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The Show Must Go On (Bryant Rockwell Book 2)

Page 10

by Jacky Gray

  “Paul reckoned she was all over him, but he just didn’t fancy her so he legged it after an hour, leaving Jimmy to try ‘a bit of posh.’ Of course she wouldn’t let him do it, though it sounds like he had a good try.”

  Ray’s expression seemed torn between victory and something very dark. “I wouldn’t put anything past that pillock. From what I hear, he’s well capable of that sort of behaviour.”

  Liv looked as though she was going to say something, but thought better of it, giving Ray a curious little look.

  Luke stored it away as he tried to smooth over the slightly awkward atmosphere. “Apparently, a table got shoved over in the tussle, and some stuck up twit tried to make him pay for the broken glasses so he decked him.”

  “Oh dear, it wasn’t supposed to get that bad.” Liv’s face lost even more colour and he squeezed her arm.

  “No harm done. Nobody really hurt, apart from her pride; there were less than twenty people in that ruddy great room. A job well done, I think.”

  Everyone agreed but, despite the support, Liv looked ready to hurl. Luke resolved to have a word with Kat about keeping an eye on her.

  Diana didn’t come back that day and the gossip circulated throughout year eleven. Luke enjoyed the kudos as everyone banded round the hero-word, and eventually gave up protesting that he hadn’t orchestrated the whole affair. He took pride for his part in exposing the vicious lies about Terry as the rest of the class started treating the guy with some respect and he received several compliments about his ability on the dance floor.

  20 But I’m a Pussycat

  Liv’s big mouth started a different rumour when Cecily overheard her telling Kat and Jude that Terry had asked her to the new Emma Watson film on Friday night. “It’s a bit of a chick flick but he seems happy to go.”

  “I thought Mel was coming up this weekend.” Kat was not known to have the best memory and forever had to check facts.

  “Not in time. Her mum’s coming up to visit for the weekend and she doesn’t finish work ’til late on Friday.”

  Jude had it figured out. “Great. You can spend the day off getting ready.”

  Liv pulled a face. “Are you saying I’m gonna need all day?”

  As Jude back-pedalled like crazy, Liv grinned to show she wasn’t upset. In the event, Jude predicted correctly. After an early-morning run, Liv spent some time using her mum’s dumbbells, following the exercises on her chart.

  Her sister gave up her lunch break to help scour several trendy boutiques Liv wouldn’t normally have gone near. She came out with a soft, swirly black skirt and the promise of one of her sister’s tops to go with it. Delighted that Liv finally showed an interest in her appearance, Vicky smiled indulgently.

  All the effort paid off; for the first time in her life, Liv felt reasonably presentable. Nothing bulged, and the blouse’s clever cut made her waist seem much smaller. Even her make-up had a professional touch thanks to Vicky’s tips, and Liv couldn’t believe how much better she felt.

  Terry turned up early. They’d planned to get a bus into town but her mum offered them a lift on her way to pick Davey up from a party in town. They had half an hour before the film started, so he took her into a quiet little café and bought them both cokes. In his smart navy suit and pale blue shirt, he embodied a fifties film star, and his air of understated assurance made him seem much older than fifteen.

  She spotted a couple of guys ogling her while she waited for Terry to bring the drinks. That was new. Embarrassing, but kinda cool.

  He sat down next to her, took her hand and kissed it. “Wow Liv, you look absolutely stunning. I can’t believe you went to all that trouble just for me.”

  “Why not? You’re worth it.” She spun her hair like in the L'Oréal commercial and he smiled.

  “You have no idea what this means to me; I almost began to believe the rumours myself. Not that I fancied Luke or anything.” He shuddered. “I’m just so timid around girls. Even the gentle ones like Janet scare me.”

  “But you’re ok with Kat.”

  “Because I’ve known her forever. But you an’ Jude are frightening.”

  “Me, frightening? But I’m a pussycat.”

  “No, that was Jude.” His wink was too much and although delighted by his quick wit, she had to stop herself from groaning.

