered us to the front entrance of the hospital where we exited and walked to the elevator and then Jax’s room.

  I remained silent the rest of the evening; eventually falling asleep with my head nestled against Jax’s warm hand. I needed him to wake up and hold me.


  I’d woken up to a sleeping Jax. I watched him lay there helpless to anyone that wanted to hurt him. And there were many that wanted to hurt him. One of which that stuck out to me a great deal. “Sleep, baby, I’ll protect you. I’ll keep you safe.” I combed through his hair with my fingers and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  Tony and Sal had been covering for Jax with his crew, but how long would that hold? How long before they came looking for him demanding answers and sitting someone in his seat as boss? Not long.

  I took a few steps toward the window seeing the sun shining for the first time in a week. I watched the cars pass by thinking of my next move. I eventually decided that today was the day I’d do what needed to be done in order to protect this family from more senseless death.

  I stepped outside the room closing the door quietly behind me. “Tony, I’d like to see you, Sal, and Chase… oh Adam, today. Please have someone trustworthy protecting Jax.” I turned, slipping back inside of the room, I needed to call Jax’s private physician. It was time to have Jax moved to a safe location.

  I hadn’t given Tony a chance to ask what the meeting was about for many reasons, but for now, I’d keep those reasons to myself.


  Emily had arrived at the penthouse the same time Tony, Sal, Chase, and I had. I couldn’t ask her to leave; we barely saw each other as it was. So, against my better judgment, I let her stay.

  I’d separated myself from the group leaving them downstairs while I walked upstairs to my room. I sat on Jax’s side of our bed staring at a picture from our wedding. We hadn’t been together very long, but I knew that I loved him. When it happens you just know. I knew I’d die for him. It didn’t bother me that he killed people, and despite the fact that made Jax a monster, I loved him anyway. It didn’t bother me that I’d killed the two men I had. I guess that made me a monster as well. I had his love and I’d never walk away from that. I’d run to it, embrace it, caress it… and soon he’d do the same.

  I slipped into a white blouse and black pencil skirt. I slid my hairbrush through my dark locks, dabbed a bit of the perfume Jax loved onto my wrists and neck and covered my lips with red lip stain. I watched the woman in the mirror wondering where the once happy go lucky girl had gone seeing what she’d become; a powerless girl turned into a vengeful woman.

  “What are you thinking, Bella?” Alessandra approached. She knew me so well.

  My head fell as I spoke softly “I’m thinking that I have to keep him safe.”

  “And who will keep you safe, child?”

  I raised my head flush with Alessandra’s chest as she stood in front of me holding my shoulders. I blinked. One. Two. Three times. “No one.” I knew I had no one but Jax to keep me safe. We could only trust each other.

  I rose from the chair and walked toward the door. “Isabella,” she paused as I stilled my movement. “You’re a strong woman with more power than you realize, but you must search deep within yourself to see what I see.” She paused again. I turned to face her. “Or you’ll fail and then no one will be here to protect him.” Alessandra locked eyes with me for a long beat before I broke away.

  Once again Alessandra had been right. I knew searching deep within myself to find the confidence I needed must be done. I had to forget everything I’d always been told.

  Walking down the stairs allowed me a bit more time to think about my next move. I’d spoken with Jax’s physician earlier and it was decided we’d have him moved under another pseudo name hopeful no one would figure out who and where he was. Why the Bratva hadn’t used the knowledge they had of the location to kill him was beyond me. But I was certain they would soon enough. My heels tapped against the hardwood floor acknowledging my approach into the living room. All eyes turned toward me. I wanted so badly to let the smirk I held inside to escape, keeping my facade darkened without expression was my goal, however. I needed to practice my poker face with those that knew me best.

  Adam had arrived while I’d been upstairs. He whistled from the corner of the room. “I gotta say that’s one hell of a skirt.” He shook his head letting his eyes roam my body.

  Ignoring his disgusting behavior, I smoothed my hands down the back of my pencil skirt and sat in the white armchair. After clearing my throat I began to speak. “I’ll start by letting you all know I’ve decided to have Jax moved to an undisclosed location.” I waited. “To protect him of course.”

  Adam was the first to react, as I’d suspected. “You won’t tell us?” He pressed his elbows into his thighs as he leaning forward.

  I nodded once as my only response.

  “I am the only one that will know where Jax is.” My eyes scanned their reactions. There were open mouths and gasps from the four.

  “He’s our fucking brother,” Adam roared, seeming the angriest of everyone. The others only seemed surprised
by my decision, understandably so.

  I nodded again as I crossed one leg over the other. “Yes.”

  “So what’s with the secretive shit all about?”

  “Don’t curse in front of the ladies’, asshole,” Tony said with laced fingers in his lap. He watched me, and knowing Tony as long as I had, I knew what he likely wanted to ask. But he wouldn’t; he’d bite his tongue for now.

  “He’s my husband, and I’ll ensure his safety.” A small breath escaped with my words. I was nervous, but I needed to push that away.

  “So you’re the only person that stands in the way of me knowing where my brother is?”

  “Yes.” I nodded once again meeting his glower. “And I’m the only one you need to worry about.” I met his dark stare.

  “This is bullshit,” he spat.

  The others in the room watched unsure of what to say. I rose from the chair. “Now that I’ve said what needed saying I’d like for you to leave my home,” I demanded with an authoritative tone.

  “Your home?” Adam laughed. “This is my brother’s home, bitch. You’re a nobody.” He spit at me. Luckily he’d been standing far enough away that it didn’t reach me.

  Tony and Sal stood immediately shoving toward Adam. I raised my hand and ordered, “Stop!” Their eyes met mine. “Let him go.” Their composure stiffened as they stared questioningly.

  Adam left without another word, and my eyes landed on Chase who’d been quiet the entire time. “What’s this really about, Bella?”

  “Times have changed. Technology and liberation has made many things possible. This isn't my papa’s Mafioso any longer.” I sat once more pressing my hands against the armrest.

  “I want to take over this family.”

  “What about Jax?” Chase huffed.

  “Of course, when he’s better he’ll take it back. If you’re not on board with my decisions, then you must leave now.”

  “Why the secretive crap?”

  “For now, all you need to know is that I have my reasons.”

  Chase smoothed over his chin watching me with narrowed eyes. “You love my brother, don’t you?”


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