  “Sorry.” He grinned. “But now I know you can be kind and gentle behind that tough exterior.” A sip of coke gave him thinking time, and he obviously decided he did have the guts to give her a home truth. “I get that your abrasive humour is merely your self-defence mechanism.”

  Liv glanced down, finding it painful to hear herself described from someone else’s point of view.

  He reached out, lifting her chin until she meet his gaze. “So, thanks to you, I feel a lot more confident about talking to other girls.”

  Despite her shame, the automatic-retort part of her brain was fully functional. “Not tonight, though. Surely I get you to myself for one night before you unleash yourself on the female population of Bryant Rockwell?”

  “Are you flirting with me Olivia Tranter? Because if you’re not careful ...”

  Liv hid her reaction to the intensity of his gaze by glancing at the clock behind the bar. “Ooops. If we’re not careful, we’re going to miss the start of the film.”

  The next morning, a knock at the door had Liv running down the stairs, her heart pounding. She shrieked her friend’s name. “MEL!! You’re early.”

  They hugged as Liv’s mum squeezed past to welcome her friend. Once the mums got comfortable in the kitchen with Davey demanding attention and a brew on the way, they sought the privacy of Liv’s bedroom.

  Mel scanned the room. “Nice paint job. Not so sure about the double bunk. What are you, twelve?”

  Liv had no choice but to get defensive. “It’s great for sleepovers. The chair bit pulls out into a bed so you’ll be more comfortable than on the inflatable. ‘The ideal solution for the smaller guest room.’ Poifect.”

  “Still quoting adverts. What’s the goss?”

  When Liv finished relating the last week’s events, Mel’s jaw couldn’t have dropped lower. Until Liv mentioned the previous night’s date with Terry.

  “Now I know you’re winding me up. I thought I’d misheard when you said he’d asked you out before ... see, you’re smiling.”

  “Simply remembering he called me frightening.”

  “That I can believe, but you’ll have to do way better to convince me.”

  “Will this do?” Liv held out her phone, displaying the picture Vicky insisted on taking of the pair them.

  “No way. Wow Liv, look at you. Totally fantastic. And as for Terry, I could even fancy him myself. Except it doesn’t really look like either of you.”

  “You better believe it, babe. We are the most talked about couple in year eleven. At least for this weekend. If you don’t count Luke and Diana.”

  “But you said they weren’t a couple.” Mel’s finger wagged. “You’re just trying to put me off asking for all the gory details. Nice try. Did he kiss you?”


  “I’ll take that as a yes. No need to ask if you enjoyed it, I can tell from your silly grin. But I thought you fancied Ray.”

  “So did I. I mean … I do. Fancy Ray.”

  Mel’s eyebrows could have taught the Spanish inquisition a thing or two.

  Liv shrugged. “Terry’s sweet, but …” She paused, remembering the effect his kisses had on the bones in her legs. And the tingly skin …

  “Well, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs. Liv Tranter and Terry Matthews. Who’d have thought it?”

  “Ok, you can knock off the Coronation Street routine and fill me in with your gossip.”

  “There isn’t any. What about Luke and Kat? Or is it Luke and Jude?”

  “Jury’s still out. He danced with both of them on Wednesday night, and kissed them both. Although Jude doesn’t seem quite so resistant to his charms these day.”

p; “Really.” Mel’s expression suggested she was storing away this tidbit to use as ammunition at a later date.

  Liv worried she’d let her friend in for some stick. Until she remembered how Jude had a habit of calling Mel on her nastier behaviour, refusing to be upset by it. She tried a classic diversion tactic. “How about you? Nothing doing with this Karl character?”

  “Nah, it’s not like that. If anything, I think he’s got a bit of a crush on Lucy, but it’s hard to tell, neither of them are giving anything away.” She flicked through the rest of the pictures. “Pity you didn’t get any of Diana’s party, I’d give anything to see her face when Jimmy Proud had a go at her on the dance floor.”

  Liv hesitated as an image came into her mind of Jimmy Proud bending over as she tried to take a shot at pool, his body covering hers ...

  “Or the fight afterwards.” Mel continued, unaware of Liv’s daydream.

  Liv snapped out of it. “Or even at school the next day when she realised Jimmy’s mate Paul had played Batman, not Luke. Yeah, it’s a shame I can’t take my phone into school.”

  Mel’s first meeting with Ray was unplanned. Liv couldn’t get hold of Kat or Jude, so she and Mel had gone into town and bumped into him – literally – as they exited Smiths with refills for their Cute-Kitty writing packs.

  “Watch where you’re going, you clumsy git.”

  “Sorry. Oh, Ray. I didn’t – ahhhhh!” Liv screamed as he pulled her onto his lap. “Let go of me.”

  “Not until I’m sure you’ve learnt your lesson. You need to be more aware of other people.” His eyes had a devilish gleam.

  “Yeah, ok. Point taken. I’ll keep my eyes open. Come on, stop it.” She tried to get up but he held her firmly round the waist.

  “Which? Come on or stop? You’re not ticklish are you?”

  “No.” She dissolved into giggles as he found places she didn’t know were ticklish.

  “Shall I go home without you? You seem to be having so much fun here.” Mel’s tone bordered on icy. “I’d say get a room, but it’s so-oo last decade.”

  “Sorry Mel, I – no, Ray – that’s enough now.” Liv pushed herself up and this time he let her go.

  “So this is the famous Mel.” He gave a half bow and kissed her hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and none of it does you justice.”

  “Oh, Liv. I love him already. You didn’t tell me he’s charming as well as drop dead gorgeous.”

  “You said that about me? I thought Terry was more your style.”

  “Merely relating the commonly perceived opinion, Donelly.” Liv slid him a glance which oozed pure Tallulah. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

  He matched her sass and raised it to sultry, his eyes radiating pure heat. “Put those claws away, Tranter. You might scratch yourself.”

  Mel could never stay in the background long. “Now, now, children. Stop bickering. Anyone fancy a brew?”

  Ray said his mum was picking him up in ten minutes, on their way to visit relatives down south, so he wouldn’t be back for a few days. Watching Mel monopolise him while they waited for his lift, Liv couldn’t help but be pleased he’d be out of the picture.

  21 The Stratford Trip

  Wednesday finally came and they were on their way to Stratford. Terry was staying with his brother for a few days and suggested this house would be a good rendezvous, being close to the centre with plenty of free parking.

  Kat’s cousin, Liam, had brought his little KA over from Ireland, and it made sense for them to take Luke. Ray’s mum had organised a visit to her cousin in nearby Snitterfield, offering to drop them off and bring them home. Jude, Liv and Mel shared the comfort of the back seat of Ray’s dad’s Range Rover, customised with a wheelchair-friendly seat in the front.

  Within five minutes, Liv remembered why Mel had always been the leader of the gang; she dominated the conversation, charming Mrs Donelly and suggesting car games they could play to help the journey pass more quickly. Ray seemed besotted with her; they were totally on the same wavelength. He told her he’d been down to Portsmouth a few times for swimming competitions for his …

  At the slight pause, Liv’s eyes narrowed. She reckoned he’d been about to mention his brother, but he glanced at his mother and changed the subject. Liv didn’t acknowledge the slip; she couldn’t see any point in pursuing his occasionally strange behaviour.

  Ray seemed far more interested in Jude, Kat, Mel – anyone but her. Which was a big shame. She’d finally recognised the possibility she could have feelings for him, if only she could sort out her scrambled brain.

  “Come on Liv, it’s your turn, the longest word you can think of with the letters DST in.” Mel had got them playing the car-registration-letters game.

  Desperation? Desolation? No, they were merely how she felt. “Dessert.”

  “Some things don’t change. Good ol’ Liv, always thinking about food if she’s not actually stuffing her face.”

  Liv winced. Cheers Mel. That’s right, rub it in. Just because you can eat what you want and stay super-model skinny.

  “Right. Ray wins with eleven letters for dissertation. Your turn to pick the next one, Liv.”

  “Actually, I’m feeling queasy, I don’t think I’ll play anymore.”

  “Oh dear.” Ray’s mum seemed most concerned. “There’s a service station in four miles, we can stop if you want.”

  “No I’ll be ok if I can close my eyes. I might even fall asleep.”

  “Shall I open the window a crack? Some fresh air might do you good.”

  “No I’m fine, honestly.” Liv really wished she hadn’t started this. All she wanted was a little time to sort through her mixed up feelings about Terry and Ray. And her unreasonable jealousy of anyone Ray spoke to, especially Mel now Jude was clearly besotted with Luke. She glanced over to where Jude was chuckling at something on her phone; she’d been texting non-stop since she got to Ray’s. No need to ask who it was.

  Closing her eyes, Liv’s thoughts wandered back to when Ray grabbed her in town, remembering the jolt. In spite of her struggles when he tickled her, she’d awakened to the sensations: the heat of his body underneath hers and the strength in his arms as he held her. Sure, he’d done something similar before, but never since she became aware of her attraction to him. The memory of that scene, and the intimacy of the full body contact, struck so vividly her whole body heated up until her cheek flamed and sweat dampened her forehead.

  “Oh dear. I don’t think Liv’s well at all, it looks like she’s burning up. I think you’d better stop, Mum.”

  Trust him to have noticed her discomfort. Should she open her eyes and deny it? No way. She couldn’t meet his gaze right now, he would be sure to know what she was thinking about. Putting a steely grip on her facial muscles not to give her away, Liv slowed her breathing, concentrating on lowering her pulse rate so the colour would wash from her cheeks.

  “She looks ok, now.” The concern in Jude’s voice made Liv feel lousy about herself.

  “It’s probably just a wave of nausea, that’s how it affects you. She’s probably better off asleep.” Ray’s mum sounded as though she knew what she was talking about. “I know I always get sick travelling in the back of cars. We’ll carry on for a while.”

  They left her alone after that, and Liv tried to think back through the last few weeks since she’d met Ray, hunting for clues. Her feelings for him had see-sawed over the past few weeks since he burst into their lives, upsetting their comfortable little apple-cart. Whether intentional or not, he’d pitched the three girls against each other as they vied for his attention. The rivalry had reduced over the dual dramas of outing Terry and DD’s downfall. She suppressed a smile as her thoughts alliterated alarmingly. After the initial thunderbolt of fascination settled down, she’d witnessed his charm, wit and vulnerability as he spun his enticing web over all he met. But he’d also revealed a dark, unpleasant side which disturbed her.

  On the first day he’d as good as called her fat, and s
he’d actually called him a cripple. She now understood it had been an ego reaction to her insecurities about her weight. Would she do it again? Probably.

  The awful word bounced round her head, invoking the memory of an anonymous note in French class. As the scene played out, the dreadful thing grew wings and turned into a Harry Potter-style howler which fluttered around her head screaming “big fat blob.” Terry dashed over and grabbed the thing which burst into flames. Ignoring the potential danger, he pulled her to him and shielded her in a caring hug as Ray and Mel exchanged smug grins.

  Liv awoke from a pure nightmare where she was being stretched out on a rack so she wouldn’t look so revoltingly fat.

  Ray had obviously been filling Mel in on his version of what had gone on. “And then, of course, everyone knew he wasn’t gay and he’s been going from strength to strength as Bugsy, with Liv as his girlfriend.”

  His mother’s mild tone disguised the concern of her words. “I think Luke could have come up with a better idea than beating poor Terry up.”

  “But that was the whole point. He didn’t really beat him up, it was all play acting.” Ray glanced behind and caught her eye. “Hello, Liv. Back with us? You can turn the radio down now, Mum. She’s stopped snoring.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  “How do you know? You’re always asleep at the time.”

  “Enough, Raymond. How are you feeling, Liv?”

  “Ok, thanks.”

  “There’s only another ten minutes to go, will you make it?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  Mel’s expression suggested she didn’t like all the attention on Liv and she continued with the song title game they’d been playing while Liv slept.

  This effectively isolated her, as Jude’s phone hogged her attention, and Mrs Donelly struggled to navigate round Stratford’s one-way system. Despite the sat-nav’s efforts to have them going round in circles all night, she found Colin’s place and parked. Terry met them as they all piled out of the car.


